The Bleak Mirage

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The Bleak Mirage /@JohnnyBright13/the-bleak-mirage-63542c810512 Jul 25, 2017Arts and Entertainment, Food and Drink 6 views

There’s a first time for everything. Trying something new is good. It gives new perspective to life, and our imagination. I remember seeing it for the first time. It was unlike anything I laid my eyes on. Knowing the fact that I am such a sucker for sweets, I had to get my hands on one. It was my ex-girlfriend who shared it with me first. She always got her hands on the good stuff before me. And respectfully, ladies should always go first. ;-) There I was, drooling all over my phone. I must have stared at it and shared it with everyone on my contact list. My taste buds were running wild and the next thing I did was booked us a date with this delicious treat on the agenda. Finally, the day came. We went out to eat, after we stopped by this prolific desert shop. (Yep, that’s right. Desert first!) When we got there, the line was running out the door. I wasn’t surprised one bit because what these guys were 1/5

selling deserved all the attention, plus more. So, what was this place? Let me explain. It was a nice Spring day in Chino, CA, and the weather was a perfect 74 degrees. People were walking out with huge grins on their faces as if they’d just won the Lotto. I see flavor after flavor, Raspberry with Sprinkles, Strawberry Cake, Apple Pie with Cookie Crumbs… It was so hard to contain myself lol and at last, it was my turn to order… and this is what I got

A Cookie Monster Milky Bun at After’s Ice Cream This was a perfectly warmed donut (aka — Milky Bun) stuffed with Bubble Gum Ice Cream, mixed with Oreo Cookies, and sprinkle of Mini Chocolate Cookies on top. Can you say, Yes Please!!! Hands down one of the best deserts I’ve ever had. Thank you, After’s. You guys rock. 2/5

Every time I go, it feels like the first time. It reminds me of writing my first Blog. I was so anxious and excited to start. It was a blissful feeling after I completed it…. Not the Cookie Monster, the blog! When I write blogs, I like to inspire, inform, and entertain people to give the reader something to smile about. Naturally, I get a real kick out of making people laugh. There’s nothing like a good old laugh, wouldn’t you agree! Well, I’m going to sign off for now but I’ll be back later with more great content. If you found value in this Blog Post, like it — comment — or share it with your friends. Until next time, Believe in yourself and your dreams, and Never give up! Johnny Calvin Bright — Digital Marketing Consultant More about me: Connect with me on Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram





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