Jordan Ware Critical Justification 1

Page 1


Automotive Paradigm Shift a focus on vehicle ownership

00 Introduction & Planning Project Background

11 Discovering & Exploring Investigative Research



Defining The Opportunity

Developing The Concept

Choosing A Direction

Design Development

00 Introduction & Planning Project Background

How to read this document. Work Experience & Personal Motivation Collaborators Background Time Plan Initial Brief & Research Areas

02 04 05 06 07 09

How to read the document.




Why did i do this ?

What did i find out ?

How will i build on this ?




Useful Activiy

Non Useful Activity

Opinion On The Task




Robert Clifton

Product Specialist : Tesla Dr. Gregor Stock Thomas Abrell

Service Designer: Volkswagen AG Linus Schaaf Service Designer : Volkswagen AG

Smart Mobility Team

Volkswagen AG Bellingham Residents

Rural Villagers, Northumberland Howard Fenwick

Tutor : Northumbria University.

I would like to thank each and every one of the participants who collaborated with me and helped to validate my project.



Timeplan. I used the Double diamond model to add structure to my project and to divide the project up into focus areas.

















Initial Brief.

Framing the problem and filling in the detailed idea template allowed me to seek feedback before conducting initial research.

my rom posal f t . ro ho ct p brief en s Scre al proje initial initi ing the show



Name Project Title 




Jordan Ware Paradigm Sh ift

in the Auto

motive Ind ustry


The automo tive industry is changing, convention moving aw al approach ay from ind es of mobili technologie ividual vehic ty. This par s and softw adigm shift le ownersh are is open mobility se ip and combined w ing up a ran rvices, tran it h ge new emerg sportation of possibiliti and logistic e s an d opportunitie ing al solutions. s for new User(s) I will define the user by a specific ge logistic serv ogr ice offered. For e.g (rura aphic location or defin e it by the ty l uk) or a (P 2P) approac pe of mobili h. This is st ty or ill undecide Idea d.

Initial resear ch will inve stigate what around the is already o world wheth ut there (fo er this be lo technologie r the chose w tech solu s. I could lo n user grou tions or hig ok at and an applied to th p) all h tech grou alyses how e chosen use n d breaking th e e xi r I will also e gr st in o u g p so an lu d tions world xamine use wide could r journeys an create a do/don’t list. details. be d blueprints of service to see how th ey work in Research w more ill be drawn together to brief for maj m aybe produ or. ce a short fi l or similar which sets Exploration the may be div ided into 6 areas. 1. Emergin g and availa ble 2. Congest ion and road technologies use. 3. Consum er expectat ion, (UX) 4. Safety 5. Business Models

These 5 are as may lead into develo exploration pment of 5 . or 6

mini concep

ts as an outc ome of the


Initial Research Areas. After feedback from my tutor it was suggested i now divide the exploration stage of the project into the 4 areas listed below.


13 Discovering & Exploring Investigative Research

Automotive Paradigm Shift The Psychology Behind Vehicle Ownership Disruption Within Other Industries The Rural Inhabitant Key Findings Summary Exploration Feedback Self Assessment

15 25 31 37 48 49 52

15 Automotive Paradigm Shift Investigative Research

Research forecasting & Industry Insights Tesla interview Edinburgh Competetive landscaping Connected vehicle case study

17 16 18 20

Research Forecasting & Industry Insights. I used desk research to analyse the automotive and transportation sector specifically focusing on future predictions referring to sharing economies, and forecasting predictions from industry specialists.

How is the automotive industry going to change ? Insights. The automotive industry is still growing despite the predicted industry disruption. Despite this growth automotive companies and transport providers are moving away from traditional vehicle ownership and focusing on providing mobility services.

Moving Forward. To focus the project i will look at trends such as disruptive forms of vehicle ownership, sharing economies , these areas are predicted ton form the majority of revenue in the future for automotive manufacturers rather than traditional vehicle purchases.


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Tesla Interview.

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Competitive Landscaping. Based on research data and personal opinion i produced 3x competitive analysis landscapes looking at the convenience of modes of transport against the areas in which they are used ie Rural - Urban. The competitive landscapes were carried out for, Pre 2009 mobility services, Present mobility services and also future.

What transport solutions are already available to us ? Insights. Urban areas have a surplus of transport solutions which are sometimes convenient and inconvenient. Rural areas have very few transport solutions or alternatives to public transport. This trend will continue in the future as it is easier to provide on demand mobility solutions in rural areas as there is a higher demand.

