12 minute read
Greater London
Holy Cross Preparatory School
5873 Greater London
(Founded 1931) George Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 7NU Tel: 020 8942 0729 Email: secretary@holycrossprep.com Website: www.holycrossprepschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mrs S Hair BEd(Hons) School type: Girls’ Day Preparatory Age range of girls: 3–11 years
At Holy Cross Prep School for Girls, on George Road in Kingston, you will notice immediately that they identify and nurture your daughter’s talents from the very start. Their emphasis on understanding the strengths and personal make-up of each individual girl has, their parents say, become the hallmark of a Holy Cross education.
Why is this so important?
They say it is because, from their long experience of teaching girls and being alongside them as they make the journey through these all- important early years, they know that for every child there is a key - their very own special key that will unlock their future. It is a key that will lead on to a life of broad horizons, confidence in their abilities and in their preparedness to meet life’s challenges with a smile. This, they believe, lies at the heart of their school.
The earlier this key is found, the better because as all parents know, the early years are the most formative (the Holy Cross pre-school begins at 3). They tell us that having very good teachers at a very young age make a very big difference, which is why they have so many specialist teachers right from the get go. On top of this, the character formation that happens there, based on a robust and visible Christian value system, provides a solid base for senior school and beyond.
The results of this are obvious for all to see. The girls, as you would hope and expect, leave Holy Cross with an enviably impressive educational springboard - their scholarship board bears this out.
But that is not the only point. The girls will also have formed their own, unique foundations, built to the specifications of their own temperament, their own talents, their own heart.
And, as a direct result of this, the girls leave Holy Cross happy and confidently curious and, the school community tell us, will run at life with joy and with an expectation of success.
No other prep school in the area has a campus like it in terms of size or facilities.
It occasionally happens that a very important step for your family turns out to be ...right on your doorstep.
In this magical corner of Kingston it seems that the girls have their eyes opened to all that is possible for them ...to the limitless things they can achieve.
Benedict House Preparatory School
6099 Greater London
1-5 Victoria Road, Sidcup, Kent DA15 7HD Tel: 020 8300 7206 Email: secretary@ benedicthouseprepschool.co.uk
www.benedicthouseprepschool.co.uk Headteacher: Mr Craig Wardle
School type:
Co-educational Day Preparatory Age range of pupils: 3–11 years
Benedict House Prep school in Sidcup is known for its small class sizes, warm family environment and academic excellence. The school, part of Chatsworth Schools, prides itself on the positive relationships fostered within the school community and the tailored education every child receives. Benedict House children achieve highly in the classroom, on the sports field, on the stage and in the music department.
Benedict House has always been noted for the excellence of its teaching and the consequent high standard of academic achievement among its pupils. The children are well prepared for the challenge of secondary school and the school’s success rate is unparalleled among local state and independent schools, with a consistently high percentage of pupils gaining entry into selective Grammar Schools. In 2021, Year 6 pupils achieved the best ever 11+ pass rate in the history of the School, with 100% passing the Kent test and 80% passing the Bexley test. 2021 also saw Benedict House named as 14th best prep school in England by the prestigious Sunday Times 100 Best Primary and Prep Schools list, Parent Power. This reflects the findings from a recent Ofsted visit that “The teachers are well informed, enthusiastic and committed. Relationships between adults and pupils are good, leading to an extremely positive climate in classrooms, promoting effective learning.” The children at Benedict House benefit from a well rounded education at highly competitive fees.
The relationship between teacher and child is at the centre of the Benedict House learning experience. The school cultivates a caring atmosphere in which all children can feel relaxed and at home; where staff get to know every child in the school, and not just those in their own classes. Teachers promote the joy of learning, develop personal potential, dispel the fear of failure, nurture self-confidence, develop study skills and encourage kindness and consideration for others.
Benedict House believes in nurturing the physical well-being of pupils through sport and promote inclusive, active and enthusiastic participation. All children participate in a broad range of physical activities throughout the year including: football, touch rugby, netball, gymnastics, dance, cricket, rounders, athletics and swimming. Benedict House employs specialist coaches to deliver sports tuition and to ensure pupils get the most from their involvement in terms of their physical development, aptitude and enjoyment. In addition to the school’s own recreation area, Benedict House children are fortunate to have the use of extensive, specialist sports facilities. These include large pitches, netball courts and swimming pools, all of which are within a short walk from the school.
It is only when children feel safe and secure in their environment that they can develop all their gifts and talents to the full. The school strongly believes that the closer the affinity between staff and parents, the greater the benefits to children. That is why Benedict House attach such value to growing the partnership between home and school. It strengthens the sense of family.
The school provides a broad range of after-school activities designed to further

