Festival guide 2015 web version

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F E S T I VA L G U I D E 2 0 1 5 The Fundamentals of a Happy Life





Welcome to Summer Madness, we’re so excited to share this year’s festival with you. Every year we try and make a number of improvements all over the festival site and programme to make your weekend as excellent as possible. We’ve been listening to your suggestions and changing things up where you told us they didn’t work. Having said that, last year was excellent and we have high expectations for 2015!

On each of the pages that follow, every venue has its own colour: be that on the map, in the seminar pages or on the programme guide. For example, the Big Top is shown as a red circus tent on the map. To see what’s happening in the Big Top, look in the guide book for the red page.

Many of you are here with friends and in groups so we hope that you do take some time to share your experiences and learning from the mainstage and seminar programmes. We’ve deliberately cleared a space in the programme each morning so that you can meet as a group to discuss what’s going on. We have a packed program of seminars and workshops in the afternoons and a bountiful supply of musicians and venues to keep you entertained in the evenings. This year we have ramped up the fun activities and sports which will also get the competitive spirit flowing. This year we are releasing all of the mainstage talks, seminars and debates on one 4GB memory stick. We call it Total Recall and it’s packed with all the sights and sounds of SM15. This little beauty will allow you to ‘revisit’ all of those bits of the programme that you missed or don’t want to forget. And all of this comes in at the bargain basement price of £10 and is available at the Bookwell on Tuesday morning before you leave. Once again we expect God will do wonderful things at the camp and we look forward to hearing stories of changed lives and renewed faith. So relax, have fun, be open to God and enjoy the festival. Ps. If you are tweeting about this years’ festival make sure to add #SM15

DNA Tent

CONTENTS 4-7 8-9 13-19 20-25 26-27 32-33 34-35 36-37 38 40 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-53 54-55 61-65 69

Maps Ground Rules Programme Guide Seminars Guide Speakers & Worship Leaders Big Top Tearfund DNA 24-7 Prayer The Woodland Seminar One Seminar Two Seminar Three Exodus Activities CIYD The Journal Prayer Ministry



Woodland Café

DNA Tent



Glenarm Estate


There is a 5mph speed restriction on-site. Entrance to the site is only via the Munie Road entrance. One way system is in operation at all times.







1. Please show care and consideration for everyone on-site and for the site itself. 2. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on-site.

In the case of an emergency, please contact your sub-camp leader or the campsite office. Medical help is available 24 hours a day. If you need medical help just ask at the St. John Ambulance area or any member of staff.

3. Alcohol must not be brought into or consumed on-site.


4. No-one who is intoxicated will be permitted to either enter or remain on the site.

PLEASE be quiet at night. If you want to stay up late, please respect those who are trying to sleep. Noise carries across the campsite at night. A strict quiet curfew will be enforced in the camping area from 01:00 onwards.

5. Wristbands or passes must be worn at all times to obtain entrance to all events. 6. No mixed sleeping (unless married). 7. Tents must be at least 3 metres apart and should not be pitched without permission from the sub-camp leader. 8. Do not cook inside tents other than the designated cook tents. 9. No camp fires or disposable barbeques to be used on the grass.

EVENT CREW Our Event Crew work long hours to make your festival experience trouble-free and enjoyable as possible. They have volunteered their time for you, so why not give them a smile (or a couple of your sweets) to let them know they’re appreciated?

ACCESS TO THE BIG TOP Access to the Big Top is solely available via the Tearfund Café.


11. Valuables left in tents or cars are left entirely at the owner’s risk.

If you lose your wristband the cost of a replacement is £5.00. These will only be replaced if verified by your leader (in person) and if ID is presented at the Admin Tent.

12. Litter must not be left around the site as there are plenty of bins available. Use them!

Crossing into any area demarcated by red and white tape is forbidden (this will constitute trespassing, and is punishable by law).

13. No pets to be kept on-site. This is a festival run by humans for humans. Pets are not humans.

Summer Madness wishes to make it clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytizing within the Christian fellowship and anyone involved in these practices will be escorted off-site. This means that any group or individual which uses the SM Festival and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event and could face a ban from future events.

10. No unauthorised vehicles allowed in the festival village area.

LEADERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Those who are identified on bookings as leaders are responsible for their group. Leaders should not allow campers under their care to go off-site without their permission or without a specific time at which to report back. Leaders should not go off-site without leaving some other adult responsible for their group and should inform the sub-camp leader of this change. In the case of an emergency, we need to be able to contact the leader as soon as possible. Your group is your responsibility!

Summer Madness reserves the right to cancel any booking (be it that of any individual or group) that the organisers deem necessary and escort all concerned parties off the premises if these ground rules are not observed.



The Guide

TONIGHT, YOUR TENT COULD SAVE A LIFE... Twin your tent at Summer Madness 2015 at the Tearfund CafĂŠ and support those who have been displaced by conflict and natural disasters.

Friday 3rd July

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30











Late Night Worship Michael Shannon

Billy Fyffe














SATURDAY Saturday 4th July

Saturday 4th July

Group Group Leader Leader Meeting Meeting Jasper Jasper Rutherford Rutherford

Activity Activity Sign Sign Up Up

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Stream Stream ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session Group Group Time Time Journal Journal onon page page 5555 Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Doors Doors open open atat 09:30 09:30

0800 0800

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

0900 0900

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1000 1000

+15 +15


+30 +30

+45 +45







Jaime Neish







Nuts Nuts and and Bolts Bolts #1#1 - What - What dodo you you dodo when when young young people people bring bring diffi diffi cult cult issues issues toto you? you? Andy Andy Frame Frame && The The Big Big House House

The The Character Character ofof aa Leader Leader #1#1 - The The Contemporary Contemporary Crisis Crisis ofof Character Character Peter Peter Lynas Lynas

Girls Girls Allowed Allowed MAP MAP

Prophets Prophets ofof Joy Joy Phil Phil Emerson Emerson

Men Men Madness Madness #1: #1: #Happysolo #Happysolo Love Love For For Life Life

Apologetics Apologetics - The - The Theory Theory ofof Everything Everything David David Glass Glass

Faith Faith inin the the Public Public Square Square Peter Peter Lynas Lynas

Soul Soul Sista Sista #1: #1: #Happysolo #Happysolo Love Love For For Life Life

Mental Mental Health Health #1#1 - Stress - Stress && Anxiety Anxiety John John McMullan McMullan

The The Daily Daily Prophecy Prophecy Mairisine Mairisine Stanfi Stanfi eld eld

Alternative to Mainstage

Transformed Transformed Lives Lives Wilson Wilson Beare Beare

I Am I Am aa Peace Peace Movement Movement #1#1 - Reconciliation - Reconciliation Jonny Jonny Clark Clark

Dance Dance Workshop Workshop Don Don King King

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

Preparing Preparing for for Uni Uni Miriam Miriam Swaffi Swaffi eld eld

Heart Heart ofof Worship Worship Alain Alain Emerson Emerson

Dealing Dealing with with Divorce Divorce Simon Simon Henry Henry && John John Kee Kee

