Junior Josephian Chronicle, Vol. 7, No. 1

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OLLOWING the 14th General Chapter of the Congregation of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters convened last April to May 2012, the school administrative board of St. Joseph College (SJC) Cavite City implements changes in its roster of religious administrators. Sr. Ma. Ninfa Inzon, A.R., M.A.Ed. from Albay will serve as SJC’s new superiordirectress, replacing Sr. Ma. Flora A. Silvero, A.R., who will now serve full time as superintendent of all Augustinian Recollect schools in the Philippines.

Sr. Marianita Atencio, A.R., M.A.Ed. from San Carlos City, Negros Occidental will serve as the new research director, replacing Engr. Noel Presa, M.A.Ed., who will assist the Dean of Education. Sr. Doraine Suyko, A.R., M.A.N. who formerly served as school nurse, will now be the local coordinator (sister-servant) of the Augustinian Recollect Student Crusaders.

Sr. Noemi Mapa, A.R., Ed.D. comes back as dean of the Professional Education Department and the Graduate School after a year of assignment as principal in Laoang, Northern Samar, replacing Prof. Maria Theresa Giron, Ph.D., who will now focus on her duties as faculty member in the Graduate School Department.

On the other hand, Srs. Aurelia Pastidio, A.R., M.A.Ed. (school registrar), Eleuteria Lao, A.R. (school treasurer), Damiana Tafalla, A.R., M.A.Ed. (local community econome), and Luzviminda Escal, A.R., M.A.Ed. (basic education principal) will retain the offices they held the previous academic year.

Sr. Amada de Ramos, A.R., Ed.D. from St. Rita College, Manila will serve as dean of the Hospitality Management Department, replacing former HRM program head Mr. Aldrich Fernandez.

The above-mentioned changes in the administration were formally announced during the institutional general assembly held last June 7, 2012, at the SJC Audio-Visual Room. [JJC]

‘Take Jesus as model’ - Inzon Camara receives


O DISCUSS about the upcoming academic year, the administrators, faculty and staff of St. Joseph College, Cavite City held its annual general assembly at the college audiovisual room, June 7, 2012. In her first message as directress of the institution, Sr. Ma. Ninfa Inzon, A.R., M.A.Ed. encouraged the academe to take Jesus as their model in serving the school’s clientele, who came “to serve and not to be served”. She also mentioned that sincerity and loyalty are what the Josephian community

needs in order to project a positive image of the school to the greater community.

Recollect Board of Trustees reminded the school community to “realize the vision” of becoming a life-giving and innovating education ministry, and encouraged everyone to engage in the school’s marketing concerns.

“Let’s bring back the glory together”, Inzon said, in relation to the declining enrollment rates in the institution due to the present trend of tertiary education in the country, and the “SJC will stand forever. SJC will increasing number of basic and stand as SJC forever,” Mapa said. higher educational institutions in the city and nearby municipalities. St. Joseph College is one of the first institutions of higher education in On the other hand, Education and the province of Cavite to offer Graduate School dean Sr. Noemi teacher-education, health care and Mapa, A.R., Ed.D., who is also a hospitality programs since the member of the Augustinian 1940s. Jonald Justine U. Itugot

LBED alumnus tops June 2012 NLE


N ALUMNUS of the SJC Lower Basic Education Department landed on a top spot in the recently released June 2012 Nursing Licensure Examination results. Christian Wilson R. Turalde of grade school batch 2004 garnered an average of 84.20%, placing himself on the 8th spot of the top 10 examinees. Turalde is the eldest child of SJC Institute of Health Sciences dean Marilyn Turalde, and is a graduate of the degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing

BSP service medal


N RECOGNITION of his meritorious and outstanding service rendered to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) as scout master for numerous years, Mr. Edilberto M. Camara of St. Joseph College’s Basic Education Department was given the Silver Service Award of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines.

given to those who have greatly served the unit, institution, area, district, and local council, upon the recommendation of the scouts’ National Court of Honor.

The award was dated October 31, 2011, but was officially released in June of 2012.

SJC directress Sr. Ninfa Inzon, A.R. pinned the medal to Camara, and presented its accompanying certificate in front of the Josephian administrators, faculty and staff during the 2012 General Assembly held on June 7, 2012.

According to Scoutcenter.net, a scout advancement resource website maintained by BSP’s Merit Badge Center, the award is

Camara has attested once again that the Josephian academe has something to prove even at the national level. [JJC]

from the University of the Philippines-Manila. He is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine program of the same university. Josephian nursing graduates also took the licensure exam, where 56 out of the 115 takers were successful. Of these 115, 79 were first time examinees and 36 were retakers. SJC Cavite garnered a percentage of 48.70%, slightly higher than the national passing percentage which is 45.69%. (Jonald Justine U. Itugot)

SCOUT MASTER. SJC Directress Sr. Ma. Ninfa Inzon, A.R. pins the BSP service medal to Mr. Edilberto Camara. Photo by Anthony T. Trias


HRM hosts first ever ‘Future Chef’ Indian Roy teaches – Puzzle Solving, Catching a Live Tilapia, and the Culinary Arts Quiz- before actually starting to cook. Finishing the fastest was Sangley Point Nat io na l H igh S choo l (SPNHS) who went home with the “Best in Obstacles” award. Making it more interesting, after catching the live fish, each team had to butcher their main ingredient on their own at the butchering station which included the scaling of the fish and removal of its innards. St. Joseph College of Cavite (SJC) was hailed with the “Best in Butchering” award.

COOKING MASTERS. Students from San Sebastian College exhibit their cooking skills by flambeing. Photo by Anthony T. Trias


ITNESSING young talents in the art of food preparation, the Department of Hospitality Management hosted its first ever interschool cooking competition entit led “Future Chef”, morning of December 14, 2012. The event was open to senior high school students. Out of four participating

groups, San Sebast ian College – Recoletos’ (SSCR) cooking trio was awarded champion of the competition with their sizzling plate dish, “St. Peter’s Fish with Whisky and Cream”. They also received the awards “Face of Future Chef” and the “Cleanest Working Station”. Add ing t w ist t o t he competition, the contestants had to undergo three obstacles

According to Dr. Ruel S. Arcon, one of facult y members of the department , the objectives of the event was to serve as an avenue for students to showcase their skills in the culinary arts, to encourage students to take up the HRM course, and importantly, to promote the school. SPNHS and SJC also won 1st a nd 2 nd ru nner up respectively, while Hermano Miguel Integrated School (HMIS) ended up in last place. Jose Miguel Alberto Carlos

ARSC local chapter holds 2nd congress


HE August inia n Recollect Student Crusaders (ARSC) Local Chapter held its 2nd Local Congress on November 28-29, 2012 at the school gymnasium with students from grades IV to VII, high school and college. This year’s theme is “ARSC: Integral Faith Formation Rooted in the Word of God,

Firm in Faith, Sharing in the Ministry of the Church.” The congress, held once in three years, opened with a parade followed by the bible enthronement. The opening talk was given by Sr. Rona Alaza, AR, the ARSC national director. The students were divided into 18 groups with 25-27

members each headed by two facilitators. The groupings were done to give the students from the different levels the chance to get to know each other better so that they can work together during the activities. The participants had fun learning the ARSC Hymn and Jam. They were also very attentive during the talks. Fr. Floriano Roa talked about being “Rooted in the Word of God” while Bro. Polie Atienza spoke about being firm in our faith. Fr. Miguel Concepcion III discussed sharing in the ministry of the church.

paper folding art


N INDIAN n a t i o n a l demonstrated his talent in the art of paperfolding at the school gymnasium on the last day of August 2012. This event is held to advertise his book entitled, “Indian Paper Art.” Rajan Roy is an Indian educator from New Delhi and teaches paper folding as a profession. As part of his travels during their school’s holiday, he first visited the Philippines to showcase his country’s talent in the art whose origin is Japanese. After staying for two weeks in the archipelago, his next destination would be Singapore where he also plans to stay for two weeks and perform the same demonstration.

