New LCC Library Items, 2016 October

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New LCC Library items, October 2016 Subject



Call Number

Philosophy & Psychology Qualitative psychology 150.721 QUA 2015 Whose justice? Which rationality? MacIntyre, Alasdair C.

172 MAC 2003 Economics of good and evil

Sedlacek, Tomas.

174 SED 2011 Thomas Aquinas

Kerr, Fergus.

189.4 KER 2009

Religion God's continent Jenkins, Philip.

200.94 JEN 2007 America and the challenges of religious diversity

Wuthnow, Robert.

201.50973 WUT 2005 The book that made your world

Mangalwadi, Vishal.

220.09 MAN 2011 What would Jesus deconstruct?

Caputo, John D.

230 CAP 2007 Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae

McGinn, Bernard.

230.2 MCG 2014 The weakness of God

Caputo, John D.

231 CAP 2006 Christ the center

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.

232 BON 1978 Consuming religion

Miller, Vincent Jude.

241.68 MIL 2003 Kaip buvo pradĹžioje

Sasnauskas, Julius.

242 SAS 2016 The steward leader

Rodin, R. Scott.

253 ROD 2010 The continuing conversion of the church

Guder, Darrell L.

262.0017 GUD 2000 Fragments of real presence

Berger, Teresa.

264.02 BER 2005 Changing the mind of missions

Engel, James F.

266 ENG 2000 A generous orthodoxy

McClaren, Brian D. Phayer, Michael.

270.83 MCL 2004 The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 19301965 Henri Nouwen

Burns, Kevin.

282.09044 PHA 2000 282.092 BUR 2016

Dievo vardas - Gailestingumas Francis, Pope. Social sciences

282.092 PRA 2016 Joining together

Johnson, David W.

302.3 JOH 2014 Leadership without easy answers

Heifetz, Ronald A.

303.34 HEI 1994 Shock of gray

Fishman, Ted C.

304.61 FIS 2010 Understanding post-communist transformation

Rose, Richard.

LCC Library; 2016-11-18

306.09171 ROS 2009


New LCC Library items, October 2016 Subject



Call Number

Economics and morality 306.3 ECO 2009 The handbook of economic sociology 306.3 HAN 2005 Violence and social orders North, Douglass Cecil.

306.301 NOR 2009 Justice as fairness

Rawls, John.

320.011 ROW 2001 Lithuania and globalization

Mickunas, Algis.

320.1 MIC 2016 Optimizmo paieĹĄkos pesimizmo amĹžiuje

Donskis, Leonidas.

320.947 DON 2015 Cultural diplomacy of France and the United States and its practical conduct in Lithuania Living economics

Boettke, Peter J.

327.1 PRA 2016 330 BOE 2012

Economics and contemporary issues Edgmand, Michael R.

330 EDG 2001 Human action

Von Mises, Ludwig.

330 VON 2012 Economics rules

Rodrik, Dani.

330.01 ROD 2015 The methodology of experimental economics

Guala, Francesco.

330.072 GUA 2005 Experimental economics 330.0724 EXP 2010 Schelling's game theory

Dodge, Robert.

330.092 DOD 2012 Entering the 21st century 330.9 ENT 2000 World development report 2011 330.9 WOR 2011 World development report 2013 330.9 WOR 2012 World development report 2014 330.9 WOR 2013 World development report 2015 330.9 WOR 2015 World development report 2016 330.9 WOR 2016 How the West grew rich

Rosenberg, Nathan.

330.91722 ROS 1986 The European economy since 1945

Eichengreen, Barry J.

330.94 EIC 2007 Europe since 1989

Ther, Philipp.

330.94 THE 2016 Human capital

Becker, Gary Stanley.

331.11 BEC 1993 Microfinance and its discontents

Karim, Lamia. Friedman, Milton. Balaam, David N.

LCC Library; 2016-11-18

332 KAR 2011 A monetary history of the United States, 18671960 Introduction to international political economy

332.4973 FRI 1993 337 BAL 2011


New LCC Library items, October 2016 Subject



Call Number

International economics and business Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd.

337 BEU 2013 Real world micro 338.5 REA 1999 What works in development? 338.9 WHA 2009 The quartet

Ellis, Joseph J.

342.73029 ELL 2015 Prisoner without a name, cell without a number

Timerman, Jacobo.

365.45 TIM 1981 Business unusual 382.3 BUS 2006 Po Tėviškės dangum

Klimka, Libertas. LaurinavičiūtėPetrošienė, Lina.

398.204 KLI 2015 Žanro virsmas 398.204 LAU 2015 Žemaičių kalendorinė tautosaka 398.204 ZEM 2010

Language Baltiška, tautinė, regioninė savimonė baltų literatūrose ir kultūrose Easy way to Lithuanian

491.9 BAL 2015 491.92 EAS 1990

Lietuvių kalbos mikonimai Lubienė, Jūratė.

491.92 LUB 2015 Mokykimės lietuvių kalbos savarankiškai

Navalinskienė, Gražina.

491.92 NAV 2011 Modern Lithuanian

Paulauskienė, Aldona.

491.92 PAU 1994 Vilką minim, vilkas čia 491.92 VIL 2016

Science Conservation behavior 591.5 CON 2016 Technology (management, etc.) Abnormal psychology Barlow, David H.

616.89 BAR 2002 Finding your perfect mate

Wright, H. Norman.

646.77 WRI 1995 How the mighty fall

Collins, James C.

658.16 COL 2009 Redefining global strategy

Ghemawat, Pankaj. Arts & Recreation

658.4012 GHE 2007 The cry of the gull

Laborit, Emmanuelle. Literature

792.028 LAB 1998 Retelling stories, framing culture

Stephens, John.

809.89282 STE 2013 Ignorance

Kundera, Milan.

891.8635 KUN 2003 Lietuvių poezijos pynė 891.92 LIE 2015

Klasikinė lietuvių literatūra visuotinės literatūros Radzevičius, Algimantas. kontekste LCC Library; 2016-11-18

891.92 RAD 2015 3

New LCC Library items, October 2016 Subject



Call Number

Laikinoji sostinė lietuvių literatūroje Šeina, Viktorija.

891.92 SEI 2014 Iš dviejų renkuosi trečią

Staponkutė, Dalia.

891.92 STA 2014 Tarp estetikos ir politikos 891.92 TAR 2015

History & Geography Rites of spring Eksteins, Modris.

909.82 EKS 1989 Getting to know ArcGIS

Law, Michael.

910.3 LAW 2015 Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania

Williams, Nicola.

914.7 EST 2003 Izzy's fire

Beasley, Nancy Wright.

940.53 BEA 2008 17 šv. Teresės miestų

Micevivičiūtė, Jūratė.

946 MIC 2015 The diary of a partisan

Baliukevičius, Lionginas.

947.42 BAL 2008 The Latvians

Plakans, Andrejs.

947.43 PLA 1995 Latvia matters

Sims, Dale B.

947.43 SIM 2014 Sostinė kaip tapatumo simbolis Jefferson and his time

Malone, Dumas.

947.93 SOS 2014 973.46 MAL 19481977 v.1-6

The life and selected writings of Thomas Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas.

973.46092 JEF 2004

Fiction Hall, Steven. Kingsolver, Barbara. Reichs, Kathy.

LCC Library; 2016-11-18

The raw shark texts The poisonwood Bible Flash and bones

FIC HAL 2007 FIC KIN 1999 FIC REI 2011


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