Belgian Nuclear Society – Young Generation Network Booklet of Nuclear Companies & Institutions in Belgium Edition September 2011
Belgian Nuclear Society – Young Generation Network web: mail:
Table of Content What is BNS YGN? ......................................................................................................................................... 4 How does BNS YGN function? ....................................................................................................................... 4 What is the mission of BNS YGN? ................................................................................................................. 5 How to become a BNS YGN member? .......................................................................................................... 6 BNS YGN Funding .......................................................................................................................................... 6 More information on BNS-YGN..................................................................................................................... 6 BNS-YGN Activities for Young Professionals ................................................................................................. 7 In the pipeline for 2011............................................................................................................................. 7 Some past activities .................................................................................................................................. 7 Nuclear Companies & Institutes ................................................................................................................... 8 BEL V ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 BELGONUCLEAIRE ................................................................................................................................... 10 BELGOPROCESS ....................................................................................................................................... 11 ELECTRABEL............................................................................................................................................. 12 FBFC International .................................................................................................................................. 13 IRE ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 LABORELEC .............................................................................................................................................. 15 SCK•CEN .................................................................................................................................................. 16 SPE........................................................................................................................................................... 17 SYBAN...................................................................................................................................................... 18 SYNATOM ................................................................................................................................................ 19 TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING....................................................................................................................... 20 TRANSRAD ............................................................................................................................................... 21 2
Vinรงotte Nuclear Safety (VNS) ................................................................................................................ 22 WESTINGHOUSE...................................................................................................................................... 23 Other BNS Sponsoring Institutions ......................................................................................................... 24
What is BNS YGN? Whether you are young or young at heart, you are welcome at the Belgian Nuclear Society - Young Generation Network (YGN). The YGN is a subgroup of the Belgian Nuclear Society (BNS) for nuclear professionals younger than 36. The organization of YG activities and the completion of its mission is in the hands of the BNS-YG Core Group. We are a group of enthusiastic people from different companies and institutions who try to bring together young nuclear professionals and students interested in nuclear in its broadest sense. We organize our own activities for young nuclear professionals and participate to BNS evening lectures. Besides the transfer knowledge about the fascinating nuclear science towards young professionals and students, we try to inform the public in an objective way about the peaceful applications of nuclear energy. At our communication activities, we speak as a person, and not in name of a nuclear company or institution. Finally we're very good at combining "business" with "pleasure”!
How does BNS YGN function? The Core Group aims to have at least one young representative of each Belgian nuclear company of institute active in the nuclear field. In principle the Core Group meets about every six weeks, depending on the number of activities and projects planned. The meetings are organized in different nuclear companies and institutes over the whole country, in order to stimulate the integration of companies and institutes in the YG Network. The chairperson of the BNS-YG represents the YG within the BNS Executive Committee. The BNS-YG chair is supported by the BNS to represent one of the three invited representatives of the Belgian YG Core Group in the European Nuclear Society Young Generation Core Group (ENS-YG), who meets 3 to 4 times per year. The YGN aims to have an experienced specialized Core Group member on international level, preferably the past chair, due to his/her experience.
Chairing Team 2011 (mail to Mehdi Moussaïd, Westinghouse, Chairman Gérald Degreef, Bel V, Vice Chairman Wim Uyttenhove, SCK-CEN, Past Chairman
What is the mission of BNS YGN? The YG Network aims to 'translate' the mission of the BNS within its framework on a Young Generation level:
Disseminate objective scientific information for better public understanding of peaceful applications of nuclear science The YGN is convinced that the public should be informed as much as possible about nuclear science, in a understandable, clear and correct way. Only in this way people can understand what the nuclear sector is doing, from medical applications towards nuclear power plants. Many people are open for information about this fascinating science, and the YGN tries to perform its task in the field of communication. The YGN disposes of interesting, understandable and up to date presentations about nuclear science, and is ready to communicate to the public about opportunities and issues in the nuclear field. We believe that providing understandable scientific information is possible without taking position in influencing people. Promote the education and transfer of knowledge in nuclear science In the small nuclear world in Belgium, transfer of knowledge is indispensable. People who were at the power plant when it was started are now "ageing". They have an enormous experience in the field, and are willing to transfer their knowledge to the relative small group of young nuclear professionals. The YGN tries to stimulate this transfer of knowledge. An even more important task is to rouse interest of young people in nuclear science. Only be disposing of enough qualified nuclear experts, nuclear installations can be operated in a safe way. The YGN aims to present the nuclear scene in Belgium to high school and university students, focusing on the fascinating and innovative aspect of nuclear science. Enhance professional and personal relations between young nuclear professionals Young nuclear professionals are devoted to their job, but also like to have fun! Therefore the YGN organizes social activities. In this framework, the best relations are made for the future, and it is also interesting to meet each other in an informal atmosphere! Also on the international scene Belgium is represented. Each year an international or European young nuclear conference is organized, in which Belgium participates. The YG aims to show to the companies and institutes the added value of such conferences for young nuclear professionals, and tries to attend this yearly conference with a considerable delegation. The BNS-YG is an active member of the European Nuclear Society (ENS) Young Generation Network, and attends the meetings of the ENS-YG core group.