Some ninet y int erested students purchased his book after his demonstration in SJC. The book featured a Filipino translation of the instructions. According to Roy, the book would cost around onehundred pesos in India. He then offered a bargain of fifty pesos if the book was bought on the spot. With only rolls of colored paper, his skillful hands showed how to make the Meenakshi Temple, Saru Tree and the Japani Fan. He also made flowers like the rose and lotus. Mr. Eleuterio R. Paraiso, subject area coordinator for MAKABAYAN, acted as Rajan Roy’s translator in explaining his demo because of his inability to speak English fluently. Kharissa Anne P. Orilla

After Calungsod’s sainthood, Tagle gets ‘red hat’


NLY three days a f t e r t h e canonization of St. P edr o Calu ngso d, t he Philippines is again under Vatican spotlight as Pope Benedict XVI appoints Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle as a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Through the November 24, Tagle joins the College of Cardinals along with five other non-asian prelates. This appointment makes him the Philippine’s lone cardinalelector in case of a conclave, since all Filipino cardinals are past the electoral age of 80 years old.

Before he was assigned to shepherd Asia’s largest archdiocese, he served the Diocese of Imus for nearly ten years. Tagle will be the seventh Filipino member of the College of Cardinals in the history of the Philippine church, and the world’s second youngest cardinal at the age of 55, following SyroMalankarese Ma jo r Archbishop Basilios Cleemis who is currently 53. Because of his young age, Tagle will be qualified to join upcoming papal elections for the next 25 years. Jonald Justine Itugot

The groups reflected about the talks through the Taize Prayer, human monument, and promise wall presentations. As a fitting closing ceremony, a mass, presided over by Rev. Fr. Jerry Belen, was held.

HEAR YE! James Diang proclaims the Gospel at the Cavite City public market during the ARSC parade. Photo by Anthony T. Trias

The ARSC executive officers, together with Mr. Eleuterio Paraiso and Sr. Doraine Suyko AR, ARSC teacher- and sisters e r va nt s , r e s p e ct ive l y, organized the event. Maria Sabrina Erica Carlos

RISING STAR. With only 10 years in the Episcopate, and a year in Asia’s largest See, Luis Antonio Tagle’s cardinalate makes him an official Papal candidate. Photo from CBCP News


CAT, CWTS attend PH eyes papal visit soon flood disaster training


IMELY with the rainy season, SJC Cavite City’s Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) officers and Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) students attended a twoday seminar on “Flood D i s a s t e r R i s k Management” in Naval Base Heracleo Alano, Sangley Point, Cavite City, July 20-21.

included basic swimming strokes and resuce operation stages. Cayetano explained that the seminar was only at t h e “ g o o - t o know” (awareness) level. He said that the skills taught are only the most basic in rescue operations. He also told everyone that to be a professional rescuer, one must undergo more rigorous training.

The seminar, which is a requirement under the National Service Training Program (NSTP), introduces disaster risk r e d u c t i o n a n d management awareness to its takers, wherein both the CAT and the CWTS are part.

The Josephians were also trained for rubberboat operations, wherein the crew showed the parts of the vessel and demonstrated the ways of carrying it to varying distances.

The school asked the assistance of the Philippine Navy to facilitate the seminar and was approved by Naval Base Cavite chief Commodor e Leop ol do Alano. This included the use of the Naval Base Cavite Social Hall, the swimming pool and the NavSOG unit. On the first day, head Instructor Lieutenant Junior Grade Cayetano shared his expertise on water survival and rescue techniques, which

According to local NSTP coordinator Sr. Aurelia Pastidio, AR, a mangrove planting project is also in her list of plans for the Josephian service training program. This is also inlined with the national program that requires the NSTP t a ke rs t o be involved in environmental protection. For the closing ceremonies, the CAT officers and CWTS students were awarded certificates of training completion in the school gymnasium, July 25. Jose Miguel Alberto Carlos

Pope Benedict XVI delivering a speech for the 50th IEC in Dublin, Ireland (Internet Photo)


OPE BENEDICT XVI might conduct his first official visit to the Philippines soon in line with the Archdiocese of Cebu’s selection as host o f t he I nt e r n a t io na l Eucharistic Congress (IEC) in 2016. “I would like to invite you to join me in praying for God’s blessing upon the next I nter nat io na l Euc ha r ist ic Co ngre ss, which will take place in 2016 in the City of Cebu,” said the 85-year old pontiff during the recently held IEC in Dublin, Ireland. Cebu is considered to be the Philippine’s “cradle of faith”, especially of Catholicism, being the place where the

Spanish colonizers first introduced the Christian faith to Filipino natives in the early 16th century. According to Fr. Miguel Garcia, executive secretary of the Episcopal Committee on Eucharistic Congresses, the IEC aims to promote the importance of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Roman Catholic Church in order for the faithful to gain a deeper understanding and better celebration of the Liturgy. “This time, it is our turn to share what we have received and be missionaries and evangelizers,” added Garcia. In 2021, the Philippine Roman Catholic Church

will celebrate its 500th year in the country since it w a s br o u g ht by t he Spaniards in 1521, and it will only be the nation’s second time to host the IEC, the first being in 1937, he ld in the Archdiocese of Manila. Last year, the Bishop of Rome was invited to visit the Philippines to attend the 400th anniversary of Asia’s lo ne Pont ifica l institute of higher learning, the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, but d e c l i ne d d u e t o his “advanced age and hectic schedule”, according to the Apostolic Nuncio, and inst ead sent Zeno n Cardina l Grocho lewski. Jonald Justine Itugot

JJC bags awards in division press tilt ‘Search for love’, TAFFERS of the participants about self and Gerlie Urbano (5th) Josephians urged Junior Josephian expression as a new form for editorial cartooning.


Chronicle, the official publication of SJC Basic Education Department, bagged numerous awards in the recently concluded Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) held in Ladislao Diwa Elementary School last September 27-29, 2012 with the theme, “Promoting Digital Literacy through Campus Journalism.” U n i v e r si t y o f S a n t o Tomas professor and bestselling author Eros S. Atalia was the keynote speaker during the plenary session. At ali a expl ai ned t he concepts of anarchonomy and postmodernism in relation to school paper advising. He likewise enlightened the

of entertainment. Aside from the concurrent conferences, contests were held to measure the journalistic ability of basic education students from public and private schools. Josephian winners during the DSPC were James Diang (1st) for photojournalism, Sabrina Carlos (3rd) and Gilchrist Nocon (2nd) for news writing, Jen Llarenas (4th) and Juliana Cacha (4th) for copyreading and headline writing, Anjelica Yuvienco (3rd) and JC Espiritu (4th) for sports writing, Chloie Claud (3rd) and Mikaela Resultan (4th) for feature writing, Miguel Carlos (4th) and Diana Alix (4th) for editorial writing, and Samantha Pimentel (5th)

For the much awaited radio broadcasting contest, i -Speak SJC (English) and Democrata San Jose (Filipino) both landed on the third place, but was able to bring home the Best in Radio Scriptwriting award for both English and Filipino categories headed by Kharissa Orilla and Shiela Magcauas, respectively.


OSEPHIANS marked the feast day of the great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine of Hippo, with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist officiated by Rev. Fr. Floriano Roa, August 28, 2012 at the school gymnasium.

Roa also gave some of his “pickup-lines” to energize his audience midway through his homily.

A special contest entitled Journalists Got Talent was also held with third year SJC student Ma. Mikaela Resultan landing on the third place.

San Roque’s assistant parish priest focused his homily on love. He told the Josephians that people try to find love in different places of the earth and yet only to find it in themselves. With this he quoted the African Saint saying, “Look into your heart and you will find the love that God has for you.”

After the mass SJC directress Sr. Ma. Ninfa Inzon, A.R., informed the community about the 2nd Cavite’s Hoteliers’ Exposition in which Josephians bagged awards. Also, student council president Jeremiah Reyes announced high school senior Johann Parcon’s achievements in the recent karate competition. And lastly, health sciences dean Marilyn Turalde happily congratulated all the nursing graduates of batch 2012 who passed the recent nursing licensure examination.

Upon returning to SJC, the winners were recognized through a short program held after the flag ceremony of October 1, 2012. Gilchrist Lauren Nocon

He told the faithful that the church describes St. Augustine as “the holiest among the wise and the wisest among the holy,” and urged everyone to develop not only talino (intelligence) but also karunungan (wisdom).

The principal, Sr. Luzviminda Escal, A.R., ended the program by greeting everyone a happy fiesta, and regular classes resumed after the short awarding ceremony. Gilchrist Lauren Nocon

This was Roa’s debut mass with the Josephian Community.



