Carmunity Service Blueprint

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Service Map + Blueprint .






Distinctive Marketing Recognisable Strapline

Simple set up Contact info Guidance Step by step guide

The driver spots the Carmunity marketing material and is interesting in the scheme so he signs up and registered as a driver.

The driver receives the welcome pack and follows the instructions within and arranges an appointment with the software engineer.







Guidance Easy application Removable Vinyl

The driver applies vinyls to his vehicle in the correct position using the brand guidelines information.

Step by step guidance Help contact details

Driver enters his weekly commuting schedule and waits for a match.

Short concise notification Departure time Passenger info

Driver receives notification of matches for the upcoming week and is able to view his schedule for the upcoming days.

Reminder of departure time

Driver follows the advice of the application and leaves the house at the specified time.

Route Info Timings Passenger Info Vehicle stats

Route Info Timings Passenger Info Live updates

The driver starts the vehicle and the in car GPS system syncs with the mobile device to transfer data.

The driver follows the in car GPS system towards the pickup point where he will meet the passenger.

Alert at pickup location Passenger Info Live updates Confirmation of pickup button

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

The Driver arrives at the pickup location after following the gps system, the rider can recognise the Carmunity vehicle by distinct branding.

Driver checks the safety information matches before confirming the pickup was successful.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver follows the on screen gps system which guides the driver to the drop off location of the passenger using the quickest route possible.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver and rider approach the drop off point, this signals to the gps system that the passenger should be dropped off soon.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver pulls in at a suitable location and the passenger exits the vehicle. The driver confirms the successful departure on the on board media unit.

Logistical data Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver the continues to follow the navigation and proceed to work, using bus lanes in and around the city as a perk of being a Carmunity driver.

Rental information Parking Assistance Vehicle condition

Navigation guides the driver to his personally reserved parking space outside of his work. The driver parks in the reserved space.


Billboards Social Media Vehicle Advertising Word of Mouth

Flyers Press. Website

Drivers personal welcome pack containing instructions, welcome leaflet and important info, and the application.

Instructions included in the welcome pack.

Mobile device application and getting started leaflet help the driver set up the account and programme schedule into the app.

App download and welcome pack.

Brand material and getting started guide

Brand material and getting started guide

Mobile device application informs the driver of itinerary and set off time for the morning commute.

Mobile application reminds the driver of itinerary and set off time for the morning commute.

Mobile app connects via bluetooth with the in car gps system to navigate to the rider and the pickup point.

In car GPS gather coordinates from the carmunity app to guide the driver to the pickup point with the rider.

Carmunity vinyl easily distinguished by the rider, GPS system recognises the pickup location and brings up the pickup confirmation screen.

Application connects with vehicle.

Application connects with vehicle.

GPS Guidance

GPS Guidance

Live Updates Location of vehicle Schedule Vehicle and driver info

The confirmation of pickup button safely confirms the rider is on board and brings up the gps screen to guide to the drop off point.

The smart GPS system calculates the quickest route to the drop off point taking into account live traffic information and updates.

As the vehicle approaches the drop off location the driver is alerted and the confirmation of drop off button appears.

GPS Guidance

GPS Guidance

GPS Guidance

Live Updates Safety Info Schedule Vehicle and driver info

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

The confirmation of drop off button safely confirms the rider has been dropped off.

Rental information Parking Assistance Vehicle condition

Rental information Parking Assistance Vehicle condition Info

Rental information Vehicle Status

The driver leavers and locks the vehicle before heading into work.

The vehicle is listed as available for rental on the Carmunity app. The vehicle can be rented on a pay per use basis.

The driver is notified of a successful rental and can view the income from the journey and certain details such as vehicle condition.




Route Info Timings Passenger Info Vehicle stats

The driver is notified of the details for the upcoming commute home and the itinerary for the route.

Route Info Timings Passenger Info Live updates

The driver leaves work and enters the vehicle, this syncs the app data with the in car media unit.

Alert at pickup location Passenger Info Live updates Confirmation of pickup button

The driver follows the in car navigation to the pickup point.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

The driver arrives at the pickup point after following the navigation in the vehicle.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The rider enters the vehicle and the driver confirms this was successful using the in car system.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver and rider commute home following the in car GPS system.

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver and rider approach the drop off point, this signals to the gps system that the passenger should be dropped off soon.

Logistical data Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button Vehicle condition

The driver pulls in at a suitable location and the passenger exits the vehicle. The driver confirms the successful departure on the on board media unit.