Therefore the YGN has the following objectives: to promote the integration of young people in the BNS to promote the fascinating nuclear science at universities and high schools to inform public about in an understandable, objective and scientific way about the peaceful applications of nuclear energy and to act as a technical reference to organize YG Evening Lectures, YG technical visits and YG social activities for the YG Network to mobilize young people to attend BNS and ENS activities to participate actively in the BNS Executive Committees to participate actively in the YG network at a European and international level
How to become a BNS YGN member? You are a Belgian young (<36) nuclear professional (engineer, scientist, other expert â&#x20AC;Ś) or student? You want to know more about the nuclear sector in and outside Belgium? You would like to be invited for interesting Evening Lectures of the BNS-YG and the BNS? You would like to be invited (and have a reduced fee) on our unique Technical Visits? You would like to meet other young professionals in an informal atmosphere on social events?
Do not hesitate any longer and become member of the YGN! Complete the membership form on our website ( , and send it together with your CV and a short motivation letter to the BNS secretary ( Inform yourself at your company, research institute or university for the payment of the membership fee of 20 EUR. Many companies or institutions support the BNS-YG by paying the membership fee to stimulate their employees.
BNS YGN Funding The BNS-YG is a scientific organization that receives a financial input from its mother society, the BNS. This input is based on the personal membership fees and limited sponsoring by as well nuclear companies as nuclear institutions that want to support the mission of the BNS. In this way the organization can fulfill its mission inside and outside the nuclear sector.
More information on BNS-YGN Visit 6
BNS-YGN Activities for Young Professionals In the pipeline for 2011 Evening Lecture on Seismic Effects Chernobyl Trip Evening Lecture Technical Visit to Tihange NPP
Some past activities European Nuclear Young Generation Forum in Prague (May 2011) BNS Thesis Contest Edition 2010 at Tractebel Engineering Brussels (February, 2011) Pime Conference in Brussels (February 2011) ENS-YGN meeting in Brussels (February 2011) Technical Visit at Westinghouse Pumps and Motors Maintenance and Repair Center (February 2011)
Nuclear Companies & Institutes The aim of this booklet is to present the nuclear sector to young professionals in a scientific way. The following pages give an overview of some of the companies and institutes from the Belgian nuclear sector. In this edition of this booklet (June 2011), one can find a non-exhaustive list, however we try to make it as complete as possible in future versions in order to show the Belgian nuclear sector as a whole.
For each of the companies and institutions an overview of the main activities is shown, as well as the relation with the nuclear sector, some interesting facts and figures and the BNS YGN contact person from the core group.
In September 2007 the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) created Bel V as a subsidiary. This new organization groups all Belgian nuclear experts who are performing regulatory activities in the area of nuclear safety and radiation protection. The Federal Agency, together with Bel V, verifies that the population and the environment are protected in an effective way against any ionizing radiation hazards through the licensing system and the regulatory surveillance and enforcement activities. MAIN ACTIVITIES Regulatory Activities in Belgium: inspection in nuclear facilities Safety Assessments and National Projects: power upgrading and steam generator replacement, probabilistic safety assessment International Activities: IAEA, cooperation with western safety authorities Research and Development: waste disposals, thermal hydraulics studies
Key numbers: Location: Brussels Number employees: 65 Mother institution: FANC
BNS - YGN contact person: GĂŠrald Degreef Tom Lybeert
BELGONUCLEAIRE has ended his activities as producer of MOX fuel in 2006 and in nuclear engineering in 2007. MAIN ACTIVITIES The sole activity of BELGONUCLEAIRE is the decommissioning of its MOX plant in Dessel, which started in March 2009 and is planned to end in February 2014.
Key numbers: Location: Dessel and Brussels Number employees: 34 Number of specialized contractors: 95
BNS - contact person: Achilles De Backer
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Technologies for a sustainable optionâ&#x20AC;?
