Feel good Drinks

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BRIEF About feel good...

Nichols plc has recently purchased the Feel Good brand. Launched in 2001, Feel Good Drinks is a premium range of 100% natural still and sparkling drinks for adults sold in over 20,000 outlets across 15 different countries. The brand ethos is all about Feeling Good — 100% Natural ingredients with no added nasties, giving 1 of your 5 a day with no added sugar. No added anything! Feel Good has been marketed in the past but only had Facebook activity since summer 2014. We want you to show us how we can spread the word about Feel Good and get more people feeling good. Range of refreshing good, honest, great tasting drinks: 750ml Sparkling fruit juice 275ml Still & Sparkling Fruit Juice 400ml Still Fruit Juice Drink Available in Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, Spar and cafes, parks, deli’s and restaurants across the country.

The challenge

We want you to re-engage 18-35 year old females with the Feel Good brand, and are very open

Mind as to how you go about doing it. We want you to spread Feel Goodness, driving awareness and inspiring people to engage with the brand and buy the product. We want to remind and reassure the target audience that Feel Good is relevant for them, that it’s simple and honest and that it delivers against their needs of wanting healthier cleaner drinks. This is a deliberately very open brief, and you are free to demonstrate your creative thinking in any medium or combination of media you see fit. We are open to ideas for new campaigns such as press adds, PR, Packaging, social media, sampling, on-pack promotions, in-store engagement; concepts for grabbing people on the streets or fresh thoughts for how our bottles and packs look. We want you to think about the moments, formats and contexts in which we can most successfully engage with our target audience. How can we spread positivity and connect with this audience in fresh and memorable ways?

Market Context

The soft drinks category is highly competitive and heavily promoted. The areas in growth are healthier ones such as water and flavored water.

There’s currently a backlash on sugar in the category and products that claim to be healthy but really have additional sugars added in. Feel Good has no sugar added except the naturally occurring sugar in the fruit. Tesco have recently removed high sugar drinks from kids’ category.

Target Audience

The brand itself aims itself at all ages and both male and female, however this brief is asking for a campaign to engage 18-35 year old women with the brand. its about targeting people who want to have cleaner healthier drinks and want to feel good rather than sluggish.


BRAND AUDIENCE 18-35 year old millennial.

United by attitude rather than age, sex, money or geography Healthy but not obsessive e.g. they go to the gym but they will enjoy that slice of cake Want quality at a fair price Lead busy lives and use technology to save time and communicate Sociable, Ambitious, Adventurous Must talk regularly to them, they care and can help Marketing savvy... Keep it real! They are socially conscious Work hard – play hard ethos

When would they drink FG?

At lunch in 275ml or 400ml format and then in the evening with their meal instead of alcohol (750ml larger bottle poured into glass) What does our consumer think? I do not want to compromise. I want tasty healthy, natural drinks that have no added sugar that make me feel good. I’m making a positive choice without compromise.

What do they Think/Feel/Do now?

They may have some recognition of the FG brand but no top of mind awareness and they are not aware of the brands relevance for them. They are cynical about what is in drinks. Unsure about what has extra sugars in following sensational journalism on proposed healthy options having addition sugar added.

They balance between calorie intake (diet cokes fanatics) and looking for clean labels and healthier products.

Core Communication

100% Natural FG doesn’t compromise. Never any added sugar, (1 of your 5 a Day), 100% Natural Ingredients. No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives – so you can feel good every day.

Brand Positioning and Tone of Voice

Honest. Big Fruit. Fun Fruity. Upbeat. Modern. Not worthy. Not Preachy. Good Honest Fun.














THE STORY... “I’ve always been pretty independent and I’ve always liked to make things happen, work hard and have fun – I guess they’re pre-requisites for the kind of thing I’m doing now,” Wallwork explains. “Feel Good Drinks is a great team doing something which is really satisfying – building a healthy, positive brand which consumers and retailers love.” Chris Wright and Steve Cooper founded Feel Good Drinks in 2001. They had worked together developing new products at Coca-Cola, but realized there was a gap in the market for a healthy drinks company. After securing over 500,000 from business angel investors, the business was launched and now commands a turnover of 3 million, with drinks sold in over 6,500 outlets in the UK. The company’s product range has expanded from three to eight flavored drinks.

“The inspiration came from the three of us talking about all things healthy and positive and recognizing that almost everything which is good for you is devoid of taste and frankly pretty boring,” says Wall work. “For that we challenged ourselves to develop a range of utterly delicious, absolutely refreshing drinks made with quality healthy ingredients and put the drink in a cool bottle with a fun label.” Having a story behind a drinks company is really important, it shows consumers they are honest, natural and transparent, telling and showing them the owner’s personal insights and believes will make them more trustworthy and this will produce loyal customers. I plan to do some sort of animation advert to show this, I think or any brand it’s the best way of doing it. Giving a bit of background quickly as a sideline and something to refer back to as a consumer.



THE GOLDEN RULES We make our drinks simply! Loads of fruit a little bit of water and absolutely no nastiness or artificial nastiness. These rules show how the drinks are made, showing this again shows honesty, they have nothing to hide and want their consumers to be in partnership with them. Again this can be something I can incorporate into an animation or even a more interesting info graphic for a social campaign or website. But in all my designs I want to make sure at least one of these 5 rules comes though as I still want the brand to be recognized for what they are under all the campaigns


Feel god pride them selves on having great blends of flavors and no added sugar, dump the lumps. The bottles really reflect the organic, natural theme however I think for a campaign, limited edition bottles should be made to make the campaign more prominent and memorable. This is defiantly something that I will develop. I want to create a campaign that appears in al platforms, and I think it will have more of an impact if I create labels for the bottles that are recognizable as a brand but individual t the campaign, it will catch peoples eye who are used to seeing the normal bottles and also catch peoples eye if they haven’t seen it before.



