Jordan Ware Major Project Critical Justification 2

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Automotive Paradigm Shift A focus on vehicle ownership

How to read the document.




Why did i do this ?

What did i find out ?

How will i build on this ?




Useful Activity

Non Useful Activity

Opinion On The Task



The Problem & Solution

How I Progressed

Where did i end up ?

Planning project progression

11 The Stakeholders Interactions with the service




Design Development

Communication Development

Reflection & Future

Why does it look and feel how it does ?

The process of presenting

How did it go ? Where is it going ?

01 The Problem & Solution Where did i end up ?

The Problem The Direction Final Concept The System The App The Benefits

04 05 08 09 12 13

The Problem TRAFFIC JAMS The average commuter wastes 35 hours of travel time per year due to being stuck in traffic jams.





VEHICLE OCCUPANCY 75% of all commutes are conducted by a solo driver, usually with at least 3 empty seats.



65% of 18 - 34 year olds choose their smart phone ahead of personal vehicle ownership.


New mobility business models and shared mobility solutions could increase automotive revenue by 30%, totalling $1.5 trillion USD

RURAL POPULATION 40% of the worlds population live in rural areas... why shouldn’t they have access to smart mobility.

91% of a vehicles lifespan is spent being parked and not used.


In the future many people will not own a car, but they can still all be Volkswagen customers in one way or another because we will provide a much broader concept of mobility than today.

We’re rethinking our entire business model, it’s no longer about how many vehicles we can sell, it’s about what services we can provide to the customer.

Mathias Muller - CEO Volkswagen AG, 2016.

Mark Fields - CEO of Ford, 2017


The Direction




The System C



Driver continues on following GPS to destination or drop off point

Sign Up

GPS system will guide the driver to the drop off point or parking at destination.

Signs up to be a driver and applies Drivers picks up passenger (more than 1 sometimes)


Applies online for


. Dynamic routing guides the driver to the next pick up point via gps.



Welcome to the scheme kit recieved in the post, Driver attaches Vinyls to vehicle and registers on the application using driving license.

Driver continues .


Driver enters his weekly schedule into his mobile application.


Driver starts his commute at the designated time as if he is heading to his workplace.

Leaving for work. 8.05 AM



Passenger is dropped of f at designated point determined by algorithm.


destination in the city

Arriving at

his commute of the set off time depending on the number of riders he will take.

Ride Sharing To Work

Leaving for home. Vehicle returned to parking place. A B

Rural Home

Driver starts his commute at the designated time as if he is heading to his home. Driver continues


Rental fee is charged based on time used and distance.


destination at home..




Drivers picks up passenger (more than 1 sometimes)


Vehicle is listed for rent on demand and by the public.

Driver continues on following GPS to destination or drop off point





GPS guides driver to designated reserved car parking space.

When the vehicle is parked at the destination it is listed on rental sites.

Passenger is dropped off at designated point determined by algorithm.

GPS system will guide the driver to the drop off point






Vehicle Rented Out In Downtime


Dynamic routing guides the driver to the next pick up point via gps.


Ride Sharing Home

The Application Key Features The application is the main touch-point for the offered service, some of the main functions and features can be viewed on this page.











The Benefits Riders

Riders have access to flexible convenient ridesharing platform for daily commutes, riders can use the Carmunity service as and when they please at the small payment of a one off subscription fee. The riders in turn get a sustainable mode of transport at minimal cost.



15 How I Progressed

Planning Project Progression

The end of CJ 1 Service Realization Interim Feedback Project Time-plan Final Brief

18 19 22 23 26

The End of CJ1 After discussion with Howard Fenwick and my peers four main points were highlighted and ranked on importance for the next stages in my project.

1. The Smart-phone Application. 2. A Service Map / Blueprint 3. A Walk-through Video 4. Info-graphic Showing Future Potential

Moving Forward. I looked closely at the four areas and began to consider how I would go about developing the next stages of my project.

This feedback outlined the key areas in which to focus over the next few weeks. The clear focus allowed me to allocate time for certain tasks in the build up to the hand in.




Service Realization

What is the final outcome going to be ? Moving Forward. I could now stop looking for physical touch-points and opportunities to create a product out of the problem. This meant that I could focus on developing the service and all of the surrounding details.

