Learn How You Can Start Your Education To Become a Digital Entrepreneur – Like Johnny Calvin Bright Did – Here’s The Story decideretide.com/2017/09/23/digital-entrepreneur/ Jbright85September 23, 2017
Become a Digital Entrepreneur – Escape the 9 to 5, Become Your Own Boss, Work From Home, Travel The World – While Spending Your Time Doing What You Love What does it mean to become a Digital Entrepreneur? It means to live your life using technology to earn a living. Many people dream about waking up on the beach – spending 2 hours on their lap tops to complete a whole day worth or work. But is it really this simple? Sure, let me explain. To become a digital entrepreneur, you have to acquire skills. Just like any sport or professional career, it takes a lot of commitment and persistence to achieve greatness. It’s A Community Digital entrepreneurs (also known as Digital Nomads) are passionate about their business ventures because they build their business around their passions. The same thing has happened for me! I’ve started my business – Decidere Tide; because I am dedicated to helping many who are ready to manifest their dreams into reality. I’ve built it based upon becoming a leader and inspiring others to do the same. What does Decidere mean… Decidere is the Latin root word for – Decision. The word decision means – to kill off all other alternatives. And of course, the word – Tide, refers to the evercrashing tide of the sea. The tide will always be present, much like the decisions we make throughout the moments of our day. Becoming a Digital Entrepreneur is a lifestyle change. You’ll spend more time then you ever did on your laptop, and you’ll build tight relationships with likeminded people in this digital ecosphere. There will be long days and long nights of hard work. However, the amount of lives you’ll be able to touch – the contribution you’ll be able to add to the world, will be more powerful than you would’ve ever thought. Johnny Calvin Bright Founder – DecidereTide.com Connect With Me On Social