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Six Figure Mentors - Free 7 Day Video Series /home-based-business/six-figure-mentors---7-day-video-series Jul 30, 2017 74 views Written by Johnny Calvin Bright

Author Johnny Calvin Bright

Articles written: 19 Joined: 04 March 2017 Niche: Book Reviews Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Six Figure Mentors - Free 7 Day Video Series Meet the founders and learn how you can leverage an Online Business System to earn Multiple Streams of Income It's 2017 and people are making money online. You have seen it for yourself. Millennials, flashing their cash, driving there fancy BMW's and Mercedes; and I bet you're wondering how. In this community, we are not about being flashy. We like to stay classy! We take pride in building our minds first with the awareness of understanding that it takes a strong mindset to build a successful life. Successful in Love, Wealth, Health, and Happiness. We are inspired by personal transformation and lifelong education. In this Free 7 Day Video series, you will be given the following: An introduction from the founders of the Company, Jay Kubassek & Stuart Ross. They will share with you who they are, and what they do. **Listen to their story because it might resonate with you. 1/3

History on The Digital Economy Vs The Traditional Economy and how the internet has given you the opportunity to make money online. The Digital Business Lounge which is a special built system that will help you set up everything you need to get your business started online. In this powerful business system, you'll have the power to build your very one Websites, Landing Pages, Funnels, Email List, and much more. Stuart will share his secrets on how you can leverage the art of List Building and create Multiple Streams of income. The SFM Formula on how you can create a very stable business. You'll learn how you can set your business up on autopilot so that you can focus only on marketing to drive in more sales. The value of this Free 7 Day video Series can easily be priced at $100 dollars, but Jay & Stuart understands the process of leading with Value first. This is something that you will be coached on if you decide to watch the Free 7 Day Video Series. As a food for thought: people want to test drive everything before they buy it, wouldn't you agree? This is why our community always leads with value first, second, and third before asking for anything in return. The choice is yours. I'm just happy that I am able to share this information with you and I hope that this Free 7 Day Video Series will give you the comfort of making an informed decision. Well, I'm going to sign off for now but I'll be back later with more great content. If you found value in this Blog Post, like it - comment - or share it with your friends. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright - Free Digital Marketing Consultant More about me: Connect with me on Social Media



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