WITH A FIRM WILL What a misfortune encircled this pretty world Disease, death and destruction spread its fold, Unable to flee from the deadly clutches of virus The whole world is echoing with helpless cries. Having polluted the minds with race and region Having polluted the earth and even the oceans; Neither able to breathe nor any hope to survive Physically and mentally humans became captive. Collectively, we can disentangle the vicious grip Humanity as a whole should themselves equip To realize the ultimate truth; the beautiful world Is the only source of life and our protective shield. The exchange of universal values and culture Through the contemporary art and literature; Shall kindle and encourage universal harmony To dispel the ignorance and our quest for money. With a firm will, with our literal and artistic vision Yes, let us stand unruffled midst the temptations; Awakening others from the slumber of ignorance Poets and writers, let’s play a role with confidence.
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