A Weekend Conversation With Johnny B decideretide.com /2017/09/16/blog/ Jbright85
September 16, 2017
A Weekend Conversation With Johnny B
I’m sitting in Starbucks right now with no idea what to talk about. I originally wanted to talk about a book or two that I’ve been reading but I didn’t want to bore you to sleep. So, I thought I’d add some drama into the mix and share a bit about what I’ve been going through over the past 60 days. So here we go! The Bold Truth Briefly, I was coming off a few weeks of dealing with unemployment and not knowing where I was going to land. Everything between my health and my happiness was up in the air. Coming from a background of working in a warehouse over the past 11 years, there wasn’t too much out there I qualify for. My skills were limited yet my natural capabilities were in my favor. Yep – Thats Me If there’s a few things I learned about myself is over the past decade – 1. I like to talk, and 2. I don’t mind working my face off just to get some extra time off. In life, I believe things happen for you, not to you. Conquering Fear So instead of doing the same thing, I stepped outside my comfort zone and tried something new. Since I knew I liked to talk, I turned to Digital Marketing so that I can gain some ninja skills, help people just like me and chit-chat with people all day. So far, I love it. I was a bit afraid at first but I knew I couldn’t let my non-supportive beliefs get in the way of my growth and happiness. Now I couldn’t be more than happier to wake up every day and do what I love . And the best part is, I get to live my life based on my values and help others who were once where I was. I feel a huge contribution on my end and I’m happy to be in a position to share. So remember, it’s okay to be a little nervous about trying something new and going the other way. Think of it this way – if it’s possible for one, then it’s possible for others Well, I’m going to sign off for now but I’ll be back later with more great content.
Until next time Believe in yourself, and never give up! 3/4
Johnny Calvin Bright DecidereTide.com Follow Me On Social
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