Feel good have extended out from their dominant range of still and sparking drinks by branching out to other markets. Making kids juice drinks perfect for lunch boxes, mums already familiar with this brand will trust it and buy it for their kids because for the good health. They have also branched out into non-alcoholic cocktails, feel good are a soft drinks company and they need their drinks to make you feel good and be clean and healthy, hence the non- alcoholic, however this is a great idea for older people to have from the age of 18 right up to 45. For when your feeling like having something a little more special. This has enhanced my original idea, thinking about swapping a glass of wine on a Friday for a juice drink instead. The design is consistent through out and I think its really effective, however I think there could be changes, they could have more colorful packaging rather than a white background something I will experiment with.


Choose a flavour The brand pride themselves on getting the consumers being involved because without their input they wouldn’t work, which is why things like suggesting flavor’s is a good idea. I want to incorporate some user interaction with the campaign I create. Because of the technological burst in today society I plan to do something with a social media touch to get the campaign viral and shared all over the country and even worldwide!

Feel good fridays Before finding this information on the feel good Fridays the staff have at work, I had thought abut a campaign about feel good Fridays, ditching the wine for a juice drink. This only makes the campaign stronger, its already a thing at the office to why not share that with their consumers, ultimate engagement and a twitter campaign can be done with responses from the staff themselves, making it more personal and relatable.

Feel goodness days Feel good likes to do their bit, but sometimes life gets in the way, so they tale 5 days of holiday off a year to take part in some fundraising for numerous causes, one day they collected enough bras to reach the end of a canal and the money raised went to breast cancer UK, because they already have a relationship with this charity it may be one that I can target the campaign towards.

Reducing Sugar filled drinks in supermarkets... Tesco has revealed plans to axe a number of its best-selling sugary drinks and juices from stores nationwide as part of the fight against childhood obesity. Such as Capri Sun and Robinson’s Fruit Shoot – will be replaced with healthier alternatives. Health campaigners have called on other supermarkets to follow Tesco’s lead in an attempt to tackle childhood obesity. David Beardmore, Tesco’s soft drinks buying manager, told The Grocer ‘from September we will only sell no-added-sugar drinks in the kids’ juice category’ “Any move to help to reduce sugar is a welcome one. I definitely agree choice is an issue. In aiming my campaign at women, i am also looking at the market of mums, buying for their children, whatever I decide to do I want to encourage women to get their children involved too, which means I will create a drink for them too.



OASIS When advertising, brands have to be cleaver they have to be more innovative because traditional advertising techniques are slowly decreasing in use because of it isn’t working on modern audiences anymore, we have to think about the modern society and how they work and they way audiences can be reached.

Oasis’s senior brand manager, Natalie Whitehead-Farr, said: “The 2015 campaign uses animation to illustrate some of the absurd and funny truths in the everyday life of teens.

“Each piece of content pokes a bit of fun at a modern trend and delivers an Oasis perspecOasis in their latest campaign tive – whether that be go with a ‘O Refreshing Stuff’ on outdoor advertising, an honest campaign, where gym selfies, reality TV they basically tell the audior slow-motion product ence how it is, no gimmicks demos. no lies. “We think this humorous The fact oasis proud themapproach will really resoselves on being refreshing, nate with Oasis consumthe honesty is quite surprising ers of all ages.” but also refreshing to hear, its nice to see a brand actually realize it doesn’t work and are honest with their audience. Neil Simpson, founding partner at The Corner, said: “We want to connect the brand with a new generation of consumers, through an observational take on the modern world.



NAKED The Naked Juice story began with a young man with his backpack full of ice, wandering the glorious beaches of Santa Monica serving his handcrafted fresh fruit and vegetable juice smoothies to the thirsty crowds. Bottle by bottle, store by store, the Naked Juice love spread across all 50 states, and today, Naked Juice is the fastest growing smoothie brand in America! 2007 The Naked Juice story began again in the UK, with the same spirit and passion at its heart Naked juice plays on its name to represent the idea of it having no added preservatives, its naked to its core and natural. I think using the name to show its values is a good idea and the feel good brand s about feeling good rather than drinking something full of sugar like coke and feeling sluggish. This is something I am going to work on and play with to see what I can get from it.





As many as 25,000 older people’s lives are at risk because of the cold. And we wanted to help. Back in 2003 we had an idea. We asked some older people, and some younger people, to knit little woolly hats. We put those hats on our smoothies, and for each one sold we made a donation of 25p to Age UK. The idea snowballed and so far the people of the UK have knitted an astonishing 5 million hats. Together we’ve raised over 1.7m, and raised awareness of the great work done by charities like Age UK. Looking at the success of innocent smoothies, helping towards a charity is a good starting point, it will make people more involved and getting people interacted with the brand will get people to like and remember you, the brand called feel good can make you feel good in your body but also feel good if you know your contributing to a charity



FOSTERS: GOOD CALL Foster’s have ended Brad and Dan ads in the ‘good call’ campaign to move away from ‘laddish’ campaigns. After 6 years the campaign ends as chief executive says it is time to move on from themes that are ‘dismissive’ of women. Alan Clark, head of SABMiller. Commented, “Beer now has associations with fashion, art and design. The world has moved on from lads telling jokes on a Saturday and high-volume consumption. Beer is now drunk by women and men together.” I think this campaign works really well, its simple, what orchard pig want, there isn’t a big names on bottles or feature to send anything in, it was literally a concept on adverts that people could relate to.


