FTER almost two decades, the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) once again granted initial accreditation to the San Sebastian CollegeRecoletos de Cavite High School Department after passing the formal survey visit held last September 5-6. In a fax message sent by the PAASCU Board of Directors last November 25, 2013, the Association grants the High School Depart ment Level I accreditation that is valid for three years until November 2016.
both national and international standards in the areas of philosophy and objectives, administration, curriculum and instruction, faculty and staff, student services, library, and physical plant.
The PAASCU is a governmentrecognized member of the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP), and is responsible for ensuring the implementation of
It was in 1994 when the last PAASCU accreditation of the High School Department expired.
TOP: Newly appointed principal Dr. Ferdinand T. Callueng talks about the nature and process of accreditation prior to the PAASCU’s formal survey visit. (Photo by Joshua Garduque) INSET: Fax message from the PAASCU announcing the results of the surveys for the grade school and high school departments.
Aside from the High School Department, the Grade School Department also passed the PAASCU preliminary survey, making them
eligible to apply for Level I accreditation. Moreover, the other departments from the tertiary level applied for accreditation as well. The persons primarily in-charge of this accreditation were Rev. Fr. Cristituto Palomar, OAR (SSC-R President), Rev. Fr. Albert Pellazar, OAR (VP for Academics), Dr. Belinda Quinio (Accreditation, Planning and Development Officer), and Dr. Ferdinand Callueng (Grade School and High School Principal). (Kyle Bance)
Bishops oppose Bomb scare ceases school operations by Kim Robert Samuel Manila Bay reclamation ORK and classes in both the Main and Cañacao campuses of San Sebastian by Kristine Joy Afable
College-Recoletos de Cavite (SSC-R) were dismissed after a bomb was reported to WENTY-ONE members of the Catholic Bishops’ reside in one of the campuses, but revealing later that it was an empty threat, June 26. Conference of the Philippines opposed the proposed S choo l o ffic ia ls wer e “Bomba! Sasabog sa SSC- However, to ensure the safety Manila Bay Reclamation Project after consulting experts alarmed after a plastic- R 9:45am”. of the Sebastinian Community, regarding its possible effects in the lives of the residents of taped brown paper bag, the Philippine National Police, nearby cities and municipalities. s u s p e c t e d t o co nt a i n Romilla reported the bag to Dr. the Bureau of Fire Protection,
Led by Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, archbishops and bishops from the Ecclesiastical Province of Manila sent an appeal to Pres. Benigno Simeon Aquino III that calls for a “favorable decision with our people who are opposing the reclamation of Manila Bay”. In a letter dated November 19, 2013, the bishops said that they have studied the proposed project and that the consultation they made have led them to have “deep reservations on the projects social and environmental impact”. According to the studies done by Drs. Kelvin Rodolfo and Fernando Siringan, t he ManilaBay reclamation is “a very bad idea because of three serious geological hazards that reclamation proponents
explosives, was thrown at the Cañacao Campus by two men riding a motorcycle. This paper bag was found by securit y guar d Ces ar io R iver a Romilla at the school’s main gate at 8:46 AM.
Ferdinand T. Callueng, high school and grade school principal, who immediately called the Cavite Component City Police Station. The police responded to the scene while the students were instructed to go home immediately.
Romilla said he picked up “In the light of these the bag with a message considerations we have to attached to it saying exercise our responsibility as pastors and protectors of God’s flock and be in solidarity with all of humanity in the call to be stewards of God’s creation”, said the bishops.
After investigating, police officials found out that the bomb threat was a hoax.
are ignoring or dismissing”. These hazards include worsening flood situations, combinations of surges and storm waves, and liquefaction during earthquakes that destroys buildings in coastal areas.
and the Philippines National Red Cross, had a series of security operations. At around 3:00 PM, the Explosive and Ordinance Division of the Naval Special Operations Group (NAVSOG) cleared both the Main and Cañacao campuses and were declared safe from any threats.
The bishop-signatories of the petition include Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle (Archbishop of Manila), Bp. Bernadino Cortez and Bp. Broderick Pabillo (Auxiliary Bishops of INSTITUTIONAL POLICY. Chief of Security and Safety Rev. Fr. Charlito Orobia, OAR ordered the stricter implementation of campus security procedures following the bomb scare incident. At present, only vehicles with Manila). (Manila Bay, page 3) SSC-R de Cavite stickers are allowed to enter the premises of both campuses. (Photo by Joshua Garduque)
PH universities eye new calendar by Kyle Bance
op Philippine universities eye the possibility of adopting a new academic calendar that follows the Western scheme instead of the current June-March.
According to an article written in The Varsitarian, the official student publication of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), shifting to the September-June scheme is a s t e p t o w a r d s internationalization, and a preparation for the so-called “economic integration” of ASEAN countries in 2015.
Clockwise: University of the Philippines-Diliiman, De La Salle University-Manila, University of Santo Tomas, Ateneo de Manila University (Photo from PhilStar.com)
Aside from UST, the University of the Philippines (UP) and the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) are also reflecting on the thought of adjusting their calendars.
According to UP, the country’s premier state universit y, adopting the September-June calendar will allow them to immerse their fa cu lt y me mb er s i n int e r na t io na l t r a in in g programs that usually take place in June and July. ADMU, on the other hand, plans to adopt the AugustMay scheme in order to allow “fuller participation” in exchange programs among universities around the world. Should
adopted, the basic education system may also need to adjust its academic calendar in the near future. At present, the Commission o n H ig h e r E du c at io n (CHED) has not yet forced higher e du c at io na l institutions (HEIs) to make this shift. Since universities are usually autonomous and deregulat ed, CHED reminds administrators that a regular semester must still be comprised of 18 weeks with corresponding number of hours per week.
New org bags golds in Sebastinians unite in ‘concert for a cause’ inter-school cooking tilt by Frances Jade Gagua by Joshua Garduque embers of the newly-formed Sebastinian Junior Chefs bagged two gold awards during the annual “Future Chef” competition hosted by St. Joseph College of Cavite, Inc. (SJC), September 27. Schools from within and from Rosario Institute, t h e e v e n t w i t h h e r outside the City of Cavite C a v it e B i b l e B a p t is t i n s p ir a t io na l w e l c o me contended for the next Academy, Sangley Point address. On the other Future Chef Champion, National High School, St. hand, Dr. Ruel Arcon, and for the two new Joseph College of Cavite, Hot e l and Rest aur a nt categories in Miniature and San Sebast ian College M a n a g e m e n t (HRM) Cake Decorating and Fruit - Recoletos de Cavite. professor in SJC, said that and Vegetable Carving. the said event aims to Sr. Ma. Amada de Ramos, explore the skills and Among the participants AR, Ed.D., dean of SJC’s talents of the students in are fourth year students HRM department, started the culinary field.
