Five:am Marketing Research Proposal

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Marketing Research Proposal October 2014

11577932 Izabella Jelonek

25097296 Tin Kau Chan

25370197 Hongsheng Zhang

Executive Summary five:am - a young, Australian, dynamic yoghurt brand, has been providing a healthy breakfast choice to many consumers since its launch 5 years ago. Although the brand has been able to cater to the increasingly healthconscious consumer with a ‘health-focused’ brand image, many of these consumers are also motivated by price in this highly competitive market. The management problem expressed by five:am has been stated as “how does the brand become the number one ‘healthy choice’ yoghurt brand?” The research problem identified by Alpha Research, has thus been formulated as “what drives yoghurt brand choice for the health-conscious consumer?” The following research objectives have been formulated to provide answers to the above questions and better inform marketing decisions: • Capture drivers of yoghurt choice for five:am and competitors • Gather consumer perceptions about five:am and check this fit against the brand identity • Recommend any adjustments to five:am’s current positioning In order to address these objectives, Alpha Research proposes to use Radar Analysis as the conceptual model to determine what the choice criteria are that drive brand choice and their relative importance. This tool will also provide insights regarding consumer perceptions about the five:am brand. The research designed to answer the research questions and related hypotheses is proposed to occur in 2 phases. Phase I, will consist of Focus Groups (10 in total) defined primarily by product usage and will determine the criteria or factors that drive consumer brand choice and provide some general insights. Phase II, will consist of online surveys and a much larger sample size of 1000 respondents. This phase will further validate the results from Phase I, quantify those trends and allow for additional information to be gathered. All data will be analysed using SPSS with regression as the primary method. This project will be completed within required timelines, by December 10th 2014 and within the stipulated budget of $200,000. Alpha Research is confident that the outlined approach will address the research question and provide recommendations, backed by data, which will empower five:am to fine-tune its marketing and promotional strategy including brand image and positioning, whilst providing deep insights into buyer behavior around purchase decision making, attitudes sand perceptions.

Table of Contents The Research Problem Background Purpose Objective

6 6 7 7

Research Approach Conceptual Model Research Question & Hypotheses

8 8 9

Research Design Phase I: Qualitative Research Phase II: Quantitative Research

9 9 11

Proposed Analysis Data Validation Check Editing and Coding Data Entry Analysis

12 12 12 12 12

Reporting, Costings, Timing Reporting Budget Timing

14 14 14 15

Appendices Appendix 1: Alpha Research Credentials Appendix 2: Introductory Letter & Discussing Guide Appeendix 3: Questionaire

16 16 18 21



The Research Problem Background

According to the earlier provided brief and supplementary information, Alpha Research understands five:am to be a young and successful Australian yoghurt brand that has been available on the Australian supermarket shelves since 2009. The philosophy behind the brand, as constructed by its founder, David Prior, is that of great-tasting, organic yoghurt enabling the consumer to make a great start to each and every day by having a nutritious, healthy breakfast (about five:am, n.d.). Current positioning as the ‘healthy choice’ is integral to five:am’s brand identity. The yoghurt category, in which five:am competes, is an attractive yet highly competitive category with new competitors continuing to enter this space (IBISWorld Industry Report, 2014). As far as key drivers are concerned determining product and brand choice, the emphasis on ‘healthiness’ has become increasingly important to health-conscious consumers (Lin, as cited in IBISWorld Industry Report, 2014). This is advantageous to five:am. On the other hand, sales promotions such as discounts and special deals (2 for the price of 1) play an equally important role for the value-conscious consumer with everyday purchase items, such as yoghurt. It is therefore important for five:am to have a strong value proposition through its brand, ensuring repeat sales and continued success.