CADBURYS ‘PUDDLES’ The ad was for the launch of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Puddles, a new soft-centered chocolate. A purple stuffed duck called Ducky, which has been tied to the front of a lorry, miserably bearing the brunt of the elements. When the sun comes out, the duck sees the reflected beauty of the world in puddles and its expression changes from a frown to a smile. The campaign used a cleaver story go get people connected and to remember the ad, people will see the duck as real and feel sorry for it creating an emotional connection and then maybe talk about it with friends, making them more aware of the chocolate and more likely to by it to try. I think in my campaign I need to connect to women, I need to see what they would have a connection to, for example with a charity of some kind or with something to effect themselves or their children.


COKE: DRINKABLE AD’S Coca Cola is taking advertising to the next level, promoting Coke Zero in a sense that you wouldn’t expect! It’s not the sight, nor the sound, but the taste that is promoted on its latest campaign, creating a “drinkable billboard”! An entire campaign that you can literally drink, whether it’s on billboard, on TV, printed, or even on radio! Coke worked with shazam to be able to crate this idea, by shazaming the advert whether that be radio or TV, you can redeem a free coke from major retail stores, poster ad’s became free coke and flayers became straws. Something like this is not simple, its a simple idea but the cost behind it is enormous, however the thought of the interacting with the audience and the enticement to join in is something I need to think about, I need to look at the audience and decide what would entice them to drink Feel good juice. .



CONCEPT Feel good drinks company want a marketing strategy to engage women between 18-35 with their brand. They want to promote that their drinks have no added sugar; they are completely natural and are good healthy drinks for your body. This appeals a lot to the female market whether it is for themselves or for their families. The campaign idea is to go off the idea of ‘feel good Fridays’. In this age range people will drink in their homes at night, whether it be wine, cider or lager, they pile on the calories and unhealthy sugars, the feel good Friday is about ditching the glass of wine on a Friday night for the healthier feel good drink of your choice. The difference that they saved in buying this product rather than a bottle of wine can then be donated through an app to breast cancer research. Feel good drinks have had a partnership with breast cancer charities before; this will raise more money, more awareness and will make women more likely to donate.

The fun added part of this campaign to get people to interact is to encourage people to take selfies with their swapped drink, and even with as many people as possible, share the experience and raise more money for breast cancer charities. The picture can then be tweeted to #feel good Fridays. The best picture each week or with the most people in it, have a chance to win a prize of gift vouchers for a retail store.



Robert Craven of The Directors’ Centre. Feel good drinks brief outlines how we are to target this campaign at women between the age of 18-35, this seems like a big age gap in terms on interests and priorities but in fact all women’s ideas on buying products are the same, they want a connection a relationship with the brand and product where as men just want to purchase it. Women will weigh up what they get out of it and do research, which is why campaigns and interaction will work better on them, they are the demographic that are more likely to join in and create the campaign causing it to go national. In todays society women between this age are also engulfed in social media, the young demographic of 18-25 and also the mums who recently have become a key role in social media increase rates.

Women now are more likely to hold the purse strings, they are the main consumers and many businesses miss this and don’t realize that women are the people to focus on, and this doesn’t mean making it in pink! Marketing expert Robert Craven, who believes firms, which don’t change their approach to marketing to women, will get left behind. According to Martha Barletta, author of marketing to Women, women are the primary decision-makers for consumer goods in 85% of households My idea for the campaign so far is about raising money for breast cancer, it will give women a reason and purpose to go along with something and will also make them feel good but the campaign also has to have something it for them.


Primary Research: what makes women feel good?


VAL’s (values and lifestyles)

What is a Val? Val’s divide Adults into eight distinct types of mindsets, using s set of psychological traits that drive consumer behavior, a method commonly used in advertising to understand their audiences needs and motivations. it was developed in 1978 by social scientist Arnold Mitchell. VAL’s have 8 types and two critical concepts for understanding consumers, their primary motivation and resources, this determines how a person will express themselves.

Primary motivation This explains consumer attitudes and anticipates behavior. There are three primary motivations ideals, achievement, and self-expression. -Ideals are guided by knowledge and principles -Consumers who are primarily motivated by achievement look for products and services that demonstrate success to their peers. -Consumers who are primarily motivated by self-expression desire social or physical activity, variety, and risk

VALS provides clients with: A fresh perspective by effectively “putting them inside the head” of their customers Rich, customized, consumer profiles or personas Distinctive communication styles of their best targets.

A person’s tendency to consume extends beyond age, income, and education. Self-confidence, intellectualism, novelty seeking, innovativeness, impulsiveness and vanity play a critical role. These psychological traits in conjunction with key demographics determine an individual’s resources. Various levels of resources enhance or constrain a person’s expression of his or her primary motivation.




Exhibit all three primary motivations in varying degrees.

As a consumer group, Thinkers have high resources and an Ideals motivation.

As a consumer group, Achievers have high resources and an Achievement motivation.