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30

1400 1400

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1500 1500

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1600 1600

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45







KEY Hurdles Hurdles

The The Emerald Emerald Armada Armada

Late Night Worship Phil Shaw

Katherine Katherine Phillippa Phillippa

Off Off The The Record Record

2000 2000

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2100 2100

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2200 2200

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45













SUNDAY Sunday 5th July

Sunday 5th July

Activity Activity Sign Sign Up Up

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Stream Stream ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session Group Group Time Time Journal Journal onon page page 5555 Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Doors Doors open open atat 09:30 09:30

0800 0800

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

0900 0900

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1000 1000

+15 +15

David Glendinning

+30 +30

+45 +45














Nuts Nuts and and Bolts Bolts #2#2 - Running Running Successful Successful Residentials Residentials Hilda Hilda Connolly Connolly && Kristin Kristin Hollowell Hollowell New New Christians Christians #1#1 - The - The Beginners Beginners Guide Guide Neville Neville Barnes Barnes

The The Character Character ofof aa Leader Leader #2#2 - The The Marks Marks ofof Good Good Character Character Bishop Bishop Fanta Fanta Clarke Clarke

Men Men Madness Madness #2#2 - #Happyyolo - #Happyyolo Love Love For For Life Life

Encountering Encountering Islam Islam Rodger Rodger McKay McKay

The The Paradox Paradox ofof Suffering Suffering Krish Krish Kandiah Kandiah

Soul Soul Sista Sista #2#2 - #Happyyolo - #Happyyolo Love Love For For Life Life

The The Joy Joy ofof Work Work Krish Krish Kandiah Kandiah

Relationology - Building Relationology #1#1 - Building Relationships Relationships Matt Bird Matt Bird

Alternative to Mainstage

I Am Peace Movement - Myth Busters I Am aa Peace Movement #2#2 - Myth Busters Various Guests Various Guests

What Your Spiritual DNA? What is is Your Spiritual DNA? YWAM YWAM

I Am Peace Movement I Am aa Peace Movement #3#3 - Making Difference - Making aa Difference Various Organisations Various Organisations

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

Mental Health - Self-Harm Suicide Mental Health #2#2 - Self-Harm && Suicide John McMullan John McMullan

“Doin’ My Head In” “Doin’ My Head In” Louise Ferguson Adrian McCartney Louise Ferguson && Adrian McCartney

Money How Manage Money && How toto Manage It It Chris Cupples Chris Cupples

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30

1400 1400

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1500 1500

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1600 1600

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45







KEY Goldfi Goldfi shsh Jones Jones

Goldfi Goldfi shsh Jones Jones After After Party Party

Late Night Worship Stephen Mayes with Open Doors

New New Ancestors Ancestors

Off Off The The Record Record

2000 2000

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2100 2100

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

2200 2200

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45













MONDAY Monday 6th July

Monday 6th July

Group Group Leader Leader Meeting Meeting Jasper Jasper Rutherford Rutherford

Activity Activity Sign Sign Up Up

Alternative Alternative toto Mainstage Mainstage

Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Overfl Overfl ow ow Live Live Stream Stream ofof the the mainstage mainstage session session Group Group Time Time Journal Journal onon page page 5555 Mainstage Mainstage Worship Worship Doors Doors open open atat 09:30 09:30

0800 0800

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

0900 0900

+15 +15

+30 +30

1000 1000

+45 +45

+15 +15

Peter Phillips

+30 +30

+45 +45








Josh Mahood






Nuts Nuts and and Bolts Bolts #3#3 - Sex - Sex && Relationships Relationships Love Love For For Life Life

The The Character Character ofof aa Leader Leader #3#3 - Sustaining Sustaining Godly Godly Character Character Bishop Bishop Fanta Fanta Clarke Clarke

AA Hell Hell ofof aa Problem Problem Krish Krish Kandiah Kandiah

Mental Mental Health Health #3#3 - Building - Building Resilience Resilience John John McMullan McMullan

Soul Soul Sista Sista && Men Men Madness Madness #3#3 - #Happyrolo - #Happyrolo Love Love For For Life Life

Relationology Relationology #2#2 - Leadership - Leadership IsIs Infl Infl uence uence Matt Matt Bird Bird

New New Christians Christians #2#2 - Following Following Jesus Jesus after after Madness Madness Neville Neville Barnes Barnes

When When Faith Faith Gets Gets Shaken Shaken Patrick Patrick Regan Regan

Heaven Heaven - Then - Then && Now Now Bishop Bishop Fanta Fanta Clarke Clarke

Healing Healing - Theory - Theory && Practice Practice Derek Derek McKelvey McKelvey

Practice Practice What What You You Preach Preach Chris Chris Grant Grant

What My Purpose Life? What is is My Purpose InIn Life? MAP MAP

Mainstage Worship Overflow Live Stream of the mainstage session

Leading Worship Leading Worship Worship Central Ireland Worship Central Ireland

Prophets Joy Prophets ofof Joy #2#2 Phil Emerson Phil Emerson

Hot Seat Interview Hot Seat Interview Mark Simpson, Jasper Mark Simpson, Jasper Rutherford Special Guest Rutherford && Special Guest

Mainstage Worship Doors open at 18:30

1400 1400

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1500 1500

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

1600 1600

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45







KEY Karaoke Karaoke

Late Night Worship Ryan Griffith


Off Off The The Record Record

2000 2000

+15 +15

+30 +30

+45 +45

Tuesday 7th July

2100 2100

+15 +15

+30 +30

Group Time 08:45 - 09:45

+45 +45

2200 2200

+15 +15

+30 +30

Mainstage Worship 10:00 - 12:00

+45 +45


Mainstage Overflow 10:00 - 12:00













SATURDAY SEMINARS 14:00 SOUL SISTA #1 - #HAPPYSOLO Love For Life | Seminar One Happy with who you are? Ever wish that you looked perfect, that your friends were always nice to you and that guys always noticed you? In order to find happiness in who we are, we must find our worth in God, rather than our looks or what other people think. Love for Life invite you to join them for an authentic look at what it means to be a woman in today’s world and develop a confidence in who He made you to be.

can help their young people cope with difficulty. We will be discussing ways in which we can relevantly reach out, care for and help our young people, regardless of whatever difficulty they may be facing in life. TRANSFORMED LIVES Wilson Beare | DNA A chance for you to examine afresh what mission is and what it looks like in your local context. The session gives you the opportunity and tools to develop a lifestyle of mission communicating the hope of God in your home/street/school.

MEN MADNESS #1 - #HAPPYSOLO Love For Life | Seminar Two


We all know that real men drive fast cars, climb rocks and play rough sports, right? Join Love for Life as we wrestle with what it means to be a real man in God’s eyes and develop strength to live out your life filled with His purpose. PREPARING FOR UNI Miriam Swaffield | Seminar Three

In our world, we get things pretty easy, but what is it like in the rest of the world, particularly for girls? What are their lives like? What are their concerns? Join us for a whistle-stop world tour, looking at what it means to be a girl in Indonesia, Nigeria and Uganda.