Mr. Jasper Señaris and M r s . E ml yn C e n i z a l, alumni of Cavite State U n ive r s it y, a nd Mr s . Evangeline Nierva, owner of Healt h Tea atbp. in Noveleta, Cavite, served as jud ge s fo r the compet it ion. The main rule is that participants should use crabs as their main ingredient in their chosen recipes. Placing first in the Future Chef compet it ion were Sebast inian st udent s S hema iah E mma nue l Fresto, Dianne Christ ian Basto, and Jyiann Patrixia S a bat e r , fo l lo we d b y runner-ups from Cavite Bible Baptist Academy and Rosario Inst itute.
IGNITE. Shem Fresto's flambe during the annual Future Chef Competition at Saint Joseph College Gymnasium. (Photo by Maria Theresa Guisihan)
St. Joseph College won first p lace in the Miniatur e Cake Decorating Compet it ion, while Sebastinians Claire Micaela Presa, Joshua De Castro, and Mon Matias topped in the Fruit and Vegetable Carving Compet it ion, followed by Sangley Point National High School.
ecoletos 4th Centennial Gymnasium – Sebastinians unite together in showing the real spirit of Christmas in the first ever major Christmas concert of the SSC-R High School Department, held December 20, 2013. Organized jointly by the S t udent Or ganizat io ns ’ Coordinating Council (SOCC), t he St udent Act ivit ies Coordinator’s Office and the Recoletos de Cavite Outreach Program Office, the concert, entitled “Paskong Sebastino: A Concert for a Cause” aimed not only to showcase t he Sebastinians’ talent in the performing arts but also to raise funds for outreach programs. Proceeds of the said concert were used as means for the bundles of joy for the residents of the school’s ado pt ed co mmu nit y, scholarship fund for the Sebastinian Vision Grantees (SVG), relief goods for ‘Yolanda’ victims housed in Salinas, and pews for the Cañacao Campus chapel. Accordingly, students, teachers and even families alike
admitted to having a good time, describing the show as an unexpected success. Highlight of the show was the grand finale, on which the high school faculty members led by the Principal, Dr. Ferdinand T. Callueng, and the Faculty Club President, Mrs. Virginia M. Vejerano, sung “Paskong Sebastino”, an original song written by Mr. Paolo Antonio C. Noceda and arranged by Mr. Jonald Justine U. Itugot, to which club presidents danced. Representatives from the preservice teachers, high school PTA, other departments, and the alumni also presented during the event. The concert replaced the traditional per class Christmas Party with the idea of a community party.
THE VOICE. OVC members made the concert magical all throughout the night and made the spirit of Christmas truly felt by their angelic voices. (Photo by CK Torres)
SVM holds 10th RAYS Baste joins 55th annual CMLI convention by Ma. Jedidiah Rile he Secretariat of Vocation Ministry (SVM) of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR) held the 10th Recollect Augustinian Youth Summit (RAYS) at the Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary in Baguio City with the theme, “Go and make disciples of all nations”, November 25-29.
147 delegates from different OAR and AR schools and parishes from all over the Philippines attended the e v e nt . 2 0 o f w h i c h represented San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite. The activity started with the OAR Fat hers g iv ing inspirational talks to the delegates, and subsequently followed by a play centered on St. Augustine’s life. After which, the delegates were introduced to their “angels”, who are college seminarians of the Order. On the other hand, participants were dubbed as “souls”. A night of silence, prayer, and
confession took place the succeeding day. Moreover, a rosary rally, wherein chosen delegates were given balloons to represent the beads of the rosary. During the cultural night, each participating delegation was given the chance to showcase the talents of its participants. On the last day, the delegates were given a tour around Baguio City to give them a chance to explore the place and buy souvenirs. Dur ing t he aw ard ing ceremonies, delegates from SSC-R de Cavite were able to bring home the “Most Early Birds” Award.
SDPC hosts seminar on drug abuse by Josiah Keith Domingo Canacao Campus Auditorium – The Student Development and Placement Center (SDPC) hosted a seminar regarding Drug Abuse Prevention, November 4. The seminar was conducted by Mr. Felipe Costuna Jr., currently the Dean of the College of Criminal Justice Education in the SSC-R Main Campus. Costuna tackled subject matters and drug-related issues such as the most common drugs being abused in our country (marijuana, shabu and ecstasy).
engage in drug abuse. In addition to his lecture, Dean Costuna let the students watch a set of video clips to further support his talk about the topic.
He also stated these drugs’ adverse effects to the human body as well as the immediate and long-term effects when abusing such drugs. Lastly, he mentioned numerous ways on how to prevent drug abuse and discouraged the students to
The seminar was held from 8:00 AM-11:00 AM for Grade 7 and Grade 8 students, and 1:00 PM-5:00 PM for 3rd year and 4th year students. After each seminar, an open forum was held to allow the students raise their inquiries to the speaker.
by Josiah Keith Domingo or the first time ever, sixteen student-delegates from San Sebastian College – Recoletos de Cavite (SSC-R) participated in the 55th Annual National Convention of the Childrens’ Museum and Library, Inc. (CMLI) held at Teacher’s Camp, Baguio City, October 23-27.
Joined by 915 delegates coming from 33 schools from all across the country, workshops, discussions and symposia were held to develop the youth as future leaders of the society. With the theme “It Starts with YOUth: the Filipino Youth and Mass Media as I n no v a t o r s o f S o c ia l Awareness and Agents of Change”¸ t he CMLI encourages the participants to develop changes in
society using the different forms of mass media.
Runner-up, Talent Variety Show)
Bagging awards for the school were Frances Gagua (Champion, Essay Writing and Best Workshopper, News Writing), Josef Tafalla (Winner, Sony Headphone Making), Aurel Umal i (Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking), Josiah Domingo and Patricia Magallanes ( Fina list s, Po p Qu iz Hotshots), and the whole SSC-R delegat ion (2nd
“It was a very memorable experience,” said Frances Gagua, the participant who won the highest place among other participants from SSC-R. “We definitely enjoyed our stay there,” she added. T he c o n ve nt io n w a s sponsored by Sony Philippines and Nest lé Chuckie.
SSC-R to host SCORES 2014 S
by Shemaiah Emmanuel Fresto an Sebastian College-Recoletos (SSC-R) de Cavite will be hosting once again the Students’ Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES) next academic year.
