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Artistic Representations


Engaging in the creation of art allows students to express their learning and their understanding in alternative ways, but, more importantly, provides a venue for them to be truly creative. When they are given opportunities to communicate their ideas artistically, not only do students learn more about the topic at hand, they learn about themselves, their culture and identity, as well as the larger world around them. The processes related to the creation of art include exploration and active learning, as well as the use of imagination. These processes enhance student understanding and engage their attention. As well, the opportunity to be creative motivates and connects students to subject matter in emotional, physical, and personal ways. Art supports the development of spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences, and promotes open-ended, nonlinear thinking. As students participate in meaningful artistic activities, they are better able to understand and appreciate the constant flow of images, sounds, and messages (e.g., art and media) that surround them.

Purposes Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do

Related Information

- Instruct and encourage students in the exploration and use of various visual art media (e.g., collage, water colour, acrylics, papier machĂŠ, etc.). Focus on the principles and elements of art related to your grade level Arts outcomes. link to Arts URL TBA Have students decide on which art media they will use to represent their idea or information. Provide the necessary materials and allow students time to complete their artwork. Encourage students to journal about their art and how it represents certain ideas/information. Display art and have students make presentations (e.g., classroom Gallery Walk, websites, blog, etc.). Animation link to file Claymation link to file Critical Reading/Listening/Viewing link to file Dance Presentation/Representation TBA link to file Digital Drawing TBA Diorama link to file Dramatic Presentations/Role Play link to file Impact of Illustrations link to file Multimedia Presentation/Representation link to file Musical Presentation/Representation link to file Puppetry link to file Representations/Presentations link to file Representations/Presentations link to file Visual Literacy link to file


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©2007ManitobaEducation,CitizenshipandYouthCreatedwithCurriculumNavigator,-Page1-LICTDescriptorsArti by John Evans - Issuu