Jose M. de Andres / Architectural Portfolio

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· Portfolio ·

architectural portfolio José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo · Master in Architecture·


· Index ·




^ Learning from Las Colmenas_page 4 [ PFC | DISTINCTION ]

^ Metro Headquarters_page 40

^ Tumblin’ dice_page 22 [ EUROPAN13 | SPECIAL MENTION ]

^ Light House_page 14 [ PAINTBOX ARCHITECTURE ]

^ Metapolis_page 42

^ Rollin’ on the water_page 26

^ Court house_page 18 [ PAINTBOX ARCHITECTURE ]

^ Ctrl+Zity_page 44

^ Sestao’s Light Structure_page 30


· Index ·

I [ ART ]




^Archinauts of the Cosmoroute_page 54 [ VENICE BIENNALE | 1st PRIZE ]

^ Apple NY city tower_page 46

^ TEDx León_page 66



D E X ^ Modulor’s bastard children_page 58 [ OSLO TRIENNALE | HONOUR M. ]

^ PFC Video_page 64

^ Al filo de la Media Luna_page 48



^ Personal website _scan me!

^ As Pontes Sound Festival_pag 50


^ 155Días Magazine_page 68

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· Final Degree Project ·

· PFC·

[ NOV | 2015 ]

‘Learning from Las Colmenas’

>Tutor_ Rafael Beneytez Durán Victor Manuel Cano Ciborrio >Topic_ Rehabilitation Refurbishment Existenzminimim Flexible Housing

[9/10] - How adapt modern social standard to a new reality? -

>Location_ Ampliación del B. de

La Concepción, Madrid (Spain).


La Ampliación del Barrio de La Concepción is the first modern town planning in postwar outskirts of Madrid. The block of Virgen de Lourdes is, with its 270 meters long, the flagship of a speculative venture that built more than 8,000 homes. The greed of the promoter, the famous José Banús, beside the inexperience of young architects who wanted to raise comparable forms with European modernity produced a real ‘Hive’ tiny and overcrowded housing with poor conditions and lack of comfort and community spaces and services. Nearly 60 years later, after parading through their quinquis (spanish young offender), prostitutes and histrionic Almodovar’s housewifes, ‘Las Colmenas’ is rethought to squeeze the possibilities of living minimum. Employing film as a critical tool, the project proposes new ways for domestic debate, betting narratives close to the everyday problems of the inhabitants and questioning the traditional tools of the architect.


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· Professional · [ APR | 2016 ]


>Architect_ Javier Vázquez >Team_ Pablo Quintanal Junquera, Luis Miguel Sánchez García, José Manuel de Andrés, Ana Sabugo. >Convener_Hercesa Realty



>Contractor_ Hi! Obras y Servicios >Publication_

The future new city of ‘El Cañaveral’ is located in the south east outskirts of Madrid. It is planned to be the greatest urban development that will be finally constructed after the property bubble burst. The proposal emphasise the contemporary character of the building in opposition to the anonimous brick facades of the surrounding buildings. Moreover, the plastic skin of the tower, composed by thin panels of polycarbonate, allows the building to protect the interior from the cold castillian winter and the summer sun. The distribution of the dwelling have been carefully studied in order to minimize the dysfunctional spaces, such as corridors. Every dwelling has its living room in the corner of the tower, so they all have cross ventilation, sunlight and views to the Spanish vast plateau.


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· Professional · [ APR | 2016 ]


>Location_ San Sebastian de Los Reyes, Madrid, Spain >Architect_ Javier Vázquez >Team_José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo, Ana Sabugo Sierra.



>Convener_Hercesa Realty >Contractor_ Hi! Obras y Servicios >Publication_

This project consists of the resolution of a void between two common walls in the historical center of San Sebastián de los Reyes, Spain. The conditions of the site, urban parametres and neighbours’ rights configure the shape and form of the desgn of this building. It tries to adapt to the existing pre-existences providing a renewed character. It is composed by two storey with two dwellings each. The entrance to the building is a genuine courtyard with a common area for neighbours to socialize. The implantation of a sitting area and a green wall makes this fantastic meeting point a distinctive feature. The new building therefore fits perfectly in its surroundings at the same time it give us an image that results, in its outside and inside, contemporary.


