Learning and Teaching: Essential Guides
Learning and Teaching Essential Guides
No 12: Learning and Teaching with International Students International students, especially at the beginning • Be willing to spend more time, especially of their programmes, may face multiple pressures in the initial stages, than you might be that can affect their academic performance. Some accustomed to with ‘home’ students. of the most significant of these are: • Make an effort to learn names, know Low levels of competence in English language and something of the student’s place of origin and unfamiliarity with studying entirely in the medium help ‘break the ice’ with home students. of English; • Know about the University’s designated Unfamiliarity with UK HE approaches to learning support for international students, and and teaching, in particular in group work, selfencourage students to make full use of the directed research, referencing skills, expectations support. Please see the end of the document that students will be critically aware of and give for information on International Academic opinions on subject matter and learner/teacher Support (IALS) as well as dedicated support relationships; via Student Services. Learning to live in a new country and culture without the support of family and former close friends.
Speaking and Writing
Students who are aware that they exhibit different patterns in speaking and in writing, or who perceive Some General Principles that their English vocabulary is less extensive than that of their fellow students, may be hesitant to Be explicit about your expectations. Give examples speak out in class discussion. In extreme cases, or model what you are talking about. Duplicate it may be difficult for other students to understand information in written form whenever possible. what they say, and their remarks may be ignored Provide a reference list of terminology for your or even interrupted. International students may initially find it particularly difficult to construct a module. reply in English at the same time as needing to • Make module sessions available on Moodle give a personal opinion on subject matter. so students can access them before and Non-native users of English may also have particular after sessions. Encourage students to record difficulty understanding the idiomatic language or seminars and lectures. fast-paced speech that characterizes many class • Focus on meaning first and grammar and discussions. This perpetuates a cycle that makes style later. it difficult for such students to participate. Yet participation is crucial if students are to improve • Stress fluency in communication along with their oral skills and become confident about their correctness. abilities, as well as to become part of the student • Reinforce the student’s strengths while learning community. explaining what she/he still needs to work on. • Recognize that students may be acculturated differently to classroom situations.