-Are confident enough to experiment

Members of this group typically: -Have “ought” and “should” benchmarks for social conduct

Members of this group typically: -Have a “me first, my family first” attitude

Members of this group typically: -Want everything

-Make the highest number of financial transactions

-Have a tendency toward analysis paralysis

-Believe money is the source of authority

-Are first in and first out of trend adoption

-Are skeptical about advertising Have international exposure

-Plan, research, and consider before they act

-Are committed to family and job

-Go against the current mainstream

- Is future oriented

-Enjoy a historical perspective

-Are up on the latest fashions

-Are self-directed consumers Believe science and R&D is credible

-Are financially established

-Are schedualed goal oriented, hardworking and moderate

Members of this group typically: -Are always taking in information (antennas up)

-Are most receptive to new ideas and technologies -Enjoy the challenge of problem solving -Have the widest variety of interests and activities.

-Are not influenced by what’s hot Use technology in functional ways -Prefer traditional intellectual pursuits Buy proven products.


-Act as anchors of the status quo and are peer consious and private -Are professional -Value technology that provides a productivity boost.

EXPERIENCERS As a consumer group, Experiencers have high resources and a Self-Expression motivation.

-Love physical activity (are sensation seeking) -See themselves as very sociable Believe that friends are extremely important -Are spontaneous -Have a heightened sense of visual stimulation.




As a consumer group, Believers As a consumer group, Strivhave low resources and an Ideals ers have low resources and an Achievement motivation. motivation.

MAKERS As a consumer group, Makers have low resources and a Self-Expression motivation.

-Want friendly communities

Members of this group typically: Members of this group typically: -Are distrustful of government -Have revolving employment; high temporary unemployment -Have a strong interest in all -Use video and video games as things automotive a form of fantasy -Have strong outdoor interests (hunting and fishing) -Are fun loving and imitative

-Watch TV and read romance novels to find an escape

-Rely heavily on public transportation

-Want to know where things stand; have no tolerance for ambiguity

-Are the center of low-status street culture

Members of this group typically: -Believe in basic rights and wrongs to lead a good life -Rely on spirituality and faith to provide inspiration

-Are not looking to change society Find advertising a legitimate source of information -Value constancy and stability (can appear to be loyal) -Have strong me-too fashion attitudes.

-Desire to better their lives but have difficulty in realizing their desire -Wear their wealth.

-Believe in sharp gender roles -Want to protect what they perceive to be theirs

SURVIVORS As a consumer group, Survivors have the lowest resources; they exhibit no primary motivation. Members of this group typically: -Are cautious and risk averse -Are the oldest consumers and thrifty -Are not concerned about appearing traditional or trendy -Take comfort in routine, familiar people, and places -Are heavy TV viewers

-Are loyal to brands and prod-See themselves as straightforward; appear to others as anti-in- ucts tellectual -Spend most of their time alone Are the least likely use the inter-Want to own land. net -Are the most likely to have a landline-only household.


Primary Research Vals of target audinces



TARGET PROFILE 1 18-22 DEBBY Who they are: - 22 - Living with partner - Income £25,000 - Human resources - Business degree, - Living in a town - Dog called spot - Has lot of friends from university

What they think: - Prefer online media to newspapers - Reads fashion and lifestyle magazines - Loves to get together with friends and going shopping - Likes mainstream celebrities and TV shows

What they do: - Spends £100 a month on makeup - Shops online - Drinks wine after a stressful week while watching TV - Member of the gym

About: Debby loves to hang out with her friends and socialize, going on dated with her boyfriend and dinner dates with friends, she loves to shop online and in store. Enjoys the occasional glass of wine but likes to keep healthy by going to the gym 3 times a week. She’s comfortable with money and plans to start a family in the next few years.



JOAN Who they are: - 35 - Married with 2 kids - Income 30,000 - Stay at home mum - Former teacher - Living in a town - 2 cats Millie and Missy - Gathered a good circle of friends What they think: - New to the social circle but uses it to document everything she does - Enjoys going to spin classes - Also loves to eat chocolate and sweets - Loves to get together with friends - Make sure her kids are healthy and well

What they do: - Spends ÂŁ150 a week on food shopping - Goes in store to shop - Drinks wine after a stressful week with her tea - Documents what she does on social sites

About: Joan has 2 small kids, she stays at home to look after them and prides herself on making sure they are healthy, she loves to eat chocolate but wants to loose weight and does this by going to spin class, she believes her problem is not being able to cut out her glass of wine on an evening with her tea.


'According to the mail online Government statistics show that behind the closed doors of Britain's middle-class homes, drinking has reached an all-time high.' -Mail online


"The average millennial could take up to about 25,700 selfies in his or her lifetime. Ninety-five percent of young adults admitted to having taken at least one such picture of themselves". -Julia glum (international bussiness times)


Stefanie Wiersch & Kathrin Grunendahl This stunning set of business cards was created by two designers to represent themselves. Each designer has her own set of cards relating to her personality. On one set the focus is on beautiful typographical renderings of the lower case letter. On the other set either a striking pattern or a quirky hand drawn illustration has been used on the front of the card. All of the cards have been screen printed in black and white and then finished with a bright copper foil edge. This treatment means that although there is a lot of variation in the overall design of the cards the black, white a copper scheme brings everything together and ensures that the cards work well as a set.