From freshers week, degree work and societies, to finding a new church and sharing your faith with your new mates. Get yourself ready for the adventure of uni and connect with other soon-to-be students, in this 360 degree preparation for university session


NUTS AND BOLTS #1 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUNG PEOPLE BRING DIFFICULT ISSUES TO YOUR DOOR? Andy Frame & The Big House | CIYD How do you feel when young people bring difficult issues to your door? Concerned? Overwhelmed? Unqualified? In this seminar, The Big House will be exploring ways in which youth leaders


If you are sick, you go to the doctor, they give you medicine and you get better. But what about those times when your sickness is not physical? It can’t be seen to those around you, what do you do then? In this seminar we look specifically at anxiety & stress; the causes, the indicators and ways we can help ourselves and others deal with it.

APOLOGETICS - THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING David Glass | Seminar Two While we believe that our Christian faith should impact every area of our life and indeed our understanding about every aspect of the world, does the Bible determine precisely what you believe about everything? When it comes to the origins of the universe, for example, how do we reconcile different theories put forward? HEART OF WORSHIP Alain Emerson | Seminar Three “The hour is coming and is now here when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth….” Jesus words de-clutter all the razzmatazz that has sometimes accompanied the contemporary worship scene, cutting literally, straight to the heart of worship. In this seminar we are going to unpack both the simplicity and the depth of these words of Jesus, exploring what it means for us individually and practically within our corporate worship. THE CHARACTER OF A LEADER #1 THE CONTEMPORARY CRISIS OF CHARACTER IN LEADERSHIP Peter Lynas | CIYD In this seminar we explore the importance and crisis of contemporary leadership in our Western culture. We also look at why good character in leadership is so important. I AM A PEACE MOVEMENT #1 RECONCILIATION Jonny Clark | DNA Jesus walked this earth with the ultimate purpose of bringing reconciliation. How does this play out where we are? In this session we will take a journey of understanding, exploring what reconciliation looks like in our context and how we can take our place as part of it to bring hope to lives and communities.

PROPHETS OF JOY #1 Phil Emerson | Exodus What does the Bible define as joy? The goal of every Christian should not be happiness, because the Bible never promises happiness but joy­which is a totally different story! Joy is permanent but happiness is fleeting. Come along and find out why.’

16:30 THE DAILY PROPHECY Mairisine Stanfield | Seminar One Here we discover Biblical insights on the question of prophecy and it’s role in the ‘ordinary’ Christian life. Whether you come from a church tradition that emphasizes or ignores this ‘gift’, you will find something here to stir and encourage you - take our ‘word’ for it! FAITH IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE Peter Lynas | Seminar Two This session will look at the God story and how it shapes our approach to the big issues of the day. It will look at developing a framework, a way of seeing, that determines our values and helps us understand, and ultimately change culture. DEALING WITH DIVORCE Simon Henry & John Kee | Seminar Three We are all broken people and broken families need special consideration in the church, but being part of a divorced family within the church has it’s own challenges and strengths. Simon and John share some of their experiences growing up in a household on track for divorce.










SUNDAY SEMINARS 14:00 SOUL SISTA #2 - #HAPPYYOLO Love For Life | Seminar One So what’s your status? Whether you are single, interested, married or even complicated, come along to this seminar to discover the truth about happy relationships contributing to a happy life. Together we will explore what the Bible teaches us about being women who can enjoy life in all its fullness regardless of our relationship status. MEN MADNESS #2 - #HAPPYYOLO Love For Life | Seminar Two

people away and making the most of the valuable opportunities for building relationships that often arise. I AM A PEACE MOVEMENT #2 MYTH BUSTERS Various Guests | DNA We are delighted to host a number of people from across our communities and traditions. This is an opportunity to hear from each as well as ask your questions in a safe environment. NEW CHRISTIANS #1 THE BEGINNERS GUIDE Neville Barnes | Exodus

In a YOLO culture the main purpose of sex is simply to make you happy. If you want to have better sex and relationships who are you going to believe: the Bible or society? Join us as we discuss these issues together. MENTAL HEALTH #2 SELF-HARM & SUICIDE John McMullan | Seminar Three

The Christian walk is supposed to be just that, a walk! Making a decision to follow Jesus is just the start. This seminar is to help you grow in your relationship with God when you go back home. A must if you have come to faith at the festival and for youth workers if people in your group have come to faith.

This is a delicate topic with lots of myths and stigma, not just for young people but also for leaders. In this session John helps us deal with some of those myths, and signposts us towards ways of help and helping. We also look at how our faith can play a part in these situations.

THE JOY OF WORK Krish Kandiah | Seminar One

NUTS AND BOLTS #2 RUNNING SUCCESSFUL RESIDENTIALS Hilda Connolly & Kristin Hollowell | CIYD Whether it’s taking a group of young people to a regional worship event, Summer Madness, the zoo or a few nights in a residential centre; the logistics of getting everybody safely from A to B can sometimes be overwhelming. Join Hilda and Kristin, as they walk you through the process of taking young


Finding your calling in whatever field of endeavour can be challenging but immensely rewarding. Krish shares some Biblical principals that guide us, as we think about how God wishes to use you at work! ENCOUNTERING ISLAM Rodger McKay | Seminar Two There has never been such a tide of Muslims coming to Christ. However, the Muslim world poses major challenges to Christians in terms of persecution, terrorism and discrimination. What are we to make of groups such as IS and

Boko Haram? How do we know what God is doing in the midst of all the pain and conflict? This seminar will help us think and pray how we can best engage in these times. “DOIN’ MY HEAD IN...” - PARENT & YOUNG PERSON RELATIONSHIP Louise Ferguson & Adrian McCartney | Seminar Three Modern family life as seen from the parent and child perspective with real life parent-child encounters. We have recruited two very brave teenagers and their respective parents to share the ups and downs of growing up in a Christian home. THE CHARACTER OF A LEADER #2 THE MARKS OF GOOD CHARACTER Bishop Fanta Clarke | CIYD What do good characteristics in leadership look like and what are some of the primary pitfalls? WHAT IS YOUR SPIRITUAL DNA? YWAM | DNA Original Design is the master blueprint that God has when He made you. It is the operating system in our lives. In order to recover our true design and our purpose we take hold of Truth – which of course is the teaching of Christ – and then we will walk into the freedom that Christ has won for us.

