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Global Research, Professional Development and Government
IB research
Research plays a central role in the development, quality assurance and assessment of IB programmeoutcomes. The IB commissions research to leading research institutions and universities around the world.
The core of our work involves research on IB programmes. We conduct Outcomes research to investigate the impact of IB programmes on students, teachers and schools, and Curriculum research to inform the development and review of all programme curriculum and pedagogy. Policy research supports decision-making and policy development by providing cutting-edge research findings and practice recommendations on key educational issues.
We also conduct survey research, designing, distributing and analyzing surveys to support the IB’s strategic decisionmaking, and quality assurance for IB products and services. The Assessment research department collects and analyses data to ensure assessments are well-grounded in current understanding of best practice. Lastly, we offer research resources, such as findings and figures for IB leaders, annotated bibliographies and Jeff Thompson Award studies.
For more information on IB Research, please visit ibo. org/research.
Professional development
Educators, school leaders and administrators are offered continuous support through plentiful IB professional development workshops and services. Development of a worldwide teaching and learning community committed to lifelong learning is an IB priority.
The IB is continuously seeking to ensure the accessibility of its professional development for all educators and that educators’ professional learning needs are met. By offering four different delivery methods: face-to-face, online, virtual and a “blended” method combining remote and faceto-face learning, the IB aims to better accommodate the diverse learning and logistical needs of both educators and schools.
For more information, please visit ibo.org/pd.
2022–2023 CATALOGUE
©International Baccalaureate Organization 2022 International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
The IB and governments
Engaging regional and national governments is at the centre of the IB’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity. We are defined by our values and those include pedagogical leadership and international-mindedness. There is a growing awareness among governments that education systems have to work in an international society, not just a national one. We engage with many governments, either to create more IB World Schools or to influence national education systems. Across the world, the IB is working hand-in-hand with regional and national governments to ensure state access to IB programmes.