KOLESTON NATURALS This is an ad for kolestone hair care, its a cut out billboard that bring through the colour of the sky, making the key idea that the colors are 100% natural made by the world. This technique caught my eye because although very simple its promoting t the same message as feel good drinks, about how its 100% natural, if the labels were more see through or with bits cut out it could give the same effect, I think I could try this on bottles, that’s where I think the effect would be best as it would bring through the colour of the juice and promote it as being transparent and honest, no added sugar, ‘dump the lumps’


ICELANDIC PRINTING GEIR OLAFSSON, HLYNUR INGÓLFSSON, ÞORLEIFUR GUNNAR GÍSLASON A group of Icelandic design students collaborated on a project which lead them to creating a series of bottles using a printing technique, this caught my eye because although I have thought about labels I never thought about printing straight onto a bottle, giving the brand and the campaign a fresh and ordinal look. Making people look twice and find the design and brand interesting, enticing them further to either buy or take part in the campaign itself. I like the simple two-tone look the bottle gets when plain black is printed on, doing something like this would look great but I think it would be difficult to get the message of a campaign across. Depending on what it involves. However if my campaign turns out to be appropriate in this style it will be something I try out.


FABRIC MANIPULATION Siripirun Saritasurarak

Again other than looking at usual label designs I wanted to think outside the box and see what I could find. I saw this pattern and although its not for a bottle the idea of using fabric as a label around a bottle is interesting, it reminded me of the big knit for innocent smoothies and how they put knitted hats on the bottles. I think thinking in different ways is important to entice people, they want something out of the brand and if that’s a funky bottle that people just want to keep, it gets them interested and more chance of joining in with the campaign and talking to their friends about it.






BRAINSTORMING LOGO PURPOSE This logo is slightly different o the purpose of a normal logo, because it’s a logo/identity for a campaign for a company already with a successful logo. Instead of just having the logo represent the brand and their values, the logo has to represent what the campaign is all about, in this case its about swapping the wine for a healthy juice drink once a week on a Friday. But the other idea is that the campaign is raising money for breast cancer UK because of the audience its aimed at. The campaign is aimed at getting 18-35 year old women more engaged an aware of the brand. For themselves and also because this is the demographic that would by for their families, husbands and children. Here is my brainstorm of what i want the logo to represent, include and show...


TARGET AUDIENCE The brand want us to re-engage 18-35 year old females with the Feel Good brand. To do this I first needed to look into this demographic, to see what motivates them and what will appeal to them the most. The feel good brand is aimed at everyone not just women, however wanting to grow even bigger and be one of the biggest choices for juice drinks internationally, appealing to women, who buy for themselves and their families.

Word of mouth For women word of mouth is how they start their purchasing process and seeing this campaign online would help its about hearing about a product from their friend family or even a stranger will make them more likely to go try a brand, women trust others opinions and want to try that experience for themselves. Because of this a campaign that can be shared online and whilst taking part is a great idea, it allows them to talk about the campaign and brand and their experience.


COLOUR SCHEME Consistent use of colors builds familiarity. You want customers to be able to mentally link your logo to the company. If your company has branded itself with specific colors, the public will have developed a subconscious association with those colors. In my experiments I plan to try use some of the colors in the logos into my logo however I really want the charity side of the campaign to come through so I want to use pink and the predominant colour, so in doing this I may have to make the design more recognizable than the colors.

feel good logo colour scheme Red: C=16 , M=100 , Y=96 , K=6 Cream: C=0 , M=2 , Y=5 , K=0 Dark Green: C=84 , M=22 , Y=100 , K=8 Light green: C=53 , M=11 , Y=100, K= 0 Brown: C=47 , M=60 , Y=86 , K=4 Varied Logo Colour Schemes Red: C=21 , M=96 , Y=100 , K=12 Green: C=58 , M=34 , Y=100 , K=16 Purple: C=65 , M=67 , Y=30 , K=10 Orange C=11 , M=65 , Y=100 , K=1

Juice drink colours Maroon: C=37 , M=91 , Y=63, K=40 Karki: C=29 , M=31 , Y=69 , K=2 Burgandy: C=44 , M=89, Y=65 , K=62 Gold: C=23 , M=47 , Y= 100, K=4 Red: C=19 , M=100 , Y=90 , K=11 Breast Cancer Uk colour Scheme Light pink: C=5 , M=45 , Y=0 , K=0 Dark Pink: C=28 , M=100 , Y=0 , K=0 White: C=0 , M=0 , Y=0 , K=5 Purple: C=84 , M=100 , Y=12 , K=4







PRINTING LOGOS After sketching out some ideas I had, I decided to try experimenting with the printing blocks I had got, I didn’t think the font they were in was to far off one of the ones feel good use however I did have my reservations on what it would ok like, I thought about the idea of a heart and because I had one in my printing pack, I thought I could use this to my advantage. I played around with it and because it was for women I made it pink and made a flower out of it giving it different effects but over all it just didn’t have the right effect for me. I wanted something a bit more recognizable to the brand of feel good, although girly, this had no recognition to well known brand itself, I am happy I tried this though because it made me realize that I need something that resonated with feel good for the campaign to be successful so I decided to stick with fonts that they use and its also inspired me to look at their logo already ad transform it.






Feel Good




ri d ay

Fr i d ay


Fri d a y

Fri d a y


LOGO DEVELOPMENT After experimenting with the printing technique and finding that the font was not useable to be recognizable with the feel good brand already and that the heart seemed too harsh when printed I tried some other techniques, first trying different fonts and textures, I felt the font type I had in my head, on screen looked a little too 80’s disco, I wanted the logo to be aimed at 18-35 year old and this would not be a relevant font to use, however I did like the texturing technique, the pink flow texture resonated with the cancer research bow theme as well as the pink colour, I think its something I wanted to keep experimenting with.

