Phillips School of Nursing 2020-2021 Catalog

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question. This policy is consistent with

responsibility of the applicant and must

(212)-420-2882. Hours of operation

federal regulations.

be effected prior to enrollment.

are: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 11:30

Students will not be allowed to attend

am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Further information relative to the School’s official withdrawal policy can

clinical experiences or classes unless all health requirements are met. Students

Immunization Against Influenza

absent due to illness for more than

All students must be vaccinated against

three consecutive days must be cleared

influenza unless a student submits

Tuition Liability Schedule for Fall, Spring,

by Employee Health Services prior to

medical documentation of allergy to

and Summer Semesters:

returning to class/clinical.

components of the vaccine or other

be found in the Academic Policies section of this catalog.

• Week 1 and/or prior- 100% refund (no charge) • Week 2- refund tuition only, no fees

Full information regarding health requirements for enrollment may be found in the Student Handbook.

(charge all fees only) • Week 3- 70% refund (charge 30%) • Week 4- 50% refund (charge 50%) • Week 5- 0 (full charge)

Health Insurance Students are responsible for securing and maintaining their own health insurance to cover them for medical, emergency and hospital care. New York University’s College of Dentistry’s Kriser

Health Requirements A physical examination will be performed at Mount Sinai Beth Israel prior to enrollment and each year the student is in attendance at the School. Accepted students will receive a Comprehensive Packet of Information

Dental Center also offers a limited dental plan to students (contact (212)998-9870 for details). The Student Health Services Network provides: • Vaccinations and screenings for immunity

regarding health requirements. In addition, applicants must present

• Acute injury/illness care for candidates,

evidence of all required immunizations

such as cold, cough, flu, and sprains/

or receive the needed vaccines.


Accepted students must also pass a

• Wellness and health education

toxicology (drug) screening exam as part of the initial health assessment. The annual health service fee includes the cost of initial assessments, any required

• Preventative medicine • Referrals, alcohol and substance abuse counseling

immunizations (including the meningitis vaccine) through the Department of Occupational Medicine, sick calls, annual compliance, and enrollment in the Student Health Services Network. The correction or stabilization of any existing physical condition requiring professional attention is the

• Confidentiality The Student Health Services Network is located at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, 317 East 17th Street, 2nd Floor (between 1st and 2nd Avenues). You may call them toll free at (877)-420-4209 or

medical contraindication to the vaccine. Students may be vaccinated in Mount Sinai Beth Israel Employee Health Services or by their private physician (documentation is required). A sticker will be placed on the student’s photo ID indicating such vaccination. Those students with medical contraindication to the vaccine are required to wear a mask in the clinical areas. Those students who have not received an influenza vaccine by October 31st of each academic year, or who do not have documentation of medical contraindication, will be suspended from the program.


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