Monstrous Report | Sheldon Key Club | June 2020 | Volume 1 Issue 1

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JUNE 2020


table of CONTENTS













kaley xiong

Hey, Hey, Hey Monsters! I am Kaley Xiong, a 4th year member of Sheldon Key Club and I PROUDLY serve you as president for the 2020-2021 term! Can you believe it is the start of a new term already? Although Covid-19 has presented many unique challenges and unfortunately affected us in so many different ways, I am confident we will get through these dark times together, so be sure to express gratitude and spread love more often these days to those around you and look forward to giving back to our hardworking, caring, community once this tragic event is over. Key Club has affected my high school career in so many ways, and as president this term, I will do my best to present the same opportunities, memories and more for my members! This club offers countless opportunities such as events to give back to your community, meeting others with the same passion and spirit, and beginning life-long relationships with members, advisors, and Kiwanians! I am ecstatic to get to know all of you, so I hope you stick around with us this throughout year, and together, let’s have a MONSTEROUS term! I can’t wait to see all of you again soon! Stay safe, healthy, and happy! With ROARING love,

kaley xiong



jack tran

HEY D7S! My name is Jack Tran, and I will be serving as Sheldon High School's Vice-President for the 2020-2021 term! Most people originally join Key Club for the service hours, I was the same. For me, Key Club has helped me break out of my shell during my freshman year of high school. It allowed me to make friends from grades above mine and help gain social skills. I want to try to actively reach out to all of the incoming members, and returning members too. Although I'm still learning how this position works, I hope to be the best Vice-President I can be for this term. It would be appreciated and great for you guys to attend service events, so we can get to know each other, socialize, and bond! Sincerely,

jack tran


celine nguyen

Hey monsters! My name is Celine Nguyen and I proudly serve you as your secretary for the 2020-2021 term! The past years being in Key Club has been one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made, with all the new people I’ve met and the fun I’ve had in service events. My goal for this term is to create memories for the members throughout their high school years and make them seem at home. Key Club is not only a club, but a family, and I want everyone to feel like they are a part of it. I also want members to have fun and fully enjoy the service events we have! It’s not only a great way to help the community, but it also helps create bonds with members not only from our club but also from others! With that, I hope you stick around and join our family. Laugh out loud,

celine nguyen



jeff tran

HEYYYYYY shskc \(//


Wow! My second year of Key Club and i’m already an officer! My name is Jeff Tran, twin of Jack Tran, and I’ll be serving Sheldon Key Club as the treasurer of the 20202021 term. Like many, I first came to Key Club looking for service hours but, like many others I realized it’s for the connections you make as well. I look forward to working with all the incoming freshies and everyone else on the board! I hope everyone, especially the incoming class, will reach out to us, the board as much as possible. Enough about me though. You should get to know the other officers too! I promise none of us bite (besides Jack LOL). Let’s have

a great term guys! BYEEEEEE (°


jeff tran


jolynn doan

Hello monsters! I have been in Key Club for three years now and this is my second time as an officer. This year I have the pleasure of being your bulletin editor for the 2020-2021 term! I am beyond excited for the year we have ahead of us and the newsletters I get to produce for our club. For my newsletters, I wish to continuously inform you about club news, especially during summertime and this COVID outbreak. I wish that you enjoy my newsletters as much as I do making them! Aside from newsletters, I hope to grow closer to members and make you just as passionate about Key Club! I truly am excited to be your bulletin editor and make this term amazing! Much love,

jolynn doan



kelly le

Hey what’s poppin monsters! As some of you may know or not, I am Kelly Le. I know there’s another Kelly Le on the board so it might be confusing but what can you do. Anyways I hope that you are all doing well, this is my third year in Key Club but my first year of serving as an officer. I am beyond excited to serve as your member recognition for the 2020-2021 term. Moving on, for my term I wish to create new bonds with new members and long lasting memories together. Key Club is an amazing club and FAMILY so I wish that you would stick with us throughout our journey. And if you happen to be free some time, sign up and join us in doing service events! I may have joined for the service hours but I stayed for the bonds. Your one and only —wait,

