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A Special Collection of Poetries

Desiderata (Own version)

By Johnrel R. Balaodan


Bloom in the midst of a winter storm. And make your color be the only one that’s seen. Shine in the absence of light. And break free from the chains that bound you. Never be afraid to be unique. You are exceptional. Remember to surround yourself with good people. And because you are the country's hope, build yourself with honesty and integrity. Live with humility and compassion. With the increasing power of lies, speak in the light of the truth, stand against the strike of oppression, and break down the walls of diversity. As you achieve these things, take good care of yourself. Never put too much pressure. Build a fortress of bravery; never let it falter. Instead, make them gleam like golden foils. Strive with resilience. Take risks; success does not come free. And when life puts you in a stage of despair, always place your trust in God's hands. For He is The Almighty, He does not put you into a race you cannot win.

A Child Thought of God

By Jennyfer O. Senica

They say that God resides on high, Beyond the pines and azure sky. Why can't we see Him, we often ask, In the heavens or a golden cask?

And if you dig down the mines You would never see him in the gold Though from him all the glory shines. All new, no one gets old.

God is so good, He wears a fold Of heaven and Earth across his face Like secrets kept, for love untold, And warmth for His embrace.

But still I feel that his embrace Slides down by thrills, Through all things made Through sights & sounds of every place;

As my tender mother laid On my shut lips her kisses’ pressure Half-waking me at night & said “Who kissed you through the dark dear guesser?”

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