K-12 for a better citizenry, a better country


HIS YEAR’S batch of high school freshmen are the country’s first seventh-graders under the K-12 Basic Education Program. They will graduate in 2018 after completing six years of high school.

In 2011, the Department of Education required all public schools to offer kindergarten classes. Under the program, all students must first complete kindergarten prior to admission to grade 1. This is followed by a six-year elementary education. Secondary education has two stages—four years of junior high school (7th-10th grades) and two years of senior high school (11th-12th grades). The Philippines is the last country in Asia to implement a K-12 program. According to the Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, the purpose of the program is “to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.” The Aquino Administration’s K-12 program will address the growing dropout and unemployment rates in the country. The additional two years of high school is geared to provide skills to students so that they may have the competence to have gainful employment right after high school. The 12 years of basic education was specially designed so that graduates may have the option to pursue a college degree, join the work force or set up shop after high school. The intention is laudable, however, the implementation is saddled with flaws and problems. Critics of the program say that the additional two years entail additional costs and will burden parents all the more. Furthermore, the lack of classrooms, books and teachers still remain unresolved to this day. Thus, raising questions and doubts as to whether the program will actually contribute to the improvement of the quality of education. Results of some studies revealed that lengthening the duration of education does not determine its quality. Despite the flaws and setbacks, the government is determined to give priority to education and this step deserves our support and cooperation. The process is long and tedious. It will take six years or even more to find out whether K-12 was the right course to take or not. The measure by which we will judge its success will be the quality of employment our first K12 graduates will have in 2018. And to gauge whether this will impact our country’s overall performance may take six more years, long after the Aquino Administration has been taken over by a new administration. ‘Till then, we must give our full cooperation and hope and pray that the long wait will be worth it.


“Freedom” to Commit Crime?

OU would be living under a rock if you hadn’t known about t he co nt r ov er s ia l C yb er cr im e Prevention Act. Netizens staged uproar against this law saying that it is unconstitutional, undermining freedom of speech and expression, specifically the provision about “cyber-libel”.

“What is astounding is the fact that netizens find cyber-libel unconstitutional… traditional libel, not.”

My take on this issue is quite ‘controversial’. I am actually for this law and I would like to see this implemented. Let me explain why.

For me, nothing is wrong with it. Libel is simply an accusation made to ruin the reputation of another. I find it outrageous that people would consider this unconstitutional. Isn’t it a moral obligation not to defame others? Then why do people say that it undermines freedom of speech?

I have read parts of the Act, and I came across where cyber-libel is cited as a crime. I have also reviewed the Revised Penal Code where libel’s definition is cited.

Prohibiting libel does not limit freedom; committing the deed does. What is astounding is the fact that netizens find cyber-libel unconstitutional, but traditional

libel not. But I also find parts of the law quite unnecessary. For one, the fact that an individual can be penalized for both libel and cyber-libel is quite unjust, and I do think they need to amend that part. I’m sure many of us have experienced being blamed for something that is not true. The Cybercrime Prevention Act just makes us be responsible for what we say over the Internet. Perhaps it’s just time that the Internet become a place of responsibility. ■

JUNIOR JOSEPHIAN CHRONICLE Editorial Board Jose Miguel Alberto M. Carlos Editor-in-Chief Jeremiah Nathaniel F. Reyes Associate Editor SECTION EDITORS & ASSISTANTS AKIRAM E. BRICEÑO / Kharissa Anne P. Orilla (News), CHLOIE LANCE R. CLAUD / Ma. Mikaela M. Resultan (Feature), JOHN CHRISTOPHER A. ESPIRITU / James Earl Moises B. Diang (Sports), JAMIE MARIELLE L. AMBAT / John Ronnel B. Rosales (Literary) CORRESPONDENTS Maria Sabrina Erica M. Carlos, Gilchrist Lauren C. Nocon (News); Diana Deigh A. Alix, Graychelle P. Santiago (Feature); Mari Anjelica M. Yuvienco (Sports); Jane Samantha T. Preciado (Literary) Photojournalists: Erica G. Camua, Alliah Kim G. Cañete, Michael A. Ramos Cartoonists: Samantha Louise R. Pimentel, Gerlie Mae O. Urbano Layout Assistants: Maria Faustina Helena V. Chin, Arabelle Dorothy V. Teodoro Circulation Managers: Juliana Therese C. Cacha, Patrisha D. Tumala, Rica Mae D. Rayala Mr. Jonald Justine U. Itugot Moderator


Popularity or Honesty: Which is their Priority?


HE 2013 Election is fast approaching. It is not yet the beginning of the campaign period but it seems that some are already busy putting their names and images on different forms of media. This strategy is not prohibited by law but still faces criticism. Because of this political habit, Sen. Miriam Santiago filed Senate Bill No. 1967 also known as the “Anti-Epal Bill”. If signed into law, it can penalize officials for posting their names or photos in tarpaulins announcing a project. According to the bill, violators will be imprisoned and should be disqualified from their positions.

“We are looking for a skilled leader and not a famous personality.” The act of publicizing public officials through signages is a widespread disease in the Philippines. Anywhere you go, you can see their posters announcing that they have projects in their area or streamers used as a greeting during a special occasion. Although too much proliferation of their publicity is a nuisance in the eyes of many, they remain insensitive and still do what they want just to promote themselves.

A public servant should commit to his service. A politician should not spend to popularize his image to the public. We are looking for a skilled leader and not a famous personality. At the end of the day, the people will either benefit or suffer from the one they elected. This election, let us hope that deserving leaders will make big innovations in the Philippines. ■



Understanding Prejudice “Actually, we are not innocent of the crime. Our little opinions and whispers count. The hurt lasts.”


HE world today has g o n e q u i t e judgmental. Try to admit it, that even us judge other people according to their physical appearance, race, sexuality, religion, and the things that they have done. Am I right right? Well, did you ever ask this question while you were in the state of judging them, “Is this right? To just brand them with names; even scar their lives with our puns, but not knowing who and what they truly are?” It’s unnerving, it really is. Who do we think we are, huh? Are we the ones who cr eated the people we thrive with, the people that we see and roam the earth with? We

are not God, the one who cr eated us, to just label other people and judge them for what they have done. We may have free rights, but we don’t have the power to just name ourselves better than others and downgrade them. Prejudice, a word which mea ns a pr econc eived judgment or an adverse opinion or leaning for med without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge, is mostly committed by the people of today. We think that we are so much better than others, when masked by our pride and boastfulness. We arrive to a state wher e we don’t ponder much about it and just judge others on the spot. Our

sudden opinions are sometimes being led out badly because of the fact that we don’t think of it that much. And, it just so happens that we can hurt other people’s feelings with our unthought-of words. The people who feel so good about hurting others, also known as bullies, don’t even understand that they are ruining the person’s life while continuing their bad habits. Actually, we are not innocent of the crime. Our little opinions and whispers count. The hurt lasts. Our life here on earth will only be temporary, so why don’t we make our stay happy? Let us stop judging people so irrationally that they may do the same. Let us entrust our life to God, our Father and Creator, the only one who has the right to judge us all. ■

In what ways can you advertise/ promote the school outside the campus? “I will tell my friends that our school is modern and beautiful.” Julia Agatha Bagnato, II-Colossians “I will tell my friends that by studying in SJC, they will become closer to God.” Maria Carmela Tablason, IV-Mark “I will encourage my friends to study here by telling them how friendly the Josephian teachers and students are.” Nicole Ayn Sanchez, VII-Timothy “To promote this school, I will share some positive information to my friends, relatives, and other people.” Ysabela Carolina Te, III-Ephesians “I can promote the school by participating in activities outside the school.” Roi Christian Advincula, VII-Timothy

Dear Editor,

Digital Martial Law “The money isn’t the main concern, but the free and open knowledge that the internet gives us.”


N September 12, 2012, nine days before the 40th anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law, the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or Republic Act No. 10175 was given the nod by President Benigno Simeon Aquino III to be an official law of the Philippines, an action that the Filipino people criticized so much. Its purpose is to tackle legal matters concerning Filipinos’ interaction online. Under this act are offenses like cybersex, identity theft, illegal access to data (or hacking) and libel. And if you are charged with these violations especially libel, you are going to spend your life behind bars at the maximum of twelve years and be fined a maximum of ₱1,000,000. You could get arrested if you post in your status that your barangay captain loves Mahjongg or Tong-its more than his job. And surely you’ll be involved if you click the ‘like’ button or share the post. But what if someone hacked your account? What if it was a joke? What if you were not the one who did it and instead someone made a fake account and use your name? Is it still your fault?

