Six Figure Mentors - Email Marketing /business/six-figure-mentors---email-marketing Aug 03, 2017 2 views Written by Johnny Calvin Bright
Author Johnny Calvin Bright
Articles written: 20 Joined: 04 March 2017 Niche: Book Reviews Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement
Six Figure Mentors - Email Marketing The correct way to build relationships, follow up with customers, and provide great value Got Clicks? There are many ways to make sales online. Typically, they are done through a Facebook Ad or a YouTube Video. However, it wasn’t too long ago that Email Marketing was the number one vehicle that drove many sales online. 1/3
When You're Good, Your Good! In the mid 1990’s, email marketing was King. World Class Marketer Gary Veynerchuck saw his open rates reach up to 90% of his audience. Today, we won’t see any eye popping results like that, however, email marketing is still a very effective tool to implement into your marketing strategy. Let me tell you why! Case studies on Email Marketing 1. The Follow Up – Let’s say that you own an ecommerce store that sells custom made candles. These candles are hand crafted and carry a very authentic smell. So, as I stop by and make my purchase, you ask me for my email in exchange. This way, you can send me information about your newest release and ask me if I’d like 10% off for being your one-time customer. 2. Provide Value – After I’ve bought your candle, this will be the time you share your expertise with me and send me cool and interesting facts of how you make your rare smelling candles. You would also share some insight with me about the history of candles or maybe even some health benefits to why your candles are better than generic candles. 3. Build Relationships – Once I have found that you know everything about candles and you’re consistently sharing your expert advice with me, it creates a special bond between you and I because it allows me to know you and your brand. It makes the shopping experiences more enjoyable because I know that I can have a two-way conversation with you about candles. The Profit This method is called List Building. It is a highly driven marketing skill that any business owner can profit from. It may not be as powerful as it was back in the 90’s, however, if done correctly, you can build a list of customers that will buy from you now, and maybe even 5 years down the road. Well, I'm going to sign off for now but I'll be back later with more great content. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright - Free Digital Marketing Consultant More about me: Connect with me on Social Media
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