Moving Forward. This activity has proven that there is a white spot and will continue to be a white spot in Rural transport solutions for years to come, as a result of this i will investigate rural transport further and focus my investigation.







Trend Case Study, The Connected Car. Connectivity and data are huge trends in the auto industry at the moment, as a result of this I investigated the connected car and what makes it so special. The information collected was collated in the production of a connected vehicle Z- Card.

Why is the connected vehicle so important ? Insights. Connectivity in vehicles is becoming increasingly important, automakers are competing to provide the first fully connected vehicle that connects the lives of its users to make the driving process easier. Connectivity means that user experience is greatly improved for the user and the driving process becomes more convenient and informative.

Moving Forward.

Connectivity is clearly a very important topic in the industry at the moment , because of this i will look to design the final outcome so that is fully connected providing a seamless user experience for all of the stakeholders involved.

25 The Psychology Of Ownership With A Focus On Vehicles. Investigative Research

Flash cards & ritual insights Area survey

27 29


Flash Cards & Ritual Insights. I used a flash card exercise as a conversation starter between members of a rural community in north Northumberland. The exercise acted as a stimulus to aid with conversations with local citizens in order to find out more about rural life,

What are the problems with rural transport ? Insights. Independence and flexibility are some of the main reasons individuals own vehicles in rural areas, most individuals dislike the public transport systems for one reason or another. Timings of the travel are so infrequent and limit the freedom of the users.

Moving Forward.

Vehicle ownership is a key part of rural life, it is important to understand this in more detail and tailor the service i design to replicate or better the sensation and convenience of individual ownership. The designed proposition should challenge the concept of traditional ownership.

Area Survey.

l rura nnaire. e h t o esti y of Cop sport qu tran

rural tra nsport s urvey


31 Disruption Within Other Industries. Investigative Research

Business Model Analysis Case Studies / Interviews

33 35


Business Model Analysis.

Disrupted Businesses Case Studies. I looked at different industries to analyse the effect disruption has had on them, I did this by speaking to individuals who either own or work in businesses that have been affected to understand their view on disruption (mainly digital.)

How has disruption affected business ? Insights. Without digital integration it is virtually impossible for small businesses to compete with market leaders and disruptor’s.

Moving Forward. I will make sure that the design outcome has a digital solution alongside of it in order to maximise usability, convenience and user experience.


37 Rural Inhabitant & Surroundings Investigative Research

User Journey Shadowing. I spent a few days following individual members of the community on their commutes with them replicating the daily tasks and commutes whilst I followed taking photographs and analysing habits and looking for important features of these journeys.

What can we learn from peoples commutes in rural areas ? Insights. Individuals have different habits and quirks when using modes of transport Habits or quirks occur because design of the vehicle or service is not up to standard.

Moving Forward. Taking small insights from user journey shadowing will allow me to generate a range of concepts based on each individuals habits and journey, the individuals selected were all of a different demographic so i have found out different key insights from each commuter.



Persona Interviews.

Rural Understanding. Rural life is all about routines and convenience, it is important to understand issues and routines associated with individual life to gain further insights into the way that communities work. Understanding the target market is extremely important and key when designing for them.

Can i further understand travel issues in rural areas ? Insights. Rural areas are becoming more and more connected with the introduction of fibre optic broadband and 4G across the UK. In rural areas people have lots of reasons to travel, whether it be work, pleasure or something else.

Moving Forward. I must decide on a specific type of travel to target as it is virtually impossible to design an outcome to cover every type of scenario. The designed outcome could also be easily integrated as a digital platform as remote rural areas are becoming more connected throughout the UK.

Allowed me to experience first hand difficulties with rural life.



Census Data. Census and statistical data has been used to understand demographics of the chosen area and gain a further understanding of the demographics and population statistics from the chosen rural area. This will allow me to target conceptual ideas for specific demographics and areas of the population if need be. It is important to understand the demographics of an area fully .

What type of people live in rural areas across the UK ? Insights. Average income in rural areas is higher than in urban areas. £39,000 per year. Most people living in rural areas commute to work in urban environments. Average commuter age in rural area is in the 40’s

Moving Forward. Considering the business proposition of the designed outcome is important, people in rural areas who commute to the city tend to have more disposable income yet spend more time travelling. As tech and connectivity in rural areas is improving solutions can become more technologically advanced. The solution should also be targeted at a younger generation.

Backed up theories with statistical data from recent national surveys,.