kelly le


kelly le

Hello monsters! My name is also Kelly Le and I proudly serve you as your tech editor for the 2020-2021 term! I am currently a senior and this will be my fourth year in Key Club. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed my Key Club experience thanks to all the friends I’ve made and I wish the same for you too! My goal for the term is to make connections with the members and capture all the fun moments throughout term. I really enjoy making new friends and creating new memories, so don’t be shy to talk to me :-) I hope we can all become one big happy family and I hope to see you soon when the next school year starts! Your bestie,

kelly le



hannah dao

Hey There Monsters! As some of you may know, my name is Hannah Dao and I serve as your Social Chair for your 2020-2021 term! It’s still crazy to believe that this is going to be my fourth year in Key Club. I am so excited to be able to plan many fun socials for you guys throughout the term. I look forward to creating more friendships, memories, and a bigger family in this club. Joining Key Club as a freshman, I was very anti-social and joined solely for community service, but as I went to more service events and got to know the people in it, I fell in love. Key Club helped me shape the person I am today along with my second family who I have made an unconditional bond with. Although we are going through a worldwide pandemic, you can still do service at home, so make sure to get those hours in. I look forward to seeing what this term has in store for all of us! With Lots Of Love,

hannah dao


kevin salimo

hIII monsters, My name is Kevin Josh Salimo and as some of you may know I was on the IP board so I am very excited to be apart of this years board as well. Being apart of Key Club is so much fun and given me so many wonderful memories with my friends! Last year I was Secretary and this year I will be your Service Task Coordinator, I cannot wait to find amazing service events for all of you. So do not forget to sign up for events when they become available!!!!!! I know times are tough at the moment but we can make it through together and come out stronger as a Key Club family. I hope to make to make this year extremely fun to make up for the unfortunate end of the last term due to the circumstances and try to create fun service projects and to make more opportunities for service. With that being said, love you all cannot wait to see you soon! Let’s have a great term together!!!!!! With roaring service,

kevin salimo



This is just the start to a great term & we hope you join the journey to make our goals!



at home service OPPORTUNITIES Thank Your Mail Carrier Tape a note to your mailbox thanking your mail carrier and send us a picture! (You will receive 1 hour)

Thank Your Lunch Staff Sheldon's lunch staff is working everyday to give us an opportunity for families to pick up meals for their children. DM us a message of gratitude to Sheldon's lunch staff, then we'll write it out and give it to them! (For every 4 messages, you will receive 1 hour)

Appreciate Sheldon's Staff Email a Sheldon High School staff through synergy and thank them for their hard work, then screenshot that email and DM it to us! (For every 4 messages, or 15 minutes, you will receive 1 hour)

Clean Your Yards Take a picture of you cleaning your front/backyard/neighborhood park or the trash bag when you're done! *PLEASE FOLLOW SOCIAL DISTANCING RULES! WEAR GLOVES AND MASKS!!* (You will receive 1 hour)



final senior FAREWELLS n a r t n i dev

Although this year didn’t end exactly how we wanted it was however fun while it lasted, I wish you and your family are in great health and continue to be so. I’m not good at saying how I feel so I’ll get straight to the point, I want to thank each and everyone of you who impacted my life and changed my life for the better. You all made this club feel like a second home to be and allowed me to grow and learn, I hope you all continue your key club journey and continue to bring up the next generation of key clubbers! I will miss you all and good luck on your future endeavors, I’ll still be here so hmu if you ever need help!

