Wearable Senses magazine Final Exhibition December 2012

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Wearable Senses Exhibition December 2012


TU/e Industrial Design

Welcome! In this digital an overview of the projec Wearable Senses exhibit the University of Techno

booklet you will find cts presented on the tion, december 2012 at ology, Eindhoven


TU/e Indu

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Sense me, C

Connect me


TU/e Indu

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Sense me, Connect me

SEB’Y Stimulating-Electronic-Bracelet A glove designed to continue the rehabilitation process at home: it gives the doctor the possibility to give direct feedback at the right spots on the patient’s hand. In this way the doctor can guide the hand movements without speech or touch. This way of communication enables the patient to (re) learn his movements on his own. Through this device, the patient continues the rehabilitation process at home and the doctor can give direct feedback.

Student: Sjoukje Botterweck, Quincy West, Jakub Wolnowski, Cas Zeegers Coach: Martijn ten Bhömer


Sense me, Connect me

aSupport Excercise papers have limited possibilities and they are not clear to everyone. aSupport is a combination of a tablet computer and a special sensory brace which gives learning and performing exercises a new perspective. The interactive application enables the elderly to receive information about their exercises and it supports them while doing the exercises. It motivates the elderly during the exercises and it gives them tips which enable them to reflect on their own actions.

aSuppor t application for revalidatio n

1 bericht

Molly Mulders

Available ex ercises Knee exercise stand


Knee exercise lying


Knee exercise stand


Knee exercise lying


This is one of your knee exercises. You have to stand with the body streched, with support from a wall or table. Strecht both knees. After that you start to strech your k

Start Ex ercise !

Student: Therry van Neerven Coach: Jesse Asjes

S116518 Company: Crisp Smart Textile Services


Sense me, Connect me

B-Sense My goal was to design a wearable garment that gives awareness of changes in sitting posture. Main user group are people who spend considerable amount of time behind a desk and want to have more information about their sitting position. As long as person is aware about the sitting posture he/she can adjust it. I want to add an extra sense that creates this type of awareness. I developed a T-shirt which has both stretchable and non-stretchable textiles and a system of magnets. Once the person starts stooping some of the magnets are disconnecting. Person feels the moment when magnets are connecting or disconnecting. Thus a person receives a feedback about his/her posture change. Users also admitted that they enjoyed playing with magnets and explore how they could be connected or disconnected. This adds a playfulness to the T-shirt and stimulates users to move more.

Student: Svetlana Mironcika Coach: Jesse Asjes


Sense me, connect me

Cary In times of revalidation most elderly eventually have to relinquish their beloved and safe home to give place to a revalidation center or elderly home. They are parted from their partner and pet(s), friends slowly disappear and they can not bring along their favorite possessions. This is when Cary can help to cope with this feeling of loneliness. Cary reduces the feeling of loneliness by stimulating with warmth, subtle pet-like interaction and providing something to take care of. Cary is a smart and demanding blanket meant to be placed on elbow rests to allow you to play with it comfortably with your fingers when sitting.

Student: Thomas de Haan Coach: J. Asjes


Sense me, connect me

Stay. The product ‘Stay.’ gives the user an activity with a beloved one. It provides all the tools and material needed to make a wearable. The concept offers the tools to make their own scarf. The product includes a patch with the integrated technology, this is the main part of the product. The product also includes knitting needles and yarn. This all in a quality package. The user does not have to do anything with the electronics. These are all ready to use and integrated in the knitted patch. With the patch as basis there can be knitted a scarf.