Route info Parking Assistance Vehicle condition

Driver continues to follow the GPS guidance back to his home address.

Summary of the day Parking Assistance Vehicle condition

Schedule Departure times Vehicle condition Info

Driver parks the vehicle at home and locks the car.

Later in the evening the driver would receive his schedule for tomorrows commute.


The navigation for the driver takes into account the cities bus lanes for quicker travel in and around urban areas.

The navigation guides the driver to his reserved parking place.

The gps system recognises the vehicle is parked at the drivers work location and is locked the system then lists the vehicle on the app as available for rental.

The system lists the car as available to rent on a pay per use basis, the vehicle is listed as must be returned before a specified time when the driver finishes work so he can commute home.

Mobile application informs the driver of rental, he can then check the condition of the vehicle by viewing the rental receipt.

Mobile application reminds the driver of the evening itinerary and set off time for the commute home.

Mobile app connects via bluetooth with the in car gps system to navigate to the rider and the pickup point.

In car GPS gather coordinates from the carmunity app to guide the driver to the pickup point with the rider.

GPS Guidance

GPS Guidance

Data transfer to app


Application Notification

Application Notification

Application transfer data to GPS

GPS system

GPS system

Route Info Timings Rider Info Meeting Point location

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

Carmunity vinyl easily distinguished by the rider, GPS system recognises the pickup location and brings up the pickup confirmation screen.

The confirmation of pickup button safely confirms the rider is on board and brings up the gps screen to guide to the drop off point.

The smart GPS system calculates the quickest route to the drop off point taking into account live traffic information and updates.

As the vehicle approaches the drop off location the driver is alerted and the confirmation of drop off button appears.

GPS system

GPS system

GPS system

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

The navigation system then continues to guide the driver home from the last drop off point.

The gps system recognises the vehicle is parked at the drivers home location and shuts down the system, this signalling end of day.

The system would then inform the driver of his commute itinerary for tomorrow in order to prepare him.

GPS system

GPS system

GPS system

Data transfer to application

Route info ride receipt rating screen

Route info ride receipt rating screen

The confirmation of drop off button safely confirms the rider has been dropped off.


Marketing material contact.

Viewing ride matches

GPS Guidance


Distinctive Marketing Recognisable Strapline




The rider spots the Carmunity marketing material and is interesting in finding an alternative to public transport so she downloads the app.

Convenient Affordable Simple to use Easy to set up

Convenient Affordable Simple to use Easy to set up

Live Updates Location of vehicle Schedule

Shows Key Info Simple Notification Shows itinerary

The rider downloads the application on an android or IOS device and registers as a renter, agreeing to the subscription fee.

The Rider enters her weekly schedule into the application and submits this to the service provider.

Rider receives notification showing the matches the system has found, the rider can then view the matches in more detail to prepare for the commute.

The application guides the rider through the sign up process and registers them as a rider.

Mobile application prompts entry of commuting details, this can be altered at any time.

Mobile device application show the rider the schedule and profiles of the driver for the upcoming week.



Live Updates Location of vehicle Schedule

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

Route info ride receipt rating screen

Rider is notified that the driver is approaching and they should proceed to the meeting point.

Rider is at the meeting point ahead of schedule to keep the commute running on time. The rider can track driver progress using the app.

The Driver arrives at the pickup location after following the gps system, the rider can recognise the Carmunity vehicle by distinct branding.

Passenger checks the safety information matches before entering the vehicle and confirming the pickup was successful.

The passenger can track the progress of the journey within the app and also view predicted arrival time.

The driver and rider approach the drop off point, this signals to the gps system that the passenger should be dropped off soon.

The driver pulls in at a suitable location and the passenger exits the vehicle. The rider confirms the successful departure on-the application.

The passenger into work and next time the app is opened they will be prompted ton rate their driver and experience. The rider will also receive a ride receipt.

App notifies the rider that the driver is approaching and they must proceed to the meeting / pickup point to keep to schedule.

App allows the passenger to track the progress of the driver and monitor how far they are away. It also shows details such as vehicle make and registration.

Carmunity vinyl easily distinguished by the rider, GPS on the app recognises the vehicle has arrived at the location and brings up the pickup confirmation screen.

The confirmation of pickup button safely confirms the rider is on board and brings up the gps screen to guide to the drop off point.

Tracking progress allows rider to check the course of the journey, there is also an s.o.s button in case of emergency.

