Learning and Teaching: Essential Guides
Learning and Teaching Essential Guides
No 9: Teaching Students who have Vision Impairment The impact of vision impairment depends on the • Ask students about any adaptive technology type, extent and timing of the loss. Some students they may be using to access information have gradually lost vision over a number of years; or prepare assignments. It will always help others may have been visually impaired since birth. to understand just what is involved for a Students may also be light-sensitive, have low or particular student in the preparation of their limited vision, or have limited peripheral vision. work. Students with a significant visual impairment will • Students may have experienced past labelling often use a guide dog or white cane. However, and stigmatising. This can have a long-term many students may have a significant level of effect on confidence, self-esteem, and their impairment which is not immediately obvious. approach to learning. Students may use a range of adaptive equipment, • Negotiate about teaching and assessment for example magnifiers, close-circuit TV, or screenissues on the basis of individual need. reading software. It is important to recognise that You may like to consider negotiating with with some vision impairments, sight fluctuates. individual study contracts that allow students Some people who are declared legally visually to meet your expectations in different ways, impaired have some vision. Students may have ways that match their preferred learning style. some days when vision or light tolerance is much This ensures that the curriculum offered is better than on others. inclusive. Communicating with students with vision • Sometimes students may set unrealistically impairment high standards for themselves, and so you • When communicating with students may need to help them focus on more with vision impairment it is important to realistic and achievable standards and goals. acknowledge that they are students first This process will be assisted if you make and foremost, not ‘victims’, ‘sufferers’ or your expectations clear and explicit. If you ‘conditions’. Difficulties may not always be have negotiated any adaptation to teaching obvious. or assessment with the student, it is good practice for both student and staff member to • Do not speak in other than a normal speaking have a written record of that decision. voice to students who are visually impaired. • Identify yourself by name, in case the person does not recognise your voice, and indicate verbally whenever you are entering or leaving the student’s presence. Keep doors closed or open, corridors clear, and keep objects in their usual place unless you inform the student that they have been moved.