JOLT 2012 - PAPER 3

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Journal of Learning and Teaching

Monitoring Learning within the Laboratory-Based Learning Environment Carla Gallagher, Sport and Exercise Science Abstract Monitoring of student learning is a huge challenge for faculty members teaching within the laboratory environment and can present the teacher with difficult situations. Although the laboratory based environment is designed to encourage more active student participation, it appears that students often find it difficult to establish the link between theoretical knowledge and laboratory based practice, leaving students confused and apathetic. Therefore, a need to monitor learning within this environment is key, as the question; ‘are students really learning?’ is raised. This paper explores various effective methodologies that could be employed in order to monitor learning within the laboratory environment.

Introduction As part of the assessment for a postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching (PGCert), I was asked to reflect upon my teaching and identify an area in which I felt my teaching itself and/or student learning could be enhanced. As it was my first semester of teaching I was given hours to teach on a first year undergraduate module, titled ‘Bioenergetics of the Exercising Human’. My role

learner with a ‘hands on experience’ is known to enrich the learning process by reducing the amount of time spent simply observing and visually learning from the teacher, encouraging active student participation. It has also been suggested that learning by ‘doing’ is not only effective but leads to greater understanding and retention of information (Randall and Burkholder, 1990) due to a direct action-to-reaction response (Feldmann and Hofinger, 1997).

was to teach students key concepts and skills they need within the

Sport and exercise physiology, a discipline of sports medicine

laboratory environment, skills which will be utilised continuously

that involves the study of the body’s response to physical stress

throughout the rest of their Sport and Exercise Science degree.

has employed the use of the laboratory environment for numerous

During my teaching hours it became slowly apparent to me that

years. It allows the learner to engage in activities such as study

although the module is well designed it has one major flaw, within

design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, in order to

the laboratory environment learning progress is poorly monitored.

gain a greater understanding of basic principles used within this

With the exception of two laboratory reports, both of which are

discipline. However, although it is suggested that this environment

summative assessments, one written mid-semester and one at

leads to greater retention of information, often learning is poorly

conclusion of the module, no other assessments take place to

monitored, therefore the teacher is left unaware of the student

monitor student progress. This therefore poses two key questions:

learning process and progress.

how do we know that students are learning from laboratory style methods? And how do we determine whether or not students are making the link between theory and practice? Formatively assessing students can be an important key in the process of monitoring student learning. In this paper the need for monitoring learning and why it is becoming of importance within higher education will be discussed; furthermore methods which can be utilised to enhance this process will be reviewed. Literature Review The laboratory-based environment is designed to encourage diagnostic and communication skills, in addition to providing a team approach to learning (Black and Smith, 2006). Providing the 2012 Series: Paper 3

It has been reported that often students exploring theory through laboratory experiments experience difficulty in integrating their understanding of concepts gained in the lecture with physical phenomena observed in the laboratory (Nakhleh, 1994). Friedler and Tamir (1990) report that students seem to experience four major difficulties in carrying out laboratory work; (1) an inadequate understanding of the basic concepts underlying the lab, (2) an inability to relate their observations to their theoretical knowledge, (3) an inability to order their observations so that irrelevant details are filtered out, and (4) weak links and even gaps in their knowledge which slow down students’ understanding or even mislead them. In addition to the findings of Friedler and Tamir (1990)

Journal of Learning and Teaching other researchers have explored the difficulties faced within the

participation, (2) to provide opportunity for the students to learn

laboratory environment, reporting that those students who have

a topic in greater depth, and (3) to give the students a chance to

difficulty making decisions on how to focus their observations

give a verbal presentation. From this research they found students

(Nakhleh and Krajcik, 1993) and those who routinise procedures

not only accepted the opportunity to review previous laboratory

without gaining corresponding understanding encapsulate gaps

classes but reviews were also valued by most of the students.

within their knowledge structure (Mulder and Vedonk, 1984).