As the vehicle approaches the drop off location the rider is alerted and the confirmation of drop off button appears.

The confirmation of drop off button safely confirms the rider has been dropped off.


Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data

Route Info Timings Rider Info Meeting Point location

Safety checks Updated route info Live updates Help Button

The Rider receives a notification for the evening commute reminding them of crucial information such as timings and meeting points.

The Rider receives a notification reminding them that the driver has set off and they should proceed to the pickup point.

Rider is at the meeting point ahead of schedule to keep the commute running on time. The rider can track driver progress using the app.

The Driver arrives at the pickup location after following the gps system, the rider can recognise the Carmunity vehicle by distinct branding.

The passenger can track the progress of the journey within the app and also view predicted arrival time.

The driver and rider approach the drop off point, this signals to the gps system that the passenger should be dropped off soon.

The driver pulls in at a suitable location and the passenger exits the vehicle. The rider confirms the successful departure on the application.

Passenger confirms their successful departure and is then presented with a trip receipt.

Rider receives a receipt showing route, timings, driver details and distance travelled for safety reasons. It also gives the rider a chance to rate drivers.

App notifies the rider the itinerary for the evening commute, the notification shows driver profile, meeting point and timings.

App notifies the rider that the driver is approaching and they must proceed to the meeting / pickup point to keep to schedule.

App allows the passenger to track the progress of the driver and monitor how far they are away. It also shows details such as vehicle make and registration.

Carmunity vinyl easily distinguished by the rider, GPS on the app recognises the vehicle has arrived at the location and brings up the pickup confirmation screen.

The confirmation of pickup button safely confirms the rider is on board and brings up the gps screen to guide to the drop off point.

Tracking progress allows rider to check the course of the journey, there is also an s.o.s button in-case of emergency.

As the vehicle approaches the drop off location the rider is alerted and the confirmation of drop off button appears.

The confirmation of drop off button safely confirms the rider has been dropped off.

Application using vehicle data




Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data


Route info ride receipt rating screen

The passenger proceeds home, next time the app is opened they will be prompted too rate their driver and experience. The rider will also receive a ride receipt.



Billboards Social Media Vehicle Advertising Word of Mouth

Flyers Press. Website

Rider receives a receipt showing route, timings, driver details and distance travelled for safety reasons. It also gives the rider a chance to rate drivers.


TOUCHPOINT INTERACTION Marketing material contact.



Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data

Application using vehicle data



Vehicle location Vehicle details Vehicle status Rental Times

Vehicle location Vehicle details Your location




The renter clicks on the rental option, this shows him a map with all nearby vehicles available for rental.

He then reserves the vehicle using the app, this gives the renter 30 minutes to start using the vehicle or the reservation will be cancelled.

The app shows each vehicles status, location, return time and more to allow the renter to correctly select the right vehicle for rental.

The app shows the vehicles status, location, return time and more to allow the renter to identify the vehicle when searching for it.

Vehicle location Vehicle details GPS location Guidance Arrival time

The renter follows the map guidance on the app to find the vehicle.

Vehicle location Vehicle details GPS location Guidance Arrival time

GPS location Guidance Digital Key Vehicle access Instructions

GPS location Security Info Digital Key Vehicle access Instructions

The renter arrives at the location and identifies the vehicle using the information shown on the application.

When the renter arrives he is presented with a digital key on the app screen, he uses this to unlock and start the vehicle.

When the renter starts the engine his profile syncs with the media unit in the car prompting him to enter his unique renter pin for safety reasons.

GPS location Return times Vehicle status Navigation Parking info

He then can use the vehicle at his own leisure in and around the city.

GPS location Return times (notifications) Vehicle status Navigation Parking info

GPS location Return times Vehicle status Navigation Parking info

GPS location Security Info Digital Key Vehicle access Instructions

GPS location Security Info Digital Key Vehicle access Instructions

Digital Key Ride receipt Summary Billing information

The renter also can use the perks of free parking for carmunity vehicles in designated areas in and around the city.

If the car is due back and the renter is not finished using the vehicle he will be presented with a warning and a button to guide him to the drop off in time.

When the car is returned an end rental message will appear, this will signal that the rental is over and will trigger a bill and charge to be made against the renter.

The renter leaves the vehicle and locks the car using his smart-phone application.

This is will make sure that the vehicle is in the correct place for the return commute home. If the renter ignores this warning his account will be debited with a large fine.

The end rental button only appears when the vehicle is returned, this will notify the owner that the vehicle has been returned and he will be able to view income from this rental.