karen l e

hi kids, no matter how long i’ve known you or how close we were as friends, i just wanna say good luck with the rest of high school, have fun, and live your best life!!! because you’ll never know when it might suddenly be cut short. thank you for all the fun memories and experiences, i wouldn’t have ask for a better club to be around for 4 years. ahhhh i love you all so much. knowing us, we’ll probably see each other still, but regardless of that... i’ll miss you guys a lot.*pleading face emoji* *orange heart emoji* *loudly crying emoji*


n a u q y n m a u m q a s y m m a s

hiya!! it’s me again. Although I didn’t really expect my term to end like that I really did enjoy all the fun moments and all the hard moments we had together. Key club has become like a home to me. A place where I could go back to and feel safe. To all the seniors that are graduating, thank you for all your support and listening to me rant about stuff. I appreciate you guys a lot and I’ll miss all the hangouts and fun moments we had. To the Incoming seniors, Good luck!! make sure you cherish your last year in key club. Even though y’all will go through rough times, in the end you’ll look back and miss it. To all the underclassmen, you guys have sooo much time ahead of you. I strongly encourage you guys to keep being active in key club!

Hi everyone! My name is Ben Nguyen! This is my

yeenn b uy gu beenn nng

2nd year joining Key Club as a member and unfortunately my last year too. First, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped PTP, workshops, and served our community. All of you are so incredible and very hardworking. Your hard work won’t go unnoticed and other people are thankful for your support. Also, I would like to thank my friends for always making my day whenever we hang out and making so many memories. You guys changed me to become a better person and gave me a different perspective in life. I am so blessed to have you guys in my life and just have lots of laughter together. Overall, my experience in joining Key Club was the best thing that happened to me and I hope all of you members will continue to help the club and have fun. To the new officers, I wish the best of luck to you guys and I know that all of you will do amazing in the future. Bye everyone! Always remember to have fun and help one another!


erika zheng

Are you guys doing okay at home? It's finally coming to an end. Time flew by so fast and saying goodbye is not easy, especially when I have been a part of Key Club in all of high school. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of Key Club as a member as well as an officer. It has made me grow tremendously as an individual. I definitely overcame my "social anxiety" I thought I would always carry, developed leadership skills I didn't know I needed, professionalism for the real world, and the importance of serving our community.

However, I say the friendships I made are probably the best part out of everything. I witnessed the environment we created where everyone was comfortable enough to crack jokes, we even clowned each other and hung out after each service event. The friends I made through this club are the funniest and genuine people I have met. Everything we learn and all the key clubbers we meet adds more to our experience. As my time in Key Club comes to an end, I wish nothing but the best for each of you. I am forever thankful for all that Key Club has offered, and I will never forget the experience of being together with such an amazing club. Stay healthy, be safe, and thank you for the great memories we have together. I love you all

o m i l a s r e kief b I u l c t s

fir e h t as w b ed r u l e c t n y I e "Ke n e h d w e n i o j s. I y ever a d ool h c s gh i h y m of t o l nd a a s d e i mor gaine e m le b I a h t t c i e h g s w d n unfor e i fr w e n of f t o s e n r o a t the r o f ure s a e e to r v t l a l i h w to d a s . I’m but e f i d l n i y m beh b u l e c arry h c t l l i e I w leav d n a on s e v o the m n i e d f li nce e i r e xp xt e e I n l t i unt wha o S . me er f h t e i i K w boy club r u o n y e e b it time t" u o g signin

vincent t ta an ng g “I’m sorr y we did n’t get to exper ience dc on together and bon d more as a club , but I w ish everyone good luc k in the upco ming sch ool year!!!”


ttrreen na an ng gu uy yeen n i don’t really remember why i joined key club my freshmen year. it’s most likely that i joined bc my friends were joining. but i don’t regret it. bc those past four years in kc have brought me so much joy and memories. it gave me the opportunity to go on so many new adventures whether it was going to frn, dcon, or simple club hangouts with everyone. i got to get close with people that i now consider my absolute closest friends. and i gained so much experience with interacting with people in our community. although i wouldn’t say i was the most active member bc it took time for me to really feel comfortable. i enjoyed just being around everyone even if i said nothing bc everyone else would fill the silence up with so much laughter and jokes. you’ll never not smile when you’re with key clubbers. i wish i could go back again and revisit those times bc i never realized how much i took it for granted once quarantine happened. i lost the chance to experience dcon, last club meetings, and banquet as a senior. i had no idea that last years dcon and banquet would be my last. and those meetings i skipped bc of practice i would never get back. so i can’t express this enough but i hope all of you make the most of your time as key club members, always be cheerful and happy, spread as much positivity and laughter as you can.even when being in key club is stressful (@board) i hope you all can work together to make it a good year for your members. i’ll miss each and every one of you dearly and those i just smiled at as i walked passed by. thank you to everyone for making my years as a key clubber a great one :) y’all have so much potential, i know every one of you will do great in the future ! okay chao


