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Focused Free-Write


The Focused Free-Write is a writing-to-learn strategy used in the activating or acquiring phases of learning. Students represent what they know about a topic through uninhibited, timed writing.


- [Statement] In order to plan for instruction and assessment think about your learners' needs and your goal. What is your purpose for using Focused Free-Write? [Cluster] - [Statement] To explore personal ideas and consider other's ideas (Discover and Explore- Cluster 1.1): Students engage in Focused Free-Write to explore what they know about the topic to be studied. [Cluster] - [Statement] To demonstrate ability to generate ideas (Composing: Writing/Speaking/Representing- Cluster 4.1): Students engage in Focused Free-Write to explore a topic and generate possible areas of focus. [Cluster] Cluster 4.1- Composing: Writing /Speaking/ Representing

Specific Learning Outcomes LICT Descriptors How To Do

- Ask students to write for a limited time about the topic or theme. Ask for student volunteers to share their writing with the class.

Related Information Variations

Focused Free-Draw

Assessment / Think Abouts

Record focused observations to determine participation, prior knowledge, and gaps in students' understanding to determine starting points for instruction and remediation. Focused Observation Form blm/ela/g/blm_5 TBLM Focused Observation Form Sample blm/ela/g/blm_5a TI Focused Observation Form Focused Observation Form Sample


- Success for all Learners: A Handbook on Differentiating Instruction, A Resource for Kindergarten to Senior 4 Schools (p. 6.30)


Š 2007 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Created with Curriculum Navigator, - Page 1 -

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