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· Professional · [DEC | 2015 ]


>Team_ Guiomar Martín, Javier de Esteban, Jimena Alonso, José Manuel de Andrés, Ana Sabugo, Miriam Martín.


>Location_ Espoo, Finland. >Date_ December 2015 >Publication_


A key premise was to minimize the built footprint in order to respect as much as possible the existing vegetation. The blocks are reduced in floor-plan to a logical minimum (a 16m-side square) and elevated to a logical maximum -always below the tree canopy. Like a clever dice game, these pieces move away from the shore to fit into strategic forest clearings. The in-between platforms are slightly raised over the ground, protecting the residential area from floods, allowing the natural soil to flow underneath and being perforated when necessary to preserve trees. These clusters are connected through a pedestrian path through the woods, running parallel to the Laajalahti seashore trail and withdrawing outdoor disrupting activities from the waterside. Otakaari road is displaced towards the campus, taking advantage of an already-paved parking area. It still functions as a thoroughfare and collector road, but its routes are systematized: pedestrian path, linear parking spots (which in the future will gradually become a green stripe), roadway, and bicycle lane -in continuation with the existing network. Three bus stops are arranged in strategic crossroads. The project also devises two large underground garages at the beginning and end of the Otakaari curve and small additional parking lots for local needs. In general, parking is organized having in mind its gradual future disappearance and conversion into integrated green areas. New university facilities are placed around Aalto’s building, which recovers its autonomy while contributing to the creation of a semi-enclosed public piazza. This urban space gives a renewed value to the southern side of Aalto’s building towards Sähkömiehentie Street (now with a devaluated industrial character) but also to the northern side, where a continuous façade establishes a direct connection from the core of the campus to the Laajalahti nature trail, further providing a strategic resting area for hikers.


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· Professional · [DEC | 2015 ] >Team_ Guiomar Martín, Javier de Esteban, Jimena Alonso, Miriam Martín, Ana Sabugo, José Manuel de Andrés. >Convener_ EUROPAN13

EUROPAN13_TRONDHEIM ‘ROLLIN’ ON THE WATER’ - Activating new urban landscapes -


The proposal deepens and develops the concept of versatility; spaces and urban units which without altering its physical nature, allow a constant evolution and adaptation to new requirements. This idea moves away from the concept of total indeterminacy, being aware of the need to establish an environment that users can associate and identify with. A dialectic between open and closed process is thus promoted, where the elements defined in the proposal take side. Each of them constitutes an identifiable unit, which without altering its original nature is able to assume change, participating in the general evolution of the area. Among these identifiable elements, the basic urban unit stands out, where every dwelling is able to grow and change its image without diluting the character of the whole. In the same way as the urban space, this unit is structured by the bidirectional double grid (as an urban support), thanks to which change is accompanied by the continuity of an initial nature.


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· Professional · [ FEB | 2014 ] >Team_ José Manuel Calvo del Olmo, Javier de Esteban, José Manuel de Andrés, Ana Sabugo.


>Convener_COAM - Madrid City hall >Jury_ Mrs. Ana Botella, Majoress of Madrid.


Mr. Antonio Bonet Correa, Mr. José Antonio Granero Ramírez Mr. Juan Herreros Guerra Mr. Emilio Tuñón Álvarez Mrs. Martha Thorne >Publication_ ‘Pasado, presente y futuro de Sol’ COAM Diario ABC es/Info/News/Details/5544