The new law received a lot of criticisms because of its effect to the freedom of expression and freedom of speech in the Philippines. Before, we are allowed to speak what we want to say to the public according to what is true. But with the approval of the law, the Filipino people cannot point out even just the flaws of their government. The libel is too strict because of its penalty. According to what is defined to the Revised Penal Code, “the public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person...” And take note of the part, ‘real or imaginary’; you could get in trouble if you ‘shame’ someone by publishing a post with a lie or with the truth. Because of this, many sectors immediately protested against this act. A group of hacker activists named ‘Anonymous Philippines’ lead the objection by hacking government websites such as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas,

Department of Interior and Local Government, and National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). Several petitioners questioned the law’s constitutionality. Among of these petitioners is Kabataan Partylist Rep. Raymond Palatino. On October 2, 2012, the day before the law went to effect, Filipino netizens opposed by changing their Facebook profile picture into black and trending the hash tag #notocybercrimelaw on Twitter. I was surprised by this event, when I opened my Facebook account and saw those black pictures; I thought that our internet was broken, until I saw the articles from different sites, saying about the protest against the law. And there you go, on the 9th of October 2012, the Supreme Court suspended the Anti-Cybercrime Law. Of course all of us are overwhelmed because the protests were effective and freedom of expression still reigns. But we can’t still be sure. This is just a temporary restraining order, only stopping the implementation of the law only for 120 days. So even if we are free from this law today, we are still under it after four months. But, the fight against those who mess around with our freedom of expression is not over and we can still hope that this digital martial law will not pursue. ■

The Parents-Teachers Auxillary Council had planned for better facilities in the school. They even have the money to make it happen. I hope they’ll give us some updates about it, especially when the students are longing for it. Particularly for the lockers. I hope this would reach the PTAC. I am looking forward to this and the whole JJC staff. Thank you! Sincerely yours, Marriel A. Bello

Hi there, Marriel! Thank you very much for your letter. And, glad to say that it has reached the PTAC. Regarding the update you were looking for, here it is. As everyone may have not noticed, the new performance studio had its full-length wall mirrors already installed, and was formally opened last December 15. Also, when you visit the comfort rooms, there are already locks in every cubicle. A relief. This too is a project of the PTAC and it will not end with only that. As of the lockers, the school administration had decided that it will be the project of the school and not of the PTAC. In the survey conducted in the middle of the school year, it seems that not the majority of the student body is willing to have the said lockers. Expect a lot of improvements before the end of this school year. I hope you that you will continue to support the publication, the PTAC and the school administration in making our school the best she can be. Sincerely, The Editor


JeLS: An e-Learning Initiative

The Star of Bethlehem: FACT or FICTION?


VIRTUAL CLASSROOM. A course site for the Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP) for second year students is available in the Josephian e-Learning System.


N ITS THRUST to be a truly innovating educational institution, St. Joseph College – Cavite City engages its students to the Josephian e-Learning System (JeLS), which is an online course management system running on the MOODLE platform.

Course sites are protected sections of the website wherein only the teacher and students of a particular subject can interact with each other. Through it, teachers can post discussions, presentations, activities, or even quizzes, and the students can also submit their work online.

MOODLE (which stands for Modular Object Oriented Digital Learning Environment), is an opensource software that enables educational institutions to setup their own virtual le a r n in g e n v i r o n me nt . Through it, teachers and students can interact with each other through the built-in private messaging system or through their “course sites”.

JeLS is also envisioned to ease the workload of teachers; that is why it also supports automat ed grading for multiple choice examinations. Aside from this, it is also equipped with a computerized plagiarism checker that automatically scans for possibly plagiarized text from students’ online submissions. This e-learning system is

also connected with the school’s libraries, thus enabling the students to see what books they currently have on-loan from among the basic education, college, and graduat e schoo l libraries. St. Joseph College ensures JeLS users that whatever information they have in this e-learning system is safe and secure since it is hosted inside the institution using the school’s own web server. For teachers and students who would like to activate their JeLS accounts, they may visit the school web administrator, or access http://jels.sjccavite.edu.ph. Jonald Justine Umali Itugot

VE RY Chr ist mas tableau of the Holy Family features a star directly above it. The star was so extraordinary that it helped the three wise men find the child Jesus. Was there really a star that shined ever so brightly to signify that particular event? First of all, the magi were actually revered Babylonian astronomers and astrologists who were expert in the study of the stars and planets. Cosmic events were interpreted as omens or signs of things to come. The three must have observed somet hing so spectacular in the sky that led them to see King Herod and tell him about a foreboding. Today’s scientists are still working hard to find out the facts behind the Star of Bethlehem. Prof. David Hughes offer four possibilit ies published in a report by NEWS Magazine: 1. An alignment between the Sun, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn which could generate a very brilliant spectacle. This happens only once in 900 years.

2. A huge comet, most probably Halley’s comet which was visible to the naked eye in 12 BC. 3. Light from the birth of a new star. Astronomers in the Fareast have recorded a new star in 4 BC which would have been positioned directly over Jerusalem at the time when Jesus was born. 4. A star configuration was fo r med by ancient “astrological aspect lines” which connect the planets. So many possibilities backed by bot h biblica l and historical accounts and scientific data. After so many centuries of study, scientists with their modern tools still debate on the Star of Bethlehem. But one thing is certain. There is nothing co nt ent io us abo ut t he journey of the magi and the appearance of the star. And as the search continues, our spirit remains illuminated by our faith in Christ. Maria Sabrina Erica Carlos

TB month focuses on awareness, prevention

New year, new life and... a new phone?

Apple releases the best iPhone yet


HE Apple corporation just keeps on giving the world the latest technologies. There’s just no way stopping it. If you’re looking for something new, then Apple always has something for you.

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Apple is known for the iPod, the iPad, the iPhone and the

Mac line of computers. The late Steve Jobs who was the CEO of Apple Inc., conceived the idea of using a multitouch screen to interact with a computer in a way in which people could type directly into the display, essent ially removing the keyboard and the mouse. After reviewing the prototype and its user interface, made by the recruited Apple engineers, he conceived a second idea on implementing it onto a mobile phone. Jobs introduced the iPhone as a combination of three devices: a “widescreen iPod with touch controls”, a “revolutionary mobile phone”, and a “breakthrough Internet communicator”. One of the latest phones t hat are fo r ma l l y introduced by Apple last September 12, 2012 and launched on September 21,

2012, is the sixth generation of the iPhone, the iPhone 5. It is a slimmer and lighter model of the iPhone series that introduces a higherresolution and a 4-inch screen. This also includes a custom-designed ARMv7 processor called Apple A6, an update to Apple’s mobile operating system known as iOS 6 that also runs on iPhone 4s, and support for LTE (Long-term evolution). Apple’s iPhone 5 became the fastest-selling smartphone of all time when Apple sold more than 5 million of them during the device’s debut weekend, and iPhone sales for the quarter came in at 26.9 million units. If you want a fast and reliable phone, the Iphone 5 is a good catch. Let us again wait for what Apple still has under wraps. Maria Mikaela Resultan


Photo from the School Clinic

N CELEBRATION of t he Nat io nal Tuberculosis Month, the school clinic organized a seminar for college students entitled “Awareness and Prevention of Tuberculosis” at the Audio Visual Room, August 31. The Department of Health (DOH) defines tuberculosis as a disease caused by a bacterium called “Mycobeacterium t uber cu lo s is , ” t hat is acq u ir ed ma i n l y b y inhalation of infectious droplets containing viable tubercle bacilli. Institute of Health Sciences

faculty member Emily Q. Angles, who holds a Masters’ Degree in Nursing Administration, served as speaker during the event. Angeles emphasized that the mode of transmission of the said communicable disease is through droplets produced by coughing, sneezing and t alk ing o f infect ed individuals. The speaker also mentioned about the Directly-Observed T r e at me nt S ho r t co ur s e (DOTS) strategy of the DOH in treating clients with Tuberculosis, catering the patients for free. Catherine B. Diaz