Smartphone locking means that no digital key is required and makes for a better user experience.

For safety issues a receipt and bill is sent to the renter this shows trip details, route, vehicle status and the amount debited from the renters account.

GPS system

Application transfer data to GPS


The renter is emailed a digital receipt showing his usage info and billing info. The car is parked in the same space for when the owner begins the commute home.




Mobile application guides the renter to the vehicle so that he can find the rented vehicle as soon as possible.

Guidance is carried out in real time to be more accurate and user friendly.

The use of the digital key against the RFID reader means the renter can access and use the vehicle withut the physical key.

Syncing and security number from the application provide added safety features to make sure the renter is a legitimate user.

GPS screen does not guide the driver although if he is ready to return the vehicle the return button will guide him back to the drop off location.

The GPS system also shows these designated parking spaces to make it easier for the renter to use them.



Application transfer data to GPS

Application transfer data to GPS

GPS system

GPS system





Money payed out through marketing and promotional campaigns will be re invested in Carmunity through new users and members of the service.

When the rider signs up and registers a subscription fee will be charged, this entitles the rider to unlimited usage across the payed period of time.

The service provider must market the scheme to appeal to all of the stakeholders otherwise there will not be enough participants.

Background check the driver and provide him with a ridesharing licences, they must make the set up process as simple as possible.

Algorithm works out riders and drivers and pairs up requests for the upcoming week, taking into account timings and drop off and pickup locations.


Government incentives and publicity make the scheme more attractive, especially for first time service users.

Approve ridesharing licences and log vehicles as being allowed to travel around the city using bus lanes or without paying congestion charge.

Encourage users of the service both drivers and riders.

Provide unique ridesharing ID and registered vehicle as a specialist ridesharing vehicle.

Drivers and riders can view the profiles of their match, showing vehicle info, mutual friends on social media and interests.



Government could adopt the scheme or provide it as a conventional method of mobility in order to encourage change.

In the future ridesharing may not need an approved licence it may be commonplace.

Leaving Home

GPS system

The company earns revenue from the pay per use rental scheme.





Driver and rider are matched and schedule is created before each party is notified of the upcoming itinerary.

Reminder sent to driver the night before travel showing the itinerary and reminding of departure time.







System notifies both parties that the drop off is approaching in preparation for the driver to pull over and the rider to exit the vehicle.

Notifies the driver that it is time to leave the house and start the commute.

When the driver is a set distance from the rider the rider is informed so that they can be at the pickup on time.

System should provide safe secure methods of identifying and meeting with potential riders and drivers

System should provide safe secure methods of identifying and meeting with potential riders and drivers





System should operate ahead of schedule to minimise delays and make sure both parties arrive at work on time.

System waits until driver is nearby so the rider is not waiting alone for a long period of time.

Driver ID Number Vehicle Info Meeting Point Data Liver progress tracker Confirmation of pickup button

Driver ID Number Vehicle Info Meeting Point Data Liver progress tracker Confirmation of pickup button

Driver ID Number Vehicle Info Meeting Point Data Liver progress tracker Confirmation of pickup button

Emergency services s.o.s button to contact emergency services directly in-case of an emergency.





Use of autonomous vehicles which do not require a driver and are not subject to delays.

Confirmation of pick-ups and drop off will be replaced by a smart system that detects the pickup happened successfully.

No need for emergency button if there is no driver of an autonomous vehicle.


Picking Up Passenger

System allows and notifies both parties when the other party is at the pickup point.


System allows both rider and driver to track the progress of their commute, and they should also have the option of an emergency button.


Government authorise the use of registered carmunity vehicles in reserved parking spaces and bus lanes in and around the city.

Gives both driver and rider the chance top rate one another for safety reasons.

Operator authorises registered vehicles for use within city bus lanes and reserved parking places.

System guides driver to nearest reserved parking place.

Government authorise the use of registered carmunity vehicles in reserved parking spaces and bus lanes in and around the city.

Government provide specialist parking privileges to Carmunity vehicles and prepare parking places at reserved locations.

Two way rating and drop off confirmation system for added rider and driver safety.







System checks vehicle data and publishes this with the rental details within the app.

System shows the vehicles available for rental that are closest to the potential renter.




Monitoring of vehicle conditions and locations for security and safety.

Vehicle listed for rental with an earlier than needed return time in-case of delay.


System recognises vehicle is parked outside of work and lists the vehicle as available to rent on the app.

