Campus News JBU At Home Program Enrolls Over 475 Students in Summer Courses JBU At Home, a schedule of more than 60 classes students can take during the summer at a steeply reduced tuition rate, was launched to provide opportunity for current and incoming students to make progress toward their degree. Over 475 students enrolled in classes during the two eight-week sessions.
English Professor Releases First Collection of Poems Dr. Jacob Stratman, JBU professor of English, released his first book, a collection of poems, “What I Have I Offer with Two Hands.” Stratman began writing the poems, a collection that illustrates the divine in everyday moments — the hills and creeks of the Ozarks, the Eucharist, his son’s Batman toys in the tub or the author’s own childhood— in 2015. 02
Track & Field Renovation Completed On Dec. 12, JBU’s track and field team had their first practice on the newly renovated
track at nearby Siloam Springs Middle School. JBU and the Siloam Springs School District partnered to renovate and share use of the facility as JBU relaunched a track and field program that was last active in the 1980s. The track subsurface was rebuilt and a higher-quality running surface was installed. The interior ends were made more functional and a steeple chase pit area was installed. 01
public relations campaign. Debbie Miller, a faculty member and faculty adviser for the Threefold, received first place in the collegiate/ education category for faculty adviser of a student publication, station or site. Jamie (Brunk) Smith ’00 placed first in web and social media — blogs, corporate or for-profit. 06 07
Communication Students, Faculty, Alumna Receive Awards
JBU announced two new degree programs for fall 2020 in partnership with Bluefield College, a fellow member of the CCCU in Bluefield, Virginia. The cybersecurity program allows students to pursue either a Bachelor of Science degree or a Bachelor of Arts degree while pursuing an interdisciplinary approach with other academic areas such as entrepreneurship and innovation. The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program provides students with an academic and experiential program in the various fields that comprise the discipline of criminal justice. JBU students will take 26 of the required 47 credit hours of cybersecurity courses and 12 of the required 42 credit hours of criminal justice courses through Bluefield’s online classes.
Senior Clancie Sorrell and junior Catherine Nolte received first-place honors in the Arkansas College Media Awards competition. Sorrell received first place for in-depth news for an article titled, “A town remembers Arkansas’ Red Summer massacre.” Nolte received first place in the category of art/illustration for a feature page displaying each of the windows in the Cathedral of the Ozarks, including the new Centennial Window. Seven JBU students, a faculty member and an alumna were honored by the National Federation of Press Women in the 2020 National Communications Contest. Nolte received three first-place awards for her work in design, writing and opinion. A team of six communication students — Rachel Ball, Claire Brownlee, Hannah Lawrence, Jessica Oldenettel, Natalie Rogers and Andrea Sosso — received second place in the collegiate/education division for
Cybersecurity and Criminal Justice Programs Added Starting Fall 2020
Construction Management Students Win Awards For the fourth year in a row, JBU construction management students took first place at the