I was reluctant at this stage as it meant I would-not have a physical solution for the final project hand in, thus meaning it would be a tougher challenge to present the project for the final submission.

Interim Feedback

Which areas need to be investigated further ? 1. Are the vehicles owned by a provider or individual 2. How are the stakeholders benefited ? 3. How will this set the trend for future mobility ? 4. What is the business case ? Moving Forward. I needed to focus the next stage of the project on a few areas that my tutors viewed as weaknesses within the project. Addressing these issues would make for a stronger integral outcome.

This added focus provided integrity to my project and allowed me to speak with the right people to validate the design decisions I was making.


Time plan.
















Final Brief.

This put an end to my concept spiraling and constant changes and additions to the concept and it allowed me to concentrate on designing around one direction It put my time constraint into perspective ! i had very little time.

g owin e sh m my g a Im s fro ned note l redefi fina . brief


27 The Stakeholders

Interactions with the service.

Service Blueprint / Mapping The Main Stakeholders Rider Interactions Driver Interactions Renter Interactions Service Provider Interaction Government Interaction

30 31 34 42 50 55 58

Service Blueprint / Mapping

How does the service work ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

18 30

ful cces u S A ect Proj







The Stakeholders

Who are the stakeholders and how do they interact ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

This confirmed to me how complex the project was and how much consideration will be needed to provide enough benefits for each stakeholder.

Rider Interactions

Moving Forward.

1. Flexibility 2. Safety when traveling. 3. Progress and journey monitoring with predicted arrival.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.



Rider Interactions - Flexibility

Making a flexible service ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.

Rider Interactions - Safety

Safety is top priority ? Insights.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.



Rider Interactions - Live Data

Making an informative live data backed application. ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.

Driver Interactions

Moving Forward.

1. Detailed Advanced Schedule. 2. GPS Guidance 3. Ratings.

Jamie Cuthbertson - Potential driver and daily commuter

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to geet true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.



Driver Interactions - Advanced Scheduling

Making an informative live data backed application. ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.

Driver Interactions - GPS Guidance

Making an informative live data backed application. ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.



Driver Interactions - Passenger Rating

Making an informative live data backed application. ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.

Renters Interactions

Moving Forward.

1. Digital Access 2. GPS Guidance

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.



Renter Interactions - Digital Key

Making an easily accessible vehicle. Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.

Renter Interactions - GPS Guidance

Making an informative live data backed application. ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a range of friends willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.



Government Interactions

Moving Forward.

Michael West - Northumberland Councillor Michael assisted with the development of the project by helping to analyse the important benefits and incentives that governments could potential offer to registered drivers. We also discussed how Carmunity could be promoted.

Having a range of assistants willing to help me out with my project allowed me to get true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.

Service Provider Interactions

Moving Forward.

Dr Gregor Stock - Volkswagen Smart Mobility Project Lead

Having a range of assistants willing to help me out with my project allowed me to gwet true insights and feedback from the group in order to validate my designs.


59 Design Development

How and Why Does It Feel Like It Does

Kevin Mcullagh - Plan Detail Finalizing Final Blueprint Service Map Touchpoint - Welcome Kit Application Development Stage 1 Application Development Stage 2 Application Development Stage 3 User Flow Testing Interface Reflection Finalizing Branding Vehicle Branding Developing Business Case Future Expansion

62 63 66 67 70 71 74 75 78 79 82 84 85 88

Kevin Mcullagh - (Plan) Suggestions

Industry views on my service ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a contact and feedback from external professionals makes the project more viable so i took the insights from Kevin as a positive and developed them further.

This was frustrating as i thought that i had the concept nailed and it meant yet more time being spent on developing the blueprint and service maps.



VW Feedback - Detail Finalizing

Getting the details right. Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having two industry recognized professional validators agree with one another and with my work proved i was on track with a successful concept, this spurred me on and motivated me once again.

Final Blueprint

Settling on a concept. Insights.

Moving Forward.

It felt good to finally have a solid concept that portrayed the service although there were still some unanswered questions.

I Suddenly found that although i had settled on a final concept there were atill alot of decisions to be made as i unearthed more and more unanswered questions.



Service Mapping I produced a more visual service map outlining the main stages and areas of the concept, I then talked through this with my main stakeholders to make sure they fully understood the concept and to see if they had any further suggestions.

Visually displaying the service. Insights.

Moving Forward.

