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9/11, impact of, xii, 260n5-7, 277n7-64, 278n8-8

Aby, M., 32 Adams, Dale W., 163 African palm, 187–8, 274–5n7-31–2 Afro-Colombians, 28, 150, 187 agriculture in Colombia, 63–85, 129–30, 161, 187–8, 229–30, 251n3-2, 258–9n446, 260n5-12 crop substitution policies/ programs, 95–7, 109–14 devastation caused to, 31, 143, 184–5 (see also fumigation) diversification policies, 112–13 employment in, 87 flower industry, 142, 270n6-53 large and small-scale, 7, 63–81, 81, 139, 230, 251n3–2, 255n4-8, 281n8-15 monoculture problems, 108–10 production statistics, 79, 86 reform and revolution, 65–9, 158–9 trade in products, 181 see also African palm, cattle ranching/ranchers, coca, coffee Ahmad, Aijaz, 42–3, 94–5 Alape, Jacobo Pias (Charro


Negro), 4–5, 196 Alexander, Robert J., 279n8-19 Alliance for Progress, 64–5, 255n4-5 Alvarez, Mucioa Andrea

Morett, 246n2-30 Amin, Samir, 77 Amnesty International, 180 Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA), 141–2, 270n652 Antioquia, 21, 116, 117, 119, 147–9, 226, 264n6-8 Arango, President Andrés

Pastrana, 29, 95, 218 Arenas, Jacobo, 15, 196, 200, 243n1-51 arts, the, 200–1 Asociación Campesina de

Agricultures y Ganmaderos del Magdalena Medio (ACDEGAM), 120–4 assassinations see under deaths Autodefensas Campesinas de

Córdoba y Urabá (ACCU), 119 Autodefensas Unidas de

Colombia (AUC), 23–4, 118, 125–7, 131–6, 138–9, 144–50, 264n6-7, 266n627, 269n6-44, 271n6-59, 274–5n7-32, 277n7-66 negotiations with the state, 145 shift in focus, 142–3 see also death squads, paramilitaries Avilés, William, 5–6, 9–10, 84–5 Avirama, Jesus Rey, 45, 79

Bagley, Bruce M., 162, 164 Beals, C., 256n4-16 Bergquist, Charles W., 237n115, 239n1-20 Bernal, Ana Teresa, 191 Berry, R. Albert, 67, 82, 254n4-2 Betancourt, President see under

Cuartas Betancourt, Gabriel, 264n6-12 Betancourt, Ingrid, 247n2-30, 264n6-12 Bogotá, 29, 39, 75, 129, 180–1, 245n2-16, 267n6-29 Bonnet, Manuel José, 221 Borrero, Misael Pastrana, 22, 165 Botero, Jorge Enrique, 176 Bottomore, Tom, 174 Branford, S., 92, 104, 105, 194 Braun, Herbert, 218, 224 Brownfield, William, 23 Bush, US President George H.

W., 141 Bush, US President George W., xii, 245n2-20, 270n6-52 Bushnell, David, 207, 209, 249n2-42

Caballero, Cesar, 24 Calderón, Francisco Santos, 40, 224, 246n2-29–30, 279n8-18 Cali cartel, 93, 106, 137, 139, 270n6-45 Camargo, President Alberto

Lleras, 265n6-17 Campos, Carlos Oliva, 140 Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 71 Cano, Alfonso, 219, 242n1–48, 243n2-2 capitalism, 51–4, 110–11, 232–5, 276n7-50 and agriculture, 69, 70, 74, 93, 108–10, 161 and culture, 200 and fascism, 123 national differences in, 51, 55 Caquetá, 11, 82, 97, 99, 149–50, 156, 168, 179, 197, 216, 279n8-20 Cassidy, V., 187 Castañeda, Jorge, 1, 45, 236n1-8 Castaño, Carlos, 119, 124–5, 131, 134, 136–7, 152, 265n6-15, 266n6-28, 267n6-33 death of, 153, 271n6-60 Castaño, Don Jesus, 119, 264n6-13, 265n6-16 Castaño, Fidel, 119, 124–5, 137, 138, 264–5n6-14, 265n6-15–16, 267n6-33 Castaño, Jose Vincente, 153 Castro, Jorge Daniel, 23–4, 145 cattle ranching/ranchers, 7, 75, 79, 92, 101, 116, 120–1, 129–30, 187 Chaliand, Gerard, 242n1-44 Chávez, Hugo, 204 Charro Negro see Alape,

