Five Pitfalls of Corporate Philosophy
Five Pitfalls of Corporate Philosophy Many companies had invested lot of time and money in building corporate mission, vision and value statements, but employees don’t buy into them because they just don’t fit the actual job. In fact, some employees find these corporate philosophy irrating and confusing. Often mission, vision and value statements are ambiguous. A new employee may be expected to absorb certain corporate philosophies he feels even the manager doesn’t believe or understand. Sometimes, it’s not clear how these polished philosophies relate to a job, yet one senses they are important .This ambiguity can cause a lot of stress for anyone needing to resolve the conflict between innovation and restrictive policy.
FIVE PITFALLS OF CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY How much damage can corporate philosophies cause? Here are some of the drawbacks: Ambiguous philosophies are hard to apply. They are often created by a small group of employees and enforced on others.
Many employees resent being told what to believe.
Philosophy is theory. Business is a day-to-day hands-on activity. Employees capable of “making things happen” may not be an integral part of the philosophy.
Mission, vision and value statements are extremely important to engage your workforce in a common purpose. Companies whose employees understand the mission and goals enjoy 29% greater return than other firms (Watson Wyatt Work Study).
All workers want their work to make a difference. In many cases, the fault lies not so much with the corporate philosophy itself, but in its application. Because employees are at the forefront of business activity, they first need to fully understand the philosophy so as to be in the position of applying it to various situations. Employees engaged in the development of the philosophy do not have difficulty in its application.
This is a small part of the book “All work and no say” by Jody Urquhart. You can go through the whole book by visiting: All work and no say by Jody Urquhart -----------------------------------------Thank You Jody Urquhart