The Truth about Online Marketing /internet-and-businesses-online/the-truth-about-online-marketing Aug 09, 2017 10 views Written by Johnny Calvin Bright
Author Johnny Calvin Bright
Articles written: 25 Joined: 04 March 2017 Niche: Book Reviews Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement
The Truth about Online Marketing Taking the time out to learn who The Six Figure Mentors are could save you time if you want to be successful online. Black & White The difference between The Six Figure Mentors and any other online company out there is that the SFM provides value. The SFM is an educational and transformational community of Digital Entrepreneurs. If you’re reading this, I want you to know that we/I am here to educate and help you gain success online. A lot of information that you will receive from the SFM will be given to you for free. Work Smart & Hard 1/3
The thing that shocks me the most is how people are overly skeptical about free information, as opposed to signing up for something that doesn’t require much effort or knowledge. (i.e. they are looking for the short cut) I can’t speak for everyone, but it makes more sense to me to acquire skills and knowledge so that I can bring mroe value to people, as opposed to hustling to gain more referrals. If it’s so easy to do, then what is the true value behind that business model? Not much if you ask me! I see so many people who do it for the money yet they have no desire to actually educate themselves and go through the process. The Process I don’t know of anyone who went to bed broke, and woke up a six-figure earner. It just doesn’t work that way. You’ve got to put in the work before you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is in anything in life… Love, Finance, School, Sports ect. It’s the law of nature and I’m blown away by how many people expect things to just click at a drop of a dime.
One Brick at a Time Online marketing is a skill. It requires hours, days, months, and even years of practice and training. Kobe Bean Bryant started playing Basketball when he was 3, and when he was drafted to the NBA 15 years later, he still wasn’t the best player in the world. He still had to practice his game, develop his mind, build his body, to perform at a superstar level. Fariy Tail So, if you can take anything away from this blog post, understand this…you will not be successful online without the proper skill set and education. People who are successful go through many years of growth and personal development. Like I said earlier, it doesn’t just happen overnight.
Distribution Whether if you’re a multilevel marketer, network marketer, affiliate marketer; ect, you must know how to market your products and services in the day and age of 2017. The marketing strategies that worked back in 2014 are no longer working today. Consumers are huge vacuums to the amount of information that’s placed online. You’ve got to provide value. That’s all that matters to people. They want to test drive, or, try it for free before they make their purchase. If you can’t give people what they want without asking for anything, then you will lose and you will not be successful online. Well, I'm going to sign off for now but I'll be back later with more great content. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright - Free Digital Marketing Consultant Connect with me on Social Media
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