Earn High ticket commissions

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Earn High Ticket Commissions $1000 + Per Sale digitalbloggers.com /internet-and-businesses-online/earn-high-ticket-commissions-1000-per-sale Jul 21, 2017 14 views Written by Johnny Calvin Bright

Author Johnny Calvin Bright

Articles written: 12 Joined: 04 March 2017 Niche: Book Reviews Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement

Earn High Ticket Commissions - Educational Community - Transformation - Mentorship & Longevity Hello everyone, My name is Johnny Calvin Bright and I'm glad you decided to click on this blog post because what I have to share with you is something unlike you've ever seen before. I am a part of an Educational Community of Digital Entrepreneurs. We focus mainly on Personal Growth and Transformations. 1/4

Just to get you a little bit more acclimated with myself, let me tell you about my story and how I ended up here today. Last year, I started looking for some way’s online how I could start making money. I was working a Job that I had for 10 years and I was hungry for change. I knew that I didn't want to be in the same place for the next 20+ years and I wanted to create a better life for myself. I have a girlfriend that I've been dating for about 2 years now, and two beautiful dogs. So, the fact that I don't have any kids yet, I know that now is the time for me to take chances and explore my options. So, I searched for a few months, looking for something. I came across many guys on Facebook, running their ads, and I sat through countless amount of webinars but none of them were the right fit for me. I was looking for help. I wanted to learn how to make money online and do it in a sustainable way. I remember the first time I saw Tai Lopez. Many of you probably heard of him. He's pretty cool! I took his 67 Steps program and I took a few things from it like Reading and staying curious about things but I couldn’t afford to level up and pay $ 1000 dollars for his Social Media Marketing Course. So, I digressed. I continued on, searching for something because deep down inside, I knew that there was something out there that could help me. My poor girlfriend felt bad for me because she knew just how much I wasn't so happy with my day job and she knew how badly I wanted out of that place. So, one day, I got lucky. She gave me this link to check out and so just like every other opportunity that came across my table, I took a look. I remember the night I sat down to check it out. I was sitting up in my bed around 10:30pm thinking, "I hope this is what I'm looking for"...and so I clicked on it and away I went. What I had discovered was something that I couldn't believe. I had found something that was different then anything that I ever seen and I'm not just saying that or tooting my horn; and I don't want to put other business models on blast but all of them just didn't measure up to this one. This one was unique! Why? Because I'm the type of person who likes to learn and grow as an individual so that I can be in the position to help others and that exactly what it offered. This is just me and who I am. I didn't want to just make money and that's it. I want to build my own business some day and I knew I wanted to learn and acquire skills so that I could add value to the marketplace. Isn't that what keeps a business going? The ability to add value to many! So, I've been in this community since March 1st, 2017. Since then I've learned a lot about Marketing online and a hand full of other things like building websites and creating sales funnels. What have I accomplished? I haven't made any big money if that’s what you're wondering to know. In fact, I haven't earned a dime yet. However, I have 41 people on my Email list and I've started the process of list building. What I'm doing today I couldn't do back in March or most of April but that's why I continue to stay in this community because I am learning as I go, and soon, all my efforts will be monetized and the education I am receiving from the Mentors I have will continue for the rest of my life. You see, what I'm investing into is myself and a proven business system that works. I never wanted to make a commission off signing up my friend or a family member. I wanted to learn and gain skills so that I could run and operate my own business someday. How much did it cost to get started? It was Free! First I was given a free 7 Day Video Series that explained what the business was and who was all 2/4

working it behind the scenes. The founders of the company are the guys I see the moment I pressed play. After the video series, I was given the option to join the community or take a Free 30 Day Test Drive. (Notice that they're offering 37 days of who and what they are without asking for 1cent/penny) Then after that, if you're not ready to get started, you'll still be invited to live webinars, for free! So, to really hammer the nail in the wall, this community is all about providing value first. Like I said earlier, we focus on Education and Transformations. If you wanted to Join, there is an Application process that you would have to go through because this community is not for everyone and the owners do not want anyone walking into their home and not giving their business the respect it deserves. I wouldn’t either! At this point I think I shared much about myself and what the business is about. I'm going to leave a link down below for further details and information. There will be more to hear and read of what I shared on this blog. Take your time and make an informed decision. Once again, this community is not for everyone but if you're are someone like me then I am really excited for you because what you're about to have access to will blow you away. Earn High Ticket Commissions $1000 + Per Sale Well I'm going to sign off for now but I'll be back later with more great content. If you found value in this Blog Post, like it - comment - or share it with your friends. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright - Digital Marketing Consultant More about me: JohnnyCalvinBright.com Connect with me on Social Media

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