MEC (MADRID CULTURAL HUB) The incidence of the Puerta del Sol in the daily life of the city exceeds its physical limits to cover an area of ​​greater extension. Starting from this consideration, a space capable of forming a new cultural hub connecting museums and some of the most important buildings of the city is proposed. The tour is meant as a reference to the Prado connects with the future Museum of Royal Collections, through the Thyssen-Bornemisza, Congress of Deputies, the old building to the Spanish Credit Bank, the Puerta del Sol, Opera and the Royal Palace; thus fostering a nonexistent urban experience so far. PEDESTRIANIZATION AND MOBILITY The study of the relationship between automobile and pedestrian is crucial to solve the proposed urban targets. The existence of two vials circulation -the main Atocha and Gran Vía make the rest of the existing traffic in the area is practically residual, facilitating the pedestrianization of the busiest in the vicinity of public spaces Sol. This operation improving both the accessibility and overall mobility, especially from neighboring key points as squares Callao and Jacinto Benavente, and the environmental quality of the entire environment. We understand Sol as a place for pedestrians only, where the citizen stands as the true protagonist of urban space. SUPPORT SYSTEM In order to establish a recognizable and able to assume the changes that are happening, we propose a mesh understood as support with capacity to evolve. Designed from the vacuum and buildings, the double plot appears as an urban structure that establishes a new relationship with the existing, changing both its perception as their links to each other. Facing the static understanding of urban space, the new square of a dynamic conception in order to reconfigure existing elements and adapt to future requirements. OBJECTS OF MEMORY The project also reflects on the construction of public space through the relationship between the citizen and the objects that have historically built memory of a place. In order to propose a new concept of limit, the displacement of some of the objects that have defined the history of ‘Sol’ vicinity, establishing new types of partnerships that enrich the urban experience is proposed.


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ode i

#Bajo_la_Nube Sestao #SanPedroPlaza #


a# M #Se eeti sta ngP o oin

· Competitions · [ FEBRUARY | 2016 ]




José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo Ana Sabugo Sierra Victor Manuel Cano Ciborro

>Topic_ Atmosphere Transparency Cloud Light Structures Public space >Location_ Sestao (Spain) >Media_

- How to cover a public space with a light structure? The project search for an structural solution to protect Sestao’s San Pedro square from rain and sun radiation. The aim of the proposal is to create a common space of interchange between daily users (families, dog walkers, children, etc.) and sporadic public events. The structure creates a triangulated grid that supports a plastic membrane of EFTE. This thin layer protect like an umbrella people below while allows light to break through it. On the other hand, the structure contain a lighting system that create a meeting point for the city and prevent criminal attitudes. In conclusion, we want to transform an anonymous space into an iconic point that not only improve life conditions of the inhabitants but also put the city on the map.



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· Competitions ·


[ JUNE | 2016 ]

‘Manuscript found in a pocket’


José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo Ana Sabugo Sierra Victor Manuel Cano Ciborro

- How to create a new public space in the heart of the city ? -

>Topic_ Headquarters Transport Museum Offices Public space >Location_ Madrid (Spain)

Madrid’s Metro called for projects for its new brand corporative headquarter. The site selected was an old industrial unit used for the storage of trains that has been abandoned for more than twenty years. The plot has been totally surrounded by high-rise buildings so It has become a incredible huge urban void in the heart of the modern north of Madrid.


We propose an intervention in the perimeter of the urban void that creates a ‘u’ shaped elongated building. The project recalls the design of the silver classic trains and It allow the central space to be noise and visually isolated from the traffic. The aim of this strategy brings the oportunity of link the iconic headquarter of one of the most important public services of Madrid with the creation a new strategical square in the spanish capital.

Sección AA’ e=1:1250

Sección BB’ e=1:1250

Sección CC’ e=1:1250






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· Academic ·



- Why not allow our buildings change with us? Metapolis is a manifest and a powerful strategy to recycle and redevelopment Vallecas New town. The aim of the proposal is rethink the principles of contemporary living and strengthen Vallecas transformation into a vibrant sustainable city. [DEC | 2013 ] >Location_ PAU de Vallecas, Madrid. >Calification_ Notable Alto [8/10] >Publication_