Fri d a y

I then looked at the feel good logo itself and how I could adapt that, I did this by first turning it pink, however I thought this was too obvious, it needed something a bit more. Because the feel good Fridays is to do with swapping wine for juice I looked at adding in bottles and glasses in there but again this didn’t seem to have the right look I was hoping for, it needed to be more fun but still have the same theme, I looked at some outlines and I liked these I thought I was getting somewhere closer. Because the campaign is about feeling good and supporting a campaign I tried the heart motif again but in an outline like the circle of existing logo but in a more soft approach and pink and grey for the girly touch that the campaign needs to appeal to. Although pink is not just for the girl market I have done it primarily for the breast cancer cause. The logos to the left I really liked, they had a good feel to them I wanted the logo to actually make you feel good. However i decided that I would keep developing to see what I could get to. I looked into outlines again, but changing the colors and adding in the textured text worked well.



FEED BACK FROM AUDIENCE This was the logo that I took to the target audience, I found that this logo from feedback was the one that people were drawn to, it was the one that stood out, related to feel good drinks as a brand but also had its own identity. I first asked some 18-22 year olds what they thought, their reaction was that it was very girly and cute and made them wan to know what it was because of this. They liked the texture in the writing giving it a bit of depth although a few of the older groups of people I asked from 25-35 and they felt that it could make it hard to read in certain situations, something that I must take on board and sort out. I took these variations of the logo to them and I got the general feed back that I should keep the Friday text as close to the feel good text as possible, it looked more symmetrical and recognizable they said, although a group of the audience liked the thin version, they said it looked friendly and inviting. Overall I am glad I have done this because I have found that my logo has flaws I must sort for example the texture on the feel good text and also the type of text I use, as this was something I was unsure on.



LOGO FOR CAMPAIGN I have decided this will be my final logo, the style is still the same, with the recognizable fruit motif of feel good drinks already and the text is the same, however the difference is the colour, pink was used not to target the women as a sole purpose but to set the theme for the breast cancer UK support. I knew that I wanted the campaign colour to be pink from the stat because of this but it also works well because of the attraction of pink to women. I wanted the logo to make you feel good when you looked at it, I wanted it to be quite quirky and cute, for women this attracts them to look more into it. I know myself looking at this I would want to know more about it because of its bright pink colour and the fact it says feel good Fridays, I would want to know what that is, and I believe many other women would too. I fixed the problem of unreadable text by making the colour darker and removing the texture, this makes the logo a lot more readable something that is a priority for the campaign. The logo is one that will work on all mediums at all sizes which is a must for the variety that this logo will be paced on, for example, posters, bottles etc...


Limited edition bottle design BOTTLE DESIGN



BOTTLE LABLES The first thing I did with the labels is use my own logo for feel good Friday to create some new looks to the labels, the problem I had was that because I had kept the logo similar and I wanted to crate a campaign with the same brand rather than completely re brand, I didn’t find it appropriate to create a whole new packaging, However I did want to switch it up, I tried swapping the feel good logo with my feel god Friday and I liked the use of colour with the pink labels to connote breast cancer UK and it was something I knew I wanted to carry though my design however I decided not to put the feel good Friday label as the main focus as people still need to recognize the brand, instead I decided it would be a feature with the information somewhere else on the label.


frnt h-8.5 w-9. back h-7.5 w-7.5 top 5.5- h w- 1cm circle 2 cm across 2cm height


REVISING ORIGINAL LABELS After trying some other designs that I created I realized that for this campaign it wasn’t about making new material but adapting the material to the campaign theme, so I decided it was worth a look at adapting the original packaging to suit the feel good Friday theme, I also thought that the recognizable logo link needs to be flowed through, I wanted to have a limited edition bottle for the feel good Friday participants, so next to the original bottles these need to be matched. I started by using the original logo and the original colour just adding additional information and a small logo but I didn’t think the colors were complementing each other, I then kept the same logo as I think the bottle needs to still project juice and not the feel good Friday logo, although this also needs to be incorporated. I turned the packaging pink to match the theme and added the cancer research bow, this works well and although I experimented I was happy with my outcome, it was one that I knew would be a finalized design because of its appropriateness.


DIGITALLY PROTOTYPING BOTTLES Once I had played around with the bottle design and re vamped the original labels to suit my campaign I decided to mock them up digitally in Photoshop to see what it would really look like. I started with the bottle and I think because the bottle was from the front, I was able to place and wrap the label around easily and it was in perspective, I managed to do this with all flavors and labels, however feel good have juices in a variety of containers, so when it came to the can, I had problems I didn’t notice until I had finished, the cam label was wrapped around as if the camera was looking at it front the front however the lid of the can was tilted upwards as if looking from the top. This made the can un usable and un professional but it taught me that I have to think about perspective before I do things, I could get a new can and do this again, something I will to show the designs in a variety of ways.




I wanted to find a new more inventive way of creating a label for the bottle, although I wanted to keep it simple, I thought of how I can utilize the bottle and make it appeal to my target audience more, the bottles are to be aimed at women and in my research I found the women love sparkle, anything that shines and catches their eye, something that looks pretty

And interesting, they get thins from the love of shopping and jewelry etc., using primary research of my audience I found this out, so I looked at designers that have used foil and did the same thing, I used foil on the logo to make it sparkle and stand out, personally I don’t think many of these work however because of the recent hype of rose gold jewelry I think the bronze foil works best but doesn’t stand enough as the purple one does.









