Learning and Teaching: Essential Guides
Learning and Teaching Essential Guides
No 6: Strategies for Assessing Students with Mobility Difficulties In considering alternative forms of assessment, equal opportunity, not a guaranteed outcome, is the objective. You are not expected to lower standards to accommodate students with a disability, but rather are required to give them a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate what they • have learned. Students with mobility difficulties may need particular adjustments to assessment tasks. Once you have a clear picture of how the difficulty impacts on performance you can consider alternative assessment strategies.
examinations. If so it may be necessary to provide extra space for equipment, or a separate examination venue if the noise from equipment (for example a voice synthesiser) is likely to be distracting for other students. Provide extra time in examinations for students who have reduced writing speed. Some students with a mobility disability may need rest breaks. Take-home examinations and split papers may be options, given that some students may need double time to complete examinations.
The Disability and Dyslexia Service will advise on • Allow extensions to assignment deadlines if Reasonable Adjustments for individual students extensive research involving physical activity with disabilities. These are logged on the SARA (for example, frequent trips to the library or form for the individual student. Below are some collection of data from dispersed locations) is general ideas when considering assessment tools required. for modules. There are some good assessment practices which • A reader or an oral examination (either will help students with a mobility disability (and all presenting answers on tape or participating other students in the class): in a viva), are alternatives to the conventional • Know what you are testing, whether it is written paper. An oral examination is not decision-making, strategic planning, creative an easy option for students. Give the same application of information, data collection and time for an oral examination as for a written processing, logical sequencing, or argument. exam, but allow extra time for the student to listen to and refine or edit responses. In your • Create assessment activities in which assessment, allowance should be made for students have the opportunity to link their the fact that spoken answers are likely to be learning to what they already know, and to less coherent than written answers. past experience. • For some students the combination of written and oral examination will be most appropriate. Allow students to write answer plans or make outline notes, but then to answer the question orally. Your assessment should be based on both the notes and the spoken presentation. • Students may need to use a personal computer or a personal assistant in the
• Make your expectations clear so that students know what they are required to demonstrate. • Keep written examination instructions and sentences within examination questions short. Questions using bullet points, lists or separate parts are more likely to be followed and correctly interpreted.