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Demographics Today
The demographics of the 3 neighborhoods that surround the site including Whittier presents an interesting narrative. Compared to Minneapolis, the age distribution is almost identical, but that is the only similarity. The amount of People of Color, foreign born citizens, and English not being the main language spoken, is almost double that of Minneapolis as a whole. Also, the amount of households living under an annual income of less than $35k a year is 16% higher than the rest of the city. These neighborhoods along with ones more towards the Mississippi River like the rest of Phillips and Cedar Riverside have the largest percentage of the city's Native American population. Though the Native population in Minneapolis makes up a small percentage of the city, they are some of the largest outside of the Reservations.
In recent years the homeless populations has been a contentious topic. The city has struggled with an approach on how to control them, many times just fencing off popular areas to sleep and carpeting the ground with jersey barriers and old light posts.