Student: John Vlaming S102240 Coach: Jesse Asjes


Bonding Bear

Sense me, Connect me Stimulating the social interaction of elderly was the goal of this project. However, the initial, both practical and converging, approach lead to superficial outcomes for this project. Accepting failures and reflecting upon mistakes boosted the brightful energy of the start again, changing the design perspective for the better. Social interaction does not have to be direct communication, sensing the connectedness could also occur when seeing or using an item that is a symbol of a specific moment or relation with another person. The final concept is bonding bear. Half of an interactive stuffed bear needs to be finished by your grandmother’s knitting. It makes the bear unique and personal, but also an artefact of the bond you share. Hugging or stroking the bear will activate a random heartbeat as if the bear is alive. If you would hug it for a longer time, like when a child goes to bed, their grandparent’s voice will tell them a bedtime story. Bonding bear stimulates the sense of being connected. Student: Mattheus Swinkels | S106709 Coach: Janine Huizenga




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DySp (dynamic space) In this project the goal is to explore design qualities for an artifact, which creates reciprocal interplay inside a context. The direction that was taken focuses on enriching the quality of involvement within the living room and the activities inside it. The concept DySp is a wall with a high resolution of dynamic tiles that reacts on the activities inside the room and have together their own behavior. This varies, depending on the activity, from calm atmospheric breathing dynamics, to stimulating active behavior with a touch of playfulness.

Student: Martijn Peeters Coach: Simone de Waart

Student: S080941 Coach: Melissa Coleman



SEMRE & MESRO SEMRE & MESRO is a research set up designed to explore the perceptual interplay between a spatial event and the intervention of a person in this. SEMRE is an environment that creates sound based on the behavior of the visitor, MESRO tries to explore the space. The behavior of those two artifacts reflects human like behavior in order to create an interaction on human level. The research outcomes can be translated to a real world context in order to create design notions.

Student: JYJ Huberts s070991 Coach: S.G. de Waart



DigMo The way we perceive - and interact - with objects is strongly dependent on the richness of the behavior. DigMo is a ‘physical’ hypothesis which demonstrates the influence of a physical movement of the artifact on the interaction with an augmented ‘light body’. This exploratory design research rethinks how do we interact with the virtual and physical products and space through a series of prototypes and tests. Next to demonstrating the research, DigMo raises several questions relevant to interaction design like how can we design more expressive, intuitive interfaces? or how can we combine augmented and inherent components to engage people in a meaningful reciprocal interplay?

Student: Tom Fejer S101866 Coach: Simone de Waart

Expert: Eva Deckers



Duo Corpora Una Anima ((Es)sence is a research project about phenomenlogy of perception and mainly focused on perceptual crossing. I started this project off by asking the question: why do we need perceptual crossing in design? At that moment I found the theory too abstract, I didn’t directly see a clear functional product in where this vision could be implemented. Therefore I focused on how to develop functional behavioral products. During this research I focused on furniture; we tend to buy furniture for two reasons: Functionality & Decoration; can we in future maybe add a reason like: “I bought it to adds an extra character to my household”? I was especially interested in how this furniture can change over time by keeping its functionality, what could be a possible reason to buy a product like this! Hereby I present “Duo Corpora Una Anima” (DCUA) is a Siamese pair of drawers. They are both able to sense each other’s sensory information. DCUA is a functional product with a overtime changing behavior. So come by and experience it!

Student: Attalan Mailvaganam S081101 Coach: R.M.C. Ahn

Expert: E.J.L Deckers



(Es)Sence This project is all about sensing. Not only do people sense, objects can sense as well. And if designed correctly, this objects could use their senses in the same way as humans can. This research project is about trying to connect man and machine trough the senses, in order to create a so-called “perceptual crossing”. A phenomenon you normally only encounter with other humans. If this is possible, it should be possible to give objects other personallity traits. The research question: “Can objects communicate they have something valuable to hide?”

Student: Pepijn Fens S080237 Coach: Rene Ahn

Expert: Eva Deckers

Techcrafts for Su

ustainable Society


TU/e Indu

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Vigil In nowadays society it shows how we are way more conscious about our physical privacy than about their digital privacy. While we are very aware of how much of our body our clothes are exposing, we don’t seem to take into account how much of ourselves we share online. Especially social media play a big role in this. We don’t seem to think about how many people have access to the things we put online. Vigil is a neckpiece that creates awareness about this phenomenon. It will show your skin equally to the amount of views your posts get on Facebook. Vigil can also be used as an interface; if you want to cover yourself up, it will influence the amount of views your post will get. Vigil is created through a large range of exploration within the craft of knitting.