This news was announced during the 28th SCORES held at Colegio de Santo Tomas-Recoletos (CST-R) in San Carlos City, Negros Oriental, November 26-30. 10 student delegates from SSC-R de Cavite became part of the 91-person assembly, revitalizing the meaning of the theme, “Recollect Youth Revitalizing Interiority for Moral Integrity”. Sebastinian delegates took a day off before the main event, enjoying the warm hospitalit y provided by U nive r s it y o f N egr o s Occidental-Recoletos (UNOR), Bacolod. Upon registering at the start of the event, delegates were
t ur ned o ver t o t he ir respective foster families and enjoyed the rest of their stay with them. The congress feat ured notable speakers such as Mr. Moses Joshua Atega and Mr. Lloyd Luna to give studentencouragement seminars. R e c o le t o s E d u c at io na l Apostolate of the Philippines (REAP) President Fr. Julius Marcos, OAR ended the congress with an inspiring talk, followed by a tour around the city, encounter with the mayor, and an outreach activity. The Cultural Night served as the highlight of the said congress, wherein all nine participating schools showed w hat t he ir r es pe ct ive
provinces have to be proud of. The University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R), Cebu won the competition in bringing the festive feels of their Sinulog Festival. A “Lakbay-Aral” to Kinayan Mountain Resort, Guihingan, Negros Oriental was also held, being intended as an activity that will help the participants cherish every moment left. Participants in this activity include Francis Quitoriano, Mikee Presa, Michelle Ponsones, Shemaiah Fresto, Helg i B jar naso n, Ja ja Ponsones, Psalm Tolentino, Yaneza Uy, Laika Baytan, and Chr ys ia Tr inidad, together with Mr. Paolo Antonio Noceda and Ms. Karleen Veloria.
Manila Bay... (from page 1) Suffragan bishops Honesto Ongtioco (Cubao), Francisco de Leon (Kalookan), Jesse Mercado (Parañaque), Ant o nio To bias (Novaliches), Mylo Hubert Vergara (Pasig), Gabriel Reyes (Antipolo), Jose Oliveros (Malolos), and Buenaventura Famadico (San Pablo) also signed the request. Retired bishops Deogracias Iñiguez (Kalookan), Manuel Sobreviñas (Imus), Teodoro Bacani (Novaliches), Leo Drona (San Pablo), Francisco Santiago (Pasig), and Gaudencio Cardinal
Rosales (Manila) also signed the document. Other local ordinaries also signed the petition including Bp. Leopoldo Tumulak (Military Ordinariate), Bp. P e dro Ar ig o ( Pu ert o Princesa), and Bp. Edgardo Juanich (Taytay). I mus bishop Reynaldo Evangelista also signed the document, representing the Roman Catholic community of Cavite. It can be noted that the development of air and seaports in Sangley Point, Cavite City is also one of the reclamation projects along Manila Bay.
TURNOVER. Colegio de Santo Tomas-Recoletos (CST-R) Principal Rev. Fr. Ferdinand V. Fornilos, OAR turns over the SCORES banner to Mr. Paolo Antonio C. Noceda, Students’ Activity Coordinator of San Sebastian CollegeRecoletos de Cavite as the representative of the host school next academic year. (Photo courtesy of Mikee Presa)
Reality Dualism
URNING POINT, they say – or another issue destined to be buried. The revelation of the pork barrel scam, or the misuse of the country’s PDAF, ignited once more the dying flame of change, sparking a new rebellion in the hearts of the Filipinos. Here it is, the ultimate proof of the web of lies surrounding us; finally, something to fight for. However, contrary to our expectations, it seems that the guilty are not in the verge of panic. Rather, they seem to be relaxed – and with a reason. For since the inception of the Philippine Republic, justice had been a one-sided game. The devil’s porky tail will hide for a while, until the fire fades into forgetfulness, leaving the rust to tarnish our country’s tainted wings. Again. In other words: the pork barrel scam may awaken the Filipinos into reality, but our current actions are not enough to make the red-handed atone for their sins. Sooner or later, the sugary speeches of the two-faced political figures will lull us into a false reality, making it appear as though we had moved forward when in fact we are sinking. Then, once more, they will integrate into our society these wrongdoings, bearing a different name, hiding behind a different mask. It is despicable, how we are helpless in facing our nation’s arch nemesis. We yearn for change, yet whatever step we take, it seems that we are brought back to square one. While our countrymen strive to destroy these abominations that litter our society, it seems that more and more give in to the temptation that the darkness offers us. Sadly, a lot of our fellow citizens are slowly accepting the chaos it offers us – as if it is alright to live with these injustices, when in fact it is not. The pork barrel scam is the ultimate symbol of how diverse and foreign our country has become. We are now living in a territory that looks and sound familiar yet is actually different. Sacked and plundered, our nation was replaced by something we do not know, something barely a nation. It is pitiful to see how we believe that we are united and strong, unable to notice the cracks of our crumbling society. Our selfishness resulted into a chaos, a monstrosity more terrifying than ever imagined. We ourselves created the chains that are pulling us down – and the misuse of our country’s funds is the main weight that contributes to the state’s downfall. It is truly disappointing to find that the land on which we are born is actually in shambles, opposite to the rise that we anticipated. The cheating of our supposed development funds contributed nothing but further despair in our part. We are dismayed by these turn of events, but perhaps it is also a blessing. At least, even for another short while, we are exposed to the endless cycle of our country’s darkest secrets, the reason why we are getting nowhere. But our current actions are not enough to create everlasting change. Rallies and outcries are only carried away by the dust. To express our disapproval, what we need is a revolution. And to begin this, we must counter the dualism or reality presented to us – awaken from this falseness, and distinguish the truth.