Belgoprocess is the nuclear operator of the central storage and treatment facilities of radioactive waste in Belgium. Belgoprocess has therefore accumulated know-how and experience in the field of reception, treatment, conditioning, storage, measuring of radioactive waste during almost 40 years of operations. Since about 10 years, a new business area has been opened within Belgoprocess, namely the decontamination of radioactive materials and the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities. Building on its unique know-how, Belgoprocess has recently also developed into a strong international business partner with a growing number of international projects that have been executed successfully. MAIN ACTIVITIES processing, conditioning and temporarily storing of radioactive waste; decommissioning shut down nuclear installations and the clearance of contaminated buildings and sites; operating disposal sites for conditioned radioactive waste.
Key numbers Location: Dessel Number employees: 285 11
BNS - YGN contact person: Thomas Huys
ELECTRABEL “You’ve got the energy!” Electrabel is one of Europe's front-runners in the energy sector and the Benelux market leader with seven nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Belgium. Electrabel is part of GDF SUEZ, a leading energy providers in the world, GDF SUEZ is active across the entire energy value chain, in electricity and natural gas, upstream to downstream. It develops its businesses (energy, energy services and environment) around a responsible-growth model to take up the great challenges: responding to energy needs, ensuring the security of supply, fighting against climate change and maximizing the use of resources. The Group employs about 210.000 people worldwide and achieved revenues of € 84.5 billion in 2010..
MAIN ACTIVITIES Electricity generation Sales of electricity and natural gas, energy products and services Electricity and natural gas trading Natural gas distribution networks
Key numbers: Locations: Brussels - Doel – Tihange Number employees: 15000 (1800 nuclear) Mother company: GDF Suez
BNS - YGN contact persons: Femke Flachet (NPP Doel) Thomas Materne (NPP Tihange) Didier Bertolis (NPP Tihange) Moustapha El Hachmi (NPP Tihange)
FBFC International FBFC International, located in Dessel, is the Belgian subsidiary of the French company FBFC SNC. The shareholder is AREVA. Ranked first in the global nuclear power industry, AREVA’s unique integrated offering to utilities covers every stage of the fuel cycle, nuclear reactor design and construction, and related services. The group is also
expanding in renewable energies – wind, solar, bioenergies, hydrogen and storage – to be one of the top three in this sector worldwide in 2012. With these two major offers, AREVA’s 48,000 employees are helping to supply ever safer, cleaner and more economical energy to the greatest number of people. The production process of FBFC International begins with light enriched uranium oxide powder and MOX-rods and ends with the delivery of fuel to reactors. FBFC International is a nuclear installation "Class 1".
MAIN ACTIVITIES Production of fuel assemblies for PWR reactors. Yearly capacity: 500 tons of pellets, rods and assemblies. Production of MOX fuel assemblies, with fuel rods delivered from MELOX (France). Yearly capacity: 200 tons Production of gadolinium pellets. Yearly capacity: 40 tons Production of end plugs and springs
Key numbers: Location: DESSEL Belgium Number employees: 160 Mother institution: AREVA
BNS - YGN contact person: Marijn Gysen Bram Geens Mieke Gorissen Jurgen Linsingh
IRE “Radioactivity to the service of health” Created in 1971, the Institute for Radioelements (IRE) is a public utility foundation located in Belgium, the main missions of which are to contribute to public health and environmental protection As a major worldwide producer of radioelements used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in nuclear medicine, the IRE contributes to saving the life of millions of individuals throughout the world every year. From the IRE's products (Mo-99, I-131, Y-90, W-188/Re-188 generator), 6 million medical procedures are performed annually worldwide, including about half in Europe. These medications are used in nuclear medicine to analyze organ function, detect cancerous tumors, treat cancers, and provide palliative care. Each year, the Institute exports more than 95% of its products throughout the world. The IRE is also involved in environmental protection by its service activities. They mainly focus on the development and the use of technologies to measure and monitor radionuclides but also on the management of radioactive waste. This expertise is valued through a wide variety of consultancy and technical assistance projects.
