Doing What's Right For You

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Doing What's Right For You /self-improvement/doing-what-s-right-for-you Jul 29, 2017 20 views Written by Johnny Calvin Bright

Author Johnny Calvin Bright

Articles written: 15 Joined: 04 March 2017 Niche: Book Reviews Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Doing What's Right For You Follow your intuition and make the correct decisions to build your Legacy. Your inner voice is right. Doing what's right for you can be a tough decision. However, the reward will bring you ultimate peace and happiness.


We all know who we want to be, or what we desire to achieve in life, but its the fear of not being accepted in this world that holds us back. The meaning of doing what’s right for you is to follow your inner voice, i.e. become who you are meant to be, formally known as, dharma. For 11 years, I worked at Ralphs Distribution. It was a privilege to have a good paying job. I was showered with many health benefits and special perks such as receiving 15% off my Verizon bill, and holiday coupons during Thanksgiving. Even though life seemed good, I still heard a little voice in my head that kept telling me that I wasn't doing what's right for me. The things that mean the most to me is family, friends, and watching every single Dodgers/Lakers/Rams game. I had a break through moment when I realized my life meant more to me then my job. Now I know that you can agree that having a job or some sort of income is a necessity, however, if you are not feeling good about who you are inside and the voice in the back of your mind keeps telling you to make a change, I'll let you in on a little secret...Listen to it! People don't fear death; they fear what others would think of them if they show the world who they truly are. In 2015, Former NBA Player Larry Sanders of the Milwaukee Bucks, walked away from millions of dollars because his mental health was not right. He listened to his inner voice, bypassed what others would say and he did what's right for him. Like myself, the things that were most important to Larry was his family and happiness. He also emphasized how important it is to realize that we are not living for our jobs, our identity is so much more than that. When I read about this, I was totally moved by the story. It felt great inside to know that I'm not the only one out there who has decided to give priority to the people who mean the most to me. I'm not sure how you feel about where you're at in your life right now. Jonah Berger shares in his book, "Contagious" that Ideas are Private and Behavior is Public. This meaning that we only mimic other peoples behavior. I often ask myself, is this the reason why a large mass of people follow instead of lead? If I can share anything else with you in this post it'd be this last thing; follow your heart and do what you're passionate about. Everything else will take care of itself. Well, I'm going to sign off for now but I'll be back later with more great content. If you found value in this Blog Post, like it - comment - or share it with your friends. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright - Digital Marketing Consultant More about me: Connect with me on Social Media 2/3


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