THE SEBASTINIAN ECHO Rm. 409, San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite, Cañacao Campus
Frances Jade V. Gagua Editor-in-Chief
Aurel Maria T. Umali Managing Editor
SECTION EDITORS & ASSISTANT EDITORS Section Editors: Josiah Keith F. Domingo (News), Moria Diela L. Vallido (Feature), Joshua I. Garduque (Art); Assistant Editors: Kyle C. Bance (News), Kristine Joy M. Afable (Community), Leanna Mae S. Stuart (Sports), Kimberly Ann Z. Moral (Feature), Deanne Therese E. Martinada (Science), Maria Theresa S. Guisihan (Art) CORRESPONDENTS Rani Isabel Cajigas, Kim Robert Samuel, Hannah Bernal, Ranz Custodio, Lance De Leon, Natasha Ashley Austria, Daphne Aying, Graciella Ysabel Grepo, Jecelie de la Rosa, Alysa Claire Aquino, John Levi Perez, Patricia Mae Magallanes RADIO BROADCASTERS English: Jedidiah Rile (Director), Alexis Cruz, Johann Torrato, Joshua Garcia, Marco Bernal, Severo Macugay, Sharmilla Postre; Filipino: Shemaiah Fresto (Director), Gabrielle Loredo, Jarren Mateo, Krishanae Sabal, Precious Filio, Renzo Camacho, Rachelle Macalindong Photojournalists: Maria Isabela Pilapil, Czarina Kerstein Torres Cartoonists: Reynold Cerbo, Joshua Lloyd Garcia, Josef Tafalla, Jaime Flores III Layout Artists (Collaborative Publishing): Patrick Mijares, Geoffrey Galvez Trainers: Mrs. Farrah Jane Columna, Mr. Paolo Antonio Noceda Publications Moderator: Mr. Jonald Justine U. Itugot
ankind had been perpetually torn apart. Filipinos, in particular, find it a challenge to link their horizons together with their countrymen – our countrymen. It seems that the people supposedly acting as the means for our nation’s advancement are in fact destroying it. We had strayed too far away from the path of stability, what with human greed, selfishness and foolishness blinding us. But how did it really begin – these national issues that plague our soiled society? W h a t i s e v e n mo r e surprising is that the people who are do ing t hese corruptive actions are wellto-do, educated individuals who had studied in schools known across the world. Analysts believe that it is human nature and selfinterest that generated these illegal activities. I, however, believe that the surroundings from which these people had grown up to that influenced t he m t o beco me t he monstrosity that they are. I am not just referring to the historical dictatorship or the national issues that they had faced in their youth, no; I am, in fact, referring to the education that they had received. Most will argue that education had nothing to do with what these people are now, because a lot of people who also belong in t he ir g e ne r a t io n a r e admirable citizens, earning success in a fair way. I, however, consider otherwise. In fact, I believe that their studies contributed a lot to their less than stellar behavior. It is noticeable how the lessons nowadays focus on capitalistic topics. In fact, our society teaches the students to aim to be wealthy and surpass others’
achievements. While the boosting of self-confidence is acceptable, there is a lacking in terms of values education and religious formation. These two are sidelined in t erms of schooling. In other words, the pupils are far too focused in their self-interest without being taught the proper virtues that should be integrated alongside the said t ea c h ing s , c r e at ing a lo p s id ed r elat io nsh ip between intellectual training and attitude grooming. As a result, the students grow up short in the proper outlooks, which is a primary reason for the ferocious competition and voracity of the people nowadays. The educational realm itself might also be a root for the immoral actions of our leaders. That seemingly innocent environment is actually a world by itself. Polit ics also exists in education, and its system is no t a s va r ie d fr o m government politics. There is unhealthy antagonism, particularly among honor students with competitive supporters and parents vying for their children to strike the gold. There is pressure at sides, particularly when it is already the period when the learners are already in preparation for their future. Cheating, blackmail – some students, particularly the
wea lt hy o nes in big universities, learn these things to just to meet the expectations of the crowd. These seemingly small acts of viciousness are obvious contributors for their mind settings and views to change. Sadly, it seems that education had become a training ground for these corrupt leaders – a possible fact that may continue to exist if no apparent action is taken. Corruption in relation to edu c at io n truly is controversial at the very least. It is hard to accept that schooling may had been one of the causes as to why humans are fraudulent and crooked in their beliefs and ways. While it is not applicable to all, no-one can deny that there might be a connection between the two. Perhaps it is time that our government – and even the rest of the world – take heed of what we are being taught, not just changing the system. It is not the structure that needs changing, it is the content. For only when intellect and ethics are balanced can truth and amendment be considered. We are taught never to look back and only to look on forward. I say we look back and learn from the mistakes of the past, so that we may advance away from the horizon of nowhere.
ow can one be considered a true Filipino? Simple. It’s the act of nurturing one’s culture and values which makes a Filipino, Filipino. One value that was believed to be the most treasured and long lasting is the Filipino’s uniqueness in Christmas celebrations. And evidently, Caviteños took part in this inherited custom. First on the list is the Maytinis Festival, an annual event celebrated by the Kawiteños that normally takes place on Christmas Eve. It is a dramatic re-enactment of Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem. This Christmas tradition occurs on the streets with eye catching floats portraying important biblical scenes such as the annunciation of Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. Present in this Kawit tradition is the piousness of the Filipino people. We can see how devoted Filipinos are to religion that cultural system has been influenced by such belief. Good to know, it gives off positive effects and encourages the strengthening of one’s faith. A centrepiece of the town’s Christmas celebration is the Christmas lights and sound show held in Aguinaldo’s shrine. It starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. As part of the annual Maytinis Festival, the House of Philippine
Independence was fully decorated with bright and dancing LED lights. Local authorities even managed to synchronize the lights with lively and catchy Christmas songs. The environment around the mansion helps in improving the mood of every person who passes by. Also, it serves as an attraction for the people who are attending the holy mass in the centremost part of the shrine where an altar can be seen fixated. The mass usually begins at 8 p.m. What makes the lights and sound show more interesting was that there were market stalls set everywhere by vendors who sell varying products. There were food stalls, clothing stalls and even toy stalls. Certainly it is the highlight of all the other Christmas festivals. The first president’s mansion had been greatly vitalized by the youthful presence of those who had converged in front of the house and admire the beauty of the scen er y. G en er a l E mili o Aguinaldo once again gave us
freedom through modern lightning technology – the freedom to be happy. Aside from the Maytinis Festival and the dancing Christmas lights in Aguinaldo Shrine, there are still so many ways for Filipinos to celebrate the Christmas season. Actually, the Philippines is hailed as one of the countries who glorify the Christmas season in a very long duration. With suc h cr ea tivity, individualism and passion, it is true that we can create even more innovative ways on how to revere holidays. Moreover, our country’s cultural heritage is so rich and varied that it shapes our ideas on matters like Christmas celebrations. And as Filipinos in heart, mind, and soul it is indeed our nature to give everyone happiness. Aren’t we, the Filipino millenials, given the title as the least stressed and happiest people in the entire world?
rom printed work text, to digitalized pixels. The students of San Sebastian “moves with the flow” of technological growth. In this school year 2013-2014, our school just released the first batch of tablets for pilot testing. But how would it turn out? Technology is considered the most acknowledged and renowned advancement in the 21st Century. All around the globe, people are starting to adapt to the advancement that almost everyone depends on it and thinks that it’s a necessity. When you look around, you’ll realize that it’s actually true, everywhere you look people are using different types of technology sealed in small packages. This is what SSC-R is looking forward to: a world of knowledge filled with learning all sealed in a small package. However, there are many objectives that should be given attention to. First, is it beneficial to the students who will comply with the project? Let’s say it is beneficial because of the fact that students these days have a really hard time carrying heavy-loaded school bags when going to school and going home. This factor is one of the main reasons that some students got e-tablets instead of the usual textbook. But is it worth the sacrifice of paperbacks that is very engaging when someone read? Another thing is that e-tablets nurture the student’s capability to use computer technology, because nowadays computers are regularly used for research, and hands-on activities done in the computer subject. Thus using e-tablets will expand the student’s knowledge in that field and they will be more innovative. I personally believe that this is true, although there are many loops in this matter. Especially when the students
are not well aware of its uses. Third, what is the difference between textbooks and tablets, and what are the capabilities of an e-tablet that textbooks don’t have? Basically there isn’t that much difference. Etablets are just more advance. Students can easily access information while studying with just an internet connection and this is one way of how students can process information easily. Next is Accessibility. Students can easily access apps like dictionaries, math helpers, bibles etc. that will help them be ahead. And through this students can be more hype to learn and be more constant in studying. Although it seems like etablets are very advance and useful, it is indeed a way of distraction. When you are studying you cannot hide the fact that you are tempted to do something else, especially when the connection is just right there. And the only solution to prevent e-tablet users from opening other sites is pure concentration and enthusiasm to study. Based on the results and reactions of students who uses etablets, there is a very diverse perceptive. Some of them thinks it’s a great way of improving and development. But there also times when they would like to use the textbooks. Majority of the students still prefer being traditional by using printed textbooks. Survey shows that more than half of the school’s student population decided to stick with the printed paperbacks. Not just because
it’s cheaper but they have weighed the possibilities of it not being good. Besides, it’s only a pilot test. There is a very broad chance that these students will change their minds and decides to switch next year. And since it’s what generations of students are used to, it is more likely that students will prefer using textbooks. Some of which said students are learning or getting more information when they read from printed textbooks. Because it is more fetching to study for them when they are reading. Another argument is that it is not good for the eyes especially when students tend to study late at night or early in the morning. We seem to be shocked or overwhelmed when we aren’t on “familiar waters”. But there is always room for change and improvement. Change is not an easy thing to do. But you cannot do progress when you won’t allow change to happen. There would come a time when there are no more complications in using e-tablets who would know that San Sebastian would be the first school in Cavite that will apply this curriculum of teaching. In the end it is up to the one who has a heart for learning to choose. If they are more capable of expanding their knowledge when using books, then books it is. But there would also be an instance wherein they would refer to technology to siege their concerns. After all technology is innovated to help people in the things they do.