The savage growth of the city of Madrid has tried to generate new town centres, expanding unconsciously a enormous grid of low density buildings. Vallecas is now part of the metropolis and faces competition from regional shopping centres and surrounding cities. In order to change his bedroom city character the project establish a new flexible support structure that fills the city voids introducing new uses and increasing drastically the urban density. The apparition of these open structures over the skyline is a new landmark intervention that operates reducing and qualifying the urban space and generating his own town identity. The basic masterplan, opened to future citizen requirements, include offices, retail, cultural and leisure facilities. As a result, the inner city population is expected to increase by 100 per cent, encouraging regeneration, sustainability and bringing Vallecas near of a smart city scheme. The open system proposes new housing types asking the social demands. The capsule additive system allows the house growth in response of future necessities and become a new relationship between man and space, based in the condition of contemporary living. Metapolis is an open question to the society. We live in a incessant vertiginous evolution. Why not allow our building to change with us?


· Academic ·



· Academic · [OCT | 2013 ]



>Location_ PAU de Vallecas, Madrid. >Calification_ Notable Alto [8/10] >Publication_

- How repair new (and obsolete) urban developments? The property bubble crisis supposed an abrupt stop for many urban developments in the neighbourhood of Madrid. At worst it has left a dramatic landscape of broad desert streets and thousands of unattributed empty houses. This situation exposes the necessity of transform existing city into a vibrant, sustainable improved environment for human living, responding to the real demands of citizens instead economic principles. Ever upgrade, never demolish. First of all, a flexible system of mixed-use towers rise over the former quarters doubling the density of the district and creating different housing types in response of real demands. It creates new landmarks reference buildings breaking the bore previous scheme. The inner city population is expected to increase by 100 per cent, encouraging regeneration and attracting a wider socio-economic mix. Secondly a structural system allows former buildings to be improved, enlarging his width six meters. It supposes an opportunity of redistribute or extend every flat. Moreover a new façade treatment improves energetically the building establishing a architectural contrast between present and past. Last, a commercial podium connect different urban focus creating a new pleasure way of connect long distances. It will be an attractive pedestrian environment that protects the people from the traffic. Ctrl+Zity is a manifest of how to recycle the bore deciduous contemporary developments and his structures, pretending to be a blue print of future growing plans that can be adapted to every specific location and climate.


· Academic ·



· Academic · [MAY | 2012] >Location_ New York City


‘Apple New York City Tower’

>Calification_Notable Alto [8/10] >Publication_

- ¿How introduce a new actor in Manhattan? Rising out New York skyline, The Apple Skyscraper wants to be an iconic image and corporate headquarter of the famous technological company. Located in the south-east corner of Central Park, the tower rise above the “Plaza Hotel” Square just in front of the current Apple Store in 5th Avenue. The building sculptural shape rise 500 meters defined by a powerful “diagrid” structural scheme. This innovative triangulated structure is a highly efficient solution that uses less laminated steel than a conventionally framed building. It also allows cutting back the corners between the diagonals creating a distinctive facetted silhouette responding to urban environment. The juxtaposition of fullness and emptiness is materialized by two different façade treatments: drilled steel panels create a “jalousie” skin, sheltering indoor from glances and sun lightning, and a glazed curtain wall that open the empty corners of the tower. The double height atrium is opened to the “Plaza Square” by a glazed diagonal façade. Inside, office spaces enjoy natural light and views due to a double height corner between storeys. These free spaces frame the Manhattan landscape creating a comfortable area for Apple workers. They can also enjoy different amenities: a gym, a museum, a cinema, a small theatre… everything with the purpose of create a vertical city. Apple Skyscraper improves urban life adding new services and hosting the biggest Apple Store in the world, creating an underground link between the current store and the new tower. The other great urban attraction is an observation deck placed at the top of the tower, 500 meters high. The deck offers a relaxing terrace where visitors enjoy the best views over the Midtown and Central Park.


