2 minute read

The fertilization effect of carbon dioxide makes the world greener

"unprecedented proportions", which climate hysterics and our quality media will again identify as a consequence of the "climate crisis".

21. The flood of the century in the Ahr valley comes every hundred years

The terrible storm in the Ahr valley in mid-July 2021 was a catastrophe for all concerned. A weather situation that only occurs about once every hundred years led to days of heavy rain and flooding that cost the lives of many residents of the Ahr Valley. One can only hope that it will take another hundred years and that by then people will have learned something from this catastrophe, or from the flood in June 1910, which cost 52 lives. There were other bad floods in 1719 and 1601.

The strongest flood was in July 1804 - thus before the industrialization and still during the Little Ice

Age - which claimed 63 lives and brought bigger flash floods than the storm of 2021. "Emperor Napoleon gave from his private treasury 30,000 francs, the empress another 4,800 francs to alleviate the distress" (from Die Ahr und ihre Hochwässer in alten Quellen). At that time, autocrats still had a heart.... One can definitely speak of a pattern here, because the flood disasters occur about every hundred years, but it definitely has nothing to do with global warming! The interval between the catastrophes is unfortunately longer than a human lifetime, which is why the third or fourth generation after such an event has not yet heard of it or has suppressed it and is completely surprised. Another pattern can be seen in politicians and climatologists, who use the storm for their alarmist propaganda and speak, for example, of an "incredible wake-up call from nature." "The climate is changing and that has consequences. Severe weather events are increasing." Of course the climate is changing, it always has, but there is no robust evidence that heavy rain would increase. Here's a graph from the German Weather Service for the period 1951 to 2013. "Not significantly increased" means that the small increase is well within the annual variations.

One can only hope that the flood of the year 2021 was really a wake-up call for those responsible! To blame the catastrophe on the CO2 rise is in any case election campaign nononsense or shows a lack of understanding of the difference between climate and extreme weather and a lack of historical knowledge. The latter, at least, cannot be blamed on insurance companies who do not insure houses threatened by regular flooding.

22. How many people die due to climate change?

The truth is that, contrary to the fears of Greta and many other opinion makers, the number of people dying from climate- or weather-related disasters (floods, droughts, extreme temperatures, and severe

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