COURAGE AND UNITY Whenever the ruinous bombs are rained Through the clandestine clouds of hatred, Unaware, the innocent civilians, unarmed Scores crush to death, scores get maimed. Yes, the heart-breaking devastate scenes The brutally dead and the maimed civilians; The horrifying wails of the wounded children, Lay bare the cruelty and brutality, inhumane. The egotistic and the ignorant-centric world Though aware, slip silently into a selfish fold; Wound after wound, the suffering is untold, Yet, Palestinians stand firm, united and bold. Though the past wounds have not healed yet Another inhumane and barbarous onslaught; Raise a question of violation of human rights Regrettably but, ignorance is ruling the roost. Still yet, the will-power and the soaring spirit The Palestinians wield, is right and upright; Yes, truth and justice confers victory one day ‘cause, courage and unity is their chosen way. 63 |