Photo by Essa Guisihan
Delegates showcase talents in cultural night by Rani Isabel Cajigas
RECOLETOS 4TH CENTENNIAL GYMNASIUM – Students from different parts of the country convened at the Cañacao Campus on November 12 to showcase the different traditions and festivities of their regions in the Cultural Night of the 29th Students Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES). In his opening remarks , R e v . F r . James Dexter R. Ta n q u i s , OAR, director of the SSC-R de Cavite Basic Education D e p a r t m e n t , encouraged the delegates to serve as role models to others. “B e a good example of Recollect youth,” said Tanquis, speaking about the cultural pride exemplified by the participants. Performers include delegates from the University of Negros OccidentalRecoletos, San
Pedro Ac a d e my Recoletos, and San Pe dro Academy Va l e n c i a , w h e r e i n t h e l att e r showcased the socalled Rambones Festival that their school initiated in t h e i r mu n i c i p a l i t y. Meanwhile, Colegio San Nicolas Tol e nt i n o - R e c ol e to s a n d Un i v e r s i t y of S a n J o s e - R ecoletos (Balamban Campus) gained applause from the audience with their dance performances of songs especially made for their places. Energizing the audience, the
University of San Jose-Recoletos (Basak Campus) brought the Cebu spirit to Cavite by encouraging everyone to dance the Sinulog theme. Putt i ng a unique twist in the set of cultural performances, San S e b a s t i an C ol l e ge R e c ol e t o s Man i l a s h owe d a m o d e r n d an c e p e r for m an c e . Lastly, Colegio de Sto. TomasRecoletos and San Sebastian CollegeRecoletos de C av i t e , e x e mp l i f i e d a reenactment of their undiscovered
gem, the Pintaflores festival, and presented a hero-inspired act, respectively. S p e c i a l performances were also staged by guest participants from the Cavite National High School’s Special Programs fwor the Arts, Teatro Baile de Cavite, and Teatro Baile de Recoletos, showcasing the highlights of the Caviteño culture. SSC-R de Cavite is hosting the SCORES for the third time this year; the first in 2004, and the second in 2008.
Cavite’s queen honored in SCORES day 2 Priest calls youth as evangelizers by Rachel Eileen Macalindong
CAVITE CITY, Philippines – Delegates and student-hosts of the 29th Students’ Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES) gathered in the Cañacao Campus auditorium on November 12 for a symposium entitled “Recollect Youth: Sent forth as witnesses of new evangelization.” In the symposium proper, Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, parish priest of San Nicolas de Tolentino in Quezon City, lectured about the importance of preaching the gospel to bring God closer to people, and the people closer to God. According to Tolentin, new evangelization has never been a new message for there is no new message in evangelization. Furthermore, preaching the gospel must always be a work of love — for God and the people. FEATURE:
“The work of evangelization is the duty of the people of God. We need not only to be evangelized but also to evangelize,” Tolentin said. The speaker encouraged the students to follow the rivalry of Christ of influencing others for the purpose of sharing the faith given to them by God with others. “God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of His love is no longer felt and the desire to do good fades,” exclaimed the priest, challenging the youth to spread the Word of God.
by Rani Isabel Cajigas
SAN ROQUE, Cavite City – A celebration of the Holy Eucharist was held in honor of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Porta Vaga on November 12 at San Roque Parish Church in Cavite City to mark the opening of the second day of the 29th Students’ Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES). Preside d over by C av iteño pr iest R e v. Fr. R el ly r ic G. delos Santos, OAR , t he Holy Mass commemorate d t he p ost f iest a o c t ave celebrat ion of C av ite’s p at roness. “Ang tunay na nag li ling ko d s a Diyos ay t a himi k na [nagdur us a] at nagbibig y ng kanyang ka lo ob an [p ara s a Diyos],” D elos Santos s aid, contempl at ing on t he p e acef u l s cene depic te d in t he image of t he Virg in. Know n as t he oldest exist ing Mar i an p aint ing in
t he Phi lippines, t he image of O ur L ady of S olitude was found in t he shores of C av ite Puer to in t he l atter p ar t of t he 17t h centur y. In t he image, t he Bless e d Virg in Mar y is s e en in de ep s or row af ter t he cr ucif ixion of her S on, Jesus C hr ist. Af ter t he Mass, t he t radit iona l Kara kol pro cession j oine d by t he SC ORES delegates and S eb ast ini an Kara kol d ancers was held f rom San R o que to t he C añac ao C ampus.
Links of Life
“I always felt that I had to live my mission in life whatever purpose God has given me” – these are the inspirational words that Ms. Ilsa B. Reyes, one of the guest speakers, stated during the symposium for the delegates of the 29th Students’ Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES). Following the topic on the Five Love Links of Leadership, Ms. Reyes willingly and whole-heartedly shared experiences that establishes a new mindset and gives advice towards a better life. Despite being a published author and a singer, she doesn`t fail to recognize God. She continues to make it a virtue of setting it as her inspiration to write and to live more. When it comes to dealing with roadblocks, she brushes it off and states that “there are always problems that we will face in our lives” for we have to look at them as opportunities and mere lessons that we could learn from. At the end of the day, Ms. Reyes serves as an example that in life faith and hope are the necessary ingredients to reach the finish line.