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Joaq uín
current issues / actualidad immigration and the americas: Sensible Policy for Our Neighborhood inmigración y las américas:
Política Sensata para Nuestro Vecindario Presidential Pardon: Dreamers’ Only Option? indulto Presidencial:
¿Única Salida para los Dreamers?
Public HealtH / salud Pública
Groundhog day:
The Railroad and A Never-Ending Story atrapado en el tiempo:
El Tren y el Cuento de Nunca Acabar
Coalitions as Protection from Pesticides Uniéndose como protección a pesticidas
PHotoGraPHy / fotoGrafÍa
White Poetry / Poesía en Blanco
our mission is to provide the latino community of california’s central Valley with an unbiased mirror of our society, to advocate civic duty and participation, to celebrate the successes and achievements of our peers, and to provide a tribune for emerging latino leadership.
Roberto A. Radrigán radrigan@joaquinmag.com
Sonya Fe, Art Editor
Las Cruces, NM
Andy Porras
Sacramento, CA
Richard Soto
Tracy, CA
Thomas Block
Lorain, OH
Dave Wellenbrock
Lodi, CA
Ed Ramírez
Linden, CA
David Stuart
Sacramento, CA
Editorial boa rd
Inés Ruiz-Huston, PhD
Gene Bigler, PhD
Richard Ríos, MA, MS
Paula Sheil, MA
Manuel Camacho, MA
Jeremy Terhune, BS
Candelaria Vargas, BS
Mercedes Silveira, MA
Composition, Layout & All Illustrations (unless noted)
Gráfica Design
Translations roberto radrigán & ronald Godoy
Offices/ Advertising
1 North El Dorado Stockton, CA 95202 (209) 513-7749 info@joaquinmag.com www.joaquinmag.com
Joaquín is an English & spanish bilingual publication addressing relevant Latino issues in the California’s northern Central Valley. it is published monthly by Gráfica Design, LLC. a Stockton-based diversified advertising & bilingual services.
Submissions for publishing
We accept free, informational and editorial content. If you feel you have unique, fresh and compelling content to share, please send your writing, photo, art, etc. to editor@joaquinmag.com for consideration. All content must be current, unpublished and cannot advertise any particular business or service. Material can be written in English or spanish. All material submitted for consideration will not be returned except upon request.
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MARCH 2023
In This Issue
cover art tree of life cHair by Valerie andriola san José, ca
En Este Número
Public Health / Salud Pública
Groundhog day: the railroad and the never-ending story atrapado en el tiempo: el tren y el cuento de nunca acabar
Current Issues / Actualidad immigration and the americas: sensible Policy for our neighborhood inmigración y las américas: Política sensata Para nuestro Vecindario
Photography / Fotografía
White Poetry / Poesía en blanco
Chican-izmos the old abandoned c ar un Viejo y desvencijado coche
Public Health / Salud Pública building coalitions as protection from pesticides uniendo fuerzas como protección a pesticidas
Art Focus /Enfoque Artístico
Valerie andeola: living cultures culturas Vivas
Poetry / Poesía flavors of stockton / el sabor de stockton
Current Issues / Actualidad
Presidential Pardon: dreamers’ only option? el indulto Presidencial: ¿única salida para los dreamers?
Latino Veterans / Veteranos Latinos
“Mexican americans and the bataan death March” e xcerpts: War at Home and abroad fragmentos de “Mexicoamericanos y la Marcha
Mortal de bataan”: Guerra: aquí, y allá
A Novel / Novela claremont Hotel ii (chapter V ii) (capítulo Vii)
(The Railroad Never-Ending Story)
in the movie, Groundhog Day, bill Murray plays a smug and selfish person caught in a time loop; the same day keeps repeating itself, over and over again.

On November 30, 2012, the Paulsboro school district in new Jersey was forced to close its three public schools due to the derailment of a Conrail train that lost some tanker cars that careened down into Mantua creek. One of the tankers containing vinyl chloride was punctured as it slid down the embankment. responders hastily supervised evacuations without proper breathing equipment. t he school district closed for six days and eventually sued Conrail for $5.8 million. Sixteen police, fire and rescue personnel also filed suits1
While vinyl chloride causes dizziness and sleepiness, it can result in people passing out and even dying. the chemical is a carcinogen. At higher temperatures, it becomes unstable. Burning the vinyl chloride releases phosgene (a WW i chemical weapon) and hydrogen chloride, both which are also toxic2 benzene and butyl acrylates were also discharged. While none of those tankers containing the vinyl chloride were leaking, a predicted “rapid temperature change” worried Norfolk southern – an explosion could happen. only two days after the wreck, the rail company decided to burn off the vinyl chloride. until then, neighboring Pennsylvanian residents were urged to keep windows and doors closed. Those in a radius of 2 miles were evacuated prior to the burn.
On February 3, 2023, 38 cars of a 150 car freight train derailed in rural East Palestine, Ohio, a town of approximately 4,600 population alongside the ohio r iver. some of those cars collided and caught fire. It was determined that five of those derailed tankers contained vinyl chloride.
After the incineration, videos documented the environmental damages. Evidence of chemical slicks were found in Sulfur Run