Consumers: Their focus on ‘healthiness’ Brand image: CSF for five:am Competition: Highly competitive market

Drivers: Price discounts and value conscious consumer


Key Observations Product: Young Australian yoghurt brand

Key Issues Facing Five:am

Purpose The purpose of this research is thus to assist five:am to be clearly positioned in the competitive yoghurt market as the healthy choice. It is also to ensure that five:am is differentiated from its competition by commending a strong brand image that is congruent with its brand identity and strongly appeals to the target market. And finally, it is to better understand consumer behaviour, particularly in relation to drivers when choosing a particular yoghurt brand to ensure continuing success of the brand. C o Be nsu ha m vi er ou r Diff eren




io sit

Management Problem: How does five:am become the no.1 'healthy choice' yoghurt brand?



Marketing Research Problem: What drives yoghurt brand choice for the health-conscious consumer? What are the key drivers of brand choice?


The research objectives can be summarized as follows: 1. To capture drivers of yoghurt choice for five:am and its competitors 2. To gather consumer perceptions about the five:am brand and establish how well they reflect the brand identity 3. To recommend any adjustments to current positioning of five:am within the yoghurt market

How strong is the overlap between brand image and brand identity for five:am?

what are the current perceptions of five:am?

Does five:am occopy a unique space in the market?

Management and Marketing Research Problems at a Glance

Once the research is complete, the marketing team at five:am will be much better informed to make decisions around the marketing and promotional strategies. They will also be able to adjust and refine promotional messages to appeal to the target market whilst building a strong and unique brand image to ensure five:am’s continued success.


Research Approach Conceptual Model

In order to meet the outlined objectives, the framework of ‘Radar Analysis’ (Cameron A. &Picket B., 2009) will be used. Rader analysis is a visual tool used to quantify and analyze brand perceptions against multiple criteria or attributes. Once the attributes have been established – such as quality, price, packaging, availability etc. – the brand under study along with competing brands can be evaluated against those attributes. The attributes are charted on multiple axes where comparisons can be made. The relative importance of individual criteria is also measured, thus allowing to evaluate and compare brands. The diagram below illustrates the sample application of Radar Analysis in brand –related marketing research. Hence, as described above, in this particular marketing research, Radar Analysis will be specifically used to obtain the following information: • Determine what are the most important criteria for consumers when making brand choices in the yoghurt category • Evaluate key competitors on those criteria • Evaluate five:am on those criteria • Determine the overall position five:am occupies in its market • Determine the fit between brand identity and brand image • Highlight any necessary adjustments to current positioning

Factor 1 Factor 2

Factor 10

Factor 9

Factor 3

Factor 4

Factor 8

Factor 5

Factor 7 Factor 6


Sample Radar Analysis

Research Questions and Research Hypotheses Research Questions RQ1: What are the key criteria that drive brand choice of yoghurt brands and their relative importance?

Research Hypothesis H1:There are many different drivers that determine brand choice but only few are very important (no more than 5) H2: ‘healthiness’ is in the top 3 of key drivers H3: there is a strong relationship between the perceived brand image of five:am and the actual brand identity

RQ2: What are the perceptions of five:am on the key criteria relative to its competitors?

H4: five:am is strongly differentiated from other yoghurt brands H5:five am occupies a clearly defined position within its market as the ‘healthy choice’ H6: those customers that are health conscious know and understand the five:am brand

RQ3: How important is brand as a choice driver?

H7: those customers that are driven by price, are not familiar with the five:am brand H8: Brand familiarity is associated with brand loyalty

Research Design The research will be classified as conclusive research (descriptive in nature), in order to address the outlines research questions and corresponding hypotheses. The project has been designed to be implemented in 2 distinct phases, including qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Phase I – Qualitative Research Objective: focus groups to capture brand choice drivers for three different segments, defined primarily by product usage. The finding form this phase will provide inputs into further quantitative research, conducted in Phase II. Hypotheses 1-5 & 8 will be tested with insights provided in this phase. Methods: Focus group (see Appendix 2)


Characteristics of Focus Groups Group Size

8-10 participants


Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane

Scheduled Dates

Pilot – 6th October Melbourne – 13th October Sydney – 14th October Brisbane – 15th October

No. of Focus Group

Total 10 group (3 groups per city, 1pilot group)

Group Composition

Homogeneous groups Group 1 - those who buy yoghurt regularly (include but not exclusive to five:am) Group 2 – those who buy yoghurt regularly but never buy five:am Group 3 – those who predominantly buy five:am

Physical Setting

Relaxed, informal atmosphere



Recruitment •

Moderators: professional, experienced and local moderators will be used. They are familiar and experienced with the food and beverage industry and local market.

