Why SEO is Important decideretide.com /2017/09/26/why-seo-is-important/ Jbright85
September 26, 2017
Why SEO is Important
Defining your target audience – Why SEO is Important – Reaching out to people who are looking for the value you have to offer It is your duty to serve. As a digital marketer, your main objective is to provide value. Successful businesses are those who can sustain customer loyalty. In this post, I’d like to share 1 simple strategy you can use to boost your SEO rankings, and explain why SEO is important. How is it done? You’ll already know who your prospects are. You will start at the top and work your way down the sales funnel – then rinse and repeat. My Gift to You I’d like to give you a simple strategy on how you can start to connect with your target audience. RULE OF THUMB – IF YOU ARE MARKETING TO EVERYONE, YOU ARE MARKETING TO NO ONE! This applies to any market. People don’t want to be sold something they have no interest in. We are in 2017 for crying out loud. People are literally telling you what they are interested in by uploading it into their social profiles – so take full advantage of that. SEO Strategy Go to Google’s home page. In the search box, put – Start an Online Business, and press enter. Start an Online Business – is referred to as your short-tail keyword ( 4-5 words max). These are the keywords your 2/4
prospects are typing in to the search engine with hopes to find new opportunities in starting an online business.
Now, look right below the box… you should see the ‘about results’. For these short-tail key words, the results came in at 14.5 Million – meaning, in real time, this is the amount of people who are searching for these short-tail keywords, but not that specific phrase. Gaining Some Clarity So, when we want to identify how many people are searching these exact key-word phrases (start an online business), we would put quotation marks around the keywords “…” telling Google that we want to know how many people searched for this exact 4 keywords. It will look something like this, and our results will dramatically drop. (1.9 Million)
As a blogger or for someone who’s trying to rank on Google, the most efficient way is to use short-tail keywords – preferably under 30k, to compete for organic traffic to your website. I hope you found value in this post. Johnny Calvin Bright
Founder – DecidereTide.com Connect with me on Social