This visual method of displaying really helped my stakeholders to further understand and outline the service.

The process of creating an isometric vector map was extremely slow and time consuming.

Touch-point - Welcome Kit

What is in the welcome kit ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

The welcome kit meant that lots of unanswered questions could finally be answered to provide a sound concept with no floors.



Application Development 1 - Wire framing

How does the app work ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Creating a wireframe was a simple and easy was to understand how the app should and needs to work. This then meant it would be quick, simple and easy to turn the sketches into digital versions.

Starting to develop an application from scratch proved to be very difficult until i understood the main functions and areas the application needed to have.

Application Development 2 - Turning Digital I then quickly tuned the sketched wire frame mock-ups into quick digital prototypes, this allowed me to understand the app in a graphical sense.

Digitalizing the app screens Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a digital mockup meant i could experiment with graphics and design of the app quickly and easily until i was happy with the layout.



Application Development 3 - Details

Outlining details of the app. Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a detailed finished first draft of each app screen meant i could seek feedback and mock-up usage scenarios to help me understand changes that needed to be made to the app.

This proved to be an extremely slow process which took longer than it should have. This set me back.

App Development 4 - User Flow Testing

How does the service work with the app ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Having a visual representation of the service was very useful showing how the service would work alongside the app ! it allowed the users to further understand this.

The process meant that i again needed to make changes to the application screens which had already taken up alot of time.



The validators all commented on the final version of the Carmunity application.

Leah - Potential Rider

Jamie - Potential Driver

Ben - Potential Rider

Having my potential users as my validators and testers helped me to develop a successful aesthetically pleasing app for the service.

Finalizing Branding

Brand guideline booklet Insights.

Moving Forward.


Vehicle Graphics

Giving the vehicle a name ! Insights.

Moving Forward.

my rom posal f t . ro ho ct p brief en s Scre al proje initial initi ing the show



Government Funding.

Riders one off subscription.

Pay per use rental income.

Driver is paid his running costs by Carmunity.


Developing Business Case

How will the service operate financially ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

The business model canvas allows me to understand the main interaction and revenue points within the business model and the potential for future growth.

Future Expansion.

Future Potentials ? Insights.

Moving Forward.

Carrying out a simple business model canvas showed me the potential of my idea.

These areas wouldn be interesting to investigate further but i did not have resources or time.






89 Communication Development The Process Of Presenting

Final Submission Service Map Overview Blueprint Welcome Kit Storyboarding & Script Writing Camera Help Filming Editing Board Developments

91 94 95 98 99 102 103 106 107


Final Submission The presentation to conclude the project consisted of the deliverables shown below.

1. Boards 2.Welcome Pack 3.Video 4.Business Model Canvas 5.Service Map 6.Blueprint 7.Application 8.Branding Guide

I was happy with my final submission, i felt it covered all areas of my service and clearly explained it in the appropriate way. I was most happy with the outcome of my service map and video. it is something that is completely new to me and i feel as thought they are done to a professional level.

To explain the service i needed in depth blueprints and service maps, this was not possible on the presentation space that was available so i had to present the work rolled up. If i had a larger presentation area this would have had a better impact. I also would have liked to create a website.

Service Map Overview The service map was created on illustrator using isometric vectors and close-ups for each stage of the service.

How can i show the service in a graphical way. Insights. I found this to be an effective interesting way of communicating how the service would work although it was a slow process.

Moving Forward. I then needed to show how all of the stages overlap and stakeholders link with one another. The service map showed the concept in rough detail but I needed a document to show all details had been considered.

This method communicates the service in a detailed interesting compelling way instead of a storybopard.

This was a time consuming process which pushed my laptop to the verge of death, the elements all took so long to move around because of the file size it was a pain to use.



Blueprint The blueprint shows the interactions between all parties in great detail highlighting the touch-points and engagements with one another.

The details of the service. Insights. This shows that all points of the service have been thoroughly considered.

Moving Forward. The blueprint shows the key touch-points which have been designed to help stakeholders interact with one another.

The detailed document covered all considered aspects of the service, this was an effective way of showing and collating all of the information intro a deliverable.

A lengthy document to present and difficult to display without the document being extremely large in size or the writing not being readable because of the amount of detail it contains.

Welcome Kit The welcome kit is the first touch-point a registered driver will encounter with Carmunity, the kit has been designed to get them started as quickly and easily as possible.