Respondents: will be recruited from local major supermarkets where five:am is shelved. (Coles, Woolworth and IGA) with primary screening surveys to qualify and categorize respondents into one of three groups (outlined in table above).

Interview Protocol: One pilot focus group will be conducted in Melbourne to test and validate the discussion guide and corresponding materials. This pilot focus group will take place one week prior to the official launch. The Moderator and Project Manager will have the opportunity to review and adjust the discussion guide as needed prior to launch to ensure achievement of desired objectives. Primary Screening Guide

1. How often do you purchase yoghurt? (Once every fortnight will be defined as regular purchase. Yes--proceed to Q2, No--screen out) 2. Have you ever bought five:am yoghurt before? (Yes--proceed to Q3, No--categorize into Group 2) 3. How often do you buy five:am? (Choose five:am at least every second time will be defined as predominant brand buyer (ie. monthly); categorized into Group 3, otherwise into Group 1)

Compensation: All participants will receive a tub of free five:am yoghurt and $100 Coles Myer gift card.


Phase 2 – Quantitative Research Objective: the second phase is designed to gain further insights extracted form Phase I, validate these and quantify them. It will also allow for collecting additional information. All hypotheses, 1-8 will be tested during this phase. Methods: Online Survey (See Appendix 3) Characteristics of Online Survey Element

People who are responsible for household groceries, are from 18-50 y.o. and purchase yoghurt regularly (as defined)

Sampling Unit



Australia wide

Sampling size

Expect to have 1000 valid surveys (with initial estimated distribution of 7000, if respondents do not exceed expected number, second distribution of 3000 will be issued)

Sampling Frame

The sampling frame will be email addresses bought from Nielsen as per specified demographics


Initial distribution – 3rd November Reminder – 5th Nov, 7th Nov, 9th Nov Second Distribution –10th November Reminder – 12th Nov, 14th Nov, 16th Nov, 18th Nov

Stimuli: In order to achieve response rates within required timelines, reminders will be sent to the target


Screening: Screening questions will be listed at the beginning of the survey. If the required criteria are not met, the participant will be eliminated from the process.

Compensation: All participants will have the chance to go into the draw to win one of five $500 cash prizes. These will be drawn and announced on Nov 31st with the prize sent out on Dec 5th.


Proposed Analysis In order to ensure data integrity and meaningful interpretation, Alpha Research proposes the following procedure for data analysis, which can be summarized in four steps, as depicted below.

Data Validation

Editing & Coding

Data Entry


Data Validation Check

No issues are envisaged due to the logical set up of both, questionnaire and discussion guide, with professional, experienced moderators used exclusively to capture focus group responses. Screening procedures will be conducted to ensure responses come from target market. Regarding survey completeness, the submit button ensures each respondent completes all required questions.

Editing and Coding

The main aim of data editing is to check the consistency of logic (Blewitt, 1990). Since on-line surveys are proposed and the use of experienced moderators, illegibility issues will be avoided. Maximum word limits will be set for any open questions. Regarding data coding, the surveys will be constructed in such a way as to extract information as per outlined RQ’s, corresponding hypotheses and overall objectives. Coding examples are shown below. Scale Nominal

Coding Male-1 Female-2 A-1 B-2 C-3 ‌


Five response to evaluate the consumers' preferences

Rank Orders

1 stands for not preferred or disagreement and 5 stands for the most preferred or agreement

Data Entry

In order to facilitate future data analysis and to gain required answers and insights, all data - from focus groups and surveys will be converted and input into SPSS, which is the standard software used for statistical data analysis.


