The benefits of increased CO2 - Part 1 - TC

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The benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures. Terigi Ciccone. 11-7-2024.

Climate alarmists, the press/media, and politicians say we must achieve Net Zero by 2050 to avoid catastrophic global warming. All humanity and all life on Earth benefit from the increase in atmospheric CO2 and the slight increase in temperatures.

In Part 1, we present scientific arguments to show how increased CO2, and warmer temperatures benefit humanity and all life on Earth. In the subsequent Part 2, we discuss why a growing number of independent scientists and engineers will argue that CO2 does not cause any measurable global warming. Part 3 will present how and why increased CO2 does not cause extreme climate/weather conditions. And, in the concluding Part 4 we present recommendations for policymakers.

We start by looking at Figure 11 And see that planetwide, plant growth increased, by almost 45% from 1900 to about 2020 as measured by their carbon content measured in gigatons (Gt) Of this increase, about 70 % is due to CO2 fertilization, 20% is due to increased leaf area coverage, like warmer weather extending further north in Canada, and about 10% is due to an 1 1494G0&

Figure 1

increased growing season by about 2-3 weeks per year. We then see that warming temperatures stimulate plants to grow bigger and faster and use less water in the process. The increased greening produces more food and habitat for all of Nature’s creatures and enhances biodiversity. Plants also significantly cool the Earth by absorbing more sunlight, by reflecting more solar rays into space, and by scattering it throughout the atmosphere.

Who would have guessed it based on what the non-scientific community is told by the popular press/media, politicians, invested university professors, and private industries? These beneficiaries know that they risk their reputations and government climate change funding if they say anything positive about increased CO2 or warming temperatures.

Before explaining the above chart, here is some background information on photosynthesis. On the underside of plants, there are many little valves called stomata that open and close. They open to let the atmospheric CO2 inside the plant needed for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a chemical process used by plants to make plant sugars to feed themselves and, coincidentally, feed all animal life on land and in the seas. But when these stomata open at low CO2 levels, for every molecule of CO2 that enters, about twenty molecules of water escape from the plant. So, the plant needs to carefully time how much CO2 it lets in before it loses too much water. At the preindustrial CO2 levels of 280 PPM, most plants grew slowly because plants were in CO2 starvation. The plants had to choose between dying from starvation or desiccation. However, at higher levels of CO2, plants can get more CO2 faster, so they will lose less water. Experience has shown that at today’s CO2 at 420 ppm (parts per million), most plants thrive with 30% to 70% less water. This drought resistance was confirmed by NASA research. What NASA has not explained in detail is that most of the increased plant growth occurred in the warmer and drier regions of the Earth.

The public is also concerned about the slightly warmer temperatures of the last 150 years which

Figure 2
Stomata – open and closed.

they have been misled to believe will harm plants. So now we can explain Figure 2.2

The graph shows the leaf temperatures on the horizontal axis and the speed of the photosynthetic process on the vertical axis. Now, look at the lower black line where CO2 is at about 280 ppm. So as leaf temperatures increase, we see that the rate of photosynthesis speeds up and reaches an optimum level at a temperature of about 27°C. But now look at the top blue line with CO2 at about 420 ppm. See how the speed of synthesis increases across all temperatures and more than doubles at a higher temperature of about 36°C. This means that the stomata do not need to stay open as long to get the needed CO2 making them more droughtresistant

The message is clear. Most of this plant growth happened in the warmer and dryer regions on Earth's CO2. We see this in the real world when NASA tells us that in a 35-year test period, the Earth greened by about 35% because of CO2 fertilization.3 Figure 3 shows the areas that have greened the most are the warmer dryer areas like the Middle East,

the southern part of the Sahara Desert called the Sahel,Australia, etc. This is prominently displayed on the NASAworld map presented in Figure 3. Please read this very interesting report titled “The Greening of the Sahel.” The Sahel is a swarth of land from theAtlantic to the Indian Ocean about 50 miles where farming has returned after centuries of desertification. See



The Sahel

Land use

Lastly, we see the beneficial impact of warmer temperatures and higher CO2 for humanity in Figure 4. Here we see a significant increase in food production to meet the needs of the Planet’s growing population. Especially note the bottom line showing that all this increased cereal production happened with no increase in land acreage, allowing more areas for bio-life habitat.

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