Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 JONATHAN STATHY 914203 Xiaoran Huang | Studio 8
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max) The three forms of fabrication techniques are subtractive fabrication, additive fabricatiopn and formative fabrication. Subtractive applies to fabrication scenarios where a surface or volume is subtracted from using something else to generate a third unique shape. Additive fabrication involves addition of layers of material in order to manufacture a greater form. This mode is applied in processes, such as 3D printing. Formative fabrication involves the use of mechanical forces, such as heat in order to mould materials into unique forms. This includes techniques, such as vacuum forming.
Week Three
Surface Creation
Week Four Panels & Waffle
The final result created a hexagonal pattern using two scripts which were run to create the design surface. The opposite side incorporated an attractor curve to create a dynamic panelling. Whereas the first side referred to earlier, adopted the shape and directionality of the surface which were complemented by the attractor curve.
The whale bone waffle structure which provides the platform for the external design patterns was crucial to my overall design. It informed the hexagonal panels by creating a broad dynamic framework, and it heavily influenced the oppposite triangular panels, as thos panels more closely followed the contour of the structure. The waffle structure comprises two flipped identical surfaces that emulate a sweeping motion from the bottom right corner to its top left corner. This is also reflected in the panneling design. The interor of the waffle structure along the horizontal part of the waffles has been filleted to create a smooth interior which can be viewed from above.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
For the waffle structure, the FabLab ran out of the mountboard required to cut it. I purchased my own mountboard but it was .0.5 mm thicker than the ordinary stock held by the fab lab. As a result, to ensure the waffle structure was properly scaled, I needed to alter my initial Grashopper script to accommodate for the new scale (and size of the slot holes). I initially opted for an intricate design with more panneling, similar to the finaly-produced hexagonal structure. Unfortunately, after testiing how the shape woudl work I determined it would be too small to produce. Accoridngly, it would have been difficult to fabricate.
Week Five
Here, I attempted to experiment with the distribution of the centroids and interior grid of the structure to create a range of boolean shapes inside a cube. I considered my design in the context of real life scale and I aimed to create a design which avoided an “open space�theme. I therefore began to consider how my design might incorproate private realms for private interactions.
Week Five
Overall Isometric
The 2D isometric view considers the distribution of centroid grids as well as the distribution of each boolean segment. I finally settled an oval shape of an array of boolian segment differences inside the cube. I considered a polar arranged but I appreciated how my chosen design focused on the centralised placement of each spehere. the model is a static model but I wanted to emphasise the placement of each boolean difference by using a negative attractor point which repelled each boolean sphere from the centre of the cube, and emphasised that movement.
Cut: Isometric
In the process, I also considered what each space may represent, its scale and considered how each spehere could be functional - a private space. Perhaps for study, eating or even a network of offices in a commercial structure. Alternatively, it might also be a reference to open public space which transition to smaller private spaces for individual consumption.
Scale of Structure
Week Six
Task 01: Paneling & Waffle
Experiment 1
Chosen Loft
Experiment 2
Loft Experiment 1
Task 02 Matrix
Paneling Grid & Attractor Curve
Task 01 Matrix
Experiment 3
Loft Experiment 2
Task 01 Matrix 1.4
I chose to develop a simpler iteration of the bottom right paneling experiment in order to generate this hexagonal facade. On the other hand, I developed the attractor curve in 2.1 and applied it to my design on the opposing side. Both of these options facilitated iterations that I believed would be practical in shape and scale to fabricate. Loft Experiment 3
Experiment 4
Week Six
Task 02: Boolean Difference
Sphere Transformation
Sphere Distribution
Grid Manipulation
Chosen Loft
Experiment 1
Experiment 1
Loft Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Loft Experiment 2
Experiment 3
Experiment 3
Experiment 2
Task 02 Matrix I chose to develop a similar sphere arrangement to that in 2.3 through the use of a negative point attractor. This distributed the spheres in a similar fasion to a 3D polar array. I also explored how these individual spherical spaces may be occupied as private spaces within a larger field.
Loft Experiment 3
Experiment 4
Experiment 4
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
Laser Cut Model
Overall Isometric
Week Six Final Isometric Views 3D Printed Section
Overall Isometric
Appendix Process
Square Panneled Side
Script for Square Panels with Triangular Holes
Interior Waffle Structure
Hexagonal Panneled Side
Closeup: Hexagonal Pattern
Iterations of Different paneling
Script with Hexagonal and Triangular Panels
Final Render of Boolean Difference Model