Jacobo Pias Chernick, M. W., 99, 224, 266n6-27, 277n7-63 Chilcote, Robert H., 272n7-7 Child, Jorge, 123, 137 children, mistreatment/death of, 129, 135–6, 199 Christodoulou, Demetrois, 257n4-32 Cienfuegos, R., 183 Cienfuegos, S., 183 Citibank, 140 civico, el, 217 Clark, Ramsey, 79, 80–1 class -based taxation model see under taxation conflict, 24–5, 50, 52–4, 82, 115, 151, 257n4-22 (see also revolution)

Gramsci’s theorizing of, 154–5 interests exploited in

Colombia, 64–73 interests and JACs, 165–6 issues and education, 174–5 pattern of FARC-EP membership, 47

structure in Colombia, 159–60, 204, 255n4-7, 263n6-2, 265n6-21 see also inequality, peasants Clinton, US President Bill, xii, 221, 260n5-8 coal industry, 23, 79 coca, 84, 87–8, 89–114, 145–6, 184, 230, 261–2n5-14–25 agricultural skills in, 114 crop substitution policies, 95–7, 109–14, 138–9

FARC-EP involvement with, 89–114 growth statistics, 146–52 not illicit, 262–3n5-27 in other Latin American countries, 110 paramilitary involvement with, 137–40, 145–51 see also narcotics coffee, 3, 79, 84–5, 87, 88, 109, 236n1-7, 258n4-44, 259n4-48 Coghlan, Nicholas, 79 Collier, D., 167 Collier, R. B., 167 Comisión Colombiana de

Juristas, 81 communism, 4, 162, 217, 246n2-22 communist parties in Colombia see Partida

Comunista Colombiano in Colombia before establishment of PCC, 4 across South America, 1–3, 45–6 of the Soviet Union (CPSU), 1 Conrado, Julián, 200–1, 275n7-43 CONVIVIRs, 117–18, 226, 264n6-5, 264n6-10 Cooper, N., 105 Coronado, Paulino, 23 Correa, Rafael, 224 Cossio, Fabio Valencia, 40 Cox, Sarah, 270n6–53 Crandall, Russell, 132, 139, 196, 227, 280n8-26 crime, 102–3, 183, 211–17, 232, 276n7-58–9 see also death squads, rape, torture Crumpton, Harry A., 277n766 Cuartas, President Belisario

Betancur, xii, 98, 120, 206, 218, 227, 243n2-7 Cuba, 45, 48, 59, 110, 254n45, 275n7-39 Cubides, Fernando, 118 Cueller, Francisco Ramírez, 81 Cueva, Agustín, 254n3-9 cultural issues, 102, 160–1, 188–203 Cundinamarca, 16, 184 Currie, Lauchlin, 7, 239n1-23, 239n1-25, 273n7-11

d’Echeona, Gina María Parody, 145 Dávalos, Liliana M., 31, 77, 185, 186–7 Davis, Mike, 86 De Janvry, Alain, 69, 86–7 death squads, xiii, 115, 117, 120, 125–7, 131–4, 199, 205, 238n1–16, 243–4n2-8, 247n2-31–2, 264–5n6-14, 272n6-61 assassination rates by country, 206 methods, 126, 134–5, 269n6-44 and narcotics industry, 94 number of murders, 34, 133 see also deaths, paramilitaries deaths demonstrations over, 38 of insurgents, 22, 41 murders of civilians, 118, 125, 131–2, 135–6, 172–3, 199, 213, 216–17, 218 murders of judges, 123 murders of paramilitary leaders, 153 murders of political activists/guerrilla sympathizers, xiii, 40, 120, 134–5, 205–6. 209–10, 218, 219 without physicians, 75 see also death squads Debray, Régis, 3, 48, 250n2-48 Deere, Carmen Diana, 74 deforestation, 185, 274–5n732 Delgado, José Fernando Isaza, 19 demonstrations against the guerrillas, 37–40 against state policy, 34 concerning state crime victims, 38–9 Díaz, Maria Ovidia, 10 Díaz-Callejas, Apolinar, 81 “disappeared,” the, 40 see also deaths, internally displaced persons Dix, Robert H., 161 Draper, H., 50–1 Dudley, S., 121, 129–30 Duran, Ricardo, 229 Durnan, M., 43, 130, 139

economic groups, 81, 280n823 see also class, peasants economy of Colombia, 57, 63–88, 108–9, 142, 229, 233, 258n4-41 and coca, 89–114, 128–9 dual economy, 236n1-3 economic development and

JACs, 162–3 see also agriculture, neoliberalism Ecuador, 17, 224 Edel, Matthew, 162, 164 education higher, 177–8, 273n7-20 lack of state-supplied, 57, 75–7, 107, 162–3, 258n4-37 misdirected rural initiatives, 163 political, 11, 175–6 provided/supported by