oday, major colleges in the Philippines are starting to accept change as they plan to shift to the international school calendar, similar to universities in other countries that begin their school year in August-to-May. However, different opinions were heard. The truth is that the only thing that it is time for Filipino that is constant is change. We students to come along with need to accept the fact that as others, such as those in our time flies, people demand for fellow ASEAN countries? something new. Maybe, this is out of their competitiveness, will This change will open more to cope up, or desire for the opportunities for this country better. Now, the question is, especially if we will be able to “When will it take place?” accept international students. We need ASEAN 2015. For others, the proposed idea seems to be a little bit too rush We had already started. Adopting considering that we are still in the K-12 program is just the first the adjustment phase regarding step but we are not stopping. If the implementation of the K-12 we want to fit in to this world, program that was introduced why won’t we start now? just last school year. On the Because if not, we might just find contrary, why can’t we realize ourselves left behind.
he Philippines has faced one of the most disastrous calamity in its history. Different catastrophes were survived by us Filipinos in this past few years such as Ondoy, Maring and Habagat, but inspite of all that had gone through, people still do not learn. Now we are facing another crisis given by typhoon Yolanda. A day before Yolanda hit the are uttered by the mouths of the Philippines, PNoy called to mind victims especially in Tacloban, all people to start preparing for Leyte – the said center of the the incoming storm surge. They typhoon. Understand that this is (PAGASA) never stopped not only the government’s fault reminding people over and over in lacking stable structures, again, but many chose to ignore buildings, roads etc., but also the reminders given, and that led mainly ours for not giving us to tragedy. attention in preparing for this. PAGASA knew beforehand how strong the effect of this typhoon will be, and that was the reason why they warned us in the very first place. They did not intend to frighten us but help us overcome this typhoon. Now that we already saw the effect of the said typhoon, when will we ever learn? Many regrets
PAGASA concluded that this is one of the most disastrous catastrophes that happened to us. It killed many lives and put people in the state of vagrancy. Think of this as a lesson for us to ponder for generations. The positive thing is, we at least learned our lesson: to prepare and get ready to the following incoming crisis to come. Would we?
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Hello! I won’t beat around the bush any longer, so here is my question: Why does the school require PAASCU accreditation? What is its importance? Thanks, and more power to SebEcho! -Valerie Rose T. Monton +++++ Dear Valerie, Before all, thank you for taking the time to write to the Sebastinian Echo. The PAASCU Accreditation is not necessarily required; however, it is a certified proof that a school TRULY gives quality education and meets national standards. A PAASCU accredited school signifies that the school is one which offers an excellent educational environment for students. -The Sebastinian Echo (Send your letters to the editor through e-mail at admin@sebastinianecho.org and get the chance to be heard!)
“Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.” hat would you do if this is your life? It would be
very difficult. Nothing permanent, and nothing to hold on to forever. And it sure is difficult for A.
A novel written by David Levithan that tend “to captivate and fascinate its readers”. This captivating story about dealing with changing lives everyday was published last 2012, and sure is a hit to its readers. Its narrates the life of a drifter named A. As he narrates, he takes you to a world wherein living is very complex, somewhat confusing. You would learn the how complex life and love is in A’s world. And makes you wonder, “can you truly love someone who is destined to change everyday?” The plot of the story is basically base on that idea. As said, A is a drifter. Ever since A was born, life has been the way it is. Waking up each morning in a different body, living someone’s life for a day. Not even sure of what your gender is, or what you are. The only thing A is certain, is even though change comes upon on a daily basis, he knows who he is, and been in love with the same girl. Growing up, he thinks he has fully learned the twist and turns of his destine life. Even setted guidelines in which he needs to follow. Never get too attached. Avoid being notice that something change. And Do not interfere with the life you’re borrowing. But it all he has known for as long he exist, vanishes as he wakes one morning in a Justin’s body and met his girlfriend. He had felt himself connecting to this girl.
The girl who changed his life. The girl who made him break all the rules and guidelines he figured out. The girl who made him fall truly in love once again. A girl whose name is Rhiannon. Rhiannon who he wants a future with, someone who he is determined to be the permanent thing he’ll have every day. But for A, that’s his weakness, his chink in the armor, his fatal flaw. He cannot make any promises to her that he’ll be there when she wakes up. And their love story didn’t end on a nice note, instead on a tragic one. Though a bunch of people thinks the ending is quite boring and short, the totality and the wholeness of the novel itself is a great keeper. The novel shows its readers the complexity of life, and its struggles. Through words on the paper, the author connects deep down and leaves a mark. That living isn’t about the past nor the future. What matters most is the present which covers your past and changes your future. It isn’t about looking in the future, and change it. It’s about living day to day. Living with so much joy as worry. Because in our life today we always resort to the “what if’s” and not to the “Oh well’s”. We all know that simply living this life is a risk itself and regret is another. Trying to change the past will not work. Its mainly about how you take in what happens to you day to day to make a great future.
