WITH LOVE, IF SERVED Ignoring the lives, turbulent and pathetic Under the influence of world, materialistic; Often, we get blind with selfish objectives And, aspire to ignore the life’s real motives. Handicapped by illusory worldly pleasures Dangling to the hook of egoistic pressures; We brazenly ignore co-human sufferings Even humiliate them, knowing everything. Never ever ill-treat the persons with disability Instead, dousing self-esteem, shower humility Neither are they accursed, nor undeserved They are but real humans, ‘with love if served’. Disability can be succeeded with love profound Let’s enable them to interact with world around; Though difficult, they can do important things Yes, love and concern can transform anything. From birth itself, form most of the disabilities They can be overcome with sociable activities; Avoiding or neglecting persons with disability, A mean-minded crime against entire humanity. | 92