Brief 13 — Something More - Final Boards Revised

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OUGD603 / Extended Practice


Brief 13 — Something More

Brands are an opportunity to make our lives better. They can turn the everyday and mundane into the wonderful experiences. They can raise our awareness of things we didn’t care about before. They can change our behavior and inspire us to look at the world differently. Brands shouldn’t exist just to sell us more stuff. They need to do better. They need to care about us and the society we live in.

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One major issue with current libraries is the interior aesthetic. They’re composed of cheap wood chairs, white strip lighting and a general, council-like look. You’re expected to be completely silent, with no food or drink, taking people out of their comfort zones.

Brief Length 2 Weeks Brief Set by Something More Studio


One place in which people go to in order to relax is a bar or a restaurant. Why can’t the comfort of this retail environment be combined with the accessibility of books?

We want you to rethink the brands of today to make them better. You have been given a specific theme - you need to create a brand for it. Ask how it can be better. How do you feel about your theme. Here’s your opportunity to do something about it. We were given a ‘boring’ business to brand, I was given the library.

Students & Professionals. Those with a disposable income that they like to spend on socializing, but also at an age or maturity where they enjoy reading as a hobby.

Open Bar & Book Collectors is the first of it’s kind: The first ever bar with a large collection of literature that can be taken out on loan.

‘Open’ revolves around neon signage, the playful use of illustration and type that is often traditionally seen in bars.

Mandatory Requirements

A logo / logotype. Appropriate branded collateral.

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