In line with the objectives of this marketing research, the following data analysis is suggested: • Focus Groups For all participant comments to be understandable and useful, they must be reduced to essential information using a systematic and verifiable process. Alpha Research proposes to use SPSS, as mentioned above,


whereby assigning codes and labeling each participant comment/quote, each new thought/idea therein, will allow to determine common categories or themes across the entries for each question. This information will then be further synthesized. The end result will be a short summary of findings for each sub-category noting similarities and differences across groups, supported by powerful quotes for each sub-section. • Online Surveys Linear regression modeling is recommended as the analytical tool given there are many variables that are important to understand. In brief, linear regression focuses on identifying the degree of association between the dependent and independent variables (Reisinger, 1997). In this case the dependent variable is around perceptions and attitudes, with many independent variables such as price, brand, packaging etc. Thus, it is the ideal model to ascertain which factors and to what extent influence consumer purchase decisions for the brands under study. Alpha Research is confident that the outlined approach to analysis will yield required information to address the research question and in turn give direction to five:am’s marketing strategy.


Reporting, Costs and Timing Reporting

Final reports will consist of a full report as well as an abridged version focusing on key insights and recommendations only. A presentation will also be delivered at five:am’s offices (please allow 2 hours).


The table below contains the itemized budget for the 2 phases (focus groups and surveys) and various steps throughout this project. The fees are to be settled in AUD and exclude GST. Fees are based on current assumptions according to standard terms and conditions and might require minor adjustments as this project progresses. Type of Research



Recruitment of Participants


Discussion Guide design and validation incl. pilot Focus Group Moderator briefing and training (x3) Qualitative Research (x3 locations, 3 FG’s per location)



Focus Groups,($5,000 each) x3


Focus Groups,($5,000 each) x3


Focus Groups,($5,000 each) x3


Travel costs

$5,000 Subtotal


Survey design, testing and validation


Database hire/Respondent recruitment


Survey administration


Quantitative Research

Subtotal Data analysis, report generation





$5,000 Total Fees





The table below, outlines suggested timeframe for this project to meet expectations set out in the brief. The final report and presentation will be delivered before December 1st 2014 to allow five:am to prepare and adjust its 2015 strategic marketing plan.

Interim report following Phase I - Focus Group

Data Analysis

20th Oct

6th-15th Oct

Focus Group interview

21th-30th Nov 3th-20th Nov

Questionnaire development, distribution and collection

10th Dec

Presentation and Final Report


Appendices Appendix 1: Alpha Research Credentials

actionable recommendations a passionate and experienced team of researchers

Recent Relevant Experience • • • •


Loyalty program for Connoisseur ice cream (2010) Understanding the underlying beliefs and emotions that drive the behaviour of consumers when purchasing pre-packaged fruit juices (2011) Segmenting the registration database for Thomas Dux supermarkets (2013) Portfolio positioning for Carmen’s muesli bars (2014)

Izabella Jelonek, Managing Director

Too often the essence of the consumer is hard to find in marketing documents and yet truly appreciating what the consumer is about is a powerful way to move brands forward. Being ‘perceptive’ may sound trite if you’re a researcher but fusing this with a client’s or brand’s business issue is the best way to help. Most challenging research projects are the ones involving big strategically important decisions where everything is on the line. Yet, this exactly the sort of project that bring out the best in me, where adrenalin flows and intellectual rigor is a must. My experience is broad, having worked on category and brand strategy for Nestle, Mars, Unilever, Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola, Reckitt Benckiser, Diageo, Lion Nathan, in finance, telco and payTV. These projects have enabled me to engage in different schools of thinking and different categories help provide a breadth of experience and models I draw on.