by JECELIE CLAIRE DE LA ROSA “God Bless you, Mama Mary loves you,” a famous line that is usually said by Teachers, Priests, and catechists. Notice that the elaborate not only God but also Mama Mary. Of course everybody knows who Mama Mary is. Everybody knows that Mary was called by God to give birth to his son who will soon save the entire world. But after all of these, not every knows what happened to her. According to the religious experts, Mary was brought heaven with her earthly body. Meaning she did not die. But she was brought by Jesus to be proclaimed as Queen of heaven. As time passed by she had apparitions in different places here on earth, Her first apparition recorded after a long time was when she showed herself to Juan Diego. It was 1531 where the Indian tribes were introduced to Christianity. Mary told Juan Diego to create a church on top of a hill where she showed herself. One of the most popular apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary was when she appeared on Fatima to three little shepherd. She told them to pray the rosary to save the souls in purgatory. The people of Fatima did not believe them and they accused the shepherds being possessed by demons. Mary did many miracles, in the end the people themselves witnessed Mary’s miracles and they prayed the rosary with the shepherds. Mary also had apparitions here in the Philippines, like when Judiel Nieva claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary in La Union on 1987. She claimed that she saw a bright light and she heard trumpets and angels singing “alleluia” and “Salve Regina”. Then she saw the holy family on a cloud with St. Joseph holding a shepherd’s staff and Mary sitting on a rock with baby Jesus on her lap. There are more and more apparitions all over the world, too many to be enumerated. Mary loved the world so much that she personally shows herself to all of the people on earth and sends them a message a message that will help us become good Christians and will help us enter the kingdom of God. This proves the quotes of our dear catechists true, it is true that Mama Mary Loves you!
hen you are sixteen, you hang out, go to part ies, or go shopping with your friends. That is typically what a normal teenager does, right? But what if you are not normal? What if you are facing the worst enemy you could ever come up against? What if you possess a very fatal affliction?
unconditionally in love with each other.
All throughout the novel, Green was able to play with the reader’s emotions, one moment you are humoured and the next you are already screaming in agony. Green’s way of writing is exceptional and excruciating at the same time, considering the tragic and abrupt ending. The In John Green’s novel The plot is fast-paced and is an Fault in our Stars, we got to see exemplary blend of drama and how cancer patients attempt to romance. survive each tormenting day of facing this disorder. Hazel Grace The Fault in our Stars is Lancaster spent most of her the kind of book that leaves a childhood undergoing treatments mark in a reader’s mind and and basically stayed home with heart. It makes us appreciate excessively protective parents for every second of every day and a whole sixteen years. To make it accept what we have become short, her life sucks. However, and what we will be. Green her dull, black-and-white life wants to give the message that turned kaleidoscopic after she “the world is not a wishmet a charming boy named granting factory”. We cannot Augustus Waters and eventually always be in bliss and indeed, they fell deeply a n d pain demands to be felt.
lot of countries had already produced numerous television dramas stretching from comedy to tragedy and fantasy to history, and our country seems to keep up patently.
Surely most of us are familiar with the story of Pinocchio, the wooden boy whose nose grows whenever he fails to speak of the truth. Recently, ABS-CBN aired a show with a similar notion as the legendary tale of the puppet boy. Honesto is a fantasy television program created by Rondel Lindayag, starring Raikko Mateo. The program narrates the story of Honesto, a young lad whose nose dilates whenever he lies. The series premiered on October 28 this year and is directed by Jerry Lopez Sineneng. A grand strike to Filipinos, the concept of this program shows the exact persona of today’s generation: brimming with deceit. Honesto has an impressive influence to every one of us, especially to the youth, as it recounts about the value of candour and the repercussions of our fallacies. With all the enticement of evil today, programs such as this have a beneficial effect on the youth in this day and age. As this show acquaints us with integrity, may we learn that the truth matters and we do not play with our own set of rules. William Shakespeare once said, “Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.”
or many Filipinos the rain is just a natural occurring thing, and it comes and goes unnoticed. But with the “Project Noah”, the government’s multibillion-peso weather forecast and warning system being launched, it begs to differ.
The Philippines is no stranger to natural disasters. Typhoon, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and floods seems to be a regular unending cycle. But even though this is the case, when disasters ravage the archipelago the results are unimaginable.
But are we really ready to make this shift? We are used to manual calculations and forecasts. PAGASA even have some reticence to this project, as shown with their insistence to validate it first. But that removes the essence of Project Noah in reporting near-real time weather forecast.
According to the website of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Project NOAH, which stands for the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards, is the DOST’s response to President Aquino’s call for a “more accurate, integrated, and responsive disaster prevention and mitigation system, especially in high-risk areas throughout the Philippines”.
Even the project leaders of this breakthrough in the Philippine weather system believe it to intangible. According to scientist Carlos Primo David, one of the people behind this project, it does not replace PAGASA as the national weather bureau. “One thing that’s different about Pagasa right now is they’re more receptive to changes and technology. Before, they relied only on manual. But they have realized this system is okay,” David said.
Project NOAH will contain data from PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), UP National Institute of Geological Sciences, and the UP College of Engineering. And the project leader behind Project Noah, a two-year old public-private venture to forecast rainfall and update the people using it, believes that to prevent these casualties the Philippine’s weather systems should enter the 21st century and use the technology available. That is what Project Noah is all about. It is a mesh technology that is made up of weather satellites and Doppler radars that give information on rain-bearing clouds; allautomatic weather stations, rain gauges and stream gauges that track the weather, amount of rainfall and depth of rivers; and manned ground weather stations that validate the data culled from these technologies. These stations will give its report to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for every 10 to 15 minutes. By these reports, the system manages to update the Project Noah users near-real time. These new reinforced weather systems tend to give 90 out of 100 percent accuracy and is said to be a user-friendly system. The main program itself is accessible to any person and said to be a “piece of cake” when people navigate it.
“In fact, Noah was conceived to augment the functions of Pagasa, because by 2014, all of this will be transferred to them and one objective is to be able to provide weather information directly to the people,” he said. A parallel objective is to make forecasting “a little bit more high-tech.” “We want to bring forecasting of weather, of rainfall in particular, into the 21st century. That’s the idea,” he said. After the launch of Project Noah, results could be seen in some parts of the country. When disasters strike, Filipinos seen to be more ready and prepared. And this is a very good sign that it will work. It serves as a “warning program” so users will be well informed. It will also be a preventive measure to lessen casualties. As we approach a new era of development, we cannot hide the fact that things could be improved and this is Project Noah’s main goal. Wether or not the Filipino nation accepts it’s concept, in the near future programs and innovation such as this could really help. The Filipino nation and it’s perception in these kind of things could all change as we bring it to the 21st century. And in the end we would choose what we think is better.
machine that imitates humans, a robot that only consists of science fictions and an artificial being of superior intelligence. Humans have been a great factor in creating a robot. Nowadays, building machines have been much more fun than a material to play with. There are over a million of these kinds that are working for humans now. Some robots may be like flaming volcano’s that made us far away to dangerous while some are like papers, plain and tolerable to kids of any ages. Back in the day, humans started at monumental sized mobile phones. Today, a chip which cannot even see from a naked eye is used to give medications to one’s body. Simple machines
are used to simplify or complete the functioning of the body and with the prolong applications the robots imply closer interactions with the user. It has been about the shared out of goals that improves the benefit of the new friend of the society. Machines are programmed for expert skills and knowledge. Programmed to do what is to do and serve what is to serve. They provide such work that even workers cannot do with their own power. Leaving company owners prefer machines to improve work with time and expel threatening
BUMPEE. A robot that executes another program when it bumps a wall such as moving backward and going to another direction. (Photo by Josh Garduque) strike of jobs in some ways. Robots have been a part of everyday fabric of life to
humans. Yet the future still holds on to everyone’s hand whether they accept it or destroy it. You, what would you choose?
rom reading stones to contact lenses, now smart eyeglasses to help the blind see?