FARC-EP, xvi, 35–7, 99, 103, 107, 174–8, 261n5-19 provided via JACs, 160–1, 162 provided by paramilitary and associated groups, 121 spending on, 254n4-4 through self-defense networks, 11 within the FARC-EP, 177–8, 188 Ejército Zapatista de

Leberación Nacional (EZLN), 249n2-46 El Davis, 11 El Pato, 11 emeralds, 79, 119 employment see labor Engels, Friedrich, 30, 50, 174, 252n3-6 Engqvist, M., 136 environmental issues, 78–9, 103, 183, 184–8, 274n728–9 Escobar, Arturo, 24, 204 Escobar, Pablo, 94, 122, 123, 130, 137, 208, 265n6-19, 278n8-2

Facebook, 37, 246n2-26 Farah, Douglas, 222 FARC-EP alleged attacks disproved, 172–3, 243–4n2-8 as army of the people, 25–6, 28

attacks by, 23, 29, 92, 132, 151, 227, 248n2-38, 279n8-18 attacks on, 22–3, 94, 119, 125, 217–18, 225 (see also death squads, deaths, military, paramilitaries) blocks, 17–18, 20 culture of, 189–204 daily routine, 188 death of members see under deaths demonization of/denounced as terrorist, xii–xiii, xv, 42, 169, 170–1, 173–4 differences from other guerrilla movements, 249–50n2-47 educational activities see under education as “employer,” 271n6-59 forums sponsored by, 178 funding sources, 169 (see also under taxation) gender issues see gender geographical area of operations/support, 9, 11, 16–18, 20, 26, 30–1, 33–4 health care activities see under health care impact of attacks on, 19–23 inability to defeat, 223–4, 235 international recognition of, xii issues should it gain power, 108–14 lack of corruption, 104 level and nature of support for, 30–41, 45–7, 243n2-1 Marxist-Leninist nature see

Marxist-Leninism and narcotics industry/ coca see under nar cotics,narcoterrorism number of combatants, 19–20, 23–4, 243n2-3 number of fronts, 17–19, 243n2-5, 260n5-10 organization and leadership, 13–15, 17–19, 26–7, 156, 242n1-45, 242n1-48, 245n2-12 origins and history, xii, 1–15, 90, 237n1-12, 240n1-30 peace orientation, 217–20 peasant support for, 13–14, 16, 27–8, 31–4, 47–8, 143–4, 150–1, 156, 167, 221, 232, 262n5-21 political philosophy, 42–4,

47–9, 214–15, 235, 250n2-50, 272n7-2 protest against, 37–40 quotations, 8, 13, 25, 192, 200, 215 relation to political parties, 206–7, 210 relation to prerevolutionary social change, 154–220

“retentions” and releases, 21, 118–19, 156, 171, 218, 246n2-28, 264n611

Rules of Coexistence, 211–12, 216 Seventh Conference, 25 social services see under services, public sociological analysis of, 16–49 support networks, 35–6 trade-related social support, 107–8 urban members/support, 2, 28–9, 35, 157–8, 180–1, 245n2-17–18 Farr, Stephen, 85 fascism, 123–4, 126, 131, 137, 153, 237n1-14, 265n6-19, 268n6-35 Feder, Ernest, 10 Felbab-Brown, Vanda, 138, 145 Fernández, Omaira, 136 Fernández, R. A., 7, 253n3-8 fishing, 186, 188 Frechette, Myles, 95, 260n5-8 fumigation policies/practices, 31, 112, 139, 143, 146, 151, 184, 231, 263n5-27, 263n5-29, 274n7-27

Gacha, Gonzalo Rodríguez, 122, 123, 130 Garavito, F., 135 Garcia, Ivan Roberto Duque, 123–4 Gaviria, José Obdulio, 39, 266n6-27 gender issues, 76, 175 in the FARC-EP, 28, 190–5, 245n2-14, 275n7-36 geography of Colombia, 181, 250n2-47 Gibbs, T., 84, 231 Gilbert, Jorge, 59 Gilhodés, P., 30–1 Gini coefficient, 79–80 Giraldo, Father Javier, 170 Goff, Stan, 34, 95, 105, 106, 172, 214, 225 Goffman, S., 145 gold mining, 79 Gomez, A., 2, 11–12, 241n1238, 241n1-44 Gómez, Diana Duque, 267n631 Gómez, Hernando José, 230 Gómez, Joaquín, 243n2-2 Goodman, J., 229–30 Gott, Richard, 238n1-16 Gramsci, Antonio, 56–7, 154–7, 167, 190, 272n7-1, 272n7-8 Granda, Rodrigo, 272n7-2 Grandin, G., 240n1–36, 241n1-37 Grisales, Judith, 191, 275n735 Griswold, Deirdre, 38 guerrilla(s) insurgency seen as, 8