Student: Lotte Oude Weernink s091201 Coach: Oscar Tomico



ZOLA From ancient history, textiles have been a protection for the body. Protecting the body from the elements of nature, textiles can provide the bodily comfort that is needed by humans. Zola is a scarf that can enhance this feeling of protection, inspired by the defence mechanisms of animals. When the scarf is wrapped around the neck, you can feel the comfort and protection of the textile. You will have the opportunity to ‘hide’. But when the structure is stretched, the colour of the scarf will change and this also gives your the opportunity to ‘scare’. So while searching for comfort in the scarf, you send out a confident message towards the environment. This provides you an extra layer of protection on a social and emotional level. Zola is a scarf with hidden elements. By stretching the knitted structure, hidden parts in the scarf will appear. When the sunlight reaches these parts, the colour will start changing and the pattern of the scarf will become more clear.

Student: Leonie Tenthof van Noorden Coach: Kristi Kuusk

Be here S

See there


TU/e Indu

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Be here, see there

inSight Everybody has that one person who means the world to you, but you cannot be with him or her all the time. Especially in a modern relationship, one goes to school, the other has to go to work or maybe one of the two is abroad. With the inSight we want to make these situations more bearable. We designed a locket for two persons. Every time one of the two opens it, it will take a picture of you. The other person will always have an up-to-date picture of you and vice versa. So, when you are not able to call, text or even see that one person, you can take the inSight and look at his or her picture. If the other often has a new picture you also know he or she thinks a lot of you. It is a simple and intimate way to let your beloved one know that he or she is in your mind.

Student Group: DPL57 gr2 Company: -

Coach: Maarten Versteeg


Branch Out

Be Here, See There Social media has changed the way we perceive and interact with the world. A side effect of this new connected world is that we tend to confine ourselves more and more to the social circles we are already involved in. We are sometimes so focused on the social world displayed on our phone screens, that we neglect the social opportunities in our direct environment. The answer to this issue comes in the form of a tree, placed in a public space, with open phone connections, hanging from it in abstract form, to similar trees in other public spaces globally. The light is meant to draw attention from far away, and as you get closer, you hear the soft whispers of other people, standing at other trees, trying to establish a connection with you. You answer and start a conversation with a stranger halfway across the globe. So put that screen in your pocket and start branching out!

Students: Lars Hottentot S108661 Coach: Piem Wirtz

Jasper Schenk S114731


Be here, see there

Bringing digital communication back to its roots Radix is a new way for the digital generation relationships to communicate. Nowadays people send a lot of loving messages over a distance through a digital medium, like facebook or whatsapp, while these kind messages are so non digital in their core. When you are together most of the communication will be non-verbal, with the most important being the warmth you feel when hugged or cuddled. Radix makes it possible to send these non digital messages over a distance. By holding and warming up your own necklace, the necklace of you partner will start to warm up. This way you are sharing your bodyheat without actually being at the same place.

Student: Max Weetzel S115198

Coach: Jos van der Weele

Beyond A



TU/e Indu

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Beyond Accessories

Memento; a sonic memory medallion Think of any memory that you remember warmly. Can you still remember what the moment sounded like? People, places, events‌ they all have their unique sonic signatures that will bring you right back into that special moment. Memento is a medallion that gives you the possibility to store those precious sounds. By opening memento up to the world, it will capture those audio fragments that are of meaning to you. The medallion automatically ranks the sounds that are most precious to you, and makes sure you will hear them more often. Still those almost-forgotten memories are available for re-discovering and will transport you right back into that moment. Memento is the result of an intensive process of designing jewelry. The first half of the project was spend on three designs on different topics (emotions, new folklore and memories). The last half was used to develop the outcomes of the third iteration.