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· Academic · [APR | 2014 ] >Team_ José Manuel Calvo del Olmo, Javier de Esteban, Ana Sabugo, José Manuel de Andrés. >Location_ Pamplona, Navarra (Spain). >Convener_Ayto. de Pamplona >Publication_ Diario de Navarra


‘Al filo de La Media Luna’ [FINALIST]

- Border condition, urban structure and landscape The project starts from the border condition of the solar condition of a transition between the urban structure and its dissolution second extension to the Park Crescent. The edificatoria mass, based on the idea of ​​perimeter from a clear formal control, has the ability to integrate a freer natural world inside; where the succession of three courtyards, as a cityscape, boost a new collective space. We opt for the typological integration, understanding that the new collective solutions must focus on this idea to offer greater variety. The canonical types of twentieth century, through housing (central core or facade), house gallery (duplex) and housing in height, form an entity capable of uniting these differences in a way that, without losing its internal coherence, offers more richness and complexity. Joint flexibility allows independent parts, resulting in a volumetric-based functional aspects as the height ratio, the sunlight or views. The understanding of a whole as a sum of parts allows greater adaptation in establishing the division of lots. a first distribution in mid-size units is proposed in order to provide greater viability, but the flexibility scheme allows adaptation to different requirements to facilitate the configuration of other groups.


· Academic ·



· Academic ·


‘As Pontes Sound Festival’

- How activate a new landscape? -

[ MAY | 2013 ] >Location_ As Pontes de García Rodríguez, Galicia (Spain). >Calification_With Honors [10/10] >Publication_ ‘With Honors’ Expoetsam as-pontes-sound-festival_93711

The As Pontes clean coal-fired power station is one of the most polluting of Europe. During decades it has produced electricity from the combustion of local coal. This coal was extracted from a huge open pit mine below the small village of As Pontes. The depletion of the coal expose the necessity of restore the natural environment. The electric power company Endesa, owner of the coal mine, decided to fill the huge void with water creating the largest artifitial lake of Europe. The suddenly apparition of the huge lake has changed the landscape of the region, creating a false relationship with the small village of As Pontes. The project proposes the organization of a rock music festival using the old storage mine terrains, located just in front the town. The festival will attract thousand of young people in common experience of living and enjoying nature and music. The festival will create a natural ring path that explore the perimeter of the lake connecting the activities of the festival. It is the best way of change the bad image of the region and a great opportunity for develop all the infrastructure that As Pontes needs to grab his new landscape. The project define a new way of camp in the nature creating different modular elements that colonize the terrain. Some of these pieces generate energy, storage water or supply other services. The main module is a deployable living unit that can be connected to common infrastructures and added to other to create common spaces. All of these structures generate a removable city that will bloom every summer in the shore of the lake creating a new social and natural landscape.


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· Academic · [MAY | 2012]


‘Casa entre pinos’

>Location_S. L. de El Escorial, Madrid

‘House among pines’

>Calification_Notable Alto (8/10) >Publication_

- ¿How a shape is inhabited? Built on a sloping mountain site, this private house was designed like a sculptural stone shrine in the forest. It is the result of two opposite concepts: the shelter and the gazebo, mixed in a south steeply knoll of the El Escorial mountains. Set on a raised platform the house is content by a powerful granite elliptic shell. This coverture provide thermal mass setting the environmental strategy of the house. The main entrance is indicated by a shadow slit in the shell that introduce s the visitor into the house. The services are arranged into the north façade opening the living area to the incredible surrounding views that surprise the visitor after the strong north façade. The living spaces are conceived like a single continuous flowing sequence of uses allowing the most flexibility to the user. The stairwell is conceived like a skylight that brings sunlight inside home and connects with second floor of the house contents three rooms that break the shell with three terraces connecting with the forest. The rooms are distributed by a service wall system that contain storage, a dressing room and two bathrooms. The inner promenade ends in the deck of the house, delimited by three meters high wall opened in some points, creating a architectural framework for the environmental views, hiding another constructions that disturb the landscape and allowing the intimate relationship between man and nature.