Liberal, 5 movements see FARC-EP need for grassroots support, 34–5 tactics, use of, 156–7 troop requirements to combat, 280n8-26 warfare, benefits of, 51 Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 25, 35, 58, 63, 175, 250n2-48 Gutierrez, T., 172, 259n4-47 Gutiérrez–Sanín, F., 152–3 Guzmán, Efrain, 243n2-2

Harding, Timothy, 54 Harnecker, Marta, 50 Harrison, Paul, 66, 70, 72–3, 257n4-32 health in rural regions, 74–5 health care drug prices, 258n4-34 lack of state-supplied, 57, 64, 74–5, 208 provided by FARC-EP, 29, 99, 103, 107, 178–81, 183 provided via JACs, 160–1 provided by paramilitary and associates, 121 state system of, 75–6 Henderson, James D., 75 Hennessey, A., 46 Hernandez, Rafael, 230 Hill, General James, 270n6-51 Hobsbawm, E. J., 50, 253n3-4 Holguin, Carlos, 23 Honneth, Axel, 269n6-42 Huila department, 8, 11 human rights destruction of, 117, 171–2, 262n5-24 number of violations, 133, 205 organizations committing abuses, 133–4

and prostitution, 180 targets of criticism by organizations, 132 see also deaths, death squads, torture Hylton, Forrest, 26, 236nP-2, 238n1-18, 245n2-14

“independent republics,” 8, 11, 217 see also Partida

Comunista Colombiano indigenous peoples, xv, 28, 150, 163, 195–9, 245n2-13, 275n7-38–42 inequality, 40, 52, 63, 78–84, 204, 228–9, 258n4-43 informants, use of, 266–7n6-29 infrastructure, 160, 168–9, 227, 273n7-18, 279–80n8-21

FARC-EP’s contribution to, 102–3, 108, 181–4 provided by ACDEGAM/

MAS, 121 Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA), 65–7, 72–3, 255n4-6, 245n4-8 Inter-American Commission of

Human Rights, 210 internally displaced persons (IDPs), 10, 13, 24, 40, 117, 265n6-24 International Bank for

Reconstruction and

Development, 64 International Coffee

Agreement, 84, 85, 258n444–5 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 85, 233, 280n8-24 internet, use of, 37–8 Isacson, Adam, 150 Isbister, J., 256n4-18

Janicke, Kiraz, 38 Jara, Alan, 21 Jaramillo, Bernardo, 209 Jaramillo, Daniel García-Peña, 19 Jaramillo, Mauricio, 243n2-2 Johnson, Chalmers, 34–5, 190 Juntas Accíon Comunal (JACs), 138, 154, 159–69, 186, 214, 261n5-19, 272–3n7-9–15 interrelation with FARC-

EP, 167–9 numbers of, 167 justice see crime, policing

Kalyvas, Stathis N., 31, 213 Kennedy, (US) President J. F., 221 kidnapping see FARC-EP, retentions by Kirk, Robin, 126 Kline, Harvey F., 71–2, 122, 238n1-16 Kolmanovitz, Salmon, 267n6-30 Koonings, Kees, 115 Kruijt, Dirk, 115

labor cost of/payment for, 7, 74, 105, 142, 256n4-17, 270n6-53 reserve army of, 7, 73–4 statistics, 279n8-11 Labrousse, Alain, 90, 92, 93, 113 land absentee owners of, 74 bought by narcobourgeoisie, 93, 127–31, 267n6-31, 267n6-32 clearances, 187 concentration/ distribution policies, 7, 33, 63–74, 158–9, 199, 229, 254n4-2 demanded by JACs, 164–5 encroachment onto, 74 holding size, 71, 81, 257n425–6 ownership patterns/ changes, 239n1-24, 255n4-9, 255–6n411–13, 256–7n4-22, 257n4-32 ownership statistics, 80–1 people lacking, 67–71, 101, 256n4-14 redistribution by FARC, 102, 156 sought by Páez, 197 symbolic importance of, 127–8 and taxation, 127 unused, 67, 72, 127, 257n4-31, 258n4-39 Law 1, 68–9, 256n4-13 Law 14, 160–1, 166 Law 48, 116 Law 135, 63–74, 256n4-16, 256n4-17, 257n4-30 Law 387, 131 Law 685, 127 Law 975, 145 laws, FARC’s, 101, 103, 211–14, 232 Leal, Jaime Pardo, 276n7-51 Leal, Magdalena León de, 74 Lee, Rensselaer W. III, 93 Leech, Garry, 31, 84, 101–2, 170–1, 172, 181, 197, 231, 239n1-34, 279–80n8-21, 280n8-25 legislation see law(s) LeGrand, Catherine, 3, 10, 89–90, 211 LeMoyne, James, 96 Lenin, V. I., 51, 52, 53–4, 60–2, 91, 191, 244–5n211, 246n2-24, 248n2-37, 251n3-2, 251–2n3-3, 256n4-19, 272n7-3 Lernoux, Jenny, 268n6-40 Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 48, 131 Liberal Party (of Colombia), 5, 14, 237n1-14–15 life expectancy, 258n4-35 literacy lack of, 75, 107, 162, 257n4-28 training in, 11, 175, 183, 192 Livingstone, Grace, 207 Lopez, Fabian Marulanda, 202 Lopez, Marino, 134–5 Los Pozos Accord, 218 Lydersen, K., 187