In addition, students felt that they gained experience, benefited

Moreover students often need to establish a purpose of an experiment and understand the teacher’s reasons for carrying out a particular task, in order to conceptualise the information provided. It has been reported that within the laboratory environment students

from the presentation, and most importantly verbal presentations allowed students to understand course content in more depth. As a result, it would appear that presentations can be a useful tool for establishing themes and concepts throughout a semester.

focus too much attention on completion of a task (Hart et al. 2000),

Another benefit arising from the use of verbal presentations is the

focusing relatively little attention on understanding an experiment.

opportunity for peer assessment to take place. Peer assessment

Research examining purposes, uses and, learning from laboratories

is defined as the process through which groups or individuals

have drawn important conclusions. Johnstone and Wham (1982)

rate their peers (Falchikov, 1995) and can take a formative or

noted that laboratory work often cognitively overloads students

summative approach (Dochy et al. 1999). Peer review as part of a

with too much information to recall. Furthermore, Hodson (1990)

formative assessment, the primary function of which is to provide

described laboratory work as often being dull and teacher-

information for learners about their progress, not only helps

directed, and highlighted the fact that students often failed to

develop the students own skills of reflection (Somervell, 1993),

relate the laboratory work to other aspects of their learning. Thus,

but also develops attitudes of responsibility towards other group

it is becoming increasingly apparent from the literature that there

members (Burnett and Cavaye, 1980). Research investigating the

is a need to monitor learning within the laboratory environment

advantages of peer assessment has reported that students are

to ensure that links are being made between theory and practice.

very positive towards the process (Dochy et al., 1999; Orsmond

This paper will explore methodologies that could be employed in

et al. 1996). Keaten and Richardson (1993) also affirmed that

order to monitor learning within this highly active, rich environment.

peer assessment fostered an appreciation for the individuals’

Verbal presentations, peer assessment, formative assessments,

performance within the group and interpersonal relationships

response cards, and concept mapping will all be discussed; these

in the classroom. On the other hand, research by Brindley and

methods should stimulate creativity and actively involve students

Scoffield (1998) reported that students viewed peer assessment

within the learning process.

as a biased process; further to this a number of students doubted

Verbal Presentations and Peer Assessment

the ability of other students to interpret the criteria and assess work. Therefore, it would appear more appropriate for this method

Verbal presentations are a method of information delivery, in which

to be utilised for general feedback and should not necessarily play

an individual or group explains the content of a topic to an audience

a major role in the assessment process.

or learner. In academic environments verbal presentations are often formative, taking many forms, including talks, seminars or research proposals. Nevertheless, within higher education presentations are frequently used as a method of summative assessment as opposed to formative assessment. However, in recent years, it has been suggested that verbal presentations are integrated into the classroom environment as a means of monitoring learning. To engage students more actively within the laboratory environment, Black and Smith (2004), asked students to give reviews for each laboratory in a presentation style. Their research had three main aims; (1) to encourage active student 2012 Series: Paper 3

Overall, verbal presentations are a valuable way to assess and monitor learning throughout a course module. Also, presenting under formative conditions allows students to gain confidence in discussing course material and ideas to a wider audience. Moreover, engaging students in the peer assessment process allows individuals to foster skills of personal judgement (Magin and Helmore, 2001) and gain a greater insight into how grading is obtained by the teacher. Additionally, peer assessment of verbal presentations could highlight to the teacher aspects of module content which students are finding complex.

Journal of Learning and Teaching Formative Assessments

Response Cards

Formative assessment refers to assessment that is specifically

Response cards are cards, signs, or items that are simultaneously

intended to generate feedback on performance to improve

held up by all students in the class to display their responses to

and accelerate learning (Sadler, 1998). In general, within higher

questions or problems presented by the teacher (Heward et al.

