The Little Book-condensed (Johan Peters)

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The Seven Tribulation Trumpets

After this the Judgment Day

The Battle of Armageddon

It’s Almost Over; the End is Near . . .

It is Over, we can Enjoy Life!

Happy Ending for Those that Accepted

‫שבוע‬ For More Detailed Information on: The Seventh & Last Trumpet Sounds

A Prayer: “Dear Jesus, if this has any reality to it, then I sincerely ask that You manifest yourself to me and protect me in the days to come.”

[Type text]

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What did they see? Fables - Fiction - or Fact? Page 1

Religious Nonsense or Future Events?

Who or What is an Antichrist?

Confused? Pre, Post, Any-time-now? The Time Bomb Starts Ticking

3½ Years, 42 Months, 1260 Days left


But isn’t it that Nobody Knows?

Will you Hold True?

Peace Agreement is the Pivotal Point when

The Worst Holocaust Ever!

God’s Children Persecuted

God’s Prophets are Well Informed! [Type text]

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