malnutrition, 75–6, 79 Mancuso, Salvatore, 40–1, 115, 125, 153, 247n2-33, 264n6-6, 266n6-26, 271n660 Mandel, Ernest, 62, 272n7–7 Marin, Olga Lucia, 191 Marquetalia, 8, 12–13, 15, 48, 218, 241n1-39–40

Operation Marquetalia, 12–13 Márquez, Miguel Maza, 124 Marsh, R. R., 168 Marshall, Donnie, 94–5 Marulanda see Vélez, Manuel

Marulanda Marx, Karl, 30, 50, 51, 52–3, 174, 176, 211, 236n1-2, 237n1-9, 239n1-26, 251n32, 252n3-4, 252–3n3-6, 263n5-28 Marxism, 4, 47, 50–1, 59–60, 144, 250n2-50, 251–2n3-3, 270n6-55 Marxist-Leninism, xv, 1, 60, 236nP-1, 272n7-7

FARC-EP as exemplar of, xv, 42–4, 47–9, 91, 214 221 Matta, Luis Alberto, 39 Maullin, Richard, 45 McCaffrey, Barry, 260n5-7 McCarthy, M. M., 128 McClintock, Cynthia, 205, 268–9n6-41 McNeely, Jeffrey A., 185–6, 188 Medellín, 29 Medellín cartel, 92, 93, 106,

120, 137, 139, 259n5-6, 270n6-45, 278n8-2 see also Escobar, Pablo media, 22, 38, 208, 246n2-29, 273n7-16 bias shown by, 89, 134, 170 censorship of revolutionary activity, 169–74

FARC–EP’s use of, 201 political propaganda disseminated by, 39, 41 see also internet Méndez, Alfonso Gómez, 90 Mendiza Juan Efrain, 171, 273n7-17 Mészáros, István, 205 migrations within Colombia, 11, 31, 86–7, 103–4, 143–4, 163, 185, 197, 245n2-19, 258n4-38 see also internally displaced persons military, Colombian, 34, 195, 210, 222–5, 260n5-9, 271n6-58 attacks blamed on FARC-

EP, 172–3 attacks by, 12, 21, 22, 31, 95, 98, 218 enforcing censorship, 170 expenditure on, 12, 234, 254–5n4-4 and human rights abuses, 133–4, 136 ineptness of, 222 and narcotics trade, 94 and paramilitary forces, 119 problems within, 224–5 as sole state representative in rural areas, 102 Molano, Alfredo, 11, 41, 90, 106, 170, 182 Mondragón, Héctor, 85, 86–7, 239n1-23 money laundering, 128–9, 140, 145, 187 Mono Jojoy, 21, 202 Montejo, President Eduardo

Santos, 272n7-4 Montes, Eberto Díaz, 171, 273n7-17 Morales, Evo, 110 Morley, M., 211, 249–50n247, 262n5-21 Morris, H., 173 Movimiento Bolivariano por la

Nueva Colombia (MBNC), 35–6, 201, 219–20, 246n223 Movimiento Nacional de Victimas de Crímines de Estado (MOVICE), 38–9 Movimiento di Restauración

Nacional (MORENA), 123–4, 265n6-20, 265n6-23 Muerte de Sequestradores (MAS), 120–4, 137, 265n618 Mujica, Luis Alberto Galvis, 172 multinationals, 101, 107, 119, 273n7-19, 279n8-20, 280n8-25 Munck, R., 205, 237n1-8, 252n3-5 murders see deaths, death squads Murillo, Mario A., 45, 79 music, 200–1 Myers, Richard B., 227

napalm, 12 Naranjo, General Oscar, 29, 244n2-10, 247n2-30 narcotics campaigns against, 95, 112, 137, 141, 147, 150, 231, 260n5-8, 270n6-48 (see also fumigation) cartels, 93, 106, 119, 120, 131, 137, 139 (see also