MAIN ACTIVITIES Radiochemical and radiopharmaceutical production of isotopes for medical use Radiological monitoring of the environment and design of monitoring systems Dismantling of spent sealed radioactive sources Project coordination in the nuclear field
Key numbers:
BNS - YGN contact person:
Locations: Fleurus Number employees: 125
Grégory Delécaut
LABORELEC Laborelec is a leading research and competence centre in electrical power technology. It was established in 1962 in order to support Belgian electricity companies with research, development, and specialized services. Today, it is part of the GDF SUEZ Group, a world leader in energy. Shareholders are Cofely Services and Tractebel Engineering. Functionally, Laborelec falls under the GDF SUEZ Groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Research and Innovation Division (DRI). DRI counts ten research labs employing more than 1,200 researchers who are specialized in each of the technical domains related to the GDF SUEZ activities. MAIN ACTIVITIES Laborelec performs contract research and technical expertise services in electrical power and new energy technology. We improve the business of our shareholders and our external customers on the international market. Through our contract research, we improve the operational excellence of existing electrical power assets, we prepare our customers for their future challenges, we develop new solutions for energy end-users needs, and we anticipate and explore the potential and risk of emerging energy technologies. Through our technical expertise and consulting services, we create value for our customers from cost savings, failure prevention, risk reduction, efficiency improvement, availability improvement, safety improvement and environmental footprint reduction of energy installations. We develop and maintain excellent expert competences covering the entire electrical power value chain, including generation (nuclear, fossil-fired and renewable), storage, transmission & distribution and end-use. We combine expert knowledge with state-of-the-art measurement and analysis capability, with practical experience acquired from technical assistance to plant or network operators. Key numbers: Location: Linkebeek Number employees: 250 Mother institution: GDF SUEZ
BNS - YGN contact person: Pascale Absil LĂŠon Duvivier Steven Goedseels
SCK•CEN “Research towards a Sustainable Option”
The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN is one of the largest non-academic research centers in Belgium. On the Mol site, one can find the BR2 reactor (a Material Test Reactor with a very high neutron flux), BR1 (a graphite gas research reactor), the BR3 reactor (the first European PWR, now under decommissioning), the VENUS zero-power critical facility (currently under renovation for the GUINEVERE experiment), the HADES underground laboratory, the LHMA (Laboratory for High and Medium level Activity) and Nuclear Analysis and Chemical Laboratories. Worth mentioning is our European demonstration programme for PWR dismantling and MYRRHA, our design study of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS). The Belgian Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering (BNEN) is hosted at its Mol site. MAIN ACTIVITIES Research for radiation protection Research for safe treatment and disposal of radioactive waste Material testing Radwaste Decommissioning Irradiations (silicon doping, radioisotope production) Fight against uncontrolled proliferation of fissile materials
BNS - YGN contact persons:
Key numbers: Locations: Mol, Brussels Number employees: 600
Wim Uyttenhove Katrien Van Tichelen Simon Vanmaercke Marijke Jacobs (Ghent University)
SPE “Energy for generations” SPE-Luminus is the second largest player in the Belgian energy market and belongs to the Top 30 Largest Belgian Companies. SPE has gas-fired electricity plants, wind farms and hydraulic power stations on various sites in Wallonia and Flanders. It also has participations in the Belgian Nuclear power plants as well as in the Chooz nuclear power plant in France. SPE-Luminus supplies individuals and companies with gas and electricity under the brand name of Luminus, the most important challenger on the Belgian market, standing out thanks to its first-class customer-oriented approach. SPE’s motto, “energy for generations”, reflects its commitment to the production of environmentally friendly energy and to the protection of its employees’ health and safety. Green energy is one of the cornerstones of SPE’s production park. With 12% of its own energy production capacity being green, SPE is proportionally the greenest energy producer in Belgium. MAIN ACTIVITIES SPE generates electricity in traditional (thermal) power plants and uses state-of-the-art technology: steam-gas turbines, windmills and hydroelectric power plants. SPE combines natural renewable energy sources and nuclear energy with the goal of decreasing the CO2 emissions of its production park. SPE-Luminus supplies domestic users and companies with gas and electricity under the brand name Luminus (1,700,000 supply points with gas and/or electricity). SPE-Luminus is an actor in the Electricity and natural gas trading. SPE-Luminus has a view on the future by making the adequate investments. Key numbers: Location: Brussels, Seraing, Hasselt, Ghent Number employees: About 1000 Mother institution: EDF and others
BNS - YGN contact person: Name: Pierre-Henri D’haene Nuclear Data Analyst
Syndicat Belge dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Assurances NuclĂŠaires/Belgisch Syndicaat voor Kernverzekeringen SYBAN is a Pool of co-insurers for insurance and reinsurance of nuclear installations.
MAIN ACTIVITIES The subscription of insurances of nuclear nature and relating to nuclear installations. The partial reinsurance of the provided covers. The handling of a possible nuclear loss. The fair compensation of the victims in case of nuclear accident.