Samsung releases awesome electronic Notepad


ET a lot of you know that one of Apple’s best co mpet it o rs is Samsung. Well, it’s just because of the smartphones Samsung produces that actually beat up some of Apple’s featured devices. One for example is the Samsung Galaxy Note. Many thought it was just another of the S series because of the same look and color. But, when you watch the video ad on YouTube, for sure you will say, “Whoa! It can do that?!” It has full of new and unexpected ideas. Reviews have proven that this

Galaxy Note is truly amazing! Some say it’s better than the Ipad. The latest Note features an HD Super AMOLED Display and a bigger screen of 5.5” with the ratio of 16:9 while the SIII only has 4.8”. The new Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has a faster performance because of its 1.6 GHz quad-core processor. And, it has this easy-tasking feature that lets you do multiple things in just one screen. Like in a computer, you can watch a video while you browse the internet. The big difference with the S series is that the Note uses a

stylus pen, very perfect for artists and creative persons. It’s also for the average person because it can also use this for just writing down all the things you need like important phone numbers, dates, directions, and other a lot more information; like a regular notepad. It’s also easier for you to express your own ideas in the way you want it. You can draw it with a pen, color it and share it to other people. Fast and easy If you are an artist who’s tired of carrying papers and pencils then the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is most convenient for you. Chloie Lance Claud

GOING STRONG. Samsung continues to compete in the market despite patent disputes with Apple. Internet Photo

What to expect this 2013? Explorers attend Nat’l Science Summit


XPERIENCE tells me that technology goes out-of-date the second you buy it. When my aunt bought a new Apple iTouch 3rd Generation, the store released the new Apple iTouch 4th Generation that includes a camera in the afternoon of the same day. Ain’t that a little frustrating? In this fast and modern world we are in now, we tend to buy the latest, most powerful and the most convenient gadgets in highest definition of color, sound and detail that we can find. Cell phones, MP3s, laptops, tablets, cameras, game gadgets, tv, speakers, earphones, cd players, and a lot more. However, in just a matter of weeks, and if you are lucky, maybe in a few months, today’s latest models are replaced by newer devices with far greater features and improvements than what we could have imagined. The year 2012 was a remarkable time for techies as companies released quite a number of touchscreen gadgets, portable devices, and mo r e hig h - t ec h

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advancements. And competition for market share remains stiff especially between Samsung and Apple. The race is tight as consumers dema nd fo r furt her improvement. Here is a peek at what things might pop out of the shelves of your favorite tech stores. Rumors are ripe about the release of iPhone 5S or 6, just months after the release of iPhone 5. The new model is said to come in a variety colors, a far cry from Apple’s signature black or white hues. It boosts of a better HD display and an NFC chip. Analysts believe that the camera will also be upgraded. And it is supposed to be release at mid-year. R iva l S a msung would definitely not take this development sitting down. The all-new Samsung Galaxy IV that will feature an integrated S Pen stylus, exclusive only to Samsung Galaxy Notes, and a massive 5-inch AMOLED display with Full HD 1080×1920 resolution is in its final stages of production. Rumors have it

that it will have a quad-core processor and feature a 13 megapixel camera. Another exciting thrill is the rumored release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 ‘phablet’ which has an even bigger screen, making it more of a tablet than a phone. Since the newly released W i nd o w s 8 is mo r e convenient when one’s device i s t o u c hs c r e e n, so me companies like Sony, Lenovo, Asus and Dell are working round-the-clock to convert their laptops from the traditional flip-ups to rotating screen tablets. T he p o s s i b i l it i e s a r e incredible and limitless. A new product comes along to serve every need and demand of the consumer. For us with little cash on hand to invest in upgrading our gadgets, we need to think which product would actually serve its purpose in our lives so that it can help us take control instead of the gadgets taking control over us. And that’s the true measure of a gadget’s usefulness to its owners. Chloie Lance Claud

SCIENCE MONTH. Members of science clubs from different schools gather at the Caritas Don Bosco School gymnasium for a session.. Photo by James Diang


S ONE of their activities in the month of national science clubbing, members of the St. Joseph College’s Explorer’s Club attended the annual National Science Clubs’ Summit held in Caritas Don Bosco School in Biñan, Laguna on September 8 to 9, 2012. “Scientricit y: Energizing S c ie nc e C lu bbe r s fo r Sustainable Energy” was the theme for this year’s national summit. Happening simultaneously nationwide, Laguna was the chosen summit site for Region IV – A with CDBS as the host school. The t wo -da y su mmit emphasized the promotion of sustainable energy and the improvement of energy efficiency in the country. Lectures and workshops about sustainable energy were given during the summit. One of the main features of t he summit is t he

eliminations round of the PSYSC Science Olympiad, a q u iz bee hap p e n in g s imu lt a neo us ly w it h summits in different NSCS sites. The schools who qualified for the National quiz bee will battle on Sept. 30. Johanna Dane Delgado, John Paul Aspiras, and Jonathan Joel Prudente of the grade school department, and Jeremiah Nathaniel Reyes, Jose Miguel Alberto Carlos, and Kharissa Anne Orilla of the high school participated in the said quiz bee. The MathSciAKA Engineering Challenge and Interactive Workshop were the highlights of the second day. Moreover, the “I Teach Science Seminar” was conducted for teachers and advisers of the participating schools. Other activities included team-building activities, the sub-camp quiz competition, and the Socials and Pledge Night. Akiram Briceño


Sweet Victory

Perseverance “T

RY and try until you succeed.” He said as he went through it. He was a retired Philippine Navy at the age of 56 and having his pension but still not enough for the study of his daughter and for their food so he had to drive a tricycle. It was late in the evening when I interviewed my father. “Dad, did you finish studying?” I asked while he’s sitting and watching. “No, because of financial problems, I just finished 4th year high school.” My dad, Rodrigo P. Resultan, was born March 28, 1948, and at that time it’s hard to make enough money for their studies.


HAVE never felt this excited in my entire life. After the grueling wait, we finally arrived at the place. It’s now or never, guys. We need to win this one. When I first stepped out of the bus, I felt the excitement raging through my veins. I could not let it all out for it would be awkward for me to run around on the grass like a little kid. This is my first time in the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman. I’m here not for an admission, though. My schoolmates are joining a speech choir competition and I am here as an audio technical support staff. After witnessing their three weeks of practices and dry runs, I am sure that they were ready to face the judges and bring home the bacon. One by one, other competitors garbed in their uniform shirts walked into the hallway of the Melchor Hall. We felt a bit intimidated thinking that they were more prepared than us because we did not even color code our outfits. We were ushered into our assigned dressing room which we shared with our opponent--St. Bridget’s School—an all-girl team which is a consistent winner of the contest. They say their girls can act and sound like boys. They seemed pretty nice. At 1:30 pm, it is almost show time. I felt the nervousness of our speech choir.

To lighten up the mood, we had an instant photo shoot along the corridors. And the anxiety faded away. Then it was time to face the challenge. I watched all the performances. And wow! They were all good. It must have been hard for the judges to pick the best one. Then it was our turn. Our 25member team quickly assembled on the stage. They were ready in a jiffy but a technical problem regarding the intro music caused some delays and ate up precious time. I saw their worried faces and was afraid that it may affect their performance. But the choir gave an outstanding performance. Later, we were informed that the sound lag was taken from the extra time allotted for props preparation. And since we did not have any props, we were safe. Thank God that we still had a good chance of bagging a place. After a short break, we were back in the auditorium for the announcement of winners. The first announcement was the winner of the People’s Choice Award. SJC has been the consistent winner of this award for the past five years. And we were confident that we were going to win again this year for a record six-year feat. The host went onto announce, “And the winner is Saint……..” Our emotions suspended and ready to jump out of our seats. “Bridget!”