Cali, Medellín) economic advantages of illegality, 88

FARC-EP disapproval of, 91, 92, 94–5, 213, 260n5-10, 276n7-57

FARC-EP involvement (and noninvolvement) in, 44, 89–114, 138, 147–50, 261–2n4-21, 270n6-49 growers, taxation of, xiii, 99–102 narcobourgeoisie, 92–3, 121, 127–31, 255n4-7, 267–8n6-30–4 narcodevelopment, 128 narcoterrorism, claims of, xii, 44, 89, 259n5-6 paramilitary involvement with, 106–7, 122, 137–40, 145 path/distribution of earnings from, xiii, 106, 140 see also coca Narváez, Miryam, 191, 275n735 National Front agreement, 6–8, 205 natural resources, 78–9 neoliberalism, 16, 43, 77, 81–8, 109–10, 158, 209, 223, 227–8, 234 actions to survive, 113–14 blowback of, 227–9 and growing coca, 141–2 resistance to, 111 Nieto, Jaime Zuluaga, 204, 275–7n7-48 Nixon, US President Richard

M., 141, 259n5-6 Noriega, Roger, 19 Novoa, Alberto Ruíz, 241n142 Nyholm, Klaus, 96

O’Grady, Maria Anastasia, 172 O’Shaughnessy, H., 92, 104, 105, 194 Obama, US President Barack, 141, 270n6-52 Ocampo, José F., 253n3-8 Ochoa, Jurge Luis, 122 oil industry, 23, 79, 164, 223, 228, 239n1-26, 270n6-50 Operation Anori, 22 Operation Cabeza, 13 Operation Marquetalia, 12 Oquist, Paul, 196 Organization of American

States (OAS), 210 Orjuela, Carlos García, 40 Ortíz, Georgina, 274n7-34 Ortíz, Román D., 178 Oslender, Ulrich, 244n2-9 Osterling, Jorge P., 2, 66

Páez peoples, 197, 275n738–40 Páez, Maiana, 191 Palacios, Marco, 67, 71, 81, 160 paramilitaries, 20, 32, 34, 38–40, 115–53, 187 amnesty for, 23, 145 as “employer,” 271n6-59

FARC-EP’s impact on, 278n8-5 involvement in coca trade, 106–7, 137–40, 144–50 legislation for, 116, 133, 145, 263n6-3 state support for, 40, 115, 143, 205, 277n7-66 see also Autodefensas

Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá, Autodefensas

Unidas de Colombia, death squads, Muerte de

Sequestradores parapolitica scandal, 40 Pardo, Jaime, 209 Partida Comunista Colombiano (PCC), 1–15, 44, 46, 207, 236n1-1, 236n1-4–5, 236n1-8, 237n1-14, 238n117, 239n1-21, 241–2n1-44, 249n2-42

Partida Comunista Clandestino Colombiano, 35

Tenth Congress, 8 see also self-defense groups/ communities Partida Socialista

Revolucionario (PSR), 4 Pastrana, President Andrés, 108, 226, 227 Paternostro, Silvana, 30 Patriotic Union see Union

Patriotica Pearce, Jenny, 7, 69, 75–6, 120, 131, 133, 166, 207, 265n6-21 Pearse, A., 70, 256–7n4-22 peasants, 253n4-10 becoming wage laborers, 69–71, 73, 74 land ownership see land modernity of, 158–9 poverty see poverty revolutionary role of, 52, 56, 253n3-13–14 see also under FARC-EP Peceny, M., 43, 130, 139 Perkins, John, 278n8–6 Petras, J., 10, 44, 59, 111, 143, 158–9, 175, 211, 223, 249n2-43, 249–50n2-47, 262n5-21 Pinilla, President Gustavo

Rojas, 238n1-18 Pizano, President Ernesto

Samper, 117, 278n8-9 Plan Colombia, xii, 22, 34, 223–4, 226, 234, 278n8-4, 278n8-6 Plan Lazo, 12–13, 64, 239n129, 240n1-36 Plan Patriota, 21, 22, 227, 278n8-8 policing, 102–3, 183, 211–15 politics, 203–11, 219, 235 electoral results, 208, 209, 247–8n2-34 left barred/excluded from, 6, 204 political parties, 204–11, 237n1-15, 239n1-21 see also Movimiento di