Tin Kau Chan, Qualitative Director Alpha Research remains one of the most creative and flexible agencies I have worked in which allows me to dive into my passion of FMCG and particularly food and beverage brands. As a part of the management team I love being able to inspire the passion I have for research within the team and also our clients. "Somewhere, Something incredeible is waiting to be known" (Carl Sagan)

Hongsheng Zhang, Qantitative Director

It’s not about the data, the numbers, the software and the formulas. What truly drives me is seeing how those numbers form patterns and lead to firm, validated insights, which in turn morph into recommendations and provide direction to a brand or an organization. “There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)


Appendix 2A: Introductory Letter for Focus Groups

Dear Mr. XXX I would like to invite you to take part in a Focus Group (small discussion group). The subject of the discussion will be ‘yoghurt’ along with attitudes and preferences for certain brands and the discussion will last approx. 60-90min. The locations, dates and times are outlined in below. Please note they will be run across Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane so check carefully the details for your city location in the table below: CITY




Viewpoint Centre, suite 3, 40-44 St Kilda Rd, st Kilda VIC 3182

13th October

TIME: Please indicate your availability 9-10






3-4 Sydney:

McKrindle Research Room, Suite A39, lvl 4, 24 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista, NSW

14th October







3-4 Brisbane

Rivercity Research Rooms, 11 Wicklow Street, Kan2153garoo Point, QLD 4169

15th October







3-4 The focus group will provide an opportunity for you to find out about five:am. More specifically, the discussion will focus on the following: • Current perceptions about different yoghurt brands • Current perceptions about five:am in particular • Main criteria which influence decisions made about which brand to purchase If you would like to participate, please provide your preferences for listed time slots and your contact details so your attendance can be confirmed. A reply slip is enclosed for your convenience. To compensate you for your time, you will be provided with a $100 Coles-Myer voucher and a tub of five:am yoghurt. Regards, Izabella Jelonek Managing Director, Alpha Research


Appendix 2B: Discussion Guide for Focus Groups STEP I: OPENING REMARKS (5 MINUTES) Welcome Good morning and thank you for your time and agreement to participate in this focus group discussion. Introduction My name is John White and I am an independent and professional facilitator and will be leading and facilitating the discussion here today. Purpose This meeting has been commissioned by five:am, the yoghurt brand. The aim of the focus group discussion is to acquire your current perceptions, in other words, your thoughts and feelings about five:am and other yoghurt brands. This discussion will last about 60 minutes. In order to facilitate thorough reporting, this focus group discussion will be recorded – this is a standard practice. Thank you for your understanding. Instructions to participants All of the data collected from this focus group discussion will be confidential and your identity anonymous, so please ensure honesty at all times and remember that there are no right or wrong answers. You do not have to answer questions that make you uncomfortable but we do ask for you to be as involved as possible. STEP II: WARM UP (5 MINUTES) Please introduce yourself briefly. (Your name, your job, interests, why you’re here etc.,.). Icebreaker: “If you won a million dollars, which company would you invest it into?” STEP III: DISCUSSION (50 MINUTES) Objective: Understanding of consumption drivers when choosing yoghurt brands 1) What are the criteria that come to mind when you choose a yoghurt brand? 2) Which of those do you consider most important? 3) How important are the healthy aspects? 4) How important is price/discounts/price promotions/special offers? 5) How well do you know the company or the brand that you’re choosing? Objective: Understanding the competitive landscape 1) How many different yoghurt brands do you now? 2) How many do you regularly buy? 3) How do they differ from each other? 4) If you had to use 2 words to describe those brands that you know well - what are they? 5) The brands that you purchase frequently, if they were an animal, what would they be? Objective: Understanding perceptions regarding five:am 1) Have you ever purchased five:am yoghurt before. If so, why? If the answer is no, what is the reason? 2) What do you know about the brand and the company? 3) What do you love about five:am? 4) Is there something that frustrates you about the brand? 5) Do you think five:am is just another yoghurt brand or is it really different? How and Why? 6) Which celebrity do you think would be best to endorse this brand? Why do you think so? 7) In your own words, what are the main differences between five:am and other yoghurt brands? STEP IV: SUMMARY AND CLOSE 1) Of all the things we’ve discussed today, what would you say are the most important issues you would like to emphasize?