FLAVOUR DEVELOPMENT The first label I created which I thought would be my final was appropriate and I liked the design, but I decided that it was too similar to the original labels. I wanted to keep it recognizable but I think I could experiment a little more to get a better result. The only indication of the flavor of the juice was from the text on the front telling you but they were all the same with no colour difference, so I started by keeping the labels the same but making the colour of the bubbles and flavor to match. However I don’t think it gave enough indication, it was too subtle and it wouldn’t be seen on a shelf, I needed something more eye catching. I then tried changing the colour of the logo to match the flavor but again although it worked on some bottles, on others it didn’t. The colour didn’t match right or look appealing. I then tried changing the colour of the labels themselves, however I really didn’t want to take the pink away from the bottles, it was the indication that they were special edition for the breast cancer UK campaign I had created. Although I did like some of them but again some didn’t work well at all. I knew there was a better solution. I mocked the labels up onto bottles to see if this changed my mind and I liked the colored labels, I continued to develop to see what way I could get these to work best.

FEEL GOOD I changed the labels back to pink because this was something I was sure on, I then changed the logo to the colour of the feel good Friday logo but didn’t change it to that one because I wanted it to be recognizable to the consumer, the shape and style of the label stayed the same and the layout did, however I wanted to indicate flavor, so instead of using colour I decided to try using fruit, in a outline and colour block style keeping them very simple. Feel good wanted to promote freshness and health, so I swapped the bubbles for a series of fruit that was appropriate for each label. As soon as I created the first one, which was orange, I loved it. it was such a simple touch but it looked better than changing al the colour. I then decided the text of the flavor needed to be more prominent. It was hard to see and put in an old style font before so I used the same font as the logo and I instantly started to love the label. I tried it with just an outline and I think it started to look early quirky which would appeal to the demographic and it something that will catch your eye on a shelf with al the other juice bottles. I also changed the colors of certain text to match the flavor. I did this for more distinction and it works well. I changed the ribbon into a solid shape rather than gradient. This defiantly makes it more eye catching and makes you look into what the bottle in advertising.







POSTER REFLECTION I started experimenting with the way I could construct a poster. I decided I wanted one that highlighted the idea of a new limited edition bottle for the campaign. I used a pink background to keep the theme and made placed the prototype bottles on to show that you would want more than 1 drink, but the composition of the poster was not working. Although I did like that the breast cancer UK was on their because I think it needs to be known that the campaign is representing it and helping the charity. I tried adding fruit but I think the way I was doing it was messy, there was no structure and the posters were not giving off a fresh feeling. The next set of posters, which I have mocked up on the left started to look a little more how I wanted them to. The white gave it a fresh look and the fruit was minimal but looked fresh. The simplicity is something I liked however I think because I’m representing a fresh fruity and healthy drink it needs to be more colorful, fresh and give that feeling of health. I want a set of posters so I could have some that are more informative and some that are more representative of the juice itself.


POSTER REFLECTION Because I liked the simple look to posters and I wanted to promote that these feel good Friday and these juices can be drunk anywhere and anytime, I decided to take the prototypes I had made and place them on background that looked like different environments the sunset, forest and indoors. I used a simple strap line that went with the campaign of swapping the wine and donating to feel good inside and out. I used Photoshop to add shadows to make the bottles look like they were sat in the tables more realistically. However this is not something I had done a lot of and if not done right, it starts to look strange. when I had finished these posters I liked them but as I stood back and analyzed them I started to see the problems. The bottles were in the wrong perspective for the background, the shadows didn’t look real and ultimately it was looking unprofessional. I decided to try some other posters that gave the same message but in a different way. Giving out the fresh and fruity and healthy idea to the consumers.




POSTER REFLECTION I started to thin about ways I could connote fresh and healthy to make you feel good on the inside and out and I thought about how the fruit has no added sugar, and contains nothing but fruit and water, so I showed this using a water splash and fruit. I instantly liked the poster, it really gave me a health kick feeling and I knew I was getting closer to what I wanted. However I did think it was too busy, the juice was getting lost in the barrier of fruit I placed behind so I decided to reduce the amount of fruit and just place it at the bottom rather than all the way round and I made the water splash edges disappear a little more. I had added the new labels to the bottles and used only a bottle instead of a can and carton because the perspective was right. I added the feel good Friday logo and used their strap line ‘no added nasties’. I used the same line of feel good inside and out but also added with feel good Friday to make the whole poster relate and link to the campaign as well as representing the juice as the brand would want.



POSTER REFLECTION After creating a poster that I liked the showed the freshness and healthiness of the juice I wanted to start making one that gave a little more information about feel good Fridays and what it is. I have created a website and the home page I created worked really well as a poster because he juice bottles and the way I had put those together looked really fresh and followed the style I wanted but it allowed me to place text around in a way the worked to explain what feel good Friday is. The large text of ditch the wine grab the juice gives a brief overview and gets people interested in what it is, and the text under the image explains more in depth what the event it. This would be a poster that would maybe appear in a place where people have more time to read in it a magazine for example. I then needed a poster that explained the social media aspect of the event and also the breast cancer UK involvement. This needs to be on all posters even if a little smaller on the others. it the whole point of the campaign.






FACEBOOK Facebook is the ultimate platform for brands in today’s modern society, we are al constantly checking, scrolling through our news feed and posting pictures of what were doing and what we like. Having a campaign on a social site means it can be shared and liked my as many people as possible spreading the message and the campaign around, with more likelihood that the campaign will get picked up and people will do it more, not just for one Friday but every Friday. Facebook is the best platform because is the most interactive and social one, there are comments, likes shares, you can post videos, photos, links to websites or just general information. Placing information with images is how I planned to catch people’s attention, people tend to scroll past paragraphs on Facebook and look at the pictures. This is the platform that will really launch the campaign, al the advertising material can go on there in different forms and reach the right audience due to who people are following, mutual friend and interested parties.