Exploration Feedback.


my m o r ot f project h s n e Scre oration expl back. feed

Self Reflection


53 Defining An Opportunity Choosing A Direction


Key Focus Area. Flexibility User Experience Scalable Offering Collating passengers & drivers going the same way Connectivity Targeting Rural to Urban journeys Challenging traditional ownership. Providing incentives to travel together

Redefined Brief #1


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Instagram Blog.

Is there any interest in the work in the work i am doing ? Insights. The blog highlights key developments within the project and is a way of tracking key insights. I have generated public interest in the project by using social media.

Moving Forward. I will continue to post on the blog as it gives all of my collaborators an easy method of following the project.




Contacting Validators. From the contacts gained during the exploratory phase of the project i tried to seek further assistance and advice to aid with the development of the project and the designed outcome. I contacted all sorts of validators from automotive manufacturers to small scale car sharing schemes.

Could i seek industry assistance with my project ? Insights. I managed to seek assistance from the Volkswagen AG smart mobility design and innovation team. They committed time to work on my project.

Moving Forward. I arranged a time and date to fly over to Wolfsburg and present my work to the team before seeking their feedback. I also received a conditional job offer depending on the quality of the project.

Creating Design Parameters. I brainstormed and discussed with peers to come up with a range of considerations that need to be thought about when designing and conceptualizing for idea generation. The post it not session mapped out all points that need to be thought about and considered.

What are my design constrains and points to consider ? Insights. I first need to decide if i want to take my project down a conceptual or commercially viable route before looking at constraints.

Moving Forward. I need to design my concepts based around the constrains and try to produce a solution that considers all of the outlined touch points.

Arranging meetings with validators allowed me to further validate and progress my project.



Concept Generation.

What will i produce as a design intervention ? Insights. I found that the concept generation was too random and there was no logic or system to coming up with the concepts.

Moving Forward. I will create parameters based on time frames for the concept generation and group them into categories to aid with concept generation and making decisions.

nd ds a ns o i r e pe edictio Tim r re p asts. u t u c f fore and

68 62

Parameter Controlled Concept Generation.

What are my restrictions and time frame ? Insights. I found that i liked the idea of thinking about commercial viability of the project rather than creating a futuristic concept based on predictions and theories.

Moving Forward.

The commercial viability route provided me with more scope as i find viable designs easier to visualise . I will develop a concept for a time frame between 5-10 years ahead.

Added structure to my work and made it easier to cluster concepts and make decisions.

of n rea es withi a y i M est l in the r e t n s i year 0 1 5 re. futu



S.W.O.T Analysis.

Which designs should i take forward ? Insights. 4 Concepts stood out as ones to take forward and seek feedback on , each backed by different insights.

Moving Forward. I will take these concepts forward and seek feedback on them in order to make more decisions.

A very time consuming exercise which took alot longer than needed only to confirm suspicions i already had.

A good way of self reflecting on all of the concepts, and eliminating non viable ones.

Making Decisions - Concepts To Take Forward. I chose and clearly marked the 5 concepts, each of which addresses a different issue and has a specific focus which is different to the others.

Which concepts should i develop ? Insights. Each concept is based on a different insight. All concepts focus around the 5-10 years into the future.

Moving Forward. I will seek feedback from validators on the concepts in order to make a decision to progress.



Service Outlining

Can i make the concepts easier and simpler to understand ? Insights. Service concepts are very complicated and difficult to explain in one small service map. All touch points cannot be plotted and information conveyed.

Moving Forward. I need to simplify concepts before talking to validators and making a decision on which concept to develop. I must also be careful to explain concepts fully and highlight the benefits of each.


79 Developing A Concept Design Development

Commuting Research Videos. I conducted 2 commutes from a rural Northumberland location, one travelling in a personal vehicle and one using public transport. The videos can be seen by following the QR code links.

How bad is rural to urban commuting ?

Insights. Public transport is costly and waiting times are long. Journeys take a long time. Travelling in a personal vehicle means setting off extremely early to avoid traffic, otherwise traffic jams and parking are real issues.

Moving Forward. The designed outcome must provide utmost convenience and benefits for the users such as city centre parking and access to prioritise them over traditional motorists. Pricing for the users must be lower than public transport.


Volkswagen Workshop Wolfsburg - Germany


Volkswagen Workshop. I was lucky enough to visit Volkswagen in Wolfsburg Germany for a workshop with the smart mobility team, 6 hours and 8 members of staff from different backgrounds were focusing on my project. The team usually work on Urban projects so this was something different and very appealing for them.

What do the experts think ? Insights.

The team were intrigued and wanted to understand the project in depth in order to assist with concept development. Different staff who work in different roles have different views and opinions on the project.

