Earth artifact final piece

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Day and night were the first aspects of earth to exist, they determined the time of day, when one day started and another one ended. Needless to say this was the first aspect that needed to be created, logically. This was the structure in place for the earth to start living. However this representation of day and night is about more than just the time of day. It’s about the time we live in now, and that working is something we have to do, day and night. For a purpose in life, its how we get through and make a living on earth.


The creation of the Sky was the next invention by god. This meant we were now able to distinguish between night and day by the indication of the sky. When the sky was light, it was day, when the sky was dark it was night, but how does it do this? Something God had to create right? However this representation is of the sky itself, but the message is more about how we may have to work, but we have to dream big to change what we want to change, using the quote from the man who integrated black and white equality was intentional.


On day 3, God started to get to work on the land of the earth itself, and created the division between land, sea and vegetation. This is when trees began to produce oxygen for a creation God did not yet know about. The separation of the 3 meant that many other aspects of the world could be inhabited. However this representation of land, sea and vegetation is about the change we’ve had into modern times. We don’t have as much free land as we used to, its all being built upon and industrialized.


Day 4, Is where God’s creation begin to get complex and force out of the earth and into outer space vicinity. Although not on earth, the creation of the sun, moon and stars have a huge impact on our daily cycle, the sun indicated the light in the sky showing day and again for the moon. However the real message behind this representation of the sun, moon and stars is the complexity behind our earth and the life we live, its not just surface deep its skin deep, the earth is made up of many things and not all are in easy reach, hence the quote by Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon in 1966.


The earth is empty, it has a daily cycle, places for things to inhabit and live but nothing yet has being created, day 5 is when this happens. The invention of sea creatures and winged birds happens and they are placed in their opposite habitats of the sky and sea. This representation is showing how the two are opposites in how they live but connect as an animal species. These animals bring us as human’s life sources we could not live without, however we are not created yet.... The message behind it is that we are not so different from animals; in fact we are animals ourselves. The whole of our would is interconnected.


Day 6 is when humans were believed to be placed on the earth, Adam and eve. This is the day when life really started, when the earth started to evolve and change. This representation is showing the diversity of humans, different nationalities, race and gender, however the message behind is how we are knowledge, we need to have knowledge and this is what changes the world as we evolve with it. The quote by Nelson Mandela is showing just that, his quote was chosen simply because he himself, changed the world in a way that required hum to have knowledge and persistence.


After all the days creating different aspects of the world, god granted day 7 as the day of rest. This is where the weekly Sunday ritual, Gods day of rest comes from. this representation was done slightly different in terms of image as it was done using the calming shades o f blue to represent the relaxing atmosphere. The message of this image is exactly what it represents this time, just relax. We need to relax and slow down sometimes from the fast pace of life we now live, compared to centuries ago.


This is a day not on the religious story of the creation process however, my interpretation of these aspects of life and the messages they now perceive is something I needed to add to. The modern day has changed from years a go and this representation is one that needs to be showing to people who would not otherwise know. Technology, its a huge art of our world now without it people feel lost and this is something that sound ridiculous but its all around us. The quote by Steve Jobs was deliberate; he is the owner of the biggest technological company in the world, Apple. His quote talks about how we have to look to the future and not to the past.

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