education, formative assessment and feedback should be used

1996; Gardner et al. 1994) and can be presented in different forms

to empower students as self-regulated learners (Nicol and

i.e. pre-printed and write-on. Response cards are of invaluable use

Macfarlane-Dick, 2006). In addition to self-regulated learning,

as teachers are able to easily detect the responses of individual

formative assessments enable students to actively monitor their

students and further monitor those students who appear to be

own learning alongside identifying a number of different learning

lower down the learning process on a one-to-one basis. The

processes, for example, setting of and orientation towards learning

response card method also allows the teacher to steer away from

goals, the strategies used to achieve goals, the management of

conventional methods, which only enable one student to answer a

resources, the effort exerted, and reactions to external feedback

proposed question at any one time (Brophy and Evertson, 1976),

(Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick, 2006). From the teachers viewpoint

leading to wider classroom participation (Narayan et al. 1990;

formative assessments are used to provide the learner with

Gardner et al. 1994).

external feedback, for example, praise or constructive criticism. Providing external feedback allows the learner to identify and generate internal feedback, as they monitor their engagement with learning activities, and tasks, and assess progress towards goals e.g. module aims (Butler and Winne, 1995). In support, Black and William (1998) concluded from a review of 250 studies that this generation of feedback consistently resulted in learning and achievement across all content areas, knowledge and skill types, and levels of education. Therefore suggesting that using formative assessments as a tool to provide external feedback is effective.

Furthermore, it is well established that conventional methods often result in more frequent responses by high-achieving students and almost no responses from low achieving students (Maheady, et al. 1991). A study by Gardner and colleagues (1994) reported the frequency of student response was fourteen times higher with response cards compared with hand-raising, suggesting that response cards lead to increased student participation within the learning environment. In addition to increased participation, response cards are also an effective tool for the teacher. As previously mentioned, response cards allow the teacher to gain

On the other hand, research studying the effectiveness of

immediate feedback, and maintain close, continual contact

assessing students using this system have criticised the method

with relevant outcome data they need to make well informed,

for being too controlled by the teacher. Boud (2000) stated if

instructional decisions (Bushell and Baer, 1994). Moreover, Gardner

formative assessment is exclusively in the hands of teachers,

and colleagues (1994) reported response cards to be a valuable

then it is difficult to see how students can become empowered

tool in the teaching of basic scientific concepts and definitions.

and develop the self-regulation skills needed to prepare them for learning outside university and throughout life. Therefore, it is suggested that self-assessment methods are developed within the learning environment (e.g. student generated formative assessment questions). In support of self-assessment methods, Zimmerman and Schunk (2004) reported that learners who are more self-regulated are more effective learners: they are more persistent, resourceful, confidents and higher achievers. In short, it is important that formative assessments are used as

In sum, response cards are an appealing tool for use within higher education. Prevailing evidence would suggest that this method leads to increased active student participation, which makes it an attractive idea for the laboratory environment. Moreover, as science education requires students to retain a multitude of facts and definitions, response cards provide a quick, easy and effective way of monitoring progress within groups of students. Concept Mapping

a tool for monitoring progress of students on an individual basis

Concept mapping is a meta-cognitive tool which visually represents

however, teachers should be aware that this method is more

knowledge as a hierarchical framework of concepts and concept

effective when student self-regulated learning is applied.

relationships (Iuli and Helleden, 2004). More importantly the process of concept mapping makes it necessary for learners to

2012 Series: Paper 3

Journal of Learning and Teaching find matching ‘knots’, core terms and connections between core terms, which accounts for deep understanding of theory (Vohle, 2009). Since their development in the 20th century, concept maps have been widely utilised and are most widely known within

References BLACK, V.H. AND SMITH, P.R. (2006), Increasing active student participation in histology, The Anatomical Record, 2788, pp. 14-17.

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understanding of a single topic, at the same time as developing greater communication skills. Additionally, verbal presentations allow the opportunity for peer assessment to take place. Concept

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the monitoring of learning within the laboratory environment it is

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likely to have many beneficial outcomes; teachers will understand their students and their learning progression and students should become more motivated to learn within this highly demanding environment. 2012 Series: Paper 3

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2012 Series: Paper 3

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