If the vehicle is autonomous parking may not be required for the vehicle and it can complete other services in and around the city in its downtime.

Companies can add features such as carmunity delivery instead of hiring delivery drivers, providing flexibility to daily lives. for e.g parcel drop off service.

Dropping Off Pasenger

Rentals may become ridehailing in the future when autonomy becomes widely available.

Arriving At Work

System removes the vehicle from the rental list for the 30 minute period so it is no longer visible to other potential renters.


This stops overbooking and renter being left disappointed if somebody else beats them to the vehicle.

Autonomous vehicles could effectively operate as taxis carrying multiple passengers to different destinations in one trip.

GPS guidance must provide accurate forecasts for arrival time and up to date directions.


Forecasting is based on a worst case scenario so that delays are taken into account.


Digital key is provided to the renter which enables vehicle access and ignition.


Provides a simple security check to ensure the driver is the person they claim to be.


Show the renter a live map of their current location and free carmunity parking areas in and around the city.

Money payed out to the driver as a percentage of income earned through pay per use rentals.

Show the renter the time left before the vehicle needs to be returned and give them an option of navigation back to the return point.

Notify the renter they need to start to return the vehicle and warn them of a serious fine should they not, also provide a route back to the parking point.

Ask the renter to confirm the end of the rental and provide them with a digital key to lock the vehicle.

Provide renter with a digital key to lock the vehicle. a receipt will then be generated and money debited from renters account, giving the correct share to the vehicle owner.

Highlight carmunity parking in and around the city and bus lanes which the renter can use.





Prevents the rider being left with a huge fine and makes sure logistically the vehicles are in the correct place at the correct time.

This prevents identity fraud and confirms the renter is who they say they are.

No need to meet up for physical key handover.

Vehicle if autonomous could stop operating as a taxi and return to the owners location at a specified time automatically.

Could potentially be touch identification or retina identification.


This prevents identity fraud and confirms the renter is who they say they are.


Prevents the rider being left with a huge fine and makes sure logistically the vehicles are in the correct place at the correct time.


Could potentially be touch identification or retina identification.



Vehicle Is Rented Out On A Pay Per Use Basis Whilst The Vehicle Owner Is At Work

Leaving Work

Picking up rider


Send a copy of the rental receipt to the renter and notify the owner of the vehicles return and income it has generated.


Used for safety and financial purposes to show a transparency behind the service.


Money payed out to the driver to cover vehicle costs so that he always breaks even, if the drivers rental income is greater than vehicle operating costs nothing will be paid ton the driver.

Government support the scheme and inject money into the business to promote and encourage public use.

Notify the rider and driver of their schedule for the ride home so that they do not have to worry or try to organise trip home whilst at work.

Government encourage and promote the scheme so more riders and drivers are available at all times.

Notifications should include safety features such as vehicle info and rider or driver details as-well as meeting points.


System notifies driver the correct time to depart (or the ideal time ).

GPS takes data from the application to guide driver.

System should provide safe secure methods of identifying and meeting with potential riders and drivers

System allows and notifies both parties when the other party is at the pickup point.

System allows both rider and driver to track the progress of their commute, and they should also have the option of an emergency button.

System provides safety button to confirm drop off from both parties. Rating system is also used to ensure safety of future riders and drivers.

Government authorise carmunity vehicles the use of bus lanes in and around the city.

Government authorise carmunity vehicles the use of bus lanes in and around the city.





Estimated arrival at pickup point is predicted slightly early so that the trip runs to schedule.


Confirmation of safe pickup button ensure successful meet ups with both driver and rider.

Notifications mean the passenger is waiting at the pickup point for as little time as possible before pickup.

Emergency button to contact emergency services with gps coordinates directly if needed.

Confirmation of safe drop off button ensure successful drop offs with both driver and rider.



Confirmation button may not be needed in future.

Autonomous vehicle will arrive on time to pick up the owner from work.


Confirmation button may not be needed in future.

Drop Off Rider

System recognises vehicle is parked outside of home and system closes down for the day.

System alerts passenger of ride receipt and provides them with a copy for safety reasons.

System stores ride info in the history section of the app for the rider and the driver.




Ride receipt used for safety measures and can be used to settle any disputes.


Copy of all ride receipts sent to service provider.


Ride receipt used for safety measures and can be used to settle any disputes.

Copy of all ride receipts sent to service provider.

System provides notifications for the next days travel so both driver and rider can prepare.


Prepares both rider and driver for the day ahead.


Driver Returns Home

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