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· Academic ·


[ APRIL | 2016 ] >Authors_ José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo Ana Sabugo Sierra Victor Manuel Cano Ciborrio >Topic_ Property bubble Financial crisis Posmodern ruins >Location_ 15 Mostra Internazionale de

Architettura di Venezia (Italy)




>Media_ propuesta/arquinautas-la-cosmopista/




‘The Archinauts of the Cosmoroute’ [SPAIN’S UNFINISHED - WINNER OF THE 2016 VENICE BIENNALE]

- How to develop new strategies for spanish unfinished landscape? During the last period of economic growth in Spain, construction became the main driving force of the economy. Today, reality reveals us the built presence and the unfinished remains of what once was the largest edificatory enterprise in Spanish history, leaving behind a difficult situation in which to deal with partially constructed large volumes which are not consolidated. Under the title “Unfinished”, the exhibition in the Spanish Pavilion for the Venice Biennale 2016 draws attention to these unfinished architectures in order to discover virtues that can become design strategies. Robert Venturi, referring to the Farnsworth House, points out how architects are highly selective in determining those problems they want to solve often giving up solving others. “Unfinished” wants to be a reflection on the architectures born out of the resignation to respond to certain aspects. In order to do so, the exhibition will promote creative speculation about how to subvert the past condition into a positive contemporary action. The aim of the Spanish Ruins Sightseeing, is to make the main agents of our profession aware of the mistakes made in the past and “educate”.


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· Awards · [JANUARY | 2016 ] >Team_ Victor M. Cano, Ana Sabugo, Rocío Romero, José Cullen, José Manuel de Andrés. >Location_ Tensta, Stockholm (SE). >Tweet_ MODULOR´S BASTARD CHILDREN or when a black rapper is living in a Modern Movement house >Tags_ #AfterBelonging >Publication_

· OSLO ARCHITECTURE TRIENNAL· MODULOR’S BASTARD CHILDREN - A critical project about Modernism in Tensta [HONOURABLE MENTION] Tensta is a Stockholm district suffering the “Million Dwelling Program” consequences; a literal translation of Modern Movement urbanism influenced by Modulor´s pattern and International Style way of life and design. As Tensta shows, it failed creating isolated ghettos instead of relational cities. Against this situation, “Modulor´s bastard children” aims to create a “suburb aesthetic” –out of the centre and power- where all bodies, affects and identities could be understood. As our proposal is sensible to microhistories, the main study case is Adams Tensta -a black famous rapper awarded with 2008 Grammy- way of life in a Tensta house designed for a “typical” four members Sweden family. How has the space changed by its affects through decoration? As the philosopher Paul Valery says: “The deepest is the skin” and these houses are decorated mainly by affective objects and skins, so we are going to put in value these skins -far away from purism and its white walls- to show the broad range of them are used along the day (carpets, clothes, graffiti, curtains…) to reinforce their identity in a context which was not designed for them. Bastard Children do not need patterns because there are guided by its affects and sensations.


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TEDx León ‘Your cloudmachines’ [NOV | 2014] >Team_Rafael Beneytez, Victor Cano, Ana Sabugo, José Manuel de Andrés.

· Video ·


‘Towards a rehumanization of the geography notion’ [FEB | 2015]




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· Atmospheres ·

TEDx León ‘Your cloudmachines’ [NOV | 2014] >Team_Rafael Beneytez, Victor Cano, Ana Sabugo, José Manuel de Andrés.






‘Atmospheres at the end of discussions’

[OCT | 2014] >Team_Rafael Beneytez, Victor Cano, Ana Sabugo, José Manuel de Andrés.

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· Publications ·

· PFC·


#01_Cultura Pop [JUN | 2014]


>Genre_ Publicación Académica >Editor_ UD Gallegos, DPA. ETSAM. UPM_

>Genre_ Memorial Editorial Académica

>ISBN_ 978-84-942794-0-9

>Editor_ José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo

>Print_ 150

>ISBN_ 978-84-942794-0-9 >Print_ 5



‘UNFINISHED’ [APR | 2016] >Genre_ Exhibition book >Editor_ Arquia Foundation / Ministry of Development of Spain >ISBN_ 978-84-608-7088-3 >Print_ 3000

· Architectural Portfolio ·

José Manuel de Andrés Moncayo [ Arquitecto | Architect ] >phone_ >email_ >website_

(+34) 629715787


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