Student: Karin Niemantsverdriet S071512 Coach: Maarten Versteeg Company: Brech


Beyond accessory

Scentory That summer in high school, when you first fell in love. That first car you bought from your hard earned cash. Or the living room of your grandparents, that always smelled like cookies. Special times like these make for beautiful memories. But imagine that you can take memories like these and store them in a jewel, and relive them whenever you desire to. Meet Scentory. The jewel that can store those special memories, and let you relive them anytime you want with just the twitch of a finger. Scentory uses scent as a means to ‘store’ memories, as memories induced (or triggered) by scent are more vivid and lively than regular memories. Scentory is made in the form of a ring so that it can be worn as jewelry, yet easily used in an intimate manner. Come by at the exhibition to explore more about the concept that is Scentory. Student: Rico Sabel s080255 Coach: P. Wirtz

Expert: M. Versteeg Company: Brech

Hidden Senses in

n a Shared Space


TU/e Indu

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Design for



TU/e Indu

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Master Gr



TU/e Indu

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M2.1 B1.1

Solar Team Eindhoven

Driving an Intelligent Solar Car This year TU/e joins the challenge in solar mobility. Not by building the next flattest racing car, but by showing that solar mobility is the future for practical family cars. Within this FMP is researched what possibilities we have to involve the user in an intelligent electric solar car. Research shows that cognitive load is growing in cars due constantly growing user interfaces. My design direction takes efficiency, practicality and usability as a starting point. Is it possible to reduce the user’ cognitive load? Can we radically redesigning the dashboard of an electric solar car?

Student: Koen van Ham s081015 Coach: Joep Frens Company: Solar Team Eindhoven


Sensible Sense

In this project an artificial sense for below the elbow amputees will be designed. Commercially available hand prostheses offer a number of grip patterns to (inter)act with objects. However they do not offer feedback to the user about what is actually happening. This results in the person having to focus on the actions towards the hand, and require a cognitive load to visually observe the result. In this project the goal is to create an artificial sense to enable the person to perceive the qualities of objects in the world through the hand. A number of sensors will be used to describe changes in the kinesthetic, tactile and haptic sensations. These sensations will be translated to a haptic display on the residual limb. With this approach a non-obtrusive and open way of direct feedback will establish a new structure of sensations rather than trying to recreate parts of the lost structure. The specific focus to evaluate the artificial sense is to describe differences in hard vs. soft objects. This first step leads to the envisioned behavior of the person to interact with, and experience the qualities of different objects. Student: Jeroen Blom S060845 Coach: dr.ir. Rene Ahn

Client: Livit Orthopedie


material experience tool (for )

The goal of this project is to gain insight into the experience of materials - via the development of an material experience tool-kit. In this semester the focus lies on the development of sensors and how these sensors can contribute to the capturing of the material experience. keywords: material, experience, tool, interaction, touch

meer the heuvelings Student: Meerthe Heuvelings Coach: Oscar Tomico




l De stria Indu

Company Coach: Patrick Vissers Company: Material Sense


Blurring Boundaries

a Space to Work, a Space to Live The boundaries between the office and home, and between work and play are dissolving. This lack of boundaries which does increase flexibility can also have undesirable consequences, since the ideas we hold about what is desirable in each of these contexts can be very different. Although some teleworkers prefer to maintain flexibility by integrating work and home roles, many work to segment their roles by delineating work and personal time through their use of space, time, technology and communication to emphasise work and home boundaries. Without the benefit of physical and temporal boundaries, teleworkers tend to overwork. Additionally boundary management strategies help prevent family interference in work and separating life and work responsibilities. Employees who obtain a good fit between their actual and preferred levels of segmentation experience lower stress and greater well-being. This project aims to provide home-workers with a product that can influence their level of segmentation between work and home domains. Student: Michael Geertshuis S100308 Coach: Rene Ahn

Expert: Peter van der Linden Company: Gispen

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