Designing the welcome kit Insights. The welcome kit is the first interaction with carmunity so it must provide a simple easy to understand set of instruction and guidance.

The welcome kit plugs gaps of unanswered questions and touch points within the service.

When designing a service from scratch for the future it is diffcult to know what will be needed for the user to get started.


Carmunit y Voice O ver Scrip t ! Script !C armu

nity‌ the ve r future of y Voice O it n the Rura u m r a C l to Urban The regis commute ly te u te m re m k d o driver re c n a rb sc g his wee U h c in to e e tt l iv d u u e ra p le s u n i a i R n n k e to d c h o a t t p h p f e e e n o a s thte pp sitoy h re om s. armunity u e C the futu n wee clcan bre e m welc coam e Carmu tcm rmunity‌


ome pack hed with r Ca Hed t o for futu hepnenos llth inputting iders f or oew ithe r wideers s th w his week ceives vaenhic a ftc is fu d re h ture com h r to e l v lc y ri o in ly m d m le e V d m e . y b p re utes. it n a n te a c u k is c i g e n rm e h st a r o ru e C s h e ctions an T plies th the app p d to a a n d p i n p a le li u e s s the Carm sched Thea rcidk ienr struction unity Vin requests yl to his r elcompeo p fo ri s d w it e e a s te th b w y s n d i ti w n n a o p a l ll u m n o tt o f a in ti tc n a g h c t e li h s. p e p ir He the s a chedule i the nto the a edule into pplication vehicle. When ttthin their sch g and wait e u re p n i i s y a b m s for s e a chedules tc d and ind s ri h e , s id th st r e e g r u in id q iv m e id re r o u r c w a e p l il id ri l u b d w e e n p ie The r o v ro ti o fi fi s. les nadn a ed and ab len t iti l matche a db le to view eraries potentia The nighet r will be notified upcomin b g ride sch id e r fo e re th t , ra h s e and he edules v tc e e w a ri l im il th t l ra m b e a e re e d n s u a i ti ri rt i b v a re le d e p e n r t e h a w o t d s v il n d l ie le e e b fi w e st n h ro e Wh o g is p g ti r e u fi o d e ute d of the s itif ntheera sry idual ri d o ugge fo and indiv The drive er will be notifie depa rtu journeyr . tomorrows journ stedm s v w r o ri le rr a d v o e e m eayta s th l th to . fro his re time and he e r e v h o sm ra f o d t u a ry e se rt re h ra p t a fo e h e n n rs o b d e ti n begins h th transf t oute ie to the centr rop offs The nigh loisn r al conso luetoiso commou p g the way viewa h ps and d B o u , k t te te ic le , u b B le lu m a i . etooth tra n the v him t is com will be nsfers begins h is guidingehicle, this guidin ouse and in the vehicle, th g him to p the data from his h e T th h e s d e v ri ickups an le a v e le so r r n fo e o d drop off ntral c llows the in-ca The driv s r navigati to t he ce e n o h p o rt n to t oint. sma W pickup phe first pickup po way. hen the driver is the int. aaptiporona tcoh the first along the pickup lo ce eds to ro ing the pic vig cna-c tiaor nn wah ed and p fi ti k i o u e e p re n p th is s he can tra the rider oint the rid p. r follows The drive When t up poinckt the dri ersn p a lroive maer is notified and he driavechr ing the pick vers progressv o p gress on a ro a p ri rr liv uesi m he roceeds to the p d iv aripvpelir cisa a is nga tp. egins tion ohr eth can traecs ka tnhde meets wit h d t e h rm t fi n n e b o e cen h the pid Wh fo winhgere s art er iebs octh p efore the driver the navig tral consolee i rnid tehr eboth r catilloonw arties con tion b h vehic ale ationts t w pickup lo a t c h li it p fi p rm o o t this usin r the app he rideicrsle d or the d mee g the lication b rop off po e veh W rrives an efore the re int. t. sole in th e dhrievne ir na then vtreahl iccle in n h o o e ve ir s be dri t p n ff e , th h o e p n W o t e ro h h also o ar nth c gins e p d e r rt rs id ma s.o.s butt to the rideer can trac on k the pro the trip on their s applicati ation on in case of ig v a g f re n e o ss emerg p of the tri g th ress p on their followin the enrocyg. When the smartph can track vehichlee h r e id r a one, there . a t y s c succehss le n a ic rr e h iv rg e is e r confirm e vful carm d e m e a v e ri t f t th d n o d i e n d n se a a u ro r te c e p n a Whe o i id n n ff r d o l r th o tt a o c u te a b ti b t n o h .s o n e both .o experieffn locati alsoT ahne s rid ce wit other. rider and driver c drop o er enters onfirm a ed at the ence with onhe o anne another. iv rr w a o s rk a and weil e xpceeriiv ehicle h l v re h e t h t te n a e e r a trip sum Wh The drivecarmute and . . m ary ary l r su ccessfu then continues his ceive a trip summ j re o l u il rn w e d y to work Registe rk an . re enters wo s in hee rr ider d Carmunity vehic oTrd to work. y bus lane e rn le to travel u s o a j re is ng region h p ti s e a quicoknly e rm u ip n it ic ti te rt d to travevel in pa around t r then c he city. to tra l in participati The drive ermitted ng region p re a s le bus lane ic h e v y it s in n . y u it rm c a e d C round th a ly Registere k ic u q l e v ra order to t