We retreated back to our seats and swallowed our screams. That hurts! Then the announcer’s face turned red. Something was not right. Another person took the microphone and apologized to the audience about a mix up. A very awkward moment. “And the People’s Choice Award goes to St. Joseph College!” Yes! Our team climbed up the stage and took the certificate that almost got away. St. Bridget’s was gracious and congratulated us and cheered for us. Proof that competitors could well turn out to be ardent supporters, too. In the main event, SJC was declared 3rd place winner. However, another issue cropped up. The second placer was disqualified because they did not render the required English piece. We waited anxiously for the final decision. And then the final result was revealed--a 2nd place win for SJC! Miracles did happen. Not just once, but twice, one after the other! For us, it was not all about the trophy and the place, what mattered the most was how we tried our best to earn the prize so there won’t be room for regrets and the valuable lessons we learned on this journey. As we leave behind the next batch of the speech choir, we know in our hearts that this experience would serve them well in their attempt for the win next year. Chloie Lance Claud

“After studying, what did you do?” still startling on how I’ll ask him my questions. “Finding jobs to make mo ne y fo r my family.” “Like?” “I’ve had to work as a factory worker, gasoline boy, then when I heard the news about recruiting in the Philippine Navy, I tried to apply and was able to be part of it.” It was in June 1972 when

he started training at the Naval School Center, Fort San Felipe, Cavite City. “Isn’t the training hard for a person like you?” “Of course it’s hard but you just need to be patient.” He was also the breadwinner of the family. “After the training, before I w as assigned in Headquarters Home Defense Command as a clerk, my salary was just a P120 pesos and giving my P50 pesos allotment to my mother, monthly.” Rodrigo was promoted after one year as Seaman Second (S2), then after anoth er three ye ars became Seaman First (S1). “In the year 1976, I was rea ssig ne d at Milit a r y Training Group as an Instructor.” “How did you get in your high position?” “It’s by promotion, when I was promoted as Chief Petty Officer.” “What can you tell to those who are still studying and dreaming to be a Military Personnel?” He laughed first, before answering me. “Kung may tiyaga, may nilaga. ” he co nc luded while eating a biscuit. Maria Mikaela Resultan

A Bright Light


HERE are lights that are dim, lights that sparkle, and lights that shine bright. People tend to be like lights. There will always be a different standard for each. One may think that she or he is glowing from all the work he has done, but in fact, she or he might just be a broken lightbulb. “It depends on what you do and what you account of the things you do.” quotes Alexander Cayas, a retired employee from Unilab. He is a prominent figure in the company, an Administrative Officer, receiving more than 10 awards from the latter. He is described in an article in Bayanihan (Unilab’s news magazine) as ‘humble and quiet’, having a ‘stoic appearance but a warm personality’, and a ‘guiding bright aura’. Cayas has a newspaper cutout of the said article, (which title is appropriately titled ‘A Bright Light’) which he puts inside a frame with many

other pict ures and memorabilia from his time in Unilab. Alex Cayas states that he treasures the pictures and newspaper cut-outs because these remind him of the days he walked around the office and the memories that led him to what he is now. “The first award that I received was the Perfect Attendance Award. Its kind of funny that that award led me to much greater things.” Cayas laughs. The Perfect Attendance Award is lined up along with several other trophies and medals. Alex Cayas won four Rajah awards and six Sultan awards. He says he is still shocked over the fact that the company entrusted posit ions and trophies to him. “Seeing yourself as a bright light and being a bright light are two very different things.” Cayas quotes. “But I always wished to be a glowing flare rat her t han a broken lightbulb.” Juliana Therese Cacha


Taste of Success


Teacher’s Zeal

teacher is one who fac ilit at es and motivates the students to become a complete person that can face the world of t i me , ” M a ’ a m A n g i e answered.


OR most ordinary p e o p le , co o k i ng isn’t a simple task. But for a very passionate woman, it wasn’t all that difficult. Meet Patria M. Santos, a 49 year old lady who admitted that cooking will always be her “true love”. “Anyone can cook. Food always comes to those who love to cook.” Patria said. At age seven, Patria Santos already discovered her interest in cooking. “I still remember, I always wait for my mother to come back ho me fro m t he market. And when she cooks, I always watch her and ask questions about what she do es. ” she recalled. Her mother was very happy to know that her daughter, Patria, wants to cook. So she lets her daughter watch her while she cooks. “When I turned 10, my mother allowed me to help her cook during fiestas, birthdays, or if there are occasions to be held in our house,” she said. “I know that my mother was proud of me during that time because at a very young age I was able to help her and I feel glad whenever she told her friends about how I cook. I know that she is proud of me.” Patria added. Then as she grew older, she has this one dream – to be an asp ir ing cook. Unfortunately, because of financial problems, she stopped schoo ling. “I thought it was the end of my dream,” she said. Resulting to this, she looked for a job that will

fit her ability and skills. Luckily, she found a small eatery. “I know this was meant for me, and there I found the man I will love for the rest of my life,” she said with her eyes full of love. After they got married, Patria left her job and chose to be a plain housewife. But the luck was still on her, as one of her sister-in-law has the same passion when it comes to cooking and, later on, offered her a job to her business. “My sister-in-law employed me as one of her cooks in her restaurant,” she said with a smile. And that started her dream. As of now, she continuously works at the said restaurant. Patria said that she was “t ha nk fu l d e sp it e o f challenges that comes my way, I still survived.” This tough woman serves as a true role model to those people who are still achieving their dreams. “Focus on what you do today and you will see what lies ahead,” she advised. “Nowadays, one must be strong-hearted and imaginative. Don’t let anyone judge you because of where you come from.” These are her words that came from her heart when asked about what she can advised to those who are planning to start their business. P at r ia S a nt o s w a nt ed herself to become an i n s p ir a t io n t o o t he r s especially to those who find t heir int erest in cooking. Jaydee Quiambao

Angela L. De Guzman finished her studies in University of Sto. Tomas with a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education major in English. Ma’am Angie, as what her students call her, never actually dreamt of beco ming a t eacher. “Basically to be an educator was my last choice when I was young,” she honestly said. “But then, my parents who are both educators influenced and motivated me to join the wagon of teachers.” So up until today, she continues to educate students that needed her help. Her family likewise, is happy for her decisions and achievements. “Proud silang lahat sa akin,” she said. Ma’am Angie manages the Jana’s Play and Study Center, a tutorial place where students can enjoy what they are doing and at the same time, learn new things. “It is a place just like home,” as she described. “I want to know the reason why the academic performances of students are not consistent.” “And that motivated me to assist them, to share knowledge and techniques and to make learning enjoyable,” she recalled while being inspired about her tutorial center. Being the manager and a teacher, she always assured her students that they are comfortable even if they are in the center and away from home. “There is a time for them to play and at the same time, a time for them to study

their lessons,” she explained. She also inculcates in them moral values and selfmotivation for them to always stand on top among others in the future. Her experiences in the past fifty-two years made her st rong and t hus, she overcomes her problems. She said, “Difficulties, problems and hardships are parts of life. But I always look at them as a challenge and at the end of it; I’ll be on top of them.” She also reminded, “You should r i s e a bo ve fr o m a l l difficulties. Be in control of the situation but do not let the situation control you.” Sad to say, there is a decreasing number of students taking up Education as their course. As what Ma’am Angie thought, economic problem is the bottom line reason that causes it. “Students pick courses where they are financially secured and they often think of their salary in the future,” she explained. However, this hero bravely said, “Teaching is the noblest profession. It can be a stepping stone for students to climb up the ladder of success. Kapag walang teacher, walang

doctor, nurse, architect, pilot, engineer, etc.” She never fails to inspire and amazed her students by her words and actions. ” I think that being a teacher is not a job but a part of myself,” she admitted. Because of her, many of her students are doing great in their schools and in dealing with the challenges in their own life. “I will not stop educating and imparting knowledge until my last breath,” she actually said. This admirable teacher who experienced teaching college for 18 years (in SJC), a volunteer teacher in abroad, manages a tutorial center effectively, an all-around instructor (i.e., declamation, oration, speech choir, storytelling, poems, etc.), a loving and caring mom and a successful person for the people around her is truly remarkable. It only proves that she loves what she had and who she is. “There is no such thing as regret regarding Education as my course and becoming a teacher up to the present. Because I know that there will always be endless sharing of knowledge for the generations to come,” she finally concluded. Kharissa Orilla

Film Analysis: Brave A

MOVIE makes one family unite. It counts as a bonding time with each other and a way to be close with the members. There are thousands of movies which can be watched with them. One is “Brave”. “Brave” is about a Scottish princess, Merida, who wanted to change her fate. After arguing with her mother, she ran away and accidentally went to a witch. Merida requested to create a spell that can change her fat e. The che micals combined by the witch turned out into a pie.

Unfortunately, the pie turns her mother into a bear. They w e nt t o adventures which led them on how the spell can be vanished. Peo p le ca n always gain a lesson from a movie. In this case, “Brave” tells us to be contented with what we have and on what we are. We cannot change our fate nor tamper it.