Restauración Nacional,

Partida Comunista

Colombiano, Partida

Socialista Revolucionario, Unión Patriótica Polo Democrático Alternativo, 246n2-27, 248n2-34 Pomeroy, W. J., 244–5n2-11 popularity polls, 40–1 poverty, 70, 82–3, 75–6, 228–9, 258n4-42 cyclical, 112 increases in, 81–3, 142 indicators of rural, 75–6 and lack of education, 77

statistics, 82–3 power anti-power or no power, 240n1-34 dual, 60–2, 157, 190, 211, 220, 225, 235 fallacious urban–centric conception, 158–9 from below legitimized, 169 move from dual to state, 221–35 of state and civil society, 56–7 taking of see revolution urban and rural, 158 Prevost, Gary, 109 prostitution, 129, 179–80 Puerto Boyacá, 120–2, 124, 129–30, 265n6-22 Putumayo, 82, 107–8, 132, 135, 147–9, 156, 184–5, 245n2-13

Raby, D. L., 58 Ramirez, Francisco Cellular, 120 rape, 32, 192, 269n6-42, 269n6-44 Reagan, US President Ronald, 141 refugees see internally displaced persons religion, 201–3 Rempe, Dennis, 196 research for the book, xiii, xv–xvi Restrepo, Carlos Lleras, 242n1-44 Restrepo M., Luis Alberto, 117 revolution conditions needed for, 1, 14, 25, 30, 45, 52, 63, 157–8, 272n7-4, 276n749 definition, 55

FARC-EP’s approach to, 48, 174, 221 few alternatives to, 114 likelihood of, 235

Marxist view of, 30 rarely a response to neoliberalism, 42–3 revolutionary optimism, 25 setbacks, realities of, 22 social change preparatory to, 154–220 theorizing of, 50–62, 244n2-11, 254n3-22 Revolutionary Armed Forces of

Colombia-People’s Army see

FARC-EP Reyes, Raúl, 21–2, 39, 243n22, 246–7n2-30 Richani, N., 4–5, 66, 116,

130–1, 155–6, 223, 233–4, 248n2-38, 254n4-2, 255n411, 266n6-27, 268n6-39, 272n7-4, 280n8-25 Ridler, Neil, 68 rifle de cuadre, 173 Ríos, Iván, 21–2, 47, 219, 243n2-2 Rochlin, James F., 16, 157–8, 262n5-21, 268n6-35 Röhl, Katharina, 225, 277n767 Rojas, Christina, 76 Rojas, Luis Alfredo Rubio, 124 Roldán, Jesús Ignacio, 153 Romero, Diógenes Campos, 19 Ross, Eric B., 236n1-6, 262n525 Rostow, W. W., 64

Sacouman, Jim, 252n3-6 Safford, F., 71, 81 San Vincente del Caguán, 31, 97, 98, 182–3, 212, 213, 215, 274n7-25 Sánchez, Gonzalo G., 3, 67 Sánchez, Colonel Lino, 134 Sanders, Thomas G., 67, 116, 255n3-7 Sandoval, Wellington, 247n230 Sanín, Francisco Gutiérrez, 90–1, 104, 194, 271n6-59 Santos, Juan Manuel, 29, 40, 246n2-30 Satchell, Michael, 186 Savisky, Silvestre, 4, 237n1–10 Schulte-Bockholt, A., 33, 128, 211–12, 248–9n2-41, 254n4-2, 259n4-49–50, 261–2n5-20 Scott, Peter Dale, 140, 270n649 Selbin, Eric, 58 self-defense communities/ groups, 2–3, 5, 8–13, 15, 205, 217, 240n1-32, 240n134 services, public not provided by government in rural areas, 102, 232, 240n1-31 offered by FARC-EP, xvi, 92, 102–3, 105, 157, 168–9, 274n7-22, 279–80n8-21–2 provided via JACs, 160 see also education, health care, infrastructure Shining Path, 249n2-46 Silva, Gabriel, 85 Simons, G., 10, 121, 123 Skocpol, T., 55, 253n3–12, 253n3-14

Smith, T. Lynn, 71, 160, 254n4-2 social movement theory, 42, 250n2-50 Solaún, Mauricio, 222 Somocurico, Monica, 97 sport, 160, 275n7-33 state absent/failed in Colombia, 57, 64, 155–7, 205, 212, 214–15, 272n7-6 action against guerrillas, 117–18 (see also military) acts only for the elite, 63–4, 73, and capitalism, 56–7, 63–4 centered approaches to revolutionary theory, 59–61

Colombian viewed as enemy, 10 failings of Colombian, 77–8, 204–6 (see also under education, health care) structure of Colombia, 116, 154, 160–1 see also military, presidents by name Steinberg, Michael K., 44 Stokes, Doug, 6, 82, 102, 208, 238–9n1-19 Suárez, Alfredo Rangel, 94, 260n5-10 Summerlin, Sam, 256n4-12 Suri, Sanjay, 268n6-40 Sweig, J. E., 128 Szulc, Tad, 66, 204, 240n1-36