2) Is there anything we might have missed you believe is pertinent to this discussion and you would like to add? STEP V: CONCLUSION AND THANK YOU Conclusion Finally, I would like to remind you that all the information you shared with us today is confidential and anonymous. Thank you Thank you once again for your active participation. Your opinions are highly valuable and will be used to improve the product offer from five:am. I certainly enjoyed meeting you all and listening to your ideas, suggestions and your honest feedback


Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Online Surveys Assumption: the following factors have been derived from Phase I, focus groups, now will be tested further and quantified on the online surveys: 1.Packaging 2. Flavors 3. Healthy choice 4.Reasonable prices 5. Australian 6.Brand concept 7.Organic 8.Taste 9. Availability 10. Reliability Thank you for agreeing to participate in this research, commissioned by five:am. This online questionnaire will take approximately 30 min to complete. Please ensure you answer all questions as truthfully as possible, they will only be handled by Alpha Research and are confidential. Alpha Research is an independent Market Research Organization. To compensate you for your time and effort, you will be eligible to enter the draw for one of five $500 Coles-Mayer Vouchers. Screening questions Please complete the question below. Based on this information you will be directed to different section of this questionnaire. Which applies to you? Please tick box ‘1’ or ‘2’. 1. I purchase yoghurt regularly – at least fortnightly � 1 agree (--continue)

� 2 disagree (--thank you and exit)

2. five:am is my preferred brand and I buy it at least once a month � 1 agree � 2 disagree 3. I buy at least 3 different yoghurt brands and five am is part of the mix � 1 agree � 2 disagree 4. I never choose the five:am brand when buying yoghurt � 1 agree � 2 disagree

Basic information 1. Gender a) Male b) Female 2. Age Group a) Under 18 b) 18-25 c) 26-35 d) 36-45 e) 46-50 3. Marital Status a) Single b) In a relationship


4. Income Level (Annual) a) Under $40,000 b) $41,000-$70,000 c) $71,001-$99,000 d) $100,000 and over 5. Fitness orientation. On average, I exercise a) never b) once a month c) once a week d) at least 3 times per week e) everyday 6. Health orientation. Please indicate your agreement with each statement, where ‘1’ is strongly disagree and ‘5’ is strongly agree. a) I never look at food labels when buying groceries � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 b) When it comes to dairy products such as yoghurt, I always check for health information on the label � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 c) I will often choose the ‘healthy’ option � 1 � 2 � 3

� 4


d) I buy brands I know are healthy � 1 � 2 � 3

� 4


Perceptions/Attitudes towards five:am 1: How often do you consume five:am. Choose the answer that most applies to you a) everyday b) once a week c) 2-3 times a week d) once a month e) never 2: What is the most appealing aspect of five:am to you? Please rank the choice from 1-10 a) Packaging b) Flavors c) Healthy choice d) Reasonable prices e) Australian f) Brand concept g) Organic h) Taste i) Availability j) Reliability


3: In your own words, what is the one thing you love about five:am?

4: Which of the following apply best to the five:am brand, from your perspective? Please rank form 1-7 a) Organic b) Australian c) Fresh d) Funky e) Young f) Great taste g) Value for money 5: five:am has different product offers - which one do you purchase the most? a) Small tubs b) Big tubs c) Powerpacks d) Squeezies 6: According to your previous purchase experience, please rate your overall impression of five:am products, where 1 stands for terrible and 5 stands for excellent. The higher the number is, the greater the impression. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 7: “five:am is in a league of its own within the yoghurt category”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 8: “five:am is a strong brand with a great story to match the great product it offers”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 9: “five:am needs to tell their story for more people to buy their products”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 10: “With five:am, it’s all about the flavors and the great taste”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5


