Health benefits of playing an instrument

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Health Benefits of Playing an Instrument /health-and-fitness/health-benefits-of-playing-an-instrument Jul 21, 2017 18 views Written by Johnny Calvin Bright

Author Johnny Calvin Bright

Articles written: 11 Joined: 04 March 2017 Niche: Book Reviews Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Health Benefits of Playing an Instrument - Improve your Health - Increase Your Cognitive Abilities - Exercise Naturally - Fight off Viruses - Jam to the Life You Love Back in the day, I was a straight savage on the drums. I played day and night, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Little that I knew, I was benefiting from all sorts of long-term Cognitive Developments. I had no idea that there were so many Health Benefits of Playing an Instrument. I'd like to share a hand-full of them with you, so here we go.


Cognitive Health - A study administered at the University of Kansas Medical Center concluded that musicians performed better at cognitive test than non-musicians. Playing music trains the brain and teaches naturally how to isolate sounds. Exercise - Playing an instrument promotes more physical activity. Whether you're playing the guitar, piano, strings, or a wind instrument, you're using your arms, core and back muscles to sit upright and hold the instrument. And if you play the drums like me, get ready for some cardio! Immune Response - When learning to play an instrument, we also become more likely to create our own. There is also proof that says those who play an instrument have a healthier immune system and find it easier to fight off colds, flu, and viruses. Helps Treat Alzheimer's - The mental stimulation when playing and listening to music can enhance the memory in patients with Alzheimer's. Because the brain responds better to more activity, it helps people retain speech patterns far better than spoken words. Therapy - I think this one is a no brainer. Playing music can help with stress, insomnia, and depression. The reason why playing music can help in all these areas is because whenever you're displaying your emotions, it relieves stress and pain points. I was influenced to write this Blog because a lot of people love music and I knew they would appreciate the benefits of joining in on the groove. Well I'm going to sign off for now but I'll be back later with more great content. If you found value in this Blog Post, like it - comment - or share it with your friends. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright - Digital Marketing Consultant More about me: Connect with me on Social Media



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