Only God knows everything. Mikaela Resultan

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Just one call… he will be there…


UST one call, and he will be there. Just ask him, and he will do the best he can. Rolando “Toto” Cruz, 45 yrs. old, is a resident of Barangay 57 – Repolyo, where he is known for he lp ing in a lmo st everyone’s domest ic help requests. He is good at carpentry and technical works, and knows something in electronics. Asked what’s his reason fo r helping almost everyone in our barangay, he said, ” Kasi ‘la naman a k o n g i b a n g pinagkakaabalahan. Wala naman akong palaging ginagawa sa bahay kasi si Mama na yung nagluluto, ta’s ang asawa ko naman nasa trabaho, at ‘yung mga anak ko nasa school. “At saka, wala din akong t r ab a ho . P er o , d it o kumikita ako minsan o k a ya n a k a k a l i b r e n g merienda.” Even he did not finish highschool, he has a lot of knoweledge in the things he do in helping others like carpentry. But, as a person he is not capable

laughter, he continued, ”Ta’s isa pa! No’ng ‘d ko nagawa ‘yung electric fan ng kapitbahay namin, kung anu-ano ang sinabi nung may-ari sa mga kapitbahay namin. Pero bago ‘yon, sabi niya okay lang daw. Nainis talaga ako doon, siniraan ako nung ‘anong’ ‘yun!” He was pertaining to our neighbor infamous for spreading exaggerated stories. of doing everyt hing as he said that, “Hindi ako marunong magluto.” “Masaya naman ako dito kasi, ‘yun nga, wala naman akong ginagawa. Sa TV naman, Eat Bulaga lang pinapanood ko.” This was his reply about if he’s happy doing the requests of his neighbors and if it’s okay being able to help them. If there were any unforgettble events in this “job” of him, he said, “Syempre, madami nga eh’. ’Yung isa nung pumutok ‘yung saksakan habang ginagawa ko, dun kina Rhoda. Buti nga ‘d a k o n a k u r ye n t e e h ’ , naulan pa noon!” Wit h a sudden burst of

“Para sa mga bata d’yan, mag-aral lang kayo kasi mahirap ‘yung ‘d nakapatapos. Pero dapat masaya din kayo sa mga ginagawa niyo. Tulungan n i yo a n g m g a m a y kailangan.” Given by Toto, these words of wisdom can be great help for everyone, as he is already, himself, a great help. Rolando “Toto” Cruz, known for helping others in the best way he could, promised to continue to respond to others request. He will prove that even he did not finish his studies, he can be as useful as professionals out there by helping others. And, with just one call, he will be there to help. Raf Austin Estacio

What did Noynoy say?


LL Filipinos only hope for one thing —the Presidents’ SONA was all TRUE. President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III delivered his 3rd State of The Nation Address at the Batasang Pambansa on July 23, 2012, Monday. The said SONA talked about the condition of the nation yearly as his term of being a Philippine President. In his SONA, the President talked about the issues like the

economic achievement s, accident rate, improvement in education and health services, and his objectives for the coming years. He mentioned that the economy had increased. He added, millions of students who could not go to school before due to poverty ware now able to study. He also assures t he benefit s of being government worker and its salary increase. For the all the Filipino’s sake, he assured the betterment of the airports, buildings and the national roads that will be seen in the future. After reading and watching his SONA, one question popped in my head… “Totoo kaya lahat ‘yon?” Of course, in the first place, his SONA was all good news, and it was an achievement for him and for us, too. It means that the P h i l ip p i ne s is TRYING to step forward in the level of success. There was just some part

When hard work pays off

that he still said negative things on Arroyo’s term. I mean, he’s now the Philippine President and he should not keep comparing the past from his, if he want to be better than them. He should just go and work harder to show them that he’s much better. One more thing, SONA doesn’t involved just the President but also us. According to him, “Humaharap po ako sa inyo ngayon, at sinasabing: hindi ko SONA ito. Kayo ang gumawa nito. SONA ito ng sambayanang Pilipino.” I agree with him because for example, most of the people say that our government is corrupt whenever they have no job when he, himself, is not working hard to get a decent job. People should think that the corruption they’re blaming in the government is starting in ourselves. So, we should help ourselves so that we can also help the nations’ status. But, above all things, I am hoping that betterment of our country will continue in the future. Marriel Bello


S THE SAYING goes, ‘experience is the best teacher’. Well, I am about to tell you a tale of a woman. A woman of dreams, driven by determination, hard work and experiences in life to reach her goals. She is Mrs. Lenie Estolloso, and this is her story. Her father had no permanent job while her mother during her childhood was a household worker. There comes a point in her life that her mot her had three employers to work with everyday doing different household chores just to earn money to sustain the needs of their family. From there, she realized that things were quite hard for them. When she started her second year in high school, she became a working student. She worked every weekend, during Christmas break and summer vacation as a baby sitter and household worker. She had been doing this until she graduated college. During the course of her journey, she had encount ered a lot of experiences, some so harsh that you could not imagine that it happened. They had to skip meals in a day or just share a pack of noodles with the rest of the family just to fill in their stomach. But of course, God is so good, those experiences taught her to be strong, determined and never to lose hope. She used those e xp e r ie nc e s t o st r ive further in her studies.

When she was a child, she prayed to God that she wanted to give her mom just a meda l but unfortunately, she didn’t make it. Yet, it is just amazing how God works because she has been given the honor of being Cum Laude having the degree of B a c he lo r in S c ie nc e Industrial Educat ion at Cavite State Universit y Rosario CCAT Campus. The happiness that God has given her is so precious and priceless because she did not only received a medal but something more worthy than it for all the hard work, support and love given by her mom and her whole family. From that moment, she told herself that destiny is not a matter of chance but it is something that you have to work hard and pray for. For God, nothing is impossible; just be humble and let him be the center of your life’s desire. As of now, she is working as a TLE secondary teacher at Cavite National High School for four years. And she is happily married and have two kids. Indeed, her journey toward success is such a wonderful story for us to aspire and be inspired always. We just have to believe in God and in ourselves and draw inspirations from all the things whether good or bad so that in the end, we may achieve the fruits of our labor and experience the happiness when our hard work pays off. Michael Ramos


Spikers earn better status, Sports Feature: Larra Bernal arra Marie Bernal, a CNHS still champs sophomore student, is


HE Josephian Volleyball Boys team surprised everyone when they brought out some of their basketball players into the volleyball scene who helped drive the squad to a third place while t he Caviteñans defended their title in CICAA 2012. SJC Volleyball has improved its rank in the annual tourney from being last in the former year wit h it s seco nd appearance. The volleyball tournament took place in Ladislao Diwa Elementary School and later in the Montano Hall. With key additions of John Christopher Espiritu, Kirby Balacanao and Mark Lean Espanto, the SJC team overwhelmed the Sangley Point National High School spikers, who were last year’s second placer, twice in the tournament. After winning their first game

against SPNHS, the troop faced the defending champs Cavite National High School. At the first set of the game, the team captain of SJC volleyball, Deric Vitobina, suffered from an ankle sprain, forcing him to watch from the bench for the rest of the game. As for CNHS, who probably is the most productive team in the event, dominated the game in just two sets.

In the next game, Deric Vitobina played with a slightly healed ankle but still lead his team to its second victory over SPNHS. The captain didn’t allow himself to just watch his team play without him in such a needed win. In their next game, surprise c o mp e t i t o r S o v e r e i g n Christian Grace Academy ended SJC’s run for the championship. Although the game started great for the Josephians, a second set scoring run by the SCGA was unstoppable. John Christopher Espiritu


a consistent academic achiever and beauty titlist. But the girl blessed with beauty and brains, is also a champion athlete. Larra is a sports enthusiast. S he had t r ied chess, volleyball, basketball and bad mint o n. But, she d e v e lo p e d a sp e c ia l inclination to Taekwondo. Larra started training in Taekwondo in her grade school days. Then, her coach introduced her to the basics of Karate. The new sport caught her interest all the more. Afterm talking to her mother about this, she started taking classes and discovered her true passion in Karate.

finished with two gold medals. Because of perseverance, the 14-year old black belter has acquired more than fifty medals from all the Karate competitions that she had joined since grade school.