Competitors 11: Name the yoghurt brands you buy regularly – at least once a month. For each brand complete the following: There are 10 choice criteria that are used to select yoghurt brands, please only choose FIVE of the most important ones that come to your mind when making that decision. Tick five boxes only: � Packaging � Flavors � Healthy choice � Reasonable prices � Australian � Brand concept � Organic � Taste � Availability � Reliability 12 :For the same brands again, using the same criteria, RANK the criteria in order of importance from 1-10 (set will include five:am). � Packaging � Flavors � Healthy choice � Reasonable prices � Australian � Brand concept � Organic � Taste � Availability � Reliability 13: “Price and weekly specials are all that matters to me”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 14: “All yoghurt brands are the same”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 15: “I deliberately stick with the brands I know”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Please mark on the scale, where ‘1’ stands for ‘not at all agree’ and ‘5’ for strongly agree. � 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 �5 Consumer who have never purchased five:am (only available to people choose 'No' on screen question 4) 16: What is the reason for you not ever having purchased five:am yoghurt? a) Too expensive b) Don’t know the brand c) Not often ‘on special’ d) Looks ‘too healthy’ e) Other: ___________


For the following questions, dropdown boxes will be presented (as per current strategy) 17: What would be the one thing five:am needs to do to get your attention? 18: What would be the one thing five:am needs to do to get you to try their product? 19: What would be the one thing five:am needs to do to get you to love their product? Additional Information: Information sources, influencers and decision makers 20: How do you know the five:am yoghurt brand? a) Five:am websites b) Blogs c) Newspaper or magazines d) Friends e) Weekly specials f) Other_______________________ 21. When choosing yoghurt brands, who do you tend to listen to the most? a) Friends b) Family c) Comments from the social media d) No one e) Others _____________________ 22. Who makes the ultimate decision regarding the brans choice in your household? f) My partner g) My children h) My housemates i) My parents j) Myself In order to ensure data accuracy, please provide your details below. Please note that all the information you submit is highly confidential and will only be used by Alpha Research. Respondent’s full name: _________________________________________________ Home address: ________________________________________________________ Phone number: ________________________________________________________ Email address: ________________________________________________________ Thank you for your participation. You are now eligible to enter the draw for one of five $500 Coles-Myer Gift Card


References About five a.m. (n.d.). In five:am. Retrieved from: Blewitt, G. (1990). An automatic editing algorithm for GPS data. Geophysical Research Letters, 17(3), 199-202. Cameron, A and Picket, B (2009), “Ultimate Marketing Tools�, Australia, 2nd ed Dairy Australia. (2014). Fresh products. Retrieved 05/09, 2014, from Fitzsimmons, C. & Mitchell, S. (12 August, 2014). How David Prior grew yoghurt brand five:am to an $80m company in five years. Retrieved from: yoghurt_brand_QmmDkCGV8mDC1sRE6E2lLN IBIS World. (2014). Yoghurt Production in Australia: Market Research Report. Retrieved 05/09, 2014, from Lin, R. (July, 2014). Milking the markets: Expanding Asian and Middle Eastern markets to drive export growth. Butter and Dairy Product Manufacturing in Australia, IBISWorld Industry Report C1133c. Retrieved from: https:// cation/pdf&url= 148401911c3080ab%26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dsafe%26realattid%3Df_hznw1jom0%26zw&sig=AHIEtbQJ_ 3bUIo2LlqwQiKixx-9NG__AEA Malhotra, N.K, (2010) Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Pearson: New Jersey, 6th ed. Reisinger, H. (1997). The impact of research designs on R2 in linear regression models: an exploratory metaanalysis. Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, 2(1), 1-12. Watson, E. (16 April, 2014). Chobani generates explosive growth in Australia, unveils aggressive expansion plans in Asia, Latin America. Retrieved from:


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