develop and deepen children’s interests and skills. The after-school clubs run until 4:30pm each evening and regularly include activities such as arts and crafts, drama, sewing, jewellery making, cookery, dancing, sports. In addition, the school operates a Breakfast Club an AfterSchool Care Session.
Everything that happens at Benedict House has the pupils and their individual needs at heart. The school creates an environment in which children are happy, motivated to achieve and enthusiastic about their learning.

St Catherine’s Prep
38336 Greater London
(Founded 1914) Cross Deep, Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 4QJ Tel: 020 8891 2898 Fax: 020 8744 9629 Email: info@stcatherineschool.co.uk Website: www.stcatherineschool.co.uk
Mrs Johneen McPherson MA Appointed: September 2018 School type: Girls’ Day Preparatory Age range of girls: 4–11 years No. of pupils enrolled as at 01/01/2022: 102
Fees per annum as at 01/01/2022:
Day: £12,480–£13,470 Average class size: 13 Teacher/pupil ratio: 1:9
St Catherine’s Prep marks the beginning of an outstanding education for girls, which leads on to St Catherine’s Senior School and Sixth Form. Ours is a Catholic school which warmly welcomes girls of all faiths, and we are especially proud of the creative, curious and motivated girls in Prep.
The girls in Early Years enjoy our impressive, purpose-built facilities, including spacious grounds, an indoor swimming pool, large hall and library. An excellent beginning to school years is ensured by our dedicated and experienced staff, whose warm care and focus on each child helps to foster learning and confidence.
In Key Stage One, the emphasis remains on social and personal skills, alongside an increased focus on literacy and numeracy. Each teacher works with her class to encourage a love of learning, and visits and excursions provide enrichment that supports our exciting curriculum. Specialist teaching in French, Music, Swimming, Physical Education and Information Technology continues and many pupils also enjoy individual instrumental lessons.
Our commitment to excellence in teaching and learning continues at Key Stage Two. Pupils thrive on stimulating tasks designed to promote risk taking and resilience. The girls develop excellent thinking and collaborative skills, and they know how to have fun while they learn. Specialist teaching is enhanced by the introduction of Food and Nutrition, Drama, and Design and Technology. As Prep years

draw to a close, our Year 6 pupils enjoy automatic entry to the Senior School, and almost all girls take up this opportunity.
There is a rich and varied programme of clubs and activities in Prep - ranging from early morning swim squad, to Glee Club and Philosophy for Children - which ensures that pupils make the most of every minute of the day. Many also take advantage of our wrap around care, beginning with Breakfast Club and finishing with After School Care.
St Catherine’s offers a values-based education where pupils flourish, and we are proud that our relatively small size helps to ensure we know and care for each girl. The inclusive Catholic life of the School places great emphasis on friendship and community, and is at the centre of all that we do. Through prayer, singing, stories and discussion, the girls reflect upon Gospel values and the world around them, developing a sense of belonging and enjoying warm relationships with peers and staff.
Our all-girls’ education also helps us to focus on the needs of our pupils, to give them opportunities to develop and celebrate their gifts and talents, and to grow in self-worth and confidence. We rather like the fact that at St Catherine’s ‘the girls are the best at everything’, and we encourage our pupils to be ambitious as they begin to think about their potential. St Catherine’s girls are encouraged and supported, and we focus on character, helping to create independent and caring young people who are eager to embrace all that life offers.