ttrra av viiss lliieeu u

To think that when I first heard of Key Club, my initial reaction was "So they make keys?". Well, my naïve freshman self thought that was silly and decided to be a part of the "Go Home Club". Missing out on Key Club my Freshman year was the biggest mistake I've made in High school, bigger than taking AP Calculus and procrastinating on my Research Paper in my Junior year. I've decided to join Key Club in my Sophomore year, being influenced by past Key Club members and friends. I first joined just for service hours. Thinking that helping the community wouldn’t be that bad of an idea and being able to go out for once

instead of staying inside seemed like a whole new experience. I remember my first ever service event, Farm to Fork, going in, and only recognizing two out of a couple of dozen people volunteering. I was sitting all by myself post service and the president and vice president at the time reached out and sat next to me. That was when I realized what Key Club really meant. It wasn’t all just for some community service hours. It was about meeting new people, new friends, and almost like a second family. It really did open you to a whole new experience that you would never find outside of Key Club. I was always quite the introvert, never needing to talk to others because I felt like I had a protective barrier around me that people could never get. That’s the beauty of Key Club. Here I am in my Senior year, about to graduate. I am still regretting my choice of not joining Key Club in my Freshman year. I am sitting here thinking of all the service events, DCMs, DCON, FRN, meetings, and potential friendship bonds that I have missed. So thinking back to when I first heard of Key Club, “Do they still make keys?”. Well, I tried, and only made so many. But it’s not about making keys, it’s about making new opportunities.


other key club seniors: g g n n a a u u h h y y e e jjeeffffrr What’s up homies it’s da boy Jeff here. To those who don’t know me hi my Instagram is @jeff_or_ee. I’d just like to thank Sheldon for all the memories I got to create with the members. Tbh your club motivated me to be so involved in key club and I always saw it as a goal to have a club as active as yours. Don’t miss me too much you simps I will see you all some day :D. Love all my girls and my key club lovers <3!

mialei mialei asuncion asuncion

I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Key Club has been a defining part of my high school experience. It was really hard for me to make friends because I transferred to a different high school my freshman year. Key Club helped me maintain relationships and helped me gain friendships with those at my new school. I found myself becoming really connected with SHSKC. They became my family and I’m so thankful for the people I’ve met. They invited me to hangout/get boba and even their service events. I spent the whole summer into my junior year with Sheldon Key Club and I’m proud to call them my family. Key Club has been a great outlet to express myself. I won’t always remember every detail from the community service events I’ve been to, but I will always remember the smiles on each and every member who attended these events.


a note to seniors:

hey seniors!

thank you for being apart of this key club community for all these years. this club wouldn’t be what it is without its members so to every senior whether or not you were just attended service or you were super active- we will truly miss you. even though we didn’t get experience your last dcon or a banquet, i hope that all the memories you’ve made over the years make up for it. as much as we will miss seeing you all at meetings, service, even at lunch- everyone is wishing you guys the best! so congratulations and good luck out there and don’t you dare forget the memories you’ve made with key club!! :))) so much love,

sheldon key club


officer CONTACTS


president KALEY XIONG

vice president JACK TRAN

member recognition chair KELLY LE

treasurer JEFF TRAN

bulletin editor JOLYNN DOAN

service task coordinator KEVIN JOSH SALIMO

social chair HANNAH DAO

tech editor KELLY LE


thank you


! STAY UPDATED ! IG: @sheldon_keyclub text @shsd7s to 81010 for remind

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