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Transportation Around the Site
Minneapolis Landuse Planning
The Kmart Site sits directly in the middle of the intersection of 2
major planning corridors: Minneapolis 2040 and the Minneapolis Great Streets Program. The Minneapolis 2040 is a comprehensive zoning plan that is taken on every 10 years. The plan is meant to support both population and economic growth over the next 20 years. While the Minneapolis Great Streets Program helps guide grant and small business funding to selected commercial corridors.
MPLS 2040 Transit 15: 4-15
stories, along major transit lines. MPLS 2040 Corridor 6: 2-6 stories, along major transit lines. MPLS Great Streets "Support": Shows strength but barriers to market/ business development exist. MPLS Great Streets "Monitor":
Strong market development & business activity. MPLS 2040 Goods & Services
Corridor: location of commercial
fronts & identifies considerations for commercial growth and/or establishment.