Tambs, Louis, 259–60n5-6 Taussig, Michael, 71, 126, 131–2, 135, 152 Tate, Winifred, 223 taxation class-based FARC-EP, 99–102, 156, 168, 176, 183, 211, 214, 260n510, 261n5-13–20 of land, 278n8-12 other FARC-EP, 99–100 of the rich, 278n8-9 by Uribe, 228–9, 233, 279n8-13–14

“war tax,” 228 Teeple, Garry, 180 telephones, 41 Texas Petroleum, 120, 121 Thompson, Matthew, 247n2-33 Thoumi, Francisco E., 82, 254n4-2 Tilly, Charles, 60, 254n3-20 timber, 186–7, 274–5n7-32 Tolima department, 5, 6, 11, 12, 165 Torres, Camilo, 275n7-46 torture, 39, 73, 134–6, 268–9n6-41, 269n6-41–2 trade in drugs see narcotics free trade agreements, 141–2, 229–31, 270n6-52 organized by FARC-EP, 181 transport, 176, 181–3, 273–4n7-21, 279–80n8-21 gasoline restrictions, 100, 108, 259n4-46 Trinidad, Simón, 112, 215 Trujillo, President César

Augusto Gaviria, 117, 218 Turbay, President Julio Cesar, 208

Unidad Agricola Familiar, 260n5-12 Unión Patriótica, xiii, 206–10, 219, 243n2–7, 276n7-51–4 United Nations, 95–8, 151 Commission on Human

Rights (UNCHR), 136 United Self-Defense Forces of

Colombia see Autodefensas

Unidas de Colombia United States Government activities in Colombia, 12, 32, 64–5, 95, 98, 139, 141–4, 163, 172, 205, 217, 222–3, 230, 233–4, 239n1–29, 241n1–37, 246–7n2-30, 260n5-8, 268–9n6-41, 270n6-54, 277n7-66

Agency for International

Development (USAID), 230

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 224

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 221–2, 277–8n8-2

Drug Enforcement Agency, 94–5, 260n5-7 list of terrorist organisations, xii policy on drugs, 137, 140, 141 “war on terrorism”, xii Urapalma, 187, 274–5n7-31–2 Uribe, Alvaro see Vélez,

President Alvaro Uribe USSR, 4, 43–5, 242n1-44, 248n2-40

Vanden, Harry E., 109 Varela, Juan de la Cruz, 237n1-12 Vargas, President Virgilio

Barco, 116, 124, 218 Vélez, President Alvaro Uribe,

xii, 29, 38–40, 108, 116–18, 145, 151, 219, 224–30, 233, 246n2-25, 246n2-30, 264n6-6–7, 266–7n6-29, 276n7-48, 277n7-66, 278n8-2 administration of, 24, 78, 100, 108, 127, 134, 140, 145, 170–1, 184, 205, 227–9, 233, 244n2-8, 259n4-46, 270n6-52, 274n7-27, 277n7-66, 279n8-17 links with narcotics, 247n2–33, 278n8–2 popularity levels, 40–1, 171 Vélez, Manuel Marulanda (Tiro Fijo), 5, 11, 13–14, 24, 42, 57, 104, 189, 205, 220, 242n1-46–50, 259n5-2 attempts to assassinate, 12 background and career, 14–15 death, 22, 243n2-2 Vélez, Mario Uribe, 40 Vélez, Santiago Uribe, 40 Veltmeyer, H., 59, 83, 111, 143, 175 Vieira, Constanza, 24 Villa Nueva Colombia, 31 Villalón, Carlos, 113, 212–13 Villazón, Eduardo Maya, 40 Violencia, la, 6, 10, 238n1-16, 241n1-44

Wagley, Charles, 70 Wallerstein, Immanuel, 54 Walton, J., 69 water, access to, 76, 182, 183, 257n4-33 Weinberg, Bill, 38 Weinstein, J. M., 104 White, Cecilia María Vélez, 177 White, Robert, 224 Whiteford, Michael D., 65–6 Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P., 5, 196, 269n6-41, 276n7-51 Wilhelm, Clarles, 221 Wilkinson, Paul, 245n2–15 World Bank, 64, 71, 85, 142 World Conservation Union (IUCN), 185 World Trade Organization, 85

Yarborough, William, 268–9n6-41 Yosa, Isauro (Major Lister), 4–5

Zack, Joseph, 4 Zamosc, Leon, 166, 258n4-30

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