16:30 RELATIONOLOGY #1 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS Matt Bird | Seminar One Matt Bird gives you the inside track on how to manage relationships in every sphere; personal, professional and church based! His book ‘Relationology’ is full of practical and shrewd advice on this ‘fundamental’ aspect of our everyday lives. Don’t miss these great insights that will enhance your

understanding and skills, in building networks around you that sustain and nourish you in every part of your life. THE PARADOX OF SUFFERING Krish Kandiah | Seminar Two It’s not often we have the President of the prestigious London School of Theology present at Madness and because of his recent book ‘Paradoxlogy’ we thought he would be the ideal person to help us think through the Bible’s imperative to ‘rejoice always’ while at the same time reminding us that in this life we’ll have trouble and strife! Krish is an amazing communicator and Biblical authority - don’t miss this chance to interact. MONEY & HOW TO MANAGE IT CUT YOUR CLOTH TO SUIT YOUR POCKET Chris Cupples | Seminar Three “How can I manage money when there’s pizza in the world?” A good question, although it is doable! (God provides us with everything we need, even if we don’t have the mula) Learn how to make every penny count; and trust us, they do! I AM A PEACE MOVEMENT #3 MAKING A DIFFERENCE Various Organisations | DNA So far we have heard the theology, explored the differences and asked the questions. Its now time to make the difference. Come and hear from a number of organisations/agencies, on practical and creative ways in which you can engage and be a peace movement, where God has placed you.










MONDAY SEMINARS 14:00 SOUL SISTA #3 - #HAPPYROLO Love For Life | Seminar One We all know what the last Rolo means; but is there more to learn about enjoying relationships, figuring out what you deserve and learning how to treat others? In this seminar we all come together to explore relationships, celebrate what is good and think carefully about how we live out our faith in the wide variety of relationships that we are part of. MEN MADNESS #3 - #HAPPYROLO Love For Life | Seminar One In this seminar we all come together to explore relationships, celebrate what is good and think carefully about how we live out our faith in the wide variety of relationships that we are part of. HEALING - THEORY AND PRACTICE Derek McKelvey | Seminar Three We hear a lot about healing – spiritual, physical and mental. The theory makes a lot of sense. The truth is, there are some things that are hard to get past; some things that may never actually leave us. Come along and find out where all the good thinking about healing actually fits, in real life situation.

LEADING WORSHIP Worship Central Ireland | Big Top If you’re involved in the worship life of your church or community this is for you. Join with Ryan Griffith and the team as they look at some practical teaching on leading worship.This seminar will include a practical workshop on band dynamics and sound. A HELL OF A PROBLEM Krish Kandiah | Exodus Krish Kandiah has recently focused his attention on the Paradoxes of the Christian faith. Here, he will introduce some thoughts on how we reconcile a loving God, with the threat of eternal punishment and other questions you’ve had thrown your way. NEW CHRISTIANS #2 FOLLOWING JESUS AFTER MADNESS Neville Barnes | DNA The Christian walk is supposed to be just that, a walk! Making a decision to follow Jesus is just the start. This seminar is to help you grow in your relationship with God when you go back home. A must if you have come to faith at the festival and for youth workers if people in your group have come to faith.



WHEN FAITH GETS SHAKEN Patrick Regan | Seminar One

Have you ever struggled to know where to start when it comes to talking to young people about relationships and sex? Do you dread the annual sex talk with your youth group? Come along and be equipped to overcome the awkwardness and embarrassment.

Life at the best of times can be confusing. Bring faith into the mix and it often becomes a recipe for despair and nagging questions. We look for a sign, but when one doesn’t come, we feel alone and disillusioned. Instead of life being an adventure, we get caught up in the mundane; but if you look closely you’ll see God is really doing something

– don’t quit now – there’s always hope. Come and find out why! RELATIONOLOGY #2 LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE Matt Bird | Seminar Two Matt Bird delivers his second in the series of Relationology 101 and focuses on how we engage with others effectively and how ‘contacts’ become more than just a name in a book but never just a means to an end.

MENTAL HEALTH #3 BUILDING RESILIENCE John McMullan | Exodus There is always hope! It’s important to know that we can build resilience and well-being in relation to mental health. John looks at scripture, alongside positive psychological techniques that can help us and others build resilience around mental health.


PROPHETS OF JOY #2 Phil Emerson | Seminar Three

HEAVEN - THEN & NOW Bishop Fanta Clarke | Seminar One

Is the joy of the Lord your strength? How can you have joy in your walk with God? Some have sought happiness through entertainment or a certain performer they just “love.” Some seek it in athletic endeavours, hobbies, travel, dancing, fashion, home improvements, wealth,status, alcohol, food and drugs. These all fail except for a brief period of satisfaction and sense of well-being.

Heaven...playing harps over streets of gold?! What does the Bible really teach? In this seminar we will explode some myths and unearth some truths.

THE CHARACTER OF A LEADER #3 SUSTAINING GODLY CHARACTER Bishop Fanta Clarke | CIYD How do we deepen and develop Christ like character in Christian leadership, whether in the local church or in the market place? PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH Chris Grant | DNA Whether we love it or loathe it, we all know that sport plays a prominent role in society. With thousands of Christians playing sport each week at school, clubs or international level, is it possible for us to positively impact our sports and teams by carrying God’s presence into these situations?

WHAT IS MY PURPOSE IN LIFE? MAP | Seminar Three This seminar considers who you are in God and where he might be leading you in the future. We want to help you see God’s unique plan and purpose for your life, so that you can become the person God created you to be. If you are looking for guidance about using your Godgiven gifts then this seminar is for you. HOT SEAT INTERVIEW Mark Simpson, Jasper Rutherford & Special Guest | Big Top A significant political figure will be sharing with us their vision for this country and inviting you to discover how politics might work more effectively in the future. This interview is part of the ongoing work where we are trying to inspire and rise up a new generation of peacemakers.















@hannahgraceshaw @Philjshaw

STEPHEN MAYES Stephen lives in East Belfast and is married to Abby, a Belfast girl with an American accent. He oversees all things worship and creative at Willowfield Church as well as being part of the New Wine Ireland team. He is passionate about the local church and leading people in pursuit of God’s presence. He loves good coffee, writing songs, and having people round for dinner. PHIL & HANNAH SHAW Phil & Hannah Shaw oversee the worship at Carrickfergus Vineyard Church. Phil currently works in secondary school as a Behaviour Support Worker and Hannah is in her final year at Queens University studying to become a mental health nurse. They have both been leading worship since they were teenagers and love to see people encounter and connect with God through music and worship. They also love a good Netflix series and competitive with all things sporty.



MIRIAM SWAFFIELD Miriam is the Student Mission Leader for Fusion and has just finished a two year road trip visiting every uni location in the UK in a bright orange camper van called Benedict. She is passionate about us sharing Jesus in our every-day lives and thinks she’s more of a surfer than she actually is. PATRICK REGAN Patrick Regan has travelled to over thirty countries working with and on behalf of some of the poorest communities. His passion is to see children and young people, from the most deprived and challenging backgrounds, succeed in life – helping them to avoid making wrong choices and to overcome the challenges they face – to realise their amazing potential. Patrick lives with his wife and four children in South-east London. BARRY FORDE Rev Barry Forde is the chaplain at Queens in Belfast. He has been involved in Summer Madness in many forms over the years and also presents the New Horizon conference in Coleraine. He traces his spiritual journey and calling back to the ‘good ole’ days of Summer Madness in Gosford. Barry enjoys his work with teens and twenty somethings in the University context and has a passion to see young people grow in faith and maturity. JASPER RUTHERFORD Jasper has been on the main stage at Madness for quite a few years now and has been part of the SM staff team (fulltime) since 2012 after being commissioned as a Pioneer Evangelist with Church Army. Jasper is a youth worker at heart and spent seven years as a full time Youth Leader in inner city East Belfast. His heart is to see people transformed by the love of Jesus and he has an expectancy and vision that this is the norm. He gets a bit excited and emotional when he sees God moving in young people’s lives!