Merton Court Preparatory School
5935 Greater London

(Founded 1899) 38 Knoll Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 4QU Tel: 020 8300 2112 Email: office@mertoncourtprep.co.uk Website: mertoncourtprep.co.uk Headmaster: Mr Dominic Price BEd, MBA
School type:
Co-educational Day Preparatory Age range of pupils: 3–11 years No. of pupils enrolled as at 01/01/2022: 320
Fees per term as at 01/01/2022:
Day: £3,095–£4,675
Merton Court Prep in Sidcup, combines academic excellence with a healthy holistic approach
Founded in 1899, this well-established co-educational, proprietorial school teaches 320 pupils from the age of three to those taking their 11+. It is a place where opportunities make all the difference. Merton Court’s aims are very clear - to inspire a passion for learning, through excellent teaching and outstanding personal achievement and to create a unique family ethos, in an atmosphere of warmth, trust and friendliness, with the highest quality of pastoral care.
Merton Court’s academic success sees pupils gain places at local well-regarded Grammar and Independent schools. Smooth transition to Senior school is helped by the fact that, like at Secondary school, Merton Court pupils move classroom, from an early age, for different subjects, which are taught by teachers with specialist knowledge, instead of staying put with just one teacher. Indeed, children receive an outstanding introduction to learning from the very start, in our Early Years Foundation stage, which is rated Excellent by the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate.
Equally, we promote traditional values in a safe, exciting and stimulating environment, giving each individual child the best possible start to their life story.
Most of all, our aim is to develop children with clear opinions and a ‘go for it’ attitude, ready to take their place as global citizens, through the excellent provision of extensive enrichment activities and opportunities.
Merton Court boasts grass and Astro pitches, a sports hall, a swimming pool (we were 2018 Primary English Schools’ Swimming Association Champions) and dedicated science, music, art, dance and IT areas, but what sets us apart is our beautiful 17-acre grounds including a Forest School - part nature reserve, part outdoor activity area, where children can explore, follow trails, build camps and enjoy mud slides and mud kitchens. All these facilities are for the children’s exclusive use, to make sure they enjoy the best days of their lives.

Woodford Green Preparatory School
6153 Greater London

Glengall Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 0BZ Tel: 020 8504 5045 Email: admissions@wgprep.co.uk Website: www.wgprep.co.uk Headmaster: Mr J P Wadge Appointed: September 2015
School type:
Co-educational Day Preparatory Age range of pupils: 3–11 years No. of pupils enrolled as at 01/01/2022: 385
Fees per term as at 01/01/2022:
Day: £3,725 Average class size: 24 Teacher/pupil ratio: 1:12
Known locally as the “Red School” because of the scarlet uniforms, Woodford Green Preparatory School was founded in 1932 to provide a non-denominational Christian education for boys and girls aged from 3 to 11 years, a tradition that has been maintained throughout and is now enriched by welcoming children of all faiths and none. The school is highly regarded by parents as successful in terms of ensuring children are safe, happy and well prepared for achieving excellent results in 11+ entrance examinations. We aim to provide a learning community that lights the flame within and empowers all children to reach their educational and personal potential. Our vision is to be known as a school where every pupil is nurtured, encouraged to be curious and achieves their very best.
Our latest independent school inspection report (2014) highlights our outstanding work. Our school ensures that “pupils’ personal development is excellent” and that “the quality of pupils’ achievements and learning is excellent and reflects the school’s aims”. It was also noted by the inspectors that our children “are confident, self-aware and have high esteem. Pupils have a keen moral sense, awareness of others and accept responsibility willingly”.
The friendly, supportive environment, in which excellent work and behaviour fosters interest and independence, encourages all children to do their very best. We have purpose-built areas for science, sport, art, music, computing and French, complemented by specialist teachers. We have excellent teachers and modern facilities throughout the school, including a fabulous library which is regularly used by the whole school to foster a love of reading. In the Early Years, highly qualified staff ensure that children have an outstanding foundation for the rest of their education both here at WGPS and beyond.
Our links with parents are very active and we strive to give parents excellent opportunities to be involved in school life and their children’s progress.
We look forward to welcoming you to our very happy and successful school.