The 5’4 fighter considers participating in the Palarong Pambansa as her biggest stint in the sport where she

Her family, her coach, friends as well as her fellow athletes inspire Larra to be better.


With a 5-2 scorecard, the team propelled their way to almost the top before being downed by Cavite National High School. The other participat ing teams were Sangley Point

Yap and De Pedro, also last year’s contender, promise to be back next year, more prepared and more skilled. They will aim for gold. James Earl Moises Diang

Lady Cagers: “We had fun”


e had fun,” says one of St. Joseph College’s lady cagers. The teams showcased great amount of sportsmanship despite finishing last in the r ecent Cit y Meet o n October. In their second outing in the new league, the team had finished last the previous year against the champion, Ca vit e Nat io na l H ig h School. This year, the newly installed bracket of city meet


National Highschool, San Sebast ian CollegeRecolletos and King Of Glory Academy. Mark Viray of CNHS won 1st place in the singles division.

basketball has attracted two more teams, San Sebastian C o l le g e - R e co le t o s a nd Sangley Point National High School. Even with a losing record, t he p la ye r s r e ma i ne d positive. They knew they were the underdogs. And so a player said, “We were just enjoying the game. We were not thinking of the scoreboard anymore. Even the coach was seen having fun in the bench. John Christopher Espiritu

Larra’s greatest dream is to be a World Champion. And she will not stop until she reaches that dream. Anjelica Yuvienco

VB girls finish 4th in CM 2012

Badminton team finishes second lenn Albert De Pedro and Ginno Yap finished in a convincing second place in the citymeet badminton doubles division last September.

Though Larra has a passion for sports, she does not fail to devote time to her studies, friends and hobbies. She is also quite a dancer who idolizes the talented hiphop dancer Chachi Gonzales.



OR TWO years in a row, the lady spikers of St. Joseph College managed a 4th place finish in City Meet 2012 last October. Out of five competing schools, the spikers retained their place by whooping newbie Sovereign Grace Academy.

The team was lead by veteran whooper Pamela Salazar and intramurals MVP Ainna Mañalac. Despite all efforts by the SJC squad, Cavite National High School still emerged dominant in the league and took home, once more, the golden title. Jose Miguel Alberto Carlos



Basketball Boys - Green Team Basketball Girls - 4th year Volleybal Girls - 4th year Volleyball Boys - 4th year Badminton Boys (2nd Year) - Bryan Tanzo Badminton Girls (2nd Year) - Jelee Llarenas Badminton Boys (3rd Year) - CJ Gilera Badminton Girls (3rd Year) - Patricia Reyes Badminton Boys (4th Year) - JC Espiritu Badminton Girls (4th Year) - Princess Saldon

There’s still to prove White outlasts Green, Ignacio reigns as MVP of his hands. The White team opened the game with a 13-0 run. The Underdogs finally broke the silence by a single charity by John Ross Aclan (one of the only two scorers of their team). The Underdogs almost immediately caught fire sparked by an off-a-steal dunk by Lean Espanto.

IT JUST had to be written.

in the second half.

In a sensational championship match, the Underdogs (Green team) made sure to put up a fight against the White team who took home the trophy of the Basketball Boys Seniors division on the last day of the intramurals.

In the last 15 seconds of the game, Espanto launched from rainbowcountry with a chance to tie the game at 38 and send it to overtime, but missed.

It was the ability of Espanto to slice through the White’s zone defense that kept them in the game. The 5foot-10 forward single-handedly answered back with a 14-0 run as they took the lead for the first time in the ball game, 13-15. This is when the exchange of baskets and several deadlocks took place.


FTER Manny Pacquiao lost his fights against Timothy Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez, is this the time for Manny Pacquiao to retire in his boxing career? I do not think so. Sports analysts suggest that Manny Pacquiao should retire in his boxing career now and just focus on being the Sarangani congressman and a bible preacher. Sports analysts say that Pacquiao can not focus on three different things at the same time, that is why he should retire at an early age of 33 so that his record would not be deteriorated.

After trailing by as much as seven, the Whites slowly regained the lead at 35 which was capped by a three from Ignacio. But Underdog 24, answered yet again with his own three. Another three by Ignacio ended the scoring for both teams.

However, if Pacman is to retire at this very time, he could not prove to all that he is the real ‘Boxer of the Decade’. That’s why, for me, the pride of Philippine boxing shouldn’t retire because I do believe that he can still win his fights via knockouts or convincing decisions. And most importantly, if he retires now he couldn’t face the undefeated Flloyd Mayweather Jr. and knock his arrogance off his face. A sight to see.

Hot -h anded E spant o al m ost outscored the whole White team with 31 points including four threepointers in the match. Jose Miguel Alberto Carlos

Despite criticisms, Pacman should ignore what other people say on what he should do. He should continue doing what he is known for, and that is dishing out solid and lightning speed punches to his opponents.

‘If you don’t fall, you’ll never learn.’ -Lee

No one should not stop him in bringing home pride and glory for flag and country.

The game ended 38-35 in a heartstopping ball-game. Newly awarded Most Valuable Player Czarmil Ignacio led the Whites in offense with 14 points including two crucial three-pointers

Jonas Ballesteros of the Underdogs secured the offensive rebound. Espanto tried another three, but missed again. Ballesteros again took the offensive board. This time, Aclan got the ball and shot from three-point range. The ball found the bottom of the net but the referees called it a no-count as time expired just before the ball went out

CONFIDENT. Meagan Lee glides on ice during 2011 Skate Manila Competition. Photo courtesy of Margarette S. Lee

Meagan Lee has been reaping honors for eight years now, amassing over 90 medals! Most memorable to her was when she was seven. She travelled to Shenzhen, China to compete in “Skate Asia” back in 2006. She bagged two gold medals and two fourth place finishes. In that same year, she went to Singapore for the “Winter Classic Competition” where she went to reap three gold medals and a bronze medal. Her most recent tournament was “Summerskates 2012” held at the SM Mall of Asia on May 21 to 24 where she went home a gold and a silver medal. For sure, more awards will come Meagan’s way as she continues to work on her craft.

Fists up Manny!

Ballers finish third in CICAA ’12, again


ITH a 1-2 scorecard, t he J o s e p h i a n basket ball bo ys squad finished with a repeat at third in the recently concluded City Meet held at the Montano Hall on the last week of October.

The difference from last year “IF YOU DON’T FALL, daughter’s talent. She asked is that last year had only four YOU’LL NEVER LEARN,” Meagan if she wanted to take up teams to participate in the believes Meagan Soriano Lee, a skating seriously. “Why not give it high school sophomore as she a try?” Meagan replied back. She dedicates her success to her meet and this year had five. continues to glide through success Immediately, she got a professional parents, family, friends and The Sovereign Christian in the field of ice skating. coach to mentor her and prepare supporters. She is thankful to God Grace Academy had only her for the pressure that comes with because He made it possible for her participated this year who also battled against Sangley Point Once she was just an ordinary girl sports competitions. to reach her dreams. National High School, San who skated for fun. But now at age 13, she has become an international Meagan works very hard. Whenever For those who want to be like her, she Sebastian College-Recoletos, winner. there is a competition, she trains every advices, “Skating is fun but a really Cavite National High School day after school. Her entire Saturday dangerous sport. It can help develop and of course, St. Joseph Meagan started skating when she is devoted to training. Some lessons your self-confidence, conquer your College. was six years old. She admired the are very difficult and many times she fear and make you a better person skilled skaters practice in the rink. felt like crying. But she does not give However, expect some The CNHS Carabaos took An assistant coach guided her. Her up. At the skating rink, she reigns disappointments. If you don’t fall, away the championship title observant mother immediately supreme with her calm demeanor you’ll never learn.” Graychelle P. from last year’s champs, the SSC-R Baycats. noticed the potential in her and positive attitude. Santiago

After winning their first game against the SCGA, the SJC team succumbed to last year ’s cha mpio nship contenders, CNHS and SSCR. The losses ended the SJC’s stint in the double elimination event. Team captain John Christopher Espiritu said that the team was still thankful with what they had achieved in the last two years but still is in regrets because he believed that this year’s crew had the best bat ch of players t hat could’ve brought home the golden title. Now, the team is moving on and looking forward to build a new team especially because seven out of the fift een man- squad are graduating this school year. John Christopher Espiritu

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