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IBCertificates in Teaching and Learning
IB Certificates in Teaching and Learning
Two distinct certification opportunities in teaching and learning are offered by a network of universities in coordination with the IB. Educators can choose from nearly more than 50 highly ranked universities in locations all around the world. 1. Choose the IB certificate in teaching and learning to examine principles and practices associated with the Primary Years, Middle Years, Diploma Programme and Career-related programmes. These university courses of study help new and experienced educators develop themselves into reflective practitioners and teacher-researchers. 2. Pursue the IB advanced certificate in teaching and learning research to supplement IB experience with rigorous, systematic, investigative work in curriculum development, pedagogy and assessment.
The IB educator certificates can help you gain a rich learning experience, ongoing professional development and a career path leading to greater opportunities in the IB global community of schools. Your programme of study at an IB-recognized university will enable you to: • improve the quality of your classroom teaching • demonstrate your deep understanding of student learning • enhance your competitive edge in the education job sector • interact with leading academics • demonstrate your commitment to continuous selfimprovement and lifelong learning • establish a strong peer network for research and publishing consultation • gain access to IB community resources, including the IB’s online Programme resource centre.
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IB Certificates in Leadership
Certified IB leaders inspire and guide school communities as they implement and sustain IB programmes. IB certificates in leadership verify your understanding of principles and practices associated with leadership in an IB World School and in the IB community at large. Two distinct IB certificates in leadership development are offered by universities around the world. 1. The IB certificate in leadership practice is designed for aspiring educators and administrators who want to improve their leadership capabilities in an IB context. Through this programme, learn to refine your abilities to take on leadership responsibilities and to better understand your role in guiding a school through IB authorization and implementation. 2. The IB advanced certificate in leadership research focuses on rigorous investigative work to give experienced leaders a more grounded understanding of IB leadership responsibilities and capabilities. Your training will include research within the context of IB leadership as well as deep reflection on your personal leadership practice.
Take the next step to becoming a certified IB educator or leader. Visit https://ibo.org/professional-development/ about-our-workshops/professional-certificates/ for more information about the IB’s partner universities, or contact pd.pathways@ibo.org.