Moving Forward. I will take all opinions and suggestions into consideration as these industry experts are interested in this project and would like to help.

Stakeholder Matrix. I created a stakeholders engagement exercise for the team to see what they believed was the most important factors for all stakeholders in a successful mobility service.

Understanding stakeholder needs Insights. Connectivity was established as the most important feature of a successful service as it is an enablers for all other stakeholder engagement factors. There is one key stakeholder missing, local governments and municipalities play key roles in defining whether mobility services are successful or not.

Moving Forward. I need to take into account local municipalities and governments when designing the service as they are key enablers and try to keep all stakeholders engaged.

Previously not considered engagement points.

Previously not considered Stakeholder



Presentation. I then presented to the Smart mobility team and pitched the 5 selected concepts before discussing them in more detail. This got the team up to speed and allowed them to see my latest work.

Further suggestions and progress .

None of the concepts stood out on their own a commercially viable for many different reasons. Some of the concepts also did not meet the criteria i set myself when setting the brief.

Moving Forward. We took forward all of the ideas and combined elements from each to come up with a thorough final concepts which fully engages all stakeholders.

A great way to update the team with the project and a chance for others to chip in with feedback.

I was very nervous in-case i messed up this fantastic opportunity, this maybe showed in my presentation.

make the decision about merging all concepts together.

Receiving feedback and assistance from a global auto company such as VW is a fantastic opportunity to further develop and produce a solid project.



Concept Development. None of the initial concepts chosen stood out to the team so we combined all of the initial concepts to create the final idea which i will take forward. The final concept is a collaboration using elements from each of the concepts initially put forwards.

Developing the final concept. Insights. The concept was fully scalable and met all of the needs of the stakeholders, giving substantial benefits for each one. There was also potential for expansion and future features to be added.

Moving Forward. I will develop this concept further until it reaches the point of being final. I will take into account all of the discussions in today’s workshop and all suggestions by team members.

The opportunity of developing a concept with key validators provided me with a fully thought out solid concept of which could be developed further and iterated.

Displaying the concept clearly.

The service map outlined a simplistic version of the concept which could be used when discussing the idea with validators and tutors.


Redefined Brief #2

“ 97

I will design a mobility service that will benefit and engage all of the stakeholders involved. At the same time the service provided will be a simplistic flexible service that connects the user and their life with the mobility solution.


Branding Ideation. I came up with a range of names and logos to represent the current proposed service, I then developed the name Carmunity to come up with a logo design.

How will the service be branded ? Insights. Yellow is proven to be a warm welcoming colour The name Carmunity incorporates the feeling of community values and car usage. Friendly warm name.

Moving Forward. The logo and branding must be designed to be visible on vehicles and also in the digital platform which supports the service. Branding a logo must convey the warm community value theme behind the service.

Branding exercise is good as it sums up the values of the concepts in one simple logo.


Initial Branding Idea.


103 Future Thinking Moving Forward

Concept Review Collaborators Feedback & Suggestions Further Questions Final Time Plan

106 107 110 112

Concept Review. I discussed my direction with my tutor and spoke to my peers about where i wanted to take the project and decided where i needed to now focus my work.

What do i need to pay more attention too ? Consider the interaction the user will have with a digital service. Don’t think of the service as an app based system, I need to consider the integration of a full service and the whole user journey. Create a system that successfully engages all stakeholders Focus on a simplistic method of collating passengers going the same way. Consider physical interaction points.

This allowed me to plan out the future and prepare for the next stages of the project.


Collaborator Feedback & Suggestions. After discussing next steps with the team at Volkswagen they have suggested i look into or carry out the following tasks to further the project.

Professional advice on what to do next ? Present work to peers and tutors and seek feedback Iterate the concept and consider interactions and touch-points at every stage. There should be a business model backing behind the concept to prove it is commercially viable. Do not overcomplicate the service, simplicity is key to start and extra features can be incorporated.

This allowed me to understand the needs of my validators and establish what they suggested i do as next steps.

sion scus i d ssion & Ben . e r g r G Pro rego agen A G h sw wit Volk m fro


Further Questions & Next Steps From the workshop with Volkswagen and the concept development i uncovered specific questions that could and would help me further my project. Some of these are crucial to the success of my project but some of them are not so important just useful. I categorised these unanswered questions in some sort of chronological order to tackle the questions in a logical way.

Crucial unanswered questions. I will focus on answering these questions through design iteration, testing and modelling my concept through the next stages of the project.

This planned out and mapped the next steps of the project for me and provided structure for the next steps.



Further & Final Timeplan.








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