TWITTER In today’s society, advertising a brand, campaign or company on line is key, online social sites is where most people spend the majority of their time, even if just checking they check a few times a day. Events and brands campaigns can be shared, talked about and liked, so I decided I would make on online social platform for my feel good Friday campaign. I made the icon the feel good Friday logo but I also wanted the campaign to be recognizable to feel good drinks brand, so I used a recognizable brand bottles for the cover photo. I tweeted about the campaign and what’s involved as well as about cancer research and promoting their cause, in addition also tweeting feel good drinks logo itself. the idea behind this is that twitter becomes a platform for feel good Friday participants to tweet their picture using the hash tag #feelgoodfridayselfie. As well as getting information and sharing and retweeting to others. Following and being followed by other people and organizations means the information is being spread around internationally in seconds, the bigger the fan base the more likely the campaign is to work and a social site is the best way to do this for the demographic of 18-35 that i am aiming at. Women of this age are the biggest users of demographics.



INSTAGRAM Again Instagram is a platform of social media that has grown in the past coupe of years, being the most recent release, its being the hype lately, there fore it has become my platform for people to submit their feel good Friday selfies, again using the #feelgoodfridayselfiie hash tag. Instagram is a site driven mostly by images and captions making it a perfect way to encourage people to place their selfies on their, the point of the selfies is to pick a favorite each week and they can win prizes, the layout also makes it easy to see all photos and pick between them. Again I need to gain followers and follow relevant people to share and encourage joining in with feel Good Friday. Posting photos myself as the feel good Friday creator will help people get involved and get a feel for the campaign, it will encourage people to follow and see what we are getting up to, once they are relatable to the brand, they will become loyal and start to get involved.





OBLEND Oblend is a small juice company focusing on making vegetable smoothies taste better, their approach is more organic, it really does take simple to the next level, which I love but my website has to be more eye-catching and interactive to women, which is why I want to make the graphics well executed and appropriate. The thing I like from this website is the way all the information is done on one page in different sections as you go down the page, I really like this effect and I think it makes the website really easy to navigate around, it also means all information is on one page and it doesn’t make it confusing for the user or send mixed messages. The colour scheme works really well with this brand and I think I want to make the website more eye-catching but I also want common colors of pink and white or even with the dark red of feel good, this is something I will work out in development.


INNOCENT Looking at the innocent website, its very simple, it takes you where it needs to go and is easy to navigate around, because there is so much going on with this website its important that it is easy for the user to navigate around and the same goes for my website or any website for that matter, I have not yet decided if I am going to do the whole of the website or just the feel good section, either way within the feel goo section, there are many different ideas and interactions therefore it has to be clear. The navigation is at the top with the logo very clear and this is something I am going to adopt. it seems on this website that the theme is very much based on panels and how different graphics lead to different pages, although I like this and I might try it I want the website to be even more simple so i plan to have a main page that explains the campaign and where the majority of things can be done, the other pages are extras in interaction and information.




Before starting the website design online, i sketched out the way the website would work in terms of page structure and what will link to what page. it was important for me to do this so I knew what pages to design and what would be appropriate for them. I then made simple mock us of what I wanted on each page in illustrator, looking at colors and layouts, I was aware that the look of the website would change dramatically but planning something simply in advance just makes the design process easier an gives me a guide of what i want and what I can imagine the website looking like to fit the style of the campaign. I then went and advanced the mock-ups a little bit and then started to design using wix. I wanted a page with the flavored bottles and I think using the fruit and setting them the way i did worked really well. And the front page with and explanation gives the audience a quick insight into what the event is about.










FEEL GOOD TV AD Feel good drinks have an existing TV advert from a YCN winner, her idea was to use gnomes at create the juice in stop motion, using playfulness. Because of this I decided to create a TV ad that will fit with the brands current identity but change t to fit my campaign that targets 18-35 year old women. So my idea is to make girl gnomes be playful with each other in the same way. I wanted one girl to pull a glass of wine away whilst the other chases it and then they get introduced to feel good drinks and really like it a simple concept and I think this could create a series of adverts with many different stories and playful scenarios. I have storyboarded and mocked up my idea however id decided I could try and look into different characters too to see which ones would represent the brand as well as the gnomes did. So I started to create some designs as seen later.














Bibliography https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=3il58OdP1mUC&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=what+do+the+demographic+of+18-35+women+like&source=bl&ots=AedQ8RdKEJ&sig=wjRCeKAn6NTyc5MmCihhSM7tyEo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiB0vLLqMDJAhUL2B4KHWW0BuAQ6AEIRzAH#v=onepage&q=what%20do%20the%20 demographic%20of%2018-35%20women%20like&f=false https://sheconomy.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/the-5-stages.jpg http://www.theguardian.com/society/2008/feb/24/drugsandalcohol.health1 http://www.ibtimes.com/millennials-selfies-young-adults-will-take-more-25000-pictures-themselves-during-2108417 https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/281756520413636680/ https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/400609329328324290/ http://allthingsgirlyandbeautiful.tumblr.com/post/16098543891 https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/548524429584811029/ http://www.marketingdonut.co.uk/marketing/marketing-strategy/the-truth-about-marketing-to-women https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/517914025871753830/

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