When people are defined as blind, it does not entirely mean that someone cannot see at all. ‘Blind people’ who are often called as impaired can partially observe light and mechanism in a very light way. With this principle, products of modern technology have been presented to the public to help those in need of clearer vision. Now, smart spectacles are invented to make the visually impaired see and live life as most perfectly abled humans do. After numerous studies, a researcher in neuroscience and visual prosthetics at the University of Oxford, Stephen Hicks, successfully developed the said special glasses. The spectacles was said to be an attempt to make the residual vision useful as possible. The smart glasses have two cameras both with infrared projector designed to describe close-at-hand objects. The
findings also possess a gyroscope, a device used in measuring; a compass; and a GPS to accompany the user. The final arrangement is shown on transparent OLEDs in highcontrast colour fixed in each shades. Although these special glasses have been known to the public, its effects to individuals are not yet discussed. It was not yet addressed whether or not it is safe for a long period of usage. Presently, people are open in accepting new innovations from the experts. The special glasses are currently climbing the charts of the public. As people absorb knowledge about these, scientists are still running for more researches about the idea. From average type of glasses used by people to having becloud eyes. Now,a creation that could change the lives of thousands of people. What more has yet to come? SIGHTLESS. Woman struggling from blindness sitting at the facade of the San Roque Church. (Photo by Maria Theresa Guisihan)
by Leanna Mae Stuart uniors’ boys and Seniors’ girls carried their way to the top in the Chess Competition held during the High School Intramural Games of San Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite, October 21-22.
In the boys’ category, Juniors Renzo Camacho, Jo hn Ponsones, Manuel Abnuman and Uriel Pacis scored a total of 11 points and made themselves champions. Sophomores Jacob Casugbo, Rhojonil Monton, Ranz Custodio and Miguel Vanta got seven points and were hailed as the silver medalists. The freshmen and the seniors were caught in a tie both scoring three points. But high match points of seniors Franco de Villa, Jaime Flores, Maverick Sobrino, and Sean
Pacis saved the day and took them to the third spot. In the girls’ category, seniors Rizza Escopin, Charlene Tiu and Paula Buenaobra were victorious in getting the gold medal after achieving a total score of nine points. Sophomores Chloe Bernal, Dar a Aust r ia, Kat r ina Samson, and Romanna Silvero settled for the silver, while freshmen Sharmaen Lim, Laine Munoz, Joanna Mutia and Jean Esmael placed third after acquiring seven points.
by Hannah Bernal nother hard to bear combat once again take place in the FilOil Flying V Arena in San Juan, Wednesday, January 8, 15-25, 25-23, 22-25, 25-20, 15-13 it is, as to the winning score for the Ateneo against Santo Tomas in the UAAP women's volleyball tournament.
The Lady Eagles sure did gave a highly effect ive teaming up as they seek a lot to claim the victory for it's been a great time to start the year by bringing home the winner. Having a lot of pressures s in c e t h e y' v e g o t t e n themeselves a five straight victories recently. The opponent must'have bo t he r e d a lo t no r concerned the opponent, but it came out good but not a satisfaction. In a way, the UST had come up a stratigic plan to take down the Ateneo. But Ateneo ain't had gotten an inch o f hidden fear, getting hit. Both were desperate to the win. As for them, the Ateneo had
still got it. They teamed up. The defence was done great. Valdez' aim, exact ly a same desire to pursue for more victories. It is not new for her since she carried that desire along with her, every fight. The game was quite given to Valdez since made most of the shots as for their victory, once again she's the "Star of the Day", at her best, she inserted a delightsome shots of 28 points off 25 hits. The fight gone well, there were excitement everywhere, for the UST had thrilled the opponents as they arise stronger and stronger in the remaining quarters.
by Frances Jade Gagua ebastinian delegates bagged awards at the Cavite City Meet 2013, at Julian Felipe Elementary School, November 15, ousting hundreds of equally competitive participants in the field of sports.
Leading the pack in the team competitions are the Basketball Girls, and both the Volleyball Boys and Volleyball Girls, all whom struck 2nd place. Meanwhile, Primo Miguel Galgo (IV-SM), Zeonardo Zapatos (II-BMSN) and Karl Carganilla (III-SNT) smashed their way to the 3rd place overall in the Badminton Boys co mpet it io n, while Charlene Tiu (IV-SA) and Angelique Dela Cruz(Gr.8BVSA) made the team that bagged 2nd in Badminton
In the Individual Contests, Shamtella Amante (Gr.8BMSA) emerged champion amidst other compet itors in Badminton Girls. In Chess, Franco Matthew De Villa (IVSRC) proved his wits in mo ving t he pawns, placing 3rd. Meanwhile, S ea n P a c is ( I V - S RC) kicked his way to the silver medal while Amiel Asis (III-SNT) and Jessa Gail Repollo (III-SEM) roundhoused their opponent s in their
respective divisions and placed gold in Taekwondo. In swimming, Richardson Navo (Gr.8BVSA) swam away wit h two gold medals and one silver medal, while Nicole C laude T akagi ( Gr. 8 BMSA) dominat ed t he waters with two golds, two silver and a bronze medal. 1st placers qualify to the Southern Tagalog Calabarzon Athlet ic Association, more po pu lar ly k no wn as STCAA.
Two teams, one goal:
Heat outscores Spurs by six points
by Ranz Christian Custodio
he Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs engaged in one of the greatest and spectacular fights in the history of basketball.
But Miami brought home their second consecutive championship after defeating the San Antonio Spurs at the score of 95-88. LeBron James edged the core by giving them their team the statistics of 37 points, 12 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals. Because of this, LeBron has been hailed as the Most Valuable Player.
(Photos from the Internet)
Girls-Doubles Division.
LeBron’s “partner-in-crime”, Dwayne Wade, added 23 points and 10 rebounds, while Shane Battier got off the bench and gave 18 points for their team. The Heat took the lead at the first quarter by the score of 18-16.
LeBron James scored four points and one assist, while Tim Duncan of Spurs scored four points, three rebounds, three steals and also two assists. Both team tied at the second quarter with the score of 28. At the third quarter of the game, Heat outscored Spurs by the score of 72-71 when Mario Chalmers nailed a buzzerbeating three-point shot. And at the fourth quarter, Miami outscored San Antonio by six points.
n the past, traditional Filipino games like Patintero, Luksong Lubid, Taguan, Trumpo and Sipa have been popular to native children. But as years pass by, observers started to notice that younger Filipinos become more interested in video games (like "DOTA”) than traditional ones. Because of this, a question started to pop inside my head, Have Filipino games been affected by Generation Gap?
t is a year to remember for this year’s intramurals’ Most Valuable Player for volleyball girls, Cleobel Pamienta. With her strong spikes, throws and catches this girl bangs the MVP medal.