Script Writing + Storyboarding The next stage was the video story board and script, i drafted this numerous times until i was happy with the final outcome.

Drafting a video. Insights. The video needed to display all key features without being long and boring, the best way to do this was to create a voiceover. I wrote my script to coincide with my storyboard and contracted a voiceover specialist to record the voiceover for me.

Moving Forward. I had to wait for the voiceover to come back, in the mean time I prepared to record the video.

Preparing the script and storyboard allowed me to meticulously pan the video and shooting locations in advance.

Outsourcing the voiceover made my life easier but the stress of relying on somebody else wasn’t pleasant at all as they could easily drop me in it !



Editing The Footage Using Adobe Premiere Pro for a polished final submission video, I began editing first of all with a rough cut.

Preparing the film Insights. Premiere pro is easy to use and allowed me to simply edit my film using basic transitions and graphics to add my app screens. Alot of my video editing was learnt by following tutorials online.

Moving Forward. I needed to polish my video so it looked clean cut and I also needed to edit the video to the timings of the script so that the pre recorded voiceover could be added to the video.

I was very happy with thew outcome of the video and i managed to produce a professional looking explanatory video which wasn’t too long but showed all of the key features of the mobility service.

Editing was time consuming and hard work as it was something i am not familiar with.



Board Development I spent alot of time trying to get to grip with my boards and to get my concept across in the boards simply, cleanly and to also show all of the other neccecary content.

How does the service work ? Insights. Portraying digital work on a flat service proved to be very difficult without it looking cramped and a series of screen shots ! It was worth spending alot of time on this. Ultimately i am happy with the way my boards came out.

After multiple iterations myself and Howard were happy with my boards, they showed a mixed range of content to explain the service alongside the video which explained the concept perfectly.

If i were to redo my board i maybe would have done them in a minimalistic style as it would be cleaner and easier to follow, but to get all necessary information on the boards it had too looked cramped slightly.

109 Reflection & Future

How Did It Go Where Is It Going ?

Concept Review Validators Feedback & Suggestions User Feedback & Suggestions Personal Statement

112 113 117 122

Concept Review. I discussed the final hand in with my validators and potential users, there are still a few areas which I believe have not been considered enough.

What still needs to be considered ? How do you monitor damage on the vehicle ? Who would pay if the vehicle needed refuelled ? How do you stop drunk drivers from renting ? What about rental or ridesharing insurance ? What happens if no drivers match with you ?

This allowed me to plan out the future if the project was to be continued


Validator Feedback make the decision about merging all concepts together.


Validators Suggestions. After discussing the project with the team at Volkswagen they have suggested I look into or carry out the following tasks to further the project.

Professional advice on what to do next ? Look into 3rd party vehicle access laws Look into insurance informations Develop the business model further.


Potential Users Feedback

make the decision about merging all concepts together.

David Harpham


Leah Beveridge

Ben Mole

Jamie Cuthbertson

Potential Users Suggestions After discussing next steps with the potential users of the service I noted their suggestions for future developments.

Advice on what to do next ? Investigate damage to vehicle policies What will be the backup if no matches are made ? Is it illegal on insurance to rideshare ?



Personal Statement



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