The Venues





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DNA Tent We love The Big Top and it offers such an intimate Worship space. There may be over 2000 people in it but often it feels like God puts his finger right on you. There are deliberately no arts programme in the Big Top, so there’s more time and freedom to engage with God without being rushed away or distracted by sound checks. Access to the Big Top is available via the Tearfund CafÊ only.

FRIDAY 19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Miriam Swaffield Worship: Stephen Mayes

SATURDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Barry Forde Worship: Stephen Mayes 19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Miriam Swaffield Worship: Stephen Mayes

SUNDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Miriam Swaffield Worship: Stephen Mayes 19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 18:30) Speaker: Patrick Regan Worship: Phil & Hannah Shaw

MONDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Barry Forde Worship: Phil & Hannah Shaw 14:00 - 15:00 Leading Worship Worship Central Ireland Join with Ryan Griffith and the team as they look at some practical teaching on leading worship. This seminar will include a practical workshop on band dynamics and sound.

16:30 - 17:30 Hot Seat Interview Mark Simpson, Jasper Rutherford & Special Guest A significant political figure will be sharing with us their vision for this country and inviting you to discover how politics might work more effectively in the future. This interview is part of the ongoing work where we are trying to inspire and raise up a new generation of peacemakers. 19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Worship Speaker: Patrick Regan Worship: Phil & Hannah Shaw

TUESDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Worship (Open from 09:30) Speaker: Jasper Rutherford Worship: Phil & Hannah Shaw



19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Live Stream

DNA Tent Tearfund is a Christian international aid and development agency working globally to end poverty and injustice, and to restore dignity and hope in some of the world’s poorest communities. The Tearfund Café is located in the first courtyard and is a great place to hang out, learn more about their work and buy hot drinks and baked goods from Belfast-based coffee shop and social enterprise, Common Grounds. Exhibitors Come and browse and discover opportunities and ways to engage with various agencies and charities. The Seminar Three venue is attached to the side of the Tearfund venue and accessed via the Tearfund venue. During Mainstage Worship, there will be a live video-link from the Big Top shown here. FRIDAY 19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Live Stream

SATURDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Live Stream

14:00 - 15:00 Preparing for Uni Miriam Swaffield Get yourself ready for the adventure of uni and connect with other soon-to-be students in this 360 degree preparation for university session 15:15 - 16:15 Heart of Worship Alain Emerson De-cluttering the contemporary worship scene to discuss the heart of worship. 16:30 - 17:30 Dealing with Divorce Simon Henry & John Kee Simon and John share some of their experiences growing up in a household on track for divorce.

21:30 - 23:00 Off The Record Each night we invite a special guest in for a candid conversation about themselves and their thoughts on some of issues that face us today followed by a Q&A session. There will also be a musical guest joining us each night.

SUNDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Live Stream 14:00 - 15:00 Mental Health #2 John McMullan John helps us deal with some of the myths surrounding this issue and signposts us towards ways of help and helping. 15:15 - 16:15 Doin’ My Head In Louise Ferguson & Adrian McCartney Modern family life as seen from the parent and child perspective. 16:30 - 17:30 Money & How to Manage It Chris Cupples Learn how to make every penny count and manage our money in a world with a ‘spend, spend, spend’ mentality.

MONDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Live Stream 14:00 - 15:00 Healing - Theory & Practice Derek McKelvey Come along and find out where all the good thinking about healing actually fits, in real life situation. 15:15 - 16:15 Prophets of Joy #2 Phil Emerson Is the joy of the Lord your strength? How can you have joy in your walk with God? 16:30 - 17:30 What Is My Purpose In Life? MAP This seminar considers who you are in God and where he might be leading you in the future. 19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Live Stream 21:30 - 23:00 Off The Record Each night we invite a special guest in for a candid conversation about themselves and their thoughts on some of issues that face us today

TUESDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Mainstage Live Stream

19:00 - 21:00 Mainstage Live Stream 21:30 - 23:00 Off The Record Each night we invite a special guest in for a candid conversation about themselves and their thoughts on some of issues that face us today

PHONE CHARGING This year, give your phone what it needs in the Tearfund café. £1 for 1 hour



DNA Tent DNA Tent is back again this year. The venue is a living exploration of what Ireland is, what we are called to be, and how God wants us to heal. It is a snapshot of God’s redemptive purpose for this island. Along with our small coffee pod will be a venue that is staffed by a team of committed workers from Urban Saints and Youth With A Mission. We’re here to chat, pray and hangout. Come and see what we’re doing all over Ireland. Come and decorate our mural of hope and use it to pray for the land. Come and reflect on our call to be a light to the nations, Sign up for personal prayer from our team who will pray for your original design. What is your spiritual DNA from conception? Use your creativity! YWAM’s Arts and Media DTS trainees will be hanging out at the venue and around the site. Listen to a series of seminars that will open up discussion and vision for how we can be Jesus to Ireland in 2015. This year we are delight to host again a follow on to #IAMAPEACEMOVEMENT going deeper and understanding of our nation and call to reconciliation.

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Transformed Lives Wilson Beare The session gives you the opportunity and tools to develop a lifestyle of mission. 15:15 - 16:15 I Am a Peace Movement #1 Jonny Clark We will take a journey of understanding exploring what reconciliation looks like in our context and how we can be part of it. 16:30 - 17:30 Dance Workshop Don King Come and have a laugh and learn some sweet moves at Don King’s workshop. 21:15 - 22:00 Katherine Phillippa Portadown-born singer and composer Katharine Philippa is already making sounds to swoon to, full of sparse, graceful, elegantly pitched wonder.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 I Am a Peace Movement #2 Various Guests A number of people from across our communities and traditions come together to answer your questions. 15:15 - 16:15 What is Your Spiritual DNA? YWAM Original Design is the master blueprint that God has when He made you. Learn more about it in this session. 16:30 - 17:30 I Am a Peace Movement #3 Various Organisations Learn practical and creative ways in which you can engage and be a peace movement where God has place you.

21:30 - 22:00 New Ancestors Formerly a duo – called the 1930s – the core of the band are singer-guitarist Jonny Solari and drummer & singer Andrew Cameron, have now added Adam Booth and Glenn Kennedy to their ranks. The expansion has signalled a change to a more pop-rock sound, moving away from their previous folkpop roots.