We are now in the 21st century, kids these days tend to prefer video games over traditional games. Video games help them unwind with less physical stress. Playing such will result to less sweat because you will just be sitting in front of a device pushing buttons and staring at a screen. Seems easy, right? But it has bad effects too.
Pamienta is currently a third year student who has a great passion for volleyball. “Kasi masaya, feeling mo welcome ka, family kayo eh,” she quoted. According to her, achieving the medal came really unexpected. She acknowledged her teammates for covering up for her whenever she made According to recent researchers, excessive playing of video games make a person socially isolated. Moreover, mistakes, “Sila talaga sumalo nung mga mali ko.” it also makes a child spend less time in doing much more important activities such as homework and interacting with one’s family and friends.
Cleo, as she preferred to be called, trained for only four months in the said sport, not only for the Intramurals but also for her game for the City Meet, wherein she played as well. Despite being an obviously well-prepared volleyball player, for her, that is still not enough. She admitted that she In the past, the traditional games commonly played by still needs to improve in some areas, “Marami pang bagay ang kailangan ko malaman tulad ng pag children usually require native materials or instruments. spike ng baon.” Due to limited resources, children tend to come up with She wants to improve her volleyball skills but does not dream of joining bigger tournamemts like UAAP because she has other goals in life, “Gusto ko kasi mag MAAP, para na rin sa parents ko”. She added that playing volleyball is for fun and not for a career. For Cleo, her team really contributed a lot in being the MVP, “Sobrang proud ako sa kanila”. She indicated that they had a remarkable teamwork and trust; and that is the main thing needed in playing the game, “Naging family kasi kami.” She stated that the best strategy is giving all your best. Cleobel Pamienta is one of the living proofs of humility among Sebastinians; she believes that everything can be won by teamwork. A lot knew that she would be the MVP because of how she played the game. Apart from being MVP, she also became the coach of the third year volleyball boys who also had a great game. Finally, she said, “Dinedicate namin ‘to para sa lahat ng 3rd year; champion tayo dito.”
n Greece, there is one sport that is very unknown to every one, and it is called “Octopush”. What is Octopush?
Octopuch is a fancy name for “underwater hockey”. Invented in 1954 by Alan Blake. It Consists of two teams with 10 players (four of which will be subs). it is a team sport in which the teams compete to s c ore poi nts by directing a puck into goals across the bottom of a swimming pool. It requires aquatics equipment such as a mask and snorkel, flippers, gloves, and water polo cap. And it also requires a very good swimmer.
According to some websites, the aquatic requirements are important because it prevents players from being hurt. the gloves are protective, preventing hand injuries from pool-bottom abrasion and from impact of the puck.
sometimes called a squid. The puck is typically made of lead and has a plastic covering. The goals, which are also called gulleys, are typically created with aluminum or galvanized or stainless steel.
This sport is Very popular in countries The hat not only like New Zealand, protects the ears, but can Australia, and England. also be an indicator of the player’s team. Special Octopushing is a equipment such as a h i g h l y aerobic, goal, puck, and stick are e n t e r t a i n i n g , and also needed. The stick, enjoyable. Although also called a bat or this game may seem pusher, is only about 14 obscure, it’s a fun way inches long and is to get fit and have fun.
substitutes for toys they cannot produce. Traditional games help them improve tons of skills such as flexibility, confidence, sporty attitude, and cooperation.It also increases their communication skills. It makes their body healthy, they can move all the parts of their body freely. But, in rural areas, many population still played traditional games because they can’t afford hi-tech gadgets. Even in our school, SSC-R de Cavite, it is still very typical to see students playing sipa. And well actually, im proud of it because even a lot has been changed, it’s still being played. There, i was able to conclude that Traditional Games will never be “out". we love our country. That's who we are. Go out! Throw the game controller first, call-out your friends and enjoy the sweaty-fun day!
by Kim Robert Samuel
ECOLETOS 4TH CENTENNIAL GYMNASIUM – To signify the start of the 2013 Annual Intramural Games, a parade was held by the students, athletes and personnel of San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite, October 22. At 8 o’clock in the morning, students from grade 7, grade 8, third year and fourth year gathered together at Crisostomo Street to welcome their intrams with the theme of “Reach, leap, soar”. The Citizen’s Army Training (CAT) Officers, Cadet Officer Candidate Course (COCC) and the “Anak Zapote Band” also participated on the said parade. Each year level was led by their two chosen candidates for the Miss Intramurals 2013, one candidate representing their year level’s volleyball team and the other for their basketball team. The students wore their traditional shirts
depending on their year level: green for the Grade 7 students, yellow for the Grade 8, red for the 3rd year, and blue for the 4th year students. Upon reaching their destination, the Recoletos 4th Centennial Gymnasium, a program was held to welcome the beginning of Intramural 2013. The Anak Zapote band lead the invocation and the singing of the national anthem, followed by the oath taking, led by Marcial Pongyan III, captain for the senior’s volleyball team. Meanwhile, Ivan Caraig, captain of the seniors’ basketball team, ignited the intramural torch to signify the start of the event. Afterwards, candidates for the Miss Intrams 2013 hung their respective banners as they released the balloons.
by Hannah Bernal
he male seniors’ Blue Lightning had played a tremulous start to overwhelm and awaken the sleepy heads bring back their senses, early in the morning, October 24, over the Junior’s Red Jaguar at the San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite quadrangle. Flaming hits of Marcial Pongyan, covered up a yield shield to put half of the students to watch over the other game under the roofcovered gymnasium, but instead under the blazing sun.
Photos by Joshua Garduque and CK Torres
Victory over 25-10 and 2514, the Blue Lightning stroke a thunderous attacks that downed the Jaguars in the first set. Rossuel Saonoy, who unloaded thirteen hits which helped a lot for them to stand against Jaguars. Jaguars did their so called “fightback” in the second set. It was definit ely evident in the second set when they started
block ing t he st rat egic attacks t heir opponent gave them. Each had clawed back on track, and combined to result their mu s t - r e g a in - lo st - po int s . The hard earned fighback did great at first, but not enough to neutralize their plan. The Blue Lightning made sure of the nonguarantee of a smooth sailing and made them on top again. T he Lig ht ning s had t eamed u p , fo r med , planned, and claimed the victory and unloaded a 25 -point more t han t he o ppo nent had. The y finished the last set, 25-14 for the win as fast as a
lightning. Senior’s Most Valuable Player, Pongyan stood out and made another t horoughly excellent performance in doing his best by firing nineteen attacks and solid blocks, topscoring, to help the winning score possible for them. As expected he made tons of consecut ive attacks which hardened the “comeback” of the Jaguars to defend theirs. Alt hough beaten up, the Red Jaguars had dragged, at least, the game into two tight sets, and made a breathtaking morning for the crowd.