Key numbers: Location: Brussels Number employees: 3
BNS - YGN contact person: Marc Folens
MAIN ACTIVITIES Synatom manages the fuel cycle for the Belgian nuclear power stations: -
The front-end of the fuel cycle, from uranium supply to the provision of enriched uranium for the production of fuel assemblies;
The back-end of the fuel cycle, with the management of spent fuel, from its unloading from the reactor until its final disposal as reprocessing waste (closed cycle), or as conditioned fuel assemblies in the case of temporary storage (open cycle).
Since 2003, Synatom has been managing the provisions that have been created for the future decommissioning of the nuclear power plants, and for the management of the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle.
Key numbers Location: Brussels Number employees: Âą20 Mother company: Electrabel, GDF- Suez
BNS - YGN contact person: Olivier Lefebvre
TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING “Tractebel Engineering offers you innovative engineering solutions throughout the complete nuclear life cycle. Delivering your nuclear future now!” Tractebel Engineering is the engineering consultancy company for energy and infrastructure of GDF-Suez. Tractebel Engineering offers state-of-the-art engineering solutions and consultancy services to power, nuclear, gas, industry and infrastructure customers in the public and private markets. The Nuclear Department of Tractebel Engineering has, grounded in the design, construction and operational support of Belgium’s seven nuclear power stations, as well as architect-engineer for most of the radioactive waste treatment, conditioning and storage installations built in Belgium, a substantial record in nuclear achievements. MAIN ACTIVITIES Assistance to the decision process Project execution Plant operation support Radwaste decommissioning
Key numbers:
BNS - YGN contact persons:
Location: Brussels, Ghent Number employees: 2650 (400 – nuclear) Mother company: GDF- Suez
Arnaud Duchêne (Brussels) Anneleen De Maesschalck (Ghent)
TRANSRAD "Worldwide Nuclear Logisticâ&#x20AC;? MAIN ACTIVITIES TRANSRAD is a transport and expedition company specialized in all logistic services and administrative tasks related to the nuclear industry in general. Most of our services are orientated towards the international marketplace. TRANSRAD is located on the nuclear site of the IRE in Fleurus, what is a "must" in regard of its activities. Our premises and our vehicles answer to the most severe criteria concerning physical protection and safety. To get more information about us, please visit our website,
Key numbers: Location: Fleurus Number employees: 23 Mother institution: IRE, NCT
BNS - YGN contact persons: Name: François De Smedt Name: Steven De Smedt
Vinçotte Nuclear Safety (VNS)
Association Vinçotte Nuclear (AVN) and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK • CEN) established in 2010 the company Vinçotte Nuclear Safety (VNS), whose object is to provide in full independence consultancy in nuclear safety and security and in particular the development of safety reports and files and training in those areas. VNS has a highly qualified team, previously active within AVN which was in charge of the regulatory controls of the nuclear installations in Belgium . VNS contributes to the promotion of safety culture. MAIN ACTIVITIES Assessment of Safety management systems Operational Experience Feedback: analysis of incidents in nuclear installations, events and recurring events reports (ARIANE) Emergency preparedness (national level, onsite level) Safety related Project Management Systems analysis e.g. hydraulic systems, electric power supplies, protection against internal and external hazards (fire, explosion, flooding, etc.), environmental and seismic qualification Mechanical systems, structures and components Reactor core, fuel performance, neutron physics and criticality safety assessment Safety aspects of waste storage and disposal Safeguards and security Key numbers: Location: Brussel Number employees: 7 Mother institutions: AVN & SCK•CEN
BNS - YGN contact person: Sammy Shihab
Focused on Nuclear Technology
Westinghouse Electric Company is the world's pioneering nuclear power company and is a leading supplier of nuclear plant products and technologies to utilities throughout the world. Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately one-half of the world's operating nuclear plants.
MAIN ACTIVITIES Nuclear Services Nuclear Fuel Nuclear Power Plants
In Belgium (Nivelles), Westinghouse employs a multinational workforce of highly skilled engineers and technicians, dedicated to provide Nuclear Services to the power utilities in Belgium and in Europe: Engineering Services: Westinghouse Electric Belgium is the European Center of Excellence for Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) technology. Field Services: The Field Services activity supports operating reactors with on-site work and the European Service Center composed of two workshops for maintenance and repair of nuclear plants equipments and parts. Key numbers:
BNS – YGN Contact Persons:
Location: Nivelles Number employees: 200 Mother company: Toshiba
Mehdi Moussaïd Stéphane Barbier Nicolas Anciaux
Other BNS Sponsoring Institutions
Transnubel 24