The Activities

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 New Christians #2 Following Jesus after Madness Neville Barnes This seminar is to help you grow in your relationship with God when you go back home. A must if you came to faith at the festival. 15:15 - 16:15 Practice What You Preach Chris Grant Is it possible for us to positively impact our sports and teams by carrying God’s presence into these situations? 22:15 - 23:00 PTYK One DJ, big tunes, multi-genre, massive beats and good times. Strobe lighting will most definitely be used.



Woodland Café Right now different people, from different nations all around the world are praying in 24-7 prayer rooms in all sorts of different locations!! Churches, Schools, Prisons, High Streets to give just a quick sample! So why should Summer Madness be any different! During the festival we will be praying from 8am to midnight (we know, not quite 24 hours this time) The prayer room is a creative and interactive space for you to come and spend time chatting with God through words, art, music, activity and silence. Our desire is that the prayer room will be a place where you meet with God, where you can process what God is saying to you throughout the festival and pray big prayers for your family, friends, church and the nation! So please make use of the prayer room. Sign yourself up for a slot to get alone with God or gather up some of your friends and come and spend an hour praying for one another and seeking God’s face. The prayer room will be closed during the Mainstage sessions. There are two entrances to the prayer room; one through the Exodus venue and one via the building attached to the Exodus courtyard. We are setting a challenge at Summer Madness to get ten prayer spaces in schools started within the next school year. Are you brave enough to do this in your school? If so, talk to us! For more information on prayer rooms or 24-7 prayer, please call in and say hello to us during the festival, attend one of our seminars or check out our website www.24-7prayerireland.com

YFC Drop In

Info Point

Calling all children’s or youth workers, teachers and students? Prayer Spaces in Schools is on the move in Ireland and we would love you to join with us in our vision and see this take off in every school across the land. Since 2007, Prayer Spaces in Schools (an initiative of 24-7 Prayer) has supported well over 1000 prayer spaces in countries all over the world, enabling over 500,000 young people to experience prayer – many for the very first time. For a few days, a space within a school is transformed into a safe, hospitable place that includes a range of creative activities encouraging students of all faiths and none to reflect on issues as wide ranging as identity, forgiveness, injustice and thankfulness. So how about your local schools? If your interested in getting a prayer space in your school speak to one of the team at the 24-7 prayer venue or check out the website www.prayerspacesinschools.com



Woodland Café

YFC Drop In

Info Point

The Woodland Cafe isn’t quite in the Woodland anymore, but hey! We still like the name! The good news is that we are right beside the food vendors, so if you are looking some shelter from the blistering sunshine or the odd light drizzle, this is the place for you. Run by the Methodist, Church of Ireland and Presbyterian Chaplaincies at Queen’s University, there’s a great selection of drinks, snacks, milkshakes and ice cream and plenty of folk around to ensure you’re well looked after. Somewhere to chill or take timeout from the busy festival.

Seminar Three

Sixth Form Centre If you are planning on going to University in September, call in any day between 1pm - 2pm to speak to current students and recent graduates.

Woodland Café

YFC Drop In

GOOD MUSIC, SCRUMPTIOUS ICE-CREAM AND S’MORES BEFORE BEDTIME. Going to University? “The Sixth Form Centre” is open every day between 1pm – 2pm to talk with current students and recent graduates. Open Mic Every Night Run by Chaplaincies from Queen’s University Belfast




FRIDAY 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship Michael Shannon

The Activities

We have three dedicated venues for seminars named Seminar One, Seminar Two and Seminar Three. We know, we are so original! These are spaces to learn and gain some insight on various topics. Seminar One is located diagonally across from the Tearfund venue. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings, Seminar One will be open for late night worship from 23:00.

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Soul Sista #1 #Happysolo Love For Life An authentic look at what it means to be a woman in today’s world and develop a confidence in who He made you to be. 15:15 - 16:15 Mental Health #1 - Stress & Anxiety John McMullan Anxiety & stress; the causes, the indicators and ways we can help ourselves and others deal with it. 16:30 - 17:30 The Daily Prophecy Mairisine Stanfield Discover Biblical insights on the question of prophecy and it’s role in the ‘ordinary’ Christian life. 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship Phil Shaw

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Soul Sista #2 #Happyyolo Love For Life We will explore what the Bible teaches us about being women who can enjoy life in all its fullness regardless of our relationship status. 15:15 - 16:15 The Joy of Work Krish Kandiah Krish shares some Biblical principals that guide us as we think about how God wishes to use you at work.

16:30 - 17:30 Relationology #1 Building Relationships Matt Bird Get the inside track on how to manage relationships in every sphere of life from personal to professional. 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship Stephen Mayes with Open Doors - Secret Screening

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Soul Sista & Mad Men #3 #Happyrolo Love For Life Together we’ll look at if there is more to learn about enjoying relationships, figuring out what you deserve and how to treat others. 15:15 - 16:15 When Faith Gets Shaken Patrick Regan Life at the best of times can be confusing. Bring faith into the mix and it often becomes a recipe for despair and nagging questions. 16:30 - 17:30 Heaven - Then & Now Bishop Fanta Clarke Heaven...playing harps over streets of gold?! What does the Bible really teach? In this seminar we will explode some myths and unearth some truths. 23:00 - 23:45 Late Night Worship Ryan Griffith



SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Men Madness #1 #Happysolo Love For Life Wrestle with what it means to be a real man in God’s eyes and develop strength to live out your life filled with His purpose.

The Activities Our second dedicated seminar venue is situated beside Seminar 1 which is diagonally across from the Tearfund venue.

15:15 - 16:15 Apologetics - The Theory of Everything David Glass Does the Bible determine precisely what you believe about everything? 16:30 - 17:30 Faith in the Public Square Peter Lynas This session will look at the God story and how it shapes our approach to the big issues of the day.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Men Madness #2 #Happyyolo Love For Life If you want to have better sex and relationships who are you going to believe: the Bible or society? 15:15 - 16:15 Encountering Islam Rodger McKay The Muslim world poses major challenges to Christians. This seminar will help us think and pray how we can best engage with the Muslim faith. 16:30 - 17:30 The Paradox of Suffering Krish Kandiah How do we align the Bible’s imperative to ‘rejoice always’ with it’s warning that we will have trouble and strife?

MONDAY 15:15 - 16:15 Relationology #2 Leadership Is Influence Matt Bird Matt focuses on how we engage with others effectively and how ‘contacts’ become more than just a name in a book.



Seminar Three Our third dedicated seminar venue is located to the side of the Tearfund venue which is accessed from within the Tearfund café.

SATURDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Preparing for Uni Miriam Swaffield Get yourself ready for the adventure of uni and connect with other soon-to-be students in this 360 degree preparation for university session

Woodland Café

YFC Drop In

15:15 - 16:15 Heart of Worship Alain Emerson De-cluttering the contemporary worship scene to discuss the heart of worship. 16:30 - 17:30 Dealing with Divorce Simon Henry & John Kee Simon and John share some of their experiences growing up in a household on track for divorce.

SUNDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Mental Health #2 John McMullan John helps us deal with some of the myths surrounding this issue and signposts us towards ways of help and helping. 15:15 - 16:15 Doin’ My Head In Louise Ferguson & Adrian McCartney Modern family life as seen from the parent and child prespective. 16:30 - 17:30 Money & How to Manage It Chris Cupples Learn how to make every penny count and manage our money in a world with a ‘spend, spend, spend’ mentality.

MONDAY 14:00 - 15:00 Healing - Theory & Practice Derek McKelvey Come along and find out where all the good thinking about healing actually fits, in real life situation.

Info Point

15:15 - 16:15 Prophets of Joy #2 Phil Emerson Is the joy of the Lord your strength? How can you have joy in your walk with God? 16:30 - 17:30 What Is My Purpose In Life? MAP This seminar considers who you are in God and where he might be leading you in the future.



The Activities Exodus is a Christian youth discipleship organisation based in Northern Ireland and is committed to working with local churches to see young people transformed as they come to and grow in faith. With centres in Coleraine and Lisburn, Exodus support young bands and established artists alike all year round. The Exodus venue has a great cafe with barista coffee and an acoustic cafe which will host great music throughout the weekend. Come and meet the team and join in with our festival banter!

FRIDAY 21:15 - 23:15 Billy Fyffe Floor pumping tunes under a UV haze.

13:15 - 14:00 Amidships An infectious blend of atmospheric indie rock.

SATURDAY 12:15 - 13:00 Hillspeak Four-piece indie-rock.

14:00 - 15:00 New Christians #1 The Beginner’s Guide Neville Barnes This seminar is to help you grow in your relationship with God when you go back home. A must if you came to faith at the festival.

13:15 - 14:00 Jaime Neish More Than Conqueror’s drummer goes solo. 14:00 - 15:00 Girls Allowed Join us for a whistle-stop world tour, looking at what it means to be a girl in Indonesia, Nigeria and Uganda. 15:15 - 16:15 Prophets of Joy #1 Phil Emerson What does the Bible say about joy and how is it different to happiness? 21:15 - 22:00 Hurdles Hurdles are a 4 piece indie pop band from Belfast! There is some serious talent within these lads with some of the tightest playing you’ll hear at Summer Madness! 22:15 - 23:15 The Emerald Armada High energy folk, soaring harmonies and cheeky banter. All aboard.

SUNDAY 12:15 - 13:00 David Glendinning Resident Exodus Coleraine performer - David mixes a classy blend off covers along with his own creative original songs that will have your feet tapping all night!

21:15 - 22:00 Goldfish Jones Expect an unforgettable performance from these North Coast chaps. 22:00 - 23:15 Goldfish Jones After Party Continue your unforgettable night with Andy Scott heading up the after party.

MONDAY 12:15 - 13:00 Peter Phillips Winner of this years ‘Last Artist Standing’ in Exodus, Peter is a solo indie pop act that has won the admiration and hearts of people around the North Coast! 13:15 - 14:00 Josh Mahood From busking on the streets of Lisburn, now see him on a stage in Glenarm. 14:00 - 15:00 A Hell of a Problem Krish Kandiah Krish discusses how we reconcile a loving God with the threat of eternal punishment. 15:15 - 16:15 Mental Health #3 Building Resilience John McMullan Learn how we can build resilience and well-being in relation to mental health. 21:15 - 22:00 Karaoke



The Activities You are in for a real treat with our activities this year: we have SALT Factory Sports and a team of 20 Americans looking after you all. We always like a little competitive spirit and as usual, we have the annual 5 a-side football competition; but this year we have added in, Tug-of-War, Ultimate Frisbee, Dodgeball and Tag Rugby. You need to enter your teams in the activities Wigwam, situated in the activities field. On Sunday we also have the first ever Summer Madness, ‘It’s a Knockout’ competition. Sign - up for the fun and banter or just come and watch your youth group make fools of themselves! Back by popular demand is the sailing and canoeing in the harbour. Sign-up is at the Wigwam and a small, refundable deposit will be required to guarantee your spot. Come and meet the team in the Wigwam, where there will also be giant garden games to give you an easy excuse to act like a child - again!

COMPETITIONS Sign-up for these competitions is located at the Wigwam. All competitions will have an award for the winning team and the most valuable player. These will be presented on mainstage throughout the week. SATURDAY 14:00 - 17:00 Football (16 teams) Initial rounds up to semi-finals.

BEACH VOLLEYBALL & SLIPPERLY SLIDE Just come along and play, all day, every day.

Tug-of-war (10 mixed gender teams) Ultimate Frisbee (10 mixed gender teams)

SUNDAY 14:00 - 17:00 It’s a Knockout (6 people in mixed gender teams) Comprises of welly wanging, 12 legged race, giant sack race etc.

MONDAY 14:00 - 17:00 Football Semi-Finals and Final. Dodgeball (10 mixed gender teams) Tag Rugby (10 mixed gender teams)

ANYTIME ACTIVITIES Just come along and play! Sepak Takraw Rounders Slippery Slide Beach Volleyball Tennis Golf putting and chipping MAP GAMES ROOM Play giant garden games such as: Chequers/draughts Connect 4 Garden Quoits Wooden High Tower Playing Cards Dominoes Noughts and Crosses



DNA Tent

The Activities


Sign up at The Wigwam



Imagine a space of calm among the Madness. If you are a youth leader, youth worker, committed in your role among young people and you are craving a quiet space to escape the Madness, feel free to drop in, flop into a comfy sofa, enjoy FREE coffee and freshly baked goods. Whilst all goodies are free any donations made will go towards the Twin a Tent campaign for refugee crisis. CIYD welcomes you and your team to enjoy the comfort and calm of this little space.

SATURDAY 08:30 - 09:00 Group Leader Meeting Meet and hear from Jasper about the week ahead over a bacon bap. Please send at least 1 leader from each group.

MONDAY 08:30 - 09:00 Group Leader Meeting Meet and hear from Jasper about the week ahead over a bacon bap. Please send at least 1 leader from each group.

09:00 Venue Open All Day

09:00 Venue Open All Day

14:00 - 15:00 Nuts and Bolts #1 What Do You Do When Young People Bring Difficult Issues to Your Door? Andrew Frame & The Big House We will be discussing ways in which we can relevantly reach out, care for and help our young people, regardless of whatever difficulty they may be facing in life.

14:00 - 15:00 Nuts and Bolts #3 Sex & Relationships Love For Life Do you dread the annual sex talk with your youth group? Come along and be equipped to overcome the awkwardness and embarrassment.

15:15 - 16:15 The Character of a Leader #1 Peter Lynas In this seminar we explore the importance and crisis of contemporary leadership in our Western culture and why character is so important. 23:30 Venue Closes

SUNDAY 09:00 Venue Open All Day 14:00 - 15:00 Nuts and Bolts #2 Running Successful Residentials Hilda Connolly & Kristin Hollowell Walk through the process of taking young people away and making the most of the valuable opportunities for building relationships 15:15 - 16:15 The Character of a Leader #2 Bishop Fanta Clarke What do good characteristics in leadership look like and what are some of the primary pitfalls? 23:30 Venue Closes

15:15 - 16:15 The Character of a Leader #3 Bishop Fanta Clarke How do we deepen and develop Christ like character in Christian leadership whether in the local church or in the market place? 23:30 Venue Closes



YFC Drop In

Info Point

We are very excited to have a brand new venue this year. Youth for Christ Northern Ireland (YFCNI) are specialists in running local drop-in centres for young people across Northern Ireland. This year they will be setting up a bespoke drop in centre at Summer Madness. Every afternoon and evening you will be able to pop into the venue and enjoy a game of pool or table tennis, have a go on the X-box or PS4; or just hang out and have a cuppa with one of the YFC Team. Throughout the day, there will also be various competitions and events for those of you who are up for the challenge and in the evening you can spend some time relaxing on one of the sofa’s and enjoy some live music from various local artists. Cage football will be located outside the YFC Drop In. YFCNI will also be running a number of alternative worship events on Saturday and Sunday evening, and again on Monday morning. For more information, speak to one of the YFC Team. SATURDAY 19:00 - 21:30 Alternative to Mainstage SUNDAY 19:00 - 21:30 Alternative to Mainstage MONDAY 10:00 - 12:00 Alternative to Mainstage





WILL YOU STEP OUT AND WALK WITH YOUR PERSECUTED FAMILY? One man, one VW Beetle and a bunch of hidden Bibles. Not much to go on, but sixty years ago, Brother Andrew decided to say ‘Yes’ to God, and the rest is history. Since his first journey smuggling Bibles into the Soviet Union, Open Doors, the organisation he founded, has grown to take on his mission, serving persecuted Christians in over 50 countries. Will you step out and join us in walking with them? Visit our stand in the Tearfund Cafe to grab a bunch of quality FREE resources to help you journey with your persecuted family, including our new ‘Ten Steps’ guide!

Plus, don’t miss a very special Late Night Worship session with a screening of our awesome new film, ‘The Cost’. Come along Day 3 (Sunday), 11pm in Late Night Worship!


t C e n n o C e f a C


r Venue fo r over 18s g in x la e ar s & othe r e d a e L h yout

ChiLLed-out atmosphere

amazing treats

awesome Coffee

a ChanCe to reLax

CheCk out our speCiaL seminar streams at this years summer madness 1. CharaCter in Leadership 2. nuts & boLts skiLLs for youth Leaders for more information ContaCt: 028 9082 8890 admin@Ciyd.org www.Ciyd.org faCebook.Com/Coiyd @Ciyd1

The Journal



Saturday Journal

Sunday Journal











Monday Journal

Tuesday Journal












. . . O D E W T A WH

Volleyball, basketball, ultimate frisbee & other fun team games, interchurch competitions, talks, devotions, Bible studies, assemblies and after-schools clubs, training in leadership and sports evangelism, provide opportunities for youth group and/or church mission, mentor Christian athletes, internships, run youth and children’s clubs and run overseas mission teams.

Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be the salt - seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth... Matthew 5:13

HMRC Charity No NI00123


Contact Chris Grant chris.grant@saltfactorysports.com +44 7962 322 392 facebook.com/saltfactorysports www.saltfactorysports.org

“There is more wisdom in this small book than in all the combined youth training and qualifications I’ve undertaken over the past 20 years of full time youth ministry.” Andrew Brannigan, COI - Diocesan Development Officer

Normal price: £6.99 - Festival price: £5 www.youthministrytogether.com



TOTAL RECALL This year we are releasing all of the mainstage talks, seminars and debates on one 4GB memory stick. Packed with the sights and sounds of SM15, this little beauty will allow you to ‘revisit’ all of those bits of the programme that you missed or don’t want to forget. All for the bargain basement price of £10 it’s cheaper than a burger and chips for two, but far more filling for the soul. There will be a limited number available at the end of the Festival: otherwise order on-line at www.summermadness.co.uk

PRAYER MINISTRY The Prayer Team are a dedicated bunch of all-agers who are keen to help you connect with God and will be available after every Mainstage Worship session (somewhere around the front). They’re also available at the 24/7 prayer venue during the afternoons and can be seen elsewhere on-site in their PURPLE POLO SHIRTS. There’s no funny business: your first name and what you want prayer for is all we ask. We keep confidences unless criminal or abuse issues, suspected or actual, are raised: SM will pass details onto the relevant statutory authorities.



THANK YOU Antrim Estates Ltd Ardbarron Trust Priorities Fund Church Army CIYD Community Relations Council CJ Hire Cyril Johnston Trust Forfey Larne Borough Council Maine Minerals Production House Watson Steel Wilson Potatoes Wilson Tools Glenavy

Common Grounds Cafe 12–24 University Avenue Belfast BT7 1GY TEL: 028 9032 6589 EMAIL: info@commongrounds.co.uk www.commongrounds.co.uk /commongroundsbelfast @commongroundsni



This is a story of hope and healing and a story that Charlene Barr asked her brother David to tell. In Spring 2009 Charlene was told the devastating news that she needed a lung transplant to survive. The very evening she received this news she made the decision that if she couldn’t go to school then she was going to spend the time she was waiting for a transplant to raise money to build a school in Uganda for some of the children she had seen there during a family visit in 2008. This incredible story traces Charlene’s life, her struggles and her journey towards transplant. Sadly Charlene couldn’t change her circumstances but against all the odds she made an incredible choice to look beyond herself and to think of others in the midst of her own crisis. Today three schools in Uganda stand in Charlene’s memory as Charlene’s Project continues the work she started.

Available at the Bookshop: £8.99

Untitled-1 1

09/06/2015 17:55



CATALY S T 24.06.16 – 26.06.16

WHY HAVE ONE RESOURCE WHEN YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS?! ENERGIZE Sign up for a free 6week trial and take your pick from a continuous stream of resources, training and support.

For more information on this and on what URBAN SAINTS are doing across Ireland come see us at the DNA TENT.

www.URBANSAINTS.org/ENERGIZE Urban Saints is the operating name of The Crusaders' Union, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales, company number 07771037, charity number 1144923, and in Scotland, charity number SCO39313.

1st - 5th July 2016




S I O N A er k a T RISK



g youn g f n i o r s Explo vEnturE thE BIBle d f thE a heRoeS o SupeR

SAve the dAte 24th - 26th october Wilson’s Hospital School, Co. Westmeath






Scripture union, iSle of Man


For more information contact CIyD from the north: Andrew Frame 028 9082 8890 / admin@ciyd.org from the south: ed hardy 00 3538 7290 7553 / edhardy70@gmail.com CoiYd





Summer Madness is a registered charity in the UK t: +44 (0) 28 9067 3379 e: office@summermadness.co.uk